TRADIES EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK CONTENTS SECTION TOPIC 1 INTRODUCTION - Message from the President - A Welcome from the Chief Executive Officer - Club History - Tradies-­‐Caringbah RSL 2 OUR CULTURE - Commitment to Customer Service - The Tradies Customer Service Statement - The Tradies PVP 3 EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS - Your Induction Program - Education and Training - Tradies Skills Pathway - Tradies Passport System - 5 Star Customer Service - Community Volunteer Program - FISH! - iPromise - Kaizen - One Minute Manager - See Say Smile - WOW Customer Service - Customer Love - +1’s - SMOM and ROM Awards 4 CLUB OPERATION - Organisational Structure - Board of Directors - Management Team - Frontline Structure - Our Market - Member Services - Facilities - Promotions 5 GROOMING AND PRESENTATION 6 PROCEDURES AND POLICIES - Shift Etiquette - Deputy User Guide - Tradies’ Best Practice Policies - Employee Amenities and Services - Leave/Absences from Employment - Membership Services - Workplace Relations - Grievance Policies 8 INDEX PAGE 3 -­‐ 5 6 -­‐ 7 8 -­‐ 12 13 -­‐ 15 16 -­‐ 19 20 -­‐ 49 55 -­‐ 56 1
For the purposes of this document, when using the term ‘the Club(s)’, ‘Sutherland District Trade Union Club Ltd’ or ‘Tradies’, this refers to the main club and any satellite venues. All information included in sections Introduction, Our Culture, Employee Programs, Club Operation, Grooming and Presentation, Procedures and Policies also pertain to the main club and any satellite venues. 2
SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Welcome to your employment at the Sutherland District Trade Union Club (Tradies). Please be encouraged that we, the Board, Management and staff, are a team and are committed to your success. This booklet has been designed to give all staff an understanding of the operations of the Sutherland District Trade Union Club Limited and the rules and policies which govern your employment. This information explains the benefits and facilities available to you and is also intended to provide you with an understanding of our expectations whilst you are a team member of our Club. Additionally, you are provided with relevant facts that relate to your employment conditions and sundry matters. Each staff member is part of a team, and is expected to contribute to the overall team effort. Our aim is to provide first class service to our members and a comfortable, rewarding working environment for each team member. The guidelines herein form the basis of your employment with our Club. Please read the information, ask questions if you have any problems and we will try and satisfy your queries. Dennis McHugh President A WELCOME FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Congratulations on your Appointment The Board of Directors and Management Team hope that this will be the beginning of an exciting and enjoyable career. We ask you to read this handbook carefully and if you have any questions or matters that need clarification, please do not hesitate to bring them to a member of my Management Team. The Club itself has a long and successful history and I welcome you to the Team. Our goal to make the Sutherland District Trade Union Club the destination venue for residents of the Shire and beyond who seek excellence in customer service, entertainment, food and beverage. We expect our staff to work together to provide exceptional customer service and to make each visit to “Tradies” an outstanding experience. Each of our operations -­‐ Function and Events, Gaming and Food and Beverage -­‐ is a successful enterprise within itself but these are not the reasons for why we exist. Our purpose is ‘To Serve and Connect’. We aim to ‘Serve’ our members and our community with pride and passion and to ‘Connect’ our community in an environment that enhances their well-­‐being and life experience. This handbook is designed to facilitate your introduction to our team and as such, help you become as productive as possible as soon as is practical. I believe it is our task to ensure Your Success. If there is any way we can help please do not hesitate to ask, if you have what you believe is a good idea, please do not hesitate to share it! Tim McAleer Chief Executive Officer 3
CLUB HISTORY The Sutherland District Trade Union Club (The Tradies) first functioned as a licensed club in a modest house. The origins of The Tradies were based on a series of motivating factors that meant different things to different people. To some, it was the need to bring together, not only those who sought a neighbourhood centre, but also to provide a location where people of similar interests and kindred spirits could gather. To others, it was the need to have a place where one could take advantage of the newly liberalised laws on establishing clubs. The desired facilities were then only to be found in entrenched organisations with which many felt that they had little in common. In any case because of restrictive rules and limited accommodation, these clubs could not admit all and sundry to their ranks. Another view was to participate in a more enlightened approach to the male-­‐dominated old ‘pub style’ drinking. To the trade union member it meant a place to discuss and organise around the industrial, political and social issues which were very much to the fore in the day to day working and domestic lives of unionists and their families. It would also be the neighbourhood centre now expected as a normal provision of a contemporary community. By the end of 1960, it was clear that a Trade Union Club was a ‘goer’. As the Trade Unions and other organisations moved to a coalescence, the founding members of the Club proceeded with the more formal work of registering the Sutherland Trade Union Club as a company. It took place on the 20th October 1960. Several pieces of real estate were considered for Club premises. Before July 1962, discussions took place with Len Jones, the owner of ‘Pine Lodge’, a property on the corner of The Kingsway and Manchester Road, Gymea. The board took little time to agree that this location was “eminently suitable and available at a reasonable figure”. Early in 1962, the owner vacated the two front rooms of the house, so making them available to the club. It became the registered office of the club on the 26th February. The interests of the members, who may have started out in the 1960’s as a modest ambition to have a place for a quiet chat and a drink with friends, had grown to include the provision of comfortable accommodation for a large section of the local community. Subsequent building programmes have seen considerable additions. The club continues to grow and prosper. The above extract is taken from “Wildest Dreams”, a book written by John Benson (former Club President) that outlines the origins and development of the Club. 4
TRADIES-­‐CARINGBAH RSL The Sutherland District Trade Union Club amalgamated with Caringbah RSL in March of 2009. This endeavour resulted in the creation of the Tradies Group with two venues, Tradies-­‐Gymea and Tradies-­‐
Caringbah RSL. This merger resulted in not only more facilities being available for patrons of both clubs, but also more opportunities for Tradies team members. History of the Returned and Services League (RSL) The RSL was formed in June 1916 by Australian troops who returned home from World War I, including those who were sick and wounded. The underlying philosophy of the league is mateship, with the aim of the RSL being to: •
preserve the spirit of mateship formed amidst the carnage and the horror of battle; honour the memory of those who had died during war and to help each other Tradies-­‐Caringbah RSL Sub-­‐Branch Formed in 1945, the Sub Branch has gone from humble beginnings in an old rental garage, to an Army Hut to the impressive corporate possession that stands today. The role of the Sub-­‐Branch is to serve the needs of its members, other members of the ex-­‐service community, members of the ADF and their dependants in close geographic area to the Sub-­‐Branch. This is done through the provision of welfare and support services, coordination of remembrance and commemoration activities and by providing a respected and meaningful voice within the local community. The Sub-­‐Branch consists of approximately 200 members from a diverse range of backgrounds, including veterans from World War II through to current members of the Australian Defence Forces. Meetings are held on the first Sunday of each month where current issues are raised and future activities are discussed. The structure of the Tradies-­‐Caringbah RSL Sub Branch is as follows: • President • Secretary • Treasurer • Senior Vice President and Publicity Officer • Junior Vice President and DVA Pensions Officer • Welfare Officer • District Council Representatives • Committee Members “Never forget the men and women with whom we served, the bereaved, the sick, the disabled, the aged and their families” 5
