Available online at www.globalilluminators.org GlobalIlluminators FULL PAPER PROCEEDING Multidisciplinary Studies Full Paper Proceeding ETAR-2014, Vol. 1, 500-512 IS BN: 978-969-9948-23-7 ETA R 2014 The Risk Identification On The Assets Of Green Management-Based Clean Water Services And Their Management Plans And Strategies (A Study On Clean Water Services In Jawa Barat) Budi Supriatono Purnomo1 , Alfira Sofia2* ,R.NellyNur Apandi3 1 Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia. 2 School of Business and Management ITB, Indonesia. 3 Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia. Abstract The aims of the study are to reveal weaknesses in the management of the Company assets, to identify danas sses the risk probability and risk impact faced by the Co mpany as well as to design strategies and policies for riskbased asset management in Clean Water Serv ices (PPA B—Perusahaan Penyediaan Air Bersih ). The qualitative research method with exp lorat ive and descriptive approaches are used to exp lore either new literatures or to collect experts’ opinion on factors related to the study, as well as to formulate strategies to resolve the identified problems. In this study, we used 27 cities/regencies as sources of secondary data, and also face-to-face interviewed with correspondent from academics, planners, and practitioners. Content analysis used in processing primary data, whereas descriptive statistical analysis used in processing secondary data. The results of the study show that the weaknesses in company asset management are as fo llo ws: no long -term planning in the management of Clean Water Co mpanies, the Full Cost Recovery concept has not been applied, most of company assets are old assets, not all companies have asset management procedure, and the ownership of company assets is unclear.Another result indicates a very low capacity of PPAB in providing clean water for the public in their service areas. Customer satisfaction regarding complet ion rate of comp la ints shows that it is quite able to meet the satisfaction level, in spite of a quite high of risk probability of dissatisfaction. Water loss ratio indicates the insufficient of water loss management with very lo w probability. The level of effectiveness of the customers accounts receivable collection indicates a great performance in managing their accounts receivable, while the risk probability is 24.25%. The greatest loss impact occurs when the average rates set by the company are lower than the actual production cost, which is a maximu m of Rp 25.55 billion. The result of the emergent types of risk, proposed strategy to handle the assets comprises technical risks include safety, the use of tangible assets, currency exchange at chemicals purchase, electricity prices, and water loss, while administrative risks include market value and problematic receivables. Finally, it revealed that PPAB still need to improve their management since many aspects are still in the low level of achievement, so the findings in this study can be used as a reference. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Global Illuminators. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific & Review committee of ETAR-2014. Keywords : Asset Management, Risk Management, Green Management. *All correspondence related to this article should be directed to , Alfira Sofia, School of Business and Management IT B, Indonesia. Email: alfira.sofia@sbm-itb.ac.id © 2014 The Authors. Published by Global Illuminators. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific & Review committee of ETAR-2014. Alfira Sofia /ETAR-2014/Full Paper Proceeding Vol. 1, 500-512 Introduction Water is one of human primary needs, so that clean and drinking water is the most important thing in our life.Experts predicted that water crisis would occur in many countries. This is possible because of the ineffectiveness of water supply system thetends not to be ecofriendly.In 2000 World Water Forum II in Den Haag it is said that the water crisis would occur in 2025. It is also possible to happen in Indonesia if the government and the Drinking Water Services could not wisely manage assets related to water supply system. According to a study conducted by Slamet Susanto and Christina Ningsih, most Clean Water Companies (PPAB) have either financial or non- financial problems.Non-financial problems faced by PPAB nowadays include:the high level of unaccounted water produced, unused production capacity, the inadequacy of clean water supply for the public both in quantity and quality, conflicts of raw water that crosses two or more local governments, some regional has not settled the raw water arrangement, and the deforestation in watershed areas. While financial problems that haunt PPAB include:the operating/maintenance cost to produce clean water per cubic meter is higher or equal to the selling price of water per cubic meter, get twisted by quite big accounts payable and unable to pay debt in time, whereas the collection rate