Uploaded by Ahmed Saleem Khan

HDFC Bank Case Study: CAMELS Analysis & DCF Valuation

Banking Final Exam
Total Time to Attempt the Exam 2 hours 30 mins
All questions must attempted in order.
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Please write page numbers on each paper you use.
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Q1) Calculate the following ratios for HDFC Bank
Q2) Rank the bank using CAMEL rating system
Q3) Show the composition of income for HDFC bank? Hint: calculate individual percentages
for all income sources.
Q4) How does the credit as a percentage of total assets compare for HDFC Bank and the
Indian Banking Sector?
Q5) Why are contingent liabilities not a part of the total assets of HDFC Bank?
Q6) What was the performance of HDFC Bank as compared with all private sector banks in
terms of non-performing loans?
Q7) Who are the major contributors to the source of funds for banks in India?