SECTION 2 – OUR CULTURE COMMITMENT TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Tradies distinguishes itself from other clubs through a unified commitment to quality service. Service means understanding the expectations of our members and consistently exceeding these expectations. Service has two dimensions: TECHNICAL DIMENSIONS 1. Efficiency -­‐ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Timeliness Flexibility Anticipation Communication Feedback -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ PERSONAL DIMENSIONS 1. Attitude -­‐ 2. Body Language -­‐ 3. Grooming and Presentation Efficient flow of service systems such as the bar, kitchen and table service Proper timing and promptness of service delivery Flexibility when members want something out of the ordinary Being one step ahead of members. Do it before s/he has to ask Must be clear and concise to members and fellow employees Asking our patrons whether the service has met their expectations. Are they satisfied? A positive attitude invites a positive response Non verbal attitude is important e.g. eye contact, smiles etc -­‐ ‘Tradies’ standards of grooming and presentation are adhered to at all times whilst on shift and representing the club at community events Tradies is committed to continuous improvement in the area of customer service. This is demonstrated by implementing programs such as the “See, Say, Smile” initiative, defining Beyond, Above and Below the line behaviours, in addition to continual staff training. THE TRADIES’ CUSTOMER SERVICE STATEMENT “The employees of the Sutherland District Trade Union Club commit to the delivery of exceptional customer service by treating others in a polite, respectful, friendly and generous manner. Our goal is to make all those who come into contact with our organisation feel special. We will do this by careful planning, extensive training, measuring our outcomes and learning from our mistakes” 6
TRADIES PURPOSE STATEMENT “To Serve and Connect” To ‘Serve’ our members and our community with pride and passion. To ‘Connect’ our community in an environment that enhances their well being and life experience. TRADIES VALUES Human Dignity The right of every person to be treated with respect and have their needs met in a way that will allow them to develop to their full potential Synergy/Teamwork The harmonious direction of the energy of the group that results in the team far surpassing the potential of the individuals Innovation, Growth and To originate creative ideas for positive change and to provide the Adaptability framework for implementing them Education/Knowledge To experience ongoing learning as a means of gaining new facts, truths, principles and insights Productivity To be committed to generating and completing tasks and activities and to achieve goals set by ourselves and our organization in a timely manner Accountability To ensure that our behaviour is congruent with our values Sustainability To safeguard our environment, community and business by implementing and promoting conservational initiatives and awareness TRADIES PRINCIPLES 1. -­‐ What Guides our Actions – We are a meritocracy not a bureaucracy 2. We don’t lie, cheat, steal nor do we harbor those that do 3. We grow tall poppies and don’t apologise for setting the highest standard possible 4. We carry our wounded and bury our dead 5. We recognize leaders by the quality of their action and the integrity of their intent 6. We praise publicly and we confront privately 7. We work hard and we smile often 8. We are comfortable with ambiguity and change 7
SECTION 3 -­‐ EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS YOUR INDUCTION PROGRAM Prior to your recruitment, you should have completed the necessary employment forms online including your superannuation and relevant tax forms as well as forms to confirm your identity and your eligibility to work in Australia. This is requested in accordance with immigration law. During your first 3-­‐months of employment with Tradies, you will participate in a training and orientation program. During this time, you will receive important information about your job, the Club’s service standards, policies and procedures. Please use this time to familiarise yourself with all aspects of the club, its policies, procedures and employee benefits. We encourage you to ask a lot of questions during this period! EDUCATION & TRAINING Tradies’ core value of Education/Knowledge demonstrates our commitment to the development and success of our employees. We recognise that employee training and development is essential for the fulfilment of business objectives and employee job satisfaction. Tradies will: •
Provide employees with access to training that is relevant to their work needs •
Encourage employees to participate in the training offered •
Encourage employees to be creative in their work and to continually seek new and better ways of working more effectively (Kaizen) •
Promptly consider training requests •
Ensure all employees have equal access to training opportunities regardless of age, gender or circumstance The training & development of the Tradies team is based on a training needs analysis (TNA). A TNA will also include consideration for the future needs of the business, particularly in relation to new developments in the hospitality industry. The CEO, in consultation with the Training Manager, Operations Manager, Duty Manager and/or Employee Development Manager, determines the kind of training required in order to ensure that employees are trained to effectively and efficiently perform their duties. Employees are also encouraged to contact the Training Manager and/or Employee Development Manager regarding training requests relevant to their work or future development at the Club. All requests will be considered and the employee will be notified of the outcome. 8
5 STAR CUSTOMER SERVICE Tradies conducts a ‘5 Star’ program whereby team members are assessed on their delivery of Customer Service. The program is not compulsory however this initiative helps to identify our exemplary staff to our members and guests. The ‘5 Star’ program forms part of your professional development and increases your eligibility for internal promotion. COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Our Community Volunteer Program is a fun and rewarding way for Tradies employees to actively be involved in the local community. It is one of the instruments with which we achieve our purpose: ‘To Serve and Connect’. This program provides Tradies and our employees with an opportunity to help strengthen and support community projects across a number of sectors. FISH! FISH! is a customer service philosophy which can be applied to both work life and personal settings. Each and every employee is inducted with the FISH! module to help up the ante on the level of service we deliver to our members and their guests. FISH! is an excellent tool we use to promote our core value of Synergy/Teamwork and positivity in the workplace. iPROMISE iPromise is a social concept designed to help us reach our sustainability goals and boost environmental awareness among our employees and community. Inspired by Tradies 7th Value – Sustainability, iPromise engages all employees by asking them to make an individual commitment in one area of their work or personal life, to help safeguard their environment. See for more information. KAIZEN (Incorporating Staff Suggestions) Tradies wants to ensure that all employees have a voice and the opportunity to use their skills, talent and ideas to contribute to the success of the organisation. Utilising the collective wisdom helps us to achieve our core value of Innovation/Growth/Adaptability and everyone is encouraged to share their ideas. Who does KAIZEN involve? Everyone is involved in Kaizen! Kaizen is a strategy that focuses on creating a culture of continuous improvement. To develop this culture every member of an organisation can play a key role. The nature of Kaizen is to focus on continually improving the way we work every day. By continually improving the way we do things and the way we implement new ideas, Kaizen ensures that everyone is involved. If you are not directly involved in developing new ideas then you are directly involved in how they are implemented and finally you are involved in the benefits that they bring to each and everyone in the organisation. Ideas can be shared with the Duty Manager on shift or sent to the CEO via the Deputy System. 10