of accounts receivable is relatively low.Due to those circumstances, based on financial statement of the companies, many companies are already in state of bankruptcy. Clean Water Services (PPAB—Perusahaan Penyediaan Air Bersih) used to be known as Drinking Water Company (PDAM—Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum), but in the development of PDAM in some regions has changed its status so that in some recent studies it is more commonly referred to as Clean Water Services.In this study the acronym PDAM is used because the secondary data use that.Following is the performance report of PDAMsRegion II Jawa Barat: Table 1. Financial Statement of PDAMsRegion II Jawa Barat Year 2011 FINANCIAL RENTA LIQUIDI BILITY TY E S SERVICE Y O CFFECTR OLVAAREAS EAR PERA- ASH IVENES BILIT OE TING RATI S OF Y ( RATI O COLLE %) O (%) CT-ION (%) PDAM KOTA 2 ( 1 4 9 2 CIREBON 011 2.5) .0 84.0 1.3 77.9% PDAM KOTA 2 1 0 4 9 3 BOGOR 010 6.3 .8 4.9 1.7 41.2% PDAM 2 2 0 1 8 4 KAB.GARUT 011 .4 .9 9.7 8.2 83.4% PDAM KAB. 2 4 0 4 9 3 BANDUNG 011 .4 .9 0.7 8.8 62.0% PDAM KAB. 2 5 0 7 9 3 KARAWANG 010 .2 .9 5.5 6.5 70.1% PDAM KAB. 2 0 1 6 9 3 SUBANG 011 .4 .0 5.2 6.7 61.1% International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Academic Research” (ETAR- 2014) 501 Alfira Sofia /ETAR-2014/Full Paper Proceeding Vol. 1, 500-512 PDAM BANDUNG PDAM BEKASI KOTA 011 KAB. 011 2 4.8) 2 6.1 ( 1 .0 1 5 8.7 0 .8 1 19.0 1 86.5 6 2.2% 9 2.9 2 40.9% ( PDAM KAB. INDRAMAYU 010 PDAM KAB. MAJALENGKA 011 PDAM KAB. PURWAKARTA 011 PDAM KAB.BOGOR 011 PDAM KOTA BEKASI 011 PDAM KOTA BANJAR 011 PDAM KAB. CIAMIS 011 PDAM KAB. TASIKMALAYA 011 PDAM KAB. CIANJUR 010 PDAM KAB. CIREBON 010 PDAM KAB. SUKABUMI 011 PDAM KAB. KUNINGAN 011 PDAM KAB. SUMEDANG 011 PDAM KOTA SUKABUMI 011 Source:BPPSPAM, 2012 21258. 8) 2 .0 2 .5 2 2.5 2 .3 2 3.9) 2 .1 2 .9 2 0.4) 2 2.7) 2 .4 2 2.0) 2 .2 2 2.5 0 .8 5 2 2.3 1 .0 7 3 2.4 0 .9 1 0 2 4 9 2 0 ( 4 1 ( 2 1 1 1 1 ( 8 1 9 1 0 3 9 7.8 1 6.1 1 .0 9 6.3 77.5 .9 9 6.2 1.8 .0 9 5.5 73.3 .0 9 7.2 4.1 .0 9 6.9 06.8 .0 8 9.1 98.6 .9 9 4 0 .9 9 1.0 .2 9 8.3 5 .0 7 9.4 1 95.1% 9.0 5 1 .2 25.5% 7.9 27 4 9 4 0 .9 ( 7.5 33.0 9 8.6% 8 2 30.8 .8 8 6.7 1 184.9% 2 688.0% 1 882.6% 4 01.5% 6 78.3% 6 31.4% 1 79.2% 7 42.4% 2 37.4% 2 12.0% 1 01.1% Based on the data above lots of service areas gain negative Return On Equity.This indicates those areas keep gaining loss.Local governments that gain negative ROE include PDAM Kota Cirebon, PDAM Kota Bandung, PDAM Kabupaten Indramayu, PDAM Kabupaten Cianjur, PDAM Kabupaten Cirebon and PDAM Kabupaten Kuningan.While according Tempo.Co February 17, 2012, the performance of most PDAMs is poor.Up to last year, from 374 PDAMs in Indonesia, only 38 percent of them are in a good state.The rest, 122 PDAMs are below the average and the other 84 are poor.The chairperson of Badan Pendukung Penyelenggaraan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (BPPSPAM) Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum, Rachmat Karnadi, states that now the major problem of PDAM is that most of them—205 PDAMs—are heavily indebted.Unfortunately, only 30 of them pay their debt smoothly.While the rest—175 PDAM—have overdue debts up to Rp 4.6 trillion. In accordance with the ability in fulfilling their obligations, the ability of most PDAMs to collect the overdue receivables from the customers is still low.For example, from International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Academic Research” (ETAR- 2014) 502 Alfira Sofia /ETAR-2014/Full Paper Proceeding Vol. 1, 500-512 2007 to January 2011 the overdue receivables of PDAM Tomohon Sulawesi Utara is up to Rp 595,235,700 (Tomohon Today).The overdue receivables of PDAM Serang is up to 7.9 billion rupiah.The overdue receivables of Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Cendana Timor Tengah Utara are up to Rp 600 million (POS-KUPANG.COM June 11, 2011), and Rp 3 billion of PDAM Kabupaten Berau. The high cost of production and ratio of leakage causes great loss for most PDAMs.For example, PDAM Tirta Mukti Kabupaten Cianjur suffer loss up to Rp 7 billion for the past two years (source: KBR68H December 13, 2011).The same thing occurs to PDAM Tirta Wening Kota Bandung which suffers loss up to 25 billion rupiah for 14 years (source: BisnisJabar.com February 15, 2011), and of PDAM Bagasasi Bekasi up to 50 billion rupiah (source: sentana online.com April 18, 2011). The performance of PDAM that far from satisfaction reflects that the main-asset management has not been maximixed.As with any drinking water company, the infrastructure is a significant main asset.Therefore, it has to be ma naged well from its planning, funding, purchasing, operation, maintenance to its termination.This process is called asset management. A company with a big investment like PDAM which has many assets certainly has to face risks in every level of its operatio n.Apart due to high production cost and low selling prices, this poor state of PDAMs in Indonesia are also caused by poor asset management.Level of