AxisRemit Online's money transfer services include EUR 5 as


Important Information:

AxisRemit Online’s money transfer services include EUR 5 as transaction fee for amounts less than EUR 1500 for Online Transfers. Service tax as levied by Government of India is applicable. For detailed terms and conditions visit

1 Exchange rate for 5000 EUR transfer obtained by using the HDFC QuickRemit website available at

FC on the given dates and certain time (Indian Standard Time).

2 Exchange rate for 5000 EUR transfer obtained by using the ICICI Money2India website available at

on the given dates and certain time (Indian

Standard Time).

Neither Axis Bank nor any of its affiliates is an agent or associate of ICICI Bank or HDFC Bank. ICICI

Money2India and HDFC QuickRemit are services and offerings provided by these independent service providers and the trade/service marks are marks owned by their respective owners or users.

The Exchange rates mentioned above are illustrative of the rate offered on the specific dates and times for a specific transfer amount (5000 EUR) and may differ for different transfer amounts, transfer dates and time of conversion. These exchange rates may not include any promotional benefits that may be available to the registered users of the service providers. This communication should not be construed as a commitment by

AxisRemit Online or other service providers to provide a certain rate for the transfer of funds.