How do we make the implementation of Kaizen successful? Aside from having an open mind, there are various ways in which Tradies applies Kaizen. These include: •
Challenging the status quo •
Thinking of how can it be done, not why it can’t be done •
Not making excuses – start by asking, “Can it be done better?” •
Not seeking perfection straight away – do it right away even if is not perfect •
Correcting mistakes right away •
Using your knowledge to do things better •
Innovating and creating new ideas when faced with hardship •
Asking “WHY?” five times and find a new way to create a new actionable idea •
Asking 10 people for their thoughts rather than the opinion of one ONE MINUTE MANAGER The One Minute Manager (K. Blanchard and S. Johnson, 1981) is a concept Tradies implements to help guide all levels of the organisation in confronting and rewarding behaviour. It is based around three principles of one minute goal setting, one minute praisings and one minute reprimands to help your fellow team members reach their potential. The One Minute Manager guides our staff in matters of performance management and rewards and recognition to ensure an interaction which is congruent with our core values of Human Dignity and Accountability. SEE SAY SMILE See Say Smile is another customer service tool which helps to educate all team members on the expectations of you on shift. Using a three level model, See Say Smile helps to identify appropriate and inappropriate behaviours when dealing with customers. WOW CUSTOMER SERVICE WOW Customer Service is all about exceeding our customers’ expectations and making them say ‘WOW!’. We aim to go above and beyond ‘normal’ and provide ‘exceptional’ customer service. WOW Customer Service is the little things we do at Tradies that other organisations don’t and the memorable moments we create for our members and guests. CUSTOMER LOVE Customer Love is a series of phrases that act a guide for interacting with customers. The 10 phrases are thoughtful, polite and designed to make our members and guests feel special so that they will ‘love’ Tradies and come back again and again! +1’s Sometimes things don’t go to plan, a customer has a negative experience and they make a complaint. This isn’t the end of the world! It’s an opportunity to recover the situation and change the customer’s experience. How? By acknowledging their complaint, rectifying the situation and then finding 1 more thing you can do so that they leave with a positive rather than a negative experience. 11
SMOM AND ROM AWARDS Each month, you are invited to vote for the Staff Member of the Month (SMOM) and Rookie of the Month (ROM) Awards. Criteria for Rookie of the Month The ROM is a team member: § with less than 12 months tenure § who seeks out and encourages challenges in their role § who is always keen to learn and experience new dimensions to their work § who has excelled in all facets of their learning Criteria for Staff Member of the Month The SMOM is a team member: § who lives and breathes our Values (walks the talk) § consistently excels in all aspects of their work § committed to continuous improvement in themselves and the business 12
SECTION 4 – CLUB OPERATION ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Tradies is rated highly amongst the leaders within the Club and Hospitality Industry. The following paragraphs provide an overview of the Club’s management structure. Board of Directors The Club’s Board of Directors consists of 10 people who work for the interests of the Club’s members. The Board’s President, Vice President and its 8 Directors are elected every two years. Board members convene other Club committees that include: •
Finance •
Trade Union •
Building •
Membership/Rules •
Community Engagement The Board’s policies and directives are carried out by the Chief Executive Officer who is delegated the authority to manage the Club and its employees. Directors are not involved in the day-­‐to-­‐day operation of the Club. The Chief Executive Officer, however, reports directly to the Board of Directors. Note: The Directors do not instruct you in your work and work matters are not discussed with the Board directly. Questions and queries are directed to Duty Managers or to other members of the Management Team. Management Team Tradies Management Team works cohesively to ensure the Frontline Team has the support and
necessary equipment, skills and training to deliver an exceptional experience to our customers.
Together, we work in synergy to ensure Tradies success.
FRONTLINE STRUCTURE The Tradies Frontline Team has perhaps the most important role in the organisation as they are the face of Tradies. Interacting with our members and their guests every day, Tradies have adopted a tiered structure – Frontline Employees, Tribal Guides and Tribal Leaders -­‐ to help manage the floor operation. FRONTLINE TEAM Crucial in the delivery of Tradies Famous Service, the frontline team ensure our members and guests have a memorable experience each and every Pme they visit the Club TRIBAL GUIDES Tribal Guides are the up and coming leaders of the Tradies and are handpicked as role models for the Frontline Team TRIBAL LEADERS Tribal Leaders are the Supervisors on the floor who liaise with the Duty Manager and Senior Gaming regarding the floor operaPon and are here to support of the Tribal Guides and Frontline Team 14
OUR MARKET Tradies currently services over 48,000 members. The Club attracts people with many leisure/entertainment interests including indoor sports and social activities. These are supported by a vast array of member services including meeting facilities, conferences, children’s entertainment, as well as special family and community events. The Club’s eateries – our coffee shops, Brasserie and the King Wan restaurant at our Caringbah venue -­‐ combine a variety of menus and food selections. Tradies is continually monitoring its member services to accommodate an ever-­‐changing market. All employees are asked for their support, tolerance and a positive attitude during times of change. MEMBER SERVICES AND FACILITIES The club provides numerous services to our members including: •
Sub-­‐Clubs such as Bridge, Darts, Dragon Boat Club, Euchre, Golf, Senior Bowls, Snooker and the Sutherland Acoustic Folk Club •
Discount holiday accommodation through part-­‐ownership of resorts at Urunga, Fingal Bay and Sussex Inlet. The Club is a member of Clubstay, where members are entitled to a discount at any motel or resort included in the program •
Security throughout the club and grounds during late night trading •
Free parking •
Cashcard and EFTPOS facilities •
Eateries and Bars •
Function facilities •
Gaming facilities and KENO •
Clubsafe Self-­‐exclusion services and counselling referrals •
Bingo (Caringbah) •
Cash Housie •
Euchre •
MahJong (Caringbah) •
Max’s World (Child-­‐minding for members visiting our restaurants) •
Promotions in various areas of the Club from time to time •
Sunday Raffle 15
SECTION 5 – GROOMING AND PRESENTATION A uniform is provided to you. This uniform is worn for each shift that you work, unless otherwise advised (training mornings, or social gatherings may be casual dress). The uniform items that are issued to you are recorded in your employee file. You are responsible for your uniforms condition and maintenance and are provided with a Tradies’ Work Expense allowance for this purpose. The charge for items which are lost or wilfully damaged will be invoiced to the employee. Tradies will retain the uniform bond paid at the commencement of employment until all recorded pieces of the uniform are returned when you resign from employment. All Supervisors and Managers strictly monitor the following dress standards: General Grooming Standards – Female and Male •