risk and risk probability of each owned asset will surely optimize the asset management itself if they are well identified, measured, and managed. Risk is defined as the chance or probability of disaster or loss to happen.According to Hinsa Siahaan (2009: 22) risk management is a process with certain methods that an organization use to consider the risks faced in every activity of the organization in achieving the goals of the organization, or portfolio risks of the organization activities.As with any companies, risk management has now become an important issue that have to be managed by any companies, including PDAM.. Objectives Of The Study (1) to reveal weaknesses in the management of the Company assets; (2) to identify dan assses the risk probability and risk impact faced by the Company as well as (3) to design strategies and policies for risk-based asset management in Clean Water Services (Perusahaan Penyediaan Air Bersih). Literature Review Asset Management Asset management was born as a system to better manage the assets primarily natural resource assets.Britton, Connellan, Crofts (1989) in Dodi D. Siregar (2004: 517) state “define good asset management in terms of measuring the value of properties (assets) in monetary terms and employing the minimum amount of expenditure on its management”.British Standard Institution Publicly Available Specifications (BS I PAS 55:2008) defines asset management as follow: Systematic and coordinated activities and practices through which an organization optimally and sustainably manages its asset systems, their associated performance, risks and expenditures over their life cycles for the purpose of achieving its organizational strategic plan. International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Academic Research” (ETAR- 2014) 503 Alfira Sofia /ETAR-2014/Full Paper Proceeding Vol. 1, 500-512 Asset management is a set of procedures to identify budget for the asset, the asset acquisition, asset storage, asset maintenance, asset record including how to terminate the property and the calculation of asset accumulated depreciation.As stated by Susanto and Ningsih (page 1,2) In general, asset management is defined as the range of activities associated with identifying what asset is needed, how to get it, how to support and maintain it, and how to remove or renew it so that that asset effectively and efficiently can realize the target/objective.While asset management is specifically defined as a series of disciplines, methods, procedures and tools to optimize the business impact against cost, performance, and risks exposure (related to the availability, efficiency, lifespan, and regulatory/safety/environmental compliance) of the physical assets of the company. The development of asset management is quite rapid. It is apparent from the change in orientation from static, then evolved to dynamic, initiative, and strategic.Asset management comprises five steps (Dodi D. Siregar, 2004: 518), which are connected and intergrated, as follows: 1. Asset Inventory 2. Legal Auditing 3. Asset Assessment 4. Asset Optimization 5. Supervision and Control for Asset Management Information System Risk Management According to Fachmi Basyaib (2007: 9) risk management in the broad sense is the art of decision- making in a world full of uncertainty.Moreover William T. Thornhill in Robert Tampubolon (2004: 33) defines risk management as follow: A management discipline whose goal is to protect asset and profit of an organization by reducing the potential for loss before it happens, and financing through insurance or other means over the possibility of large losses due to natural disasters, human negligence, or the court's decision. According to T. Sunaryo (2009: 12) risk management comprises three stages, which are identifying ratio, measuring ratio, and managing ratio.One thing that has to be emphasized is that risk management is not just to identify, measure, and provide backup but its spirit should reflect the daily work. Green Management In evaluating commitment of a companyto natural environment,the shades of green approach is applied.According to Rahayu Triastity, by using this approach the commitment of the company with various level of activities can be discovered:This green approach of Freeman is divided into four stages: 1. First, legal approach in which the company has to comply legal requirements. 2. Second, market approach in which the company has to provide eco-friendly product in order to meet customers’ demand, not because a strong commitment from the company management to the nature 3. Third, stakeholder approach in which the company has to cope with environmental problems proposed by the stakeholder. 