EPSRC Spectral Theory Network Conference II 27-28th June, 2002 Cardiff University The Queen’s Buildings The Parade Cardiff EPSRC Cardiff University EPSRC Spectral Theory Network Conference II Cardiff University, 27-28th June, 2002 L IST OF PARTICIPANTS M van den Berg University of Bristol M.vandenBerg@bristol.ac.uk B M Brown Cardiff University Malcolm.Brown@cs.cardiff.ac.uk A W Craig University of Durham Alan.Craig@durham.ac.uk E B Davies Kings College, University of London E.B.Davies@kcl.ac.uk M S P Eastham Cardiff University mandh@chesilhay.fsnet.co.uk W D Evans Cardiff University EvansWD@cardiff.ac.uk W N Everitt University of Birmingham w.n.everitt@bham.ac.uk L Greenberg University of Maryland lng@math.umd.edu Peter K Jimack University of Leeds pkj@comp.leeds.ac.uk H Kalf Universität München Hubert.Kalf@mathematik.uni-muenchen.de A Kirpichnikova Loughborough University A V Kiselev Dublin Institute of Technology akiselev@maths1.kst.dit.ie Y V Kurylev Loughborough University Y.V.Kurylev@lboro.ac.uk J Lang The Ohio State University langjan@yahoo.com, lang@math.ohio-state.edu H Langer Technical University of Vienna hlanger@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at M Langer Universität Bremen mlanger@math.uni-bremen.de M Levitin Heriot-Watt University m.levitin@ma.hw.ac.uk L Markus University of Minnesota markus@math.umn.edu M Marletta University of Leicester mm7@le.ac.uk C Martinez Kings College, University of London martinez@mth.kcl.ac.uk V Moroz University of Bristol V.Moroz@bristol.ac.uk S Naboko St Petersburg State University naboko@felix.math.uab.edu L Parnovsky University College London leonid@math.ucl.ac.uk D B Pearson University of Hull d.b.pearson@hull.ac.uk A Pushnitski Loughborough University A.B.Pushnitski@lboro.ac.uk R Romanov Cardiff University R.Romanov@cs.cardiff.ac.uk Y Safarov King’s College, University of London ysafarov@mth.kcl.ac.uk K M Schmidt Cardiff University SchmidtKM@cardiff.ac.uk E Shargorodsky University of Sussex E.Shargorodsky@sussex.ac.uk V A Sloushch Loughborough University V.V.Sloushch@lboro.ac.uk Ian Sorell Loughborough University i.sorell@lboro.ac.uk C Tretter Universität Bremen ctretter@math.uni-bremen.de V A Virtanen University of Sussex J.A.Virtanen@sussex.ac.uk A Watson Cardiff University WatsonA1@cardiff.ac.uk R Weikard University of Alabama at Birmingham rudi@math.uab.edu R Williams Cardiff University Robin.Williams@astro.cf.ac.uk ii W ORKSHOP T IMETABLE T HURSDAY J UNE 27 TH , 2002 Chair W D Evans 0900 Michael S P Eastham Spectral concentration and resonances 1000 Y V Kurylev Boundary spectral and dynamic inverse problems in electromagnetism 1100 Coffee 1130 Peter K Jimack On the use of finite element multigrid for the optimal solution of differential eigenvalue problems 1230 Lunch Chair A B Pushnitski 1330 L Parnovsky Integrated density of states and the Bethe-Sommerfeld conjecture 1430 E Shargorodsky Eigenvalues of Toeplitz operators embedded in the essential spectra 1530 Tea 1600 S Naboko Functional model approach for spectral analysis of dissipative operators – applications to differential operators 1700 Christiane Tretter A new concept for block operator matrices: the Quadratic Numerical Range (QNR) 1830 Dinner F RIDAY J UNE 28 TH , 2002 Chair D B Pearson 0900 M van den Berg Subexponential decay of the Dirichlet heat kernel 1000 R Weikard On the inverse resonance problem 1100 Coffee 1130 H Langer Some inverse spectral problems 1230 Lunch Chair M Marletta 1330 K M Schmidt Critical values and spectral asymptotics of singularly perturbed periodic differential operators iii 1430 L Markus Harmonic operators: a new spectral problem 1530 Tea 1600 E B Davies Spectral properties of some non-self-adjoint differential systems Depart iv A BSTRACTS S UBEXPONENTIAL DECAY OF THE D IRICHLET HEAT KERNEL M VAN DEN B ERG M.vandenBerg@bristol.ac.uk School of Mathematics University of Bristol University Walk Bristol BS8 1TW, UK We obtain a formula for the asymptotic behaviour of the Dirichlet heat kernel for large time in terms of the survival probability of a Brownian motion, under the assumption that the latter decays subexponentially for large time.We also obtain a lower bound for the Dirichlet heat kernel for arbitrary open and connected sets in Euclidean space. S PECTRAL PROPERTIES OF SOME NON - SELF - ADJOINT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS E B DAVIES E.B.Davies@kcl.ac.uk Department of Mathematics Kings College, University of London The Strand London WC2R 2LS, UK We obtain an asymptotic estimate of the spectral counting function for certain non-self-adjoint ordinary differential systems. It appears that the leading term depends upon the boundary conditions, unlike the self-adjoint case. v S PECTRAL CONCENTRATION AND RESONANCES M S P E ASTHAM mandh@chesilhay.fsnet.co.uk Department of Computer Science Cardiff University PO Box 916, Cardiff CF24 3XF, UK The lecture discusses several outstanding problems in the spectral theory of the Sturm-Liouville equation under the following headings: 1. Spectral concentration and perturbed discrete spectra. 