Your uniform must be in good condition at all times (freshly washed, not creased, not faded, hems and seams in good repair) •
Shoes are kept well heeled and polished. Non-­‐slip soles are required •
Tattoos are not visible (tattoos covered at all times). A skin tone bandage or sleeve is to be worn to cover visible tattoos. If a skin tone bandage or sleeve is deemed insufficient you may be required to wear a long sleeve shirt. This will incur an additional cost which can be deducted from your weekly wage. Visible body piercing is limited to 2 earrings (positioned only in the lobes of the ears). An earring will be no bigger than 10 mm (1cm) in diameter. If two earrings are worn the second earring will be no bigger than a standard stud (2mm) in diameter. Studs are gold, silver or diamond. ‘Hoop’ and ‘drop’ earrings are not permitted •
Tongue studs, lip/nose rings, eyebrow studs and any other visible piercings are not worn when wearing the uniform Specific Grooming Standards -­‐ Females: •
A clean, laundered Tradies blouse and skirt with skin-­‐coloured hosiery. •
A name badge positioned on the RIGHT hand side of the blouse. •
Black shoes with a closed toe and non-­‐slip sole. ‘Ballet’ style shoes are not permitted for WHS reasons. •
Nails are kept clean and manicured to a reasonable length (that does not interfere with work). Nail polish in a subtle shade may be worn, however, nail polish will not be chipped or peeling. Your Manager will ask you to remove your nail polish if it is not maintained •
Hair, if worn short, will be neatly cut, styled and groomed. Hair will not hang in the face/eyes or be longer than collar length at the back •
Hair longer than collar length will be conservatively and smoothly tied back away from the face/eyes with a neutral coloured (black, brown, taupe) hair tie. ‘Scrunchies’ and decorative hair adornments are not permitted. A black ribbon may be worn in hair to cover elastic bands •
Only wedding, engagement and two other dress rings may be worn (wedding, engagement/eternity rings count as one). Thumbs rings are not permitted 16
A business style watch in gold or silver, and one small bracelet (which cannot have dangling charms) may be worn. Anklets are not permitted •
Earrings will be small and coordinated; and a maximum of two (2) earrings per earlobe. Sleepers will be no larger than a 5 cent coin and studs up to ½cm diameter. Earrings can be gold, silver, diamond or pearl studs only; no drop or hoop earrings •
A gold or silver chain may be worn inside the blouse or shirt. No chains with beads, pearls or pendants can be worn that is visible •
It is not compulsory to wear make up, however any make up that is worn should be subtle and neutral toned. Image 1.1 Appropriate application of two (2) earrings in ear lobe Image 1.2 Appropriate size of sleeper style earring against 5c piece 17
Specific Grooming Standards -­‐ Males: •
A clean, laundered Tradies shirt and trousers •
A name badge positioned on the RIGHT hand side of the shirt and a KAIZEN badge positioned on the RIGHT hand side collar •
Black shoes with a closed toe and non slip sole •
Black socks. Football and/or white socks are not permitted •
Nails are kept clean and manicured to a reasonable length. Your Manager will ask you to remove coloured nails or nail polish •
If you do not wear a beard, you must be clean-­‐shaven prior to each shift. Beards and moustaches must be well groomed and trimmed regularly. No facial stubble is allowed. Beards and moustaches are grown during periods of absence from the Club, i.e. annual leave •
Males’ hair is worn one of two ways. If hair is worn short, hair will be washed and neatly trimmed in a conservative style, no shorter than a number 3. Longer hair must be long enough to be combed smooth and tied with a black hair tie. Hair will not hang in the face/eyes or cover the ears •
A watch, wedding and/or dress ring may be worn •
Earrings – a stud or sleeper only; and only one (1) earring per ear 18
COMMUNITY EVENT GROOMING AND PRESENTATION During community and/or fundraising events, Tradies has a designated Community Service shirt which you will be allocated with during your induction. It is a requirement for black knee length shorts or black pants to be worn with this shirt (black tights are also acceptable for females). Enclosed shoes are also necessary for WHS purposes. IDENTIFICATION Your name badge is worn at all times when on duty. Your badge is an important part of your uniform and is worn centred on the upper right-­‐hand side of your shirt, blouse or jacket. Ensure that it is straight at all times and not damaged or scratched. You are not considered appropriately dressed without your badge and you should not commence your shift without one. Name badges are returned to the Club when you leave the Club’s employment. Your badge is issued for free as part of your uniform however if lost or wilfully damaged, replacement badges are provided in exchange for a $6.50 replacement fee. Should you need a replacement badge issued, please see your Duty Manager. PERSONAL HYGIENE All employees are reminded of the importance of good personal hygiene: •
A daily shower and use of a mildly fragranced deodorant •
Clean teeth •
Wash hands after touching anything unsanitary e.g. using the toilet, blowing your nose, coughing/sneezing, cleaning unsanitary items – toilets, floors ashtrays •
Maintaining hygiene by using the disinfectant hand gels supplied at most workstations •
Avoid bad hand habits such as scratching, picking and playing with your hair, nose, or other body parts •
Use tissues when necessary and throw tissues away after each use •
Cover open wounds •
Report illnesses to your Tribal Leader at commencement of your shift 19
SECTION 6 – PROCEDURES & POLICIES SHIFT ETIQUETTE Club Entry and Exit All employees enter and leave the Club via the main foyer entrance or the rear exit. Employees may park their vehicles on site providing that all parking restrictions are obeyed. Please utilise the upper levels of the multi-­‐storey car park or the surrounding residential streets when requested. Keys and Proxys Use of the Club’s keys, for any purpose other than for which they are issued, will result in disciplinary action that may result in dismissal. Should any keys/proxy in your possession be lost, stolen or otherwise misplaced, for reasons of security it is your responsibility to report this to the Operations Manager. Any keys or proxies issued to you during your tenure are to be returned to the Club at the cessation of your employment. Lockers Locker space is available for employees in the staff room. Keys for the secure lockers are available from the cashier and are to be obtained before the commencement of your shift in exchange for a $10.00 deposit (or something of equal value). The $10.00 is returned in exchange for the locker key at the end of shift. Tradies does not accept responsibility for personal belongings and you are therefore encouraged to utilise the available locker space. Should you choose not to use the locker space available to you, cubby holes are provided in an effort to maintain the cleanliness and WHS standards of the staff room. Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls and In-­‐Club Communications Employees are advised to leave their mobile phones with their other personal belongings in their lockers. Making or receiving mobile telephone calls during working hours is not permitted. It is also not permitted to carry your phone for the purposes of listening to music whilst on shift. Employees are permitted to make private telephone calls during breaks. Receiving private telephone calls during working hours is discouraged and should be kept to emergencies. In the event of an emergency, the Club’s phone line may be used by employees subject to the discretion of the manager on duty. Deputy iPad Kiosks Deputy iPad Kiosks are located in each work area of the Club (eg. Brasserie, Gaming Room, Members Bar) and are available for employees to access during their rostered shift provided it does not disrupt the flow of service to our patrons. Upon commencement of employment, each employee will be issued a unique bundy number. Employees must ‘Bundy on’, at the Deputy iPad kiosks commencement of their rostered shift and at the conclusion of their rostered shift. Deputy iPad Kiosks are located in each work area. ‘Bundying on’ must occur when the employee is ready to attend their work station; not prior to leaving belongings in the staff room, checking their messages, or getting a drink. Employees are also required to bundy off and on at the beginning and end of their unpaid meal break. 20