4. Fourth, activist approach in which the company has to be active to find ways to preserve natural resources. International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Academic Research” (ETAR- 2014) 504 Alfira Sofia /ETAR-2014/Full Paper Proceeding Vol. 1, 500-512 Research Methodology The study can be classified as Action Research, a branch of Applied Research, in which the objective is to take further action to control program realization.Action research in the study focuses on actions to cope with problems.This is in accoradance with the obejectives of the study that intends to formulate a strategy for asset management in Clean Water Services in Jawa Barat, especially to resolve practical problems in society. Regarding types of research designs, Malhotra (in Husein Umar, 2002) states that there are three types: explorative, descriptive and causative. This research can be classified as exploratory and descriptive research which is used to explore either new literatures or to collect experts’ opinions on factors related to the study, as well as to formulate strategies to resolve the identified problems.Face-to- face interview and documentations of Performance Reports of the Companies in Jawa Barat are used for data collection.Data analysis will then be used for probelm solving, not for hypothesis testing. Qualitative analysis chosen for the study is combined with exploratory research design to dig as much fact as possible in order to answer identified research questions.Descriptive statistics is the technique used to get a complete picture as a basis for developing strategies which are the final goal of the study. Regarding data resources, the study uses two primary data, which are direct data from the original source and secondary data from Financial Statements of identified Clean Water Services.Data collection techniques used in this study are as follows: 1. Interview (as a primary data), which is conducted directly with semi-open interview technique.Intrument used by the authors is interview guidelines.Data are collected in order to identify weaknesses in managing assets and risks faced by the company. 2. Documentary (as a secondary data) method is conducted to collect Performance Reports of the identified Companies from BPPSPAM to measure risks probability and impact on PDAMs in Jawa Barat. Population of the study is clean water services owned by the governments of cities/regencies in Jawa Barat.Samples of the study are as follows: 1. Interview with correspondent from academics (lecturers/consultants), planners (Ditjen Cipta Karya Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum and BPPSPAM) and practitioners (director/chairperson of water treatment division of clean water services). 2. Documentary uses saturated samples in form of performance reports of all clean water services in Jawa Barat (22 companies). This qualitative study uses Existential Phenomenology, a model to understand the essence of one's experience by grouping existing issues and providing meaning for the issues aligned with his view (Searcy and Mentzer, 2003).The analysis steps can be performed as follows (Anis Chariri, 2009): 1. Data reduction 2. Understanding and testing 3. Interpreting While the secondary data collected are subsequently processed using descriptive statistics tool to calculate average, standard deviation, z-score, probability of a normal distribution, and VaR (value at risk).The steps are as follows: 1. Risk Probability Measurement Risks are measurable if we can discover their probability and impact towards the company.The first measure is the value of risk probability.Standard score method (z-zcore) is used to calculate the risk probability. International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Academic Research” (ETAR- 2014) 505 Alfira Sofia /ETAR-2014/Full Paper Proceeding Vol. 1, 500-512 2. Risk Impact Measurement The most effective method to measure risk impact is VaR (Value at Risk).At this moment VaR is considered standard method to calculate market risk.VaR is the greatest loss that could occur in a certain period predicted for a given portfolio.The concept VaR is based on statistical obeservation over historical data.In this study VaR is used to measure losses of a probable worst outcome. Data Analysis And Discussion The Description of Weaknesses on Asset Management of the Company Asset is the most important thing for the company, because it provides benefits for the company. Therefore, it has to be managed well.Practically, the drinking water company (PDAM) has not yet optimized asset management.Followings are 5 informants from different professions whom the data are collected from: Table 2.The Informants of the Study Informan Professions Work Experience ts Informant Academics 15 years 1 Informant Practitioner 20 years 2 Informant Practitioner 30 years 3 Informant Practitioner 20 years 4 Informant Practitioner 20 years 5 Long Term Planning Has Not Been Included in the management of Drinking Water Company Planning should be the most crucial in running a company.It can be either short or long term.At the moment short-term planning of PDAM is realized in the form of annual budgeting. However, the long-term planning has not been maximized.The long-term planning are required in order to calculate water supply and to improve service