2. Asymptotic distribution of resonances for super-exponentially decaying potentials. 3. Analytic continuation into the unphysical sheet for exponentially and power decaying potentials. 4. The location of resonances. 5. Antibound states and a varying coupling constant. 6. Hurwitz-type results on the absence of antibound states. O N THE USE OF FINITE ELEMENT MULTIGRID FOR THE OPTIMAL SOLUTION OF DIFFERENTIAL EIGENVALUE PROBLEMS P ETER K J IMACK pkj@comp.leeds.ac.uk Computational PDE Unit School of Computing University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT, UK Multigrid is a widely used tool for the finite element solution of many elliptic PDEs due to the fact that the overall solution time grows only linearly with the number of degrees of freedom in the finite element grid. The first part of this talk will introduce the fundamentals of multigrid and explain how it can also be used in the solution of differential eigenvalue problems. vi The second half of the talk will describe research in progress on the development of a new, more direct, approach to the application of the multigrid philosophy to the solution of eigenvalue problems. The idea is based upon considering multigrid in terms of energy minimization when applied to an elliptic PDE which is the Euler-Lagrange equation for some energy functional. It is then possible to extend this consideration to the direct minimization of the Rayleigh quotient when seeking the smallest eigenvalue for a linear differential eigenvalue problem. When only a small number of extreme eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are required it appears that this approach has some promise. B OUNDARY SPECTRAL AND DYNAMIC INVERSE PROBLEMS IN ELECTROMAGNETISM Y V K URYLEV Y.V.Kurylev@lboro.ac.uk Department of Mathematical Sciences Loughborough University Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK We consider inverse problems of determination of electric and magnetic parameters, (x) and µ(x) from boundary measurements. We prove uniqueness for isotropic and some anisotropic and µ. S OME INVERSE SPECTRAL PROBLEMS H L ANGER hlanger@mail.zserv.tuwien.ac.at Institute for Analysis and Technical Mathematics Technical University of Vienna Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria A general result of L. de Branges states that every Nevanlinna function (this is a function which is analytic in the upper half plane and has a non-negative imaginary part there or, equivalently, for which the kernel NQ (z, ζ) = Q(z) − Q(ζ)∗ , z − ζ∗ =z, =ζ > 0, is positive definite), is the Titchmarsh–Weyl coefficient of a 2 × 2 canonical system with a positive definite Hamiltonian on an interval [0, L). If Q is a generalized Nevanlinna function (this means that Q is meromorphic in the upper half plane and that the kernel NQ has a finite number of negative squares) a corresponding general result is not yet known. However, it is known and will be explained vii in the lecture that under some additional assumptions such a function Q is the Titchmarsh–Weyl coefficient of a differential equation which is at certain points nonlinear in the spectral parameter or for which the Hamiltonian is not positive definite. Connections with a continuous fraction expansion of the Titchmarsh– Weyl coefficient or the generalized Schur algorithm are explained. The general feature of these problems is that they are not self-adjoint in a Hilbert space but they are self-adjoint with respect to an indefinite inner product. H ARMONIC OPERATORS : A NEW SPECTRAL PROBLEM L M ARKUS markus@math.umn.edu University of Minnesota School of Mathematics 127 Vincent Hall 206 Church St. S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA This report, representing joint work of W.N. Everitt, L. Markus and M. Plum, analyses some self-adjoint operators that are generated through boundary value problems for certain elliptic partial differential expressions. In particular, harmonic operators, which arose in studies of differential operators and symplectic algebra by the first two mentioned authors, are illustrated for the classical Laplacian in the unit open disk Ω of the complex plane. Here the harmonic operator o ∆ THar : f → −∆f on D(THar ) = W 2 (Ω) u L2 (Ω) is defined on the direct sum of two submanifolds of L2 (Ω), namely: o ∂f 2 2 = 0 on ∂Ω W (Ω) = f ∈ W (Ω) : f = ∂n and ∆ L2 (Ω) = {f ∈ L2 (Ω) : f is harmonic in Ω}. The spectrum of the self-adjoint operator THar consists of the eigenvalue 0, of infinite multiplicity, and countably many real non-zero eigenvalues, each of finite multiplicity. New methods of spectral analysis are introduced to define eigenfunctions modulo a subspace. Examples of eigenfunctions, which have singular (or no) boundary values are described within Bergman and Hardy function spaces. viii F UNCTIONAL MODEL APPROACH FOR SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF DISSIPATIVE OPERATORS – APPLICATIONS TO DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS S NABOKO naboko@felix.math.uab.edu Department of Mathematical Physics Institute for Physics St Petersburg State University Ulyanovskaya 1 St Petersburg 198904, Russia The spectral analysis of dissipative operators from the point of view of the Szokefalvi– Nagy–Foias functional model will be considered. It is based on the consideration of the so-called characteristic function of the operator which is a contractive analytic operator-valued function in the upper half-plane.The characteristic function plays the role of a “matrix” characteristic polynomial. It contains the whole spectral information about the so-called completely nonselfadjoint part of the dissipative operator. This part can be reconstructed via the characterictic function uniquely up to the unitarily equivalence. Generally speaking the spectral analysis of the operator can be reduced to the factorization of its characteristic function and therefore to the problems related to the analytic matrix-valued functions. We plan to consider the application to the Friedrichs model operators, Schrödinger operators with complex potentials and the Boltzmann transport operators I NTEGRATED DENSITY OF STATES AND THE B ETHE -S OMMERFELD CONJECTURE L PARNOVSKY leonid@math.ucl.ac.uk University College London Department of Mathematics Gower Street London WC1E 6BT, UK I will discuss recent progress in understanding the asymptotic behaviour of the integrated density of states of Schrödinger operators with periodic potentials. I also explain the relationship between these results and the Bethe-Sommerfeld conjecture. This is a joint work with A. Sobolev. ix C RITICAL VALUES AND SPECTRAL ASYMPTOTICS OF SINGULARLY PERTURBED PERIODIC DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS K M S CHMIDT SchmidtKM@cardiff.ac.uk School of Mathematics Cardiff University Senghennydd Road, Cardiff CF24 4YH, UK The remarkable spectral properties of radially periodic Schrödinger and Dirac operators are taken as a motivation to study periodic ordinary differential operators of Sturm-Liouville and Dirac type with a singular perturbation of the type of the angular momentum term. This talk presents results on critical phenomena in connection with the number of eigenvalues in spectral gaps, and the eigenvalue asymptotics both near the band edge and in the large-coupling limit. E IGENVALUES OF T OEPLITZ OPERATORS EMBEDDED IN THE ESSENTIAL SPECTRA E S HARGORODSKY E.Shargorodsky@sussex.ac.uk School of Mathematical Sciences University of Sussex Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QH, UK This is a joint work with my PhD student Jani Virtanen. Let T (a) be a Toeplitz operator with a continuous coefficient a. It is well known that the essential spectrum of T (a) coincides with the set of values of a. Suppose λ does not belong to the essential spectrum of T (a), i.e. the function λ − a has no zeros. Then T (a) − λI is invertible iff the winding number of λ − a is zero, and λ is an eigenvalue iff this winding number is positive, in which case the multiplicity of λ equals the winding number. It is much more difficult to decide whether or not λ is an eigenvalue and find its multiplicity if λ belongs to the essential spectrum of T (a), i.e. λ − a has zeros. We study the latter case and show the effect of (the discontinuities of) the argument of λ − a on the (non)existence of Lp –eigenfunctions corresponding to λ. x A NEW CONCEPT FOR BLOCK OPERATOR MATRICES : THE Q UADRATIC N UMERICAL R ANGE (QNR) C T RETTER ctretter@math.uni-bremen.de FB 3 - Mathematik Universität Bremen Bibliothekstrasse 1 D-28359 Bremen, Germany In this talk a new concept for 2 × 2 block operator matrices – the quadratic numerical range – is presented. The main results are a spectral inclusion theorem, a classification of the corners of the quadratic numerical range, an estimate of the resolvent in terms of the quadratic numerical range, factorization theorems for the Schur complements, and a theorem about angular operator representations of spectral invariant subspaces which implies, e.g., the existence of solutions of the corresponding Riccati equations and a block diagonalization. All results are new in the operator as well as in the matrix case. Joint work with H. Langer, A. Markus, V. Matsaev O N THE INVERSE RESONANCE PROBLEM R W EIKARD rudi@math.uab.edu Department of Mathematics University of Alabama at Birmingham University Station Birmingham AL 35294, USA Consider the Sturm-Liouville problem given by the equation −y 00 + qy = λy on [0, ∞) and the boundary condition y(0) = 0. It was shown by Korotyaev and by Zworski that eigenvalues and resonances determine uniquely a compactly supported real potential. We give sufficient (albeit somewhat implicit) conditions on q for which the statement remains to hold. Our approach allows the potential to be complex-valued. This is joint work with B. M. Brown and I. W. Knowles. xi