Failure to Bundy on and off may result in non-­‐payment for the shift worked, until such time as the correct hours worked can be authorised. The payroll officer is not responsible for verifying time worked. Only the Duty Manager can verify hours worked where Deputy System has not been used to Bundy. Adjustments, when authorised by the Duty Manager, will be processed within the following week’s payroll. A payroll error that is less than $20.00 net will be processed the following week. When a payroll error is greater than $20.00 net, the employee can request that a cash payment is made. Disciplinary action will result for employees who repeatedly neglect to use the finger scan. The finger scan is located behind the side wall at Reception (Gymea) and outside the Staff Room behind the Main Bar (Caringbah). Punctuality The Club’s efficient functioning depends on each employee’s punctuality. If you are delayed, for any reason, you are required to ring and speak with a Duty Manager immediately. If you are working on a specific task and are behind schedule, let your Duty Manager know so help can be provided. Breaks An employee who works for more than five hours is entitled to an unpaid thirty (30) minute meal or break. Whilst a paid ten-­‐minute break is no longer legislated, Tradies is happy to offer this as a privilege to staff. This break will be approved by the Tribal Leader on duty pending the needs of the business at the time. Guidelines remain in place for this break not to be taken within 90 minutes of completion of a shift. If you are required to work a further 5.5 hours or more after taking an unpaid meal break, you are entitled to an additional 20 minutes paid break. A staff room is provided for all employees to use when they are on a break. This area is for employees only. A Tribal Leader will schedule and authorise all breaks & rest pauses. Found Money Policy Without exception, money (coins, notes, unclaimed poker machine tickets and gift cards/Wish cards) of any denomination found on, in or around the poker machines, on or around the bar, or anywhere on the Club floor is not considered a ‘tip’ and is not considered ‘finder’s keepers’. This policy applies to all Club areas. Found money is taken directly to the cashier where it is immediately recorded in the “found money” register. At the conclusion of trade, all found money is then taken to the Safe where if it is not collected by the verified owner will be dispensed to a designated charity. Point of Sale Unit (POS or Till) When required to operate a till, you will be responsible and held accountable for the sales made through the till and the money exchanged for purchases. For some shifts, you will also be issued with a float. Tills and floats will be issued through the KEV machine in the Count Room. Always verify the amount dispensed by the KEV machine as soon as you receive it and immediately report any discrepancies to the Duty Manager or Tribal Leader. All sales are recorded at the correct price. Under no circumstances is an employee allowed to record or accept less than the scheduled price for sale items. If you are in doubt about the price of an item, always check with the Tribal Leader or Duty Manager. You must not transact a sale unless you receive cash or an authorised tender. 21
All transactions are to be performed and recorded appropriately and accurately with respect to the following: •
Money is always placed in the till drawer immediately The cash drawer is always closed when a transaction is complete. Never leave it open Your bundy number is used to access your till via the touch-­‐screen keypad. Using another team member’s bundy number is NOT permitted under any circumstances. You must not allow another team member to complete transactions on your till The person responsible for the float box in the designated area, must be the only person to access money from the float box Authorised vouchers are to be processed upon completion of transaction. Do not accumulate tickets on register and ring up later even if it is busy Employees are not permitted to use the ‘No Sale’ function Void transactions must be rung up immediately. This can be done by a Tribal Guide, Leader or Duty Manager All tips are kept in a coin container away from till and belong only to the team member to whom they were given Any breach of these procedures will attract disciplinary action that may result in dismissal. Tips Employees are NOT permitted to solicit tips in any way. Tips should be stowed in an area away from your till and/or float and out of sight of patrons. This money belongs ONLY to the staff member to whom it was given. Should you arrive on shift and find tips from a previous shift, if you cannot determine the owner, the money should then be submitted as found money at the cashier. Working in a Smoking Environment The outdoor gaming areas are compliant under the current legislation as a SMOKING AREA and includes mechanical ventilation for the removal of smoke. Shifts rostered on the Gaming floor include work in this area. Taking into consideration the needs of the business and using one hour as a guideline, the Duty Manager or Tribal Leader organise team members on those shifts into a rotating roster. Whilst there is an expectation that all team members monitor the cleanliness and service in this area, the individual staff that are allocated to the outdoor gaming area will be held accountable for this area. 22
DEPUTY USER GUIDE The following information will help you to navigate your way around the Tradies’ Deputy system. If you have a query that is not covered by these notes, or if you are experiencing a technical soft/hardware difficulty please contact: Rosters/Training Manager #2949 or # 2282 or the Duty Manager #2977 What is Deputy? Deputy is a rostering, payroll, HR and communications tool where you can check your roster, view your pay slip, send messages, request holidays and read announcements on your computer, phone or tablet device – even when you’re not at work. At work, you will also Bundy on and off shift through the Deputy system at the iPad Kiosks. It’s a simple, easy to use system that helps us communicate and create a seamless work environment. How do I access Deputy? You will be sent an email from Tradies with your log in and password which you can use to access your profile on the Deputy website. You can also download an App to your phone or tablet if you choose. How can I see my Deputy Profile? Your Deputy Profile All users of Deputy have their own profile which they can access from a computer, follow the steps below to access your profile within Deputy. Type into your browsers url Next login with your email address and the password sent to you by Tradies. You will now see your Global Deputy profile and the organisation you are connected to. To edit your Global profile you can click on the Edit button, here you can change your details, password and pin. 23
Connecting to your organisation Click on your company name below to enter the company account. You will now be on the company Home page where you can see organisational announcements. You also have several other tabs on the top navigation bar dependant on your role permissions, generally you will see Tasks & Profile in addition to Home. When you click on Tasks you will see any tasks that have been assigned to you, have the ability to create your own tasks or assign a team member a task. To create a task simply hover over the orange wording and click to start typing. Within the Profile tab you will be able to see your past, present and future shifts under Activity, login details under Login, personal and emergency details under Contact and leave and unavailability under Time Off. To the right you will see another menu bar called Common Actions, where you can change you password or pin, apply for leave and subscribe to the calendar. Subscribing to calendar will sync your shifts with your personal calendar on your phone or computer. How will I be notified of tasks when using Deputy on a computer? You will receive notice of notifications in your account via a notification box on the top navigation bar, this box will show a number reflective of the amount of notifications you have. What happens to my data if I leave the organisation? If you happen to leave the organisation your Global deputy profile will remain however it will no longer be associated with the organisation, so you will no longer receive communication from them or see them when you log into your account. If you require any work history information you should contact the HR department of that organisation. You can keep your Global Deputy profile and it can be associated with another organisation should they be using Deputy to manage their people. 24