capacity, because the needs of drinking water is increasing year after year along with the growth of population.However, up to now most PDAMs has not planned long-term needs of water supply.The planning should not only be focused on the needs of water, but it has to be synergized with asset management, because it will optimize the service to the public. a. Full Cost Recovery Concept Has Not Been Applied Budgeting made by PDAM has not applied full cost recovery concept. This concept means that all costs are covered by revenue of the company.The costs include asset maintenance.The purpose of this spending is to keep asset on a beneficial state. b. Most of PDAM Asset Are Old Assets Aside form maintenance cost, PDAM should renew its old assets so that asset capitalization increases.Current field reports state that most of water installations are inherited from the Dutch Colonial age—hundred years old. However, those assets are still utilized without any renewals. Asset management theory states that asset have a certain economic life. If the asset is utilized more than its economic life, more costs are required to maintain it.Even it is possible International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Academic Research” (ETAR- 2014) 506 Alfira Sofia /ETAR-2014/Full Paper Proceeding Vol. 1, 500-512 that the cost of old asset replacement is cheaper than the cost of its maintenance.As stated by informant 4, “Many assets are inherited from the Dutch, so if we want to have a good investment, we have to replace them all.” Asset investment is one way to overcome the performance problem of PDAM.By investing through the latest technology the operating costs are expected to decrease while the service quality to the public are expected to increase.This investment will need substantial funding, so PDAM cannot only rely on Local Government fundings, but they need other investors.However, this creates another dilemma.Based on UUD 45 everything that influences the wealth of all citizens have to be controlled by the state.Water is one of its examples. c. Not All PDAMs Have Asset Management Procedure An asset management system in a company comprises a series of procedures for managing the assets.In achieving the goals, every organization should have a technical procedure for the operation process.Most PDAMs have not yet had a more detailed technical procedure for managing the assets, especially asset replacement procedure when it’s noted that the assets can no longer function effectively.The diversity of assets owned by PDAM surely has urged them to know technically the economic life of every asset in detail. d. The Ownership of the PDAM Assets Is Unclear Most of PDAM assets are local governments-owned assets or so called Barang Milik Daerah.Barang Milik Daerah as one of the important elements in the framework of governance and public services should be maintained properly, which in turn can realize the local asset management by taking into account various principles. One of them is value certainty that means the management of Barang Milik Daerah should be supported by the accuracy of the amount and value of goods in order to optimize the utilization and transfer of Barang Milik Daerah as well as the preparation of the Local Government balance sheet.The unclear ownership of the assets of PDAM between the State Government and Local Government becomes one factor in the weaknesses of asset management.As the result, the maintenance costs for the assets has not been defined. Risk Identification In this research, the authors conduct an analysis towards secondary data— Performance Reports of PDAMs in West Java obtained from BPPSPAM.Based on data contained in those reports the authors identify the probability and impact of risks faced by PDAMsin West Java.The result is that service coverage of PDAMsin West Java just reach an average of 38.26%. This indicates that their ability to cover the needs of water for public in their service area is still poor.The standard deviation of service coverage is quite high of 20.77%.It indicates various ability of each PDAM in covering the service in their area.In this study the determined percentage of service coverage deemed to be beneficial is 75% (xscore).From the calculation of z-score above it is known that the risk probability of service inadequacy of clean water services in Jawa Barat is still very high at 96.16%. Customer dissatisfaction for PDAM in Jawa Barat regarding completion rate of complaints is about 91.09%. This shows that PDAM is quite able to meet customer satisfaction with a high rate of completion of complaints.However, the standard deviation of completion rate of complaints is quite high. This indicates various ability of each PDAM in completing their customers' complaints.This study defines that PDAM should be able to International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Academic Research” (ETAR- 2014) 507 Alfira Sofia /ETAR-2014/Full Paper Proceeding Vol. 1, 500-512 complete the complaints thoroughly (100%).From the calculation of z-score above it is known that the risk probability of customer dissatisfaction is quite high of 67.41%. Water loss ratio of PPAB in Jawa Barat is at 31.60%. This indicates the ins ufficient of water loss management, and the probability of water loss is only 0.01%.However, the standard deviation of water loss ratio is relatively low. This indicates that the ability of PDAM in managing the loss of water is nearly the same.This study defines that PDAM should be able to minimize water loss up to 0%.From the calculation of z-score above it is known that the risk probability of water is 0.01%. The level of effectiveness of the customers accounts receivable collection of PDAMs in Jawa Barat is at 95.68%. This indicates a great performance of PPAB in managing their accounts receivable.While the standard deviation of the effectiveness level of collection is relatively low of 8.13%. This indicates the ability of each PDAM in completing their customers' accounts receivable is fair.This study defines that PDAM should be able to complete their accounts receivable completely (90%).From the calculation of z-score above it is known that the ineffectiveness of the accounts receivable collection is 24.25%. In this study risk probability and risk impact are identified from the secondary data— perfomance reports of all clean water services in Jawa Barat of 22 companies.Required data contained in those reports are very limited so that creates some difficulties for the authors in conducting a complete identification.Followings are the summary of risk probability and risk impact identification: Table 3.The Summary of Risk Probability Risk Sources Probabili ty Risk Probability Of The Inadequacy Of Service 96,16% Coverage Risk Probability Of Customer Dissatisfaction 67,41% Risk Probability Of Water Loss 0,01% Risk Probability Of The Ineffectiveness Of Collections 24,25% Table 4. The Summary of Risk Impact Risk Sources Impact (Rupiah) Average Rates Lower Than Actual Production 25,552,792,3 Cost 73 Production Capacity Lower Than Service 24,574,814,9 Capacity 85 Service Coverage Lower Than Potential Service 397,967,148 Impacts listed in the above table shows the maximum value of the loss to be borne by the company if the origin of risk occurs.And it can be seen that the greatest loss impact occurs when the average rates set by the company is lower than the actual production cost, which is a maximum of Rp 25.55 billionFollowing is the impact of production capacity lower than service capacity of a maximum of Rp 24.6 billion.If the service coverage lower than the actual potential service that can be covered by the company, it will cause a maximum loss of Rp 398 million. So it is not surprising that up to now the majority of PDAMs in Indonesia still suffer losses every year. As a good example, the risk impact and the risk probability of PDAMs in Jawa Barat are still high. International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Academic Research” (ETAR- 2014) 508 Alfira Sofia /ETAR-2014/Full Paper Proceeding Vol. 1, 500-512 Designing Strategies And Policies For Risk-Based Asset Management Asset management is a process to generate maximum value for all stakeholders of the company's management from the physical assets owned by the company, either for business or public interest, by balancing the operational performance of the asset life cycle cost and risk profile.Risk-based asset management emphasizes more on the process of managing vast physical assets and it is associated with risks inherent in that process by involving the application of risk management processes against the main assets of the company to identify and manage the major causes of failure in achieving corporate goals. The implementation of the risk management process can be performed on the entire business activities of drinking water or more specifically on enterprise asset management activities (each activity of lifecycle asset management).The purpose of the implementation of the risk management process is not just to provide protection and continuity of important core business activities and services that but also to fulfill legal obligation; safeguard the health of the workers and public; protect the natural environment; operate and protect asset at low cost; and to make contingency plans for emergency situations such as natural disasters. Table 5.Asset Management Strategies based on Risk Type RISKS STRATEGIES IMPLEMENTATION Safety - Builda physical or emotional public communication and relation Security personnel Seek for land transfer or land lease from the government The Use of Fixed - Build cooperation with the private sector The private sector builds intake installations, while PDAM takes in charge in distributing the assets. Exchange rate that is used to buy chemicals - Seek for domestic subtitution Conducthedging Make long-term agreements with the suppliers - Seek for privilege from PLN Build an independent electricity supply such as Microhydro Power