How do I use the Deputy app? Using the Deputy app Please ensure that you have accepted the emailed invitation to use Deputy that was sent by your employer Download the free Deputy app from the App Store if you have an iPhone or Google Play if you have an Android Once downloaded, please login using the log in and password sent to you by Tradies. What you can do when logged into the Deputy app: • Read announcements that have been made via the Home Tab • See and complete tasks that have been assigned to you, via the Task Tab. Assigning tasks to others can also be done from this tab by tapping the + symbol in the top right corner, to pick the staff member for the task click on the people icon and start typing the name or scroll through the team list. You can then type your message and tap Post, this task will then be sent to that person to view via their mobile app, on the kiosk and also within their desktop profile. • See the team members you are working with via the Team tab • See your rosters/schedules via the Me tab. You can also see your Leave by clicking the drop down arrow ∨ at the to of the screen. If you wish to make a Leave request click the + symbol in the right hand corner and set up your leave request, select Next and add a comment then select Notify to choose the relevant person, lastly tap Done to submit. How will I be notified? You will receive push notifications on your phone when your roster has been published, tasks have been assigned to you or company announcements have been made. App Updates From time to time Deputy will push new features into the product and you may notice that there is an upgrade notification in your App store or Google Play app, please install these to enhance your user experience of Deputy. All upgrades are free. How do I Bundy on and off using the Deputy iPad Kiosk? Using the Deputy iPad Kiosk to Bundy on Choose yourself in the list of people Enter your Bundy Number (PIN) Tap “Start Shift” The iPad will now verify your identity by taking your photo. Make sure you are standing in front of the iPad and it is just yourself. If multiple faces are present, it will reject you from going ahead! When you need to go on break: Choose yourself in the list of people Enter your Bundy Number (PIN) Tap “Start Break” When you come back from break, same steps as above and just "End Break". Similarly, when you finish work, choose "End Shift"! 25
Your Bundy Number (PIN) Your Bundy Number would have been emailed to you as the welcome email was sent to you Or you can choose "Forgotten PIN" in the top right hand corner and have it sent to you via email or SMS. What you can do when logged into the Deputy kiosk •
Read announcements that have been made. Check off tasks that have been assigned to you, by tapping the check box next to each task. For further information on each task tap the magnifying icon to the right of the task. See your rosters/schedules and past timesheets. Submit your unavailability and manage existing unavailability by selecting the relevant date from the date tabs at the bottom of the screen, use the slide bar to set the unavailable times or select ‘mark day unavailable’. Once chosen select Mark Availability to submit. If you are already rostered for the chosen date you will be unable to set unavailability. In order to use the system properly, we recommend you have your email/mobile in the system. Go to to update your details. TRADIES BEST PRACTICE POLICIES Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) The primary purpose of Tradies’ AML/CTF policy is to comply with the Australian Federal Government’s requirements concerning money laundering and anti-­‐terrorism. Detailed information about Tradies’ AML/CTF policy is published in the staff room and can be obtained upon request in addition to a training module covered during your Induction period. Bag and Parcel Searches Tradies reserves the right to inspect any bag/s or container/s that you bring on the premises. This may be done upon your entry or exit. A Manager will conduct the inspection in your presence. You may also choose a representative to be present during the inspection. If a request for inspection is denied the Club may insist that a member of the police conduct the inspection. Confidentiality In the course of your duties you may have access to and/or acquire confidential/personal information regarding patrons. You may also acquire confidential/personal information from or about your colleagues. Maintaining the confidentiality (and privacy) of patrons and your fellow employees is essential. You must not use or disclose confidential/personal information. Employees do not have authority to divulge the personal details (i.e. phone numbers, addresses etc) of any employee or patron. Employees are not permitted to make public statements about colleagues, patrons, or about the venue. This applies absolutely to statements requested by the media or via electronic forums. All records, documents (electronic or otherwise), and other papers (and any copies or extracts) used by you during the course of your employment are the property of Tradies. Tradies will not disclose or use your personal information for any other purpose other than for direct communication with you unless otherwise summonsed by a relevant third party (i.e. the police), without your permission. 26
Drugs and Alcohol Policy Drug and alcohol use in the workplace can contribute to a range of problems including but not limited to injury (to oneself as well as others), poor performance, absenteeism, interpersonal difficulties and even dismissal. The use of drugs and alcohol can also give rise to incidences of injury and near misses in the workplace. Tradies is committed to reducing wherever possible the hazards associated with drug and/or alcohol use within the workplace. People react very differently to drugs and alcohol and this makes it impossible to set a minimum limit for consumption. Tradies Drugs and Alcohol Policy is as follows and its implementation will help prevent the risk factors associated with the use of drugs and alcohol: •
Employees are not permitted to consume alcohol or any illegal drug(s) of any kind during working hours. This includes lunch breaks and rest pauses. The use of illegal drugs at any time on any Tradies premises is not permitted •
Employees are not permitted to work in an impaired condition as a result of the consumption of alcohol or drugs (including a ‘hangover’). Attendance at work in an impaired condition may breach an employee’s obligations under state Health and Safety Laws •
The use of legal non-­‐prescription and prescription medication must always be taken in accordance with the instructions issued on the packaging, or by the dispensing pharmacist, during working hours, e.g. 'avoid operating machinery whilst taking this medication' or 'this medication may cause drowsiness' •
Employees taking either non-­‐prescription or prescription medication that may affect the ability to work unimpaired will advise their Manager prior to commencing work. This information will be shared on a ‘needs-­‐to-­‐know’ basis in order to ensure the employee’s workplace health and safety •
Where alcohol or drug use is suspected either during working hours or the results of which affect performance during working hours, employees are obligated to report their concerns to a senior person. In this instance an employee is also obligated to dissuade the affected person from engaging in any activity that may affect the health and safety of either his/herself or others Failure to comply with this policy will result in disciplinary action which may result in dismissal. Tradies Drugs and Alcohol Policy is developed in a continued effort to comply with all aspects of all State Occupational Health and Safety Legislation. All employees are obligated to ensure that its implementation in every area of Tradies business. Every employee is responsible for the health and safety of him/herself as well as fellow employees. It may be appropriate for an employee to seek advice or treatment if s/he identifies a problem with respect to alcohol or drugs. Disciplinary action may still be justified depending on the circumstances. The following non-­‐