Plant or Solar System Plant - Promote persuasion and build relation with communities where the distributing pipes are located. Implement the CSR program Use pipelines made of plastic fiber which is much thicker than PVC/metal pipelines Take into account the development of cluster system in distribution process Utilize information technology in meter reading by calibrating the meter instrument so that the data will be electronically sent to the administration division Assets Electricity rates Water loss (unaccounted water) - ADMINISTRATION International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Academic Research” (ETAR- 2014) 509 Alfira Sofia /ETAR-2014/Full Paper Proceeding Vol. 1, 500-512 Set Selling Price - (Tariff) Problematic Receivables - Take into account the impelementation of a higher tariff that could cover all costs and provide margin for PDAM Set a tariff structure that provides a regular income for PDAM Allocatebudgeting in APBD for a compensation for Public Service Obligation (PSO) Seek for taxation policy that can reduce the operational cost of PDAM in a form of VAT Law enforcement in a form of customer installation termination Conduct lawsuit action against deadbeat customers by cooperating with the Prosecutors as the State Attorney Foreclose Develop prepaid system in which a customer have to buy some voucher to to get a certain amount of water from PDAM Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions Based on the results of the study and the discussion above the authors draws conclusions as follows: 1. Identified weaknesses in managing the assets of the companies are:(1) There is no long-term planning in the management of Clean Water Companies, (2) The Full Cost Recovery concept hasn’t been applied, (3) Most of PDAM assets are old assets, (4) Not all PDAMs have asset management techniques, (5) The ownership of PDAM assets is unclear. 2. The average of service coverage of PDAM in Jawa Barat is still low and the ability of each PDAM in covering the service in their area is still varies.While the risk probability of service inadequacy of clean water services in Jawa Barat is still very high at 96.16%. 3. The standard deviation of completion rate of complaints is quite high. This indicates various ability of each PDAM in completing their customers' complaints.While the risk probability of customer dissatisfaction is quite high of 67.41%. 4. Water loss ratio of PDAM in Jawa Barat on the average is still poor, and the standard deviation of water loss ratio is relatively low. This indicates that the ability of PDAM in managing the loss of water is nearly the same.While the risk probability of water is only 0.01%. 5. The effectiveness level of customer accounts receivable collection of PDAM in Jawa Barat on the average is ata very good level and the ability of each PDAM in completing their customers accounts receivable is fair enough.While the risk probability of the ineffectiveness of the customers accounts receivable collection is 24.25%. 6. The greatest loss impact occurs when the average rates set by the company is lower than the actual production cost, which is a maximum of Rp 25.55 billion.Following is the impact of production capacity lower than service capacity of a maximum of Rp 24.6 billion.If the service coverage lower than the actual potential service that can be covered by the company, it will cause a maximum loss of Rp 398 million. International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Academic Research” (ETAR- 2014) 510 Alfira Sofia /ETAR-2014/Full Paper Proceeding Vol. 1, 500-512 7. Strategy that should be applied in the handling of risk-based assets that have been identified are described based on assets risk categorized into technical risks (that occur at the intake structure, treatment plant and distribution network) and administrative risks that consist of determining the selling price/tariff and problematic receivables. Limitations And Further Studies Based on the processes and results of the study,followings are the limitations and further studies: 1. The determination of risk sources and the measurement of the risks can not be continued with profile risk mapping due to the difficulties faced by the authors in pairing the probability with the impact of a risk source from secondary data available.Moreover, quantitative method used by the authors cannot fully explore the actual conditions.So in addition to using a quantitative analysis tool (which still can be used to complement), it will be much better if a qualitative approach is used as the main instrument. 2. Qualitative approach combined with the case study method could be the best solution, because they could dig as deep as possible the risks in every area and then measure more specifically the risks from every risk source available.It is very likely to occur that the same risk source has different probability and impact towards different service areas. References Antonius.2011. 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