exhaustive list of national resources may be helpful if action is deemed appropriate by the employee. AA -­‐ Alcoholics Anonymous NA – Narcotics Anonymous Lifeline 13 11 14 AL-­‐ANON & ALATEEN Family Groups­‐ 27
Electronic Communications Policy Tradies Electronic Communication Policy is designed to guide all employees in the acceptable use of the internet and other electronically generated messages, including but not limited to, email, voice mail, social media or SMS text messaging. For the purposes of this policy reference all to Tradies employees includes contracted labour and sub-­‐
contracted labour. Internet and Email The internet and email is a resource that Tradies makes available at its discretion to its employees for the receipt and transmission of work-­‐related messages and information. Tradies encourages the use of these facilities for work-­‐related research, business and communication. Tradies internet and email facilities are accessible by a computer-­‐user password that is unique to each employee. You are encouraged to change your password regularly. Keeping your password confidential will protect your personal access to email and the internet. Your colleagues cannot access your email mail box details without your password. You are responsible for any email or internet transmission that is made under your name! Tradies cannot guarantee the protection of your personal access, or protect you against the existence or receipt of material that may be offensive to you or others, if your password is shared with other people. Tradies will make every reasonable effort to protect its employees from invasions of their privacy and other possible dangers that could result misuse of email and/or the internet. Individual password security is, however, the responsibility of each employee. Revealing or sharing your password is not acceptable use of email and the internet and sharing or using another person’s password may result in suspension of your employment and/or termination. Inappropriate Use of Email and Internet Inappropriate use of email and the internet includes but is not limited to: •
Creating, distributing, accessing or storing malicious, obscene, harassing, pornographic or sexually explicit text or pictures Creating, distributing, accessing or storing any information that may harass or vilify any Tradies employee, member or representative on the grounds of gender, religion, pregnancy, marital status, age, disability, ethnicity, appearance or psychological/medical condition Creating, distributing, accessing or storing any information that may mislead, deceive, victimise or offend, threaten, abuse or defame any employee, member or representative of Tradies Creating, distributing, accessing or storing any information that deems to represent the position of Tradies without authority Joining chat room ‘conversations’, playing on-­‐line games, gambling on-­‐line, participating in lengthy and/or high data consuming activities such as music/video downloading or e-­‐bay and/or sending long, personal emails Tradies email and internet facilities are for business use or incidental personal use only. Improper use of these facilities decreases the availability of resources for business us and increases the risk of compromised security as well as the potential loss of data and/or corruption. 28
This policy applies to all email and internet usage before and after work and in lunch breaks and for all home or remote access. Attempting to access unauthorised information, resources and websites by any means is prohibited. Unauthorised information may include but is not limited to files, emails and applications. Employees should not leave their office and/or workstation unattended for long periods of time without first logging out of their email account and the Tradies desktop. Program and software installation on any Tradies system is allowed only by the system’s administrators. Internet and Social Media Outlets Employees are permitted to access social media sites, such as Facebook, during their designated break times for personal use. The ‘Electronic Communications Policy’ is also informed by the ‘Confidentiality’ section of the Employee Handbook with particular reference to the excerpt below: ‘Employees are not permitted to make public statements about colleagues, patrons, or about the venue and this applies absolutely to statements requested by the media or via electronic forums’. Any employee who uses these sites in a way contrary to the guidelines outlined in the handbook, may be subjected to legal reprehension and ultimately dismissal. Voicemail Tradies provides voicemail to employees to facilitate communication and professionalism and it is important that both greeting messages and recorded messages are polite, professional and current. Recorded messages should be accessed and, where possible, responded to daily. If an employee cannot access and respond to their voicemail regularly and/or daily then alternative arrangements will be made. Mobile Phones and SMS Text Messaging Tradies may provide an employee at its discretion with a mobile phone for business use. It is important that the mobile phone voicemail greeting message is polite, professional and current. In some instances it is appropriate to either send or receive an SMS text message. It is important that any message sent via SMS (including MessageMedia & one’s personal mobile phone) is polite and professional. Recorded messages and SMS text messages should be accessed and, where possible, responded to daily. It is each employee’s individual responsibility to make appropriate use of mobile phone and SMS (including MessageMedia & one’s personal mobile phone) text message facilities. Inappropriate use of SMS text messaging includes but is not limited to: • Creating, distributing, accessing or storing malicious, obscene, harassing, pornographic or sexually explicit text or pictures • Creating, distributing, accessing or storing any information that may harass or vilify any Tradies employee, member or representative on the grounds of gender, religion, pregnancy, marital status, age, disability, ethnicity, appearance or psychological/medical condition • Creating, distributing, accessing or storing any information that may mislead, deceive, victimise or offend, threaten, abuse or defame any employee, member or representative of Tradies • Creating, distributing, accessing or storing any information that deems to represent the position of Tradies without authority • Joining SMS chat rooms and/or participating in SMS generated voting schemes 29
Under no circumstances will Tradies tolerate misuse of the email and/or internet, social media, SMS text messaging or voicemail facility for bullying, harassment, sexual or otherwise. While bullying and harassment can occur in various ways, the following paragraphs pertain to electronically generated material, including written statements and images: • The composition or transmission of messages or images that implicitly or explicitly invite unwelcome sexual advances or request sexual favours • The composition or transmission of messages or images that harass, bully or defame • The composition or transmission of messages or images that offend the receiver by the way of sexual innuendo, obscene references and/or language If an employee using any one of Tradies’ business systems believes that s/he has been harassed, sexually or otherwise, via these facilities it is important that the text/picture/message is kept. The origin, date, time and location of the communication should be recorded and a Manager contacted as soon as possible. Harassing behaviour is a criminal offence that may lead to prosecution. Communication of this nature will be examined as necessary to manage Tradies’ policies regarding harassment, privacy and the safety of its employees. Administration of the Electronic Communications Policy While respecting users' confidentiality and privacy, Tradies reserves the right to monitor internet activity and data usage. Tradies considers this right may be necessary to manage its policies regarding harassment, privacy and the safety of employees. All email and internet access is logged, stored and monitored both periodically and only when required. Only administrators have access to the aforementioned information. Any potential misuse of Tradies Electronic Communications Policy should be reported to a Manager and the Grievance Procedures will then be engaged. Gambling Policy Tradies does not permit its employees to gamble on premises at any time. Gambling of any kind including gaming machines, TAB, and Keno, is not permitted whilst an employee is either on duty or attending the club socially. Breaches will result in disciplinary action that may result in dismissal. Fraternisation Statement Tradies is committed to maintaining an environment that allows its members and their guests and its employees to be safe. All Managers and Tribal Leaders are in a position of authority, directly or indirectly, with other employees, whether or not that employee is within his/her direct supervision. Some employees may be particularly vulnerable to the influence of Managers/Tribal Leaders who they believe might affect the conditions of their employment. If an employee consents to a romantic relationship with a fellow employee, especially when that person is a Manager or Tribal Leader, it may result in unintended effects to the club’s working environment. These effects may include, but are not limited to, decreased work performance, ‘compromised’ colleagues, bullying, harassment or splinter groups within the workplace. In some cases, relationships can end unhappily or become problematic, resulting in sexual harassment, or even physical/psychological abuse. 30
Because Tradies is committed to maintaining an environment that supports our purpose, values and principles, it discourages romantic and/or sexual relationships between employees, particularly relationships between senior and junior employees. Should you begin a relationship with any member of the team Tradies asks that you consider its values in the following context: Accountability -­‐ Productivity -­‐ Teamwork Growth -­‐ -­‐ Human Dignity -­‐ you will be held responsible for your actions, reactions and ramifications of this relationship on the team you are expected to remain productive and positive you must consider the team and continue to be an integral member of the team relationships are an important part of growing. Maturity must come hand in hand with this growth you must consider this value above all. Your words and actions will reflect your commitment to this value Depending on how an employee, leader or otherwise, manages a failed relationship it may establish grounds for employee performance management, employee dismissal, and in some cases criminal proceedings between the parties involved. These potentialities arise from Tradies legislative obligations under several Employment and Criminal Acts that include WHS, Duty of Care, Equal Opportunity, Discrimination and Harassment. There are some exceptional and existing circumstances in which the spouse or partner of a Club employee is also a member or a fellow employee at the Tradies. This policy does not apply in such circumstances. The Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the Senior Management Team, is the officer who determines the definition and existence of an ‘exceptional circumstance’. Tradies’ Fraternisation Statement is designed to guide all employees in acceptable professional conduct. It is each employee’s individual responsibility to take accountability for their own behaviour and actions in this area. In the event that any such relationship develops, the Chief Executive Officer will be informed. Privacy Tradies is subject to the provisions of the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. Every employee, to be eligible for employment, has submitted personal information about him/herself. This information, and any other information collected during your tenure with the Tradies, is kept in your personal employee file. The type of information kept includes, but is not limited to: •
Medical certificates & awards of recognition Training records/Statements of Understanding, Performance management/appraisal documents and pay queries or instructions Emergency contact information Your personal information is required for the main purposes of paying wages, rostering, being contacted by the Tradies, or the Tradies contacting your nominated person in the event on an emergency. Your information will not be disclosed or discussed with a third party without your permission. Where requested by law, however, this information may be provided to a third party. You have a right to access 31
any personal information that the Club may hold about you. This includes your right to correct your information. It is your responsibility to keep the Tradies informed of any changes to your personal information which can be processed via the Deputy System. Social Media Engagement Policy Purpose Tradies embraces social media as an important tool of corporate and business engagement. With the rapid growth and application of social media, Tradies recognises the need to have a policy which ensures our employees who use social media have guidance. Tradies Social Media Engagement Policy is therefore designed to protect the interests of employees and the company. Tradies requests that when engaging in social media: make clear about who it is you are Representing; take Accountability for ensuring that any references to Tradies are factually correct and accurate and do not breach confidentiality requirements; and that you demonstrate Human Dignity for the individuals and communities with which you interact. It is important to note that this policy does not apply to employees’ personal use of social media platforms where the employee makes no reference to Tradies related issues. This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure it remains relevant and applicable. Application Tradies Social Media Engagement is a Company Policy and it applies to all Tradies employees and contractors and to any other person who is notified that this Company Policy applies to them. Tradies appreciates the value in using social media to build more meaningful relationships with customers, communities and other relevant stakeholders. If you are discussing Tradies or Tradies business related issues in your personal use of social media platforms, you are required to follow this Policy. Social media tools include: § Social networking sites including but not limited to Facebook, LinkedIn and others; § Video and photo sharing websites e.g. Flickr, YouTube ; § Micro-­‐blogging sites e.g. Twitter; § Weblogs, including corporate blogs, personal blogs or blogs hosted by traditional media publications; § Forums and discussion boards such as Whirlpool, Yahoo! Groups or Google Groups; § Online encyclopaedias such as Wikipedia; § Any other web sites that allow individual users or companies to use simple publishing tools. Representing You are required to: § Disclose only publicly available information, images or videos. You must not comment on or disclose confidential Tradies information (such as financial information, future business performance, business plans, imminent departure of key executives) § Any images or videos, content of posts which compromise the club, Tradies event or employees is not permitted. If you are unsure of what is ‘compromising’ please seek approval first ‘Compromising’ includes written information, images posted that may offend the organisation or individual employees by: 32
Misperception and or misinterpretation on minor detail or imagery that may discredit an employee or venue and not portray entire event Alluding to distasteful and inappropriate actions and behaviour that is ultimately untrue or taken out of context Accountability
You are required to:
§ Ensure that any content you publish is factually accurate and complies with relevant club policies, particularly those relating to confidentiality and disclosure § Ensure you are not the first to make a Tradies announcement unless you have received the appropriate internal clearances and approvals § Ensure you do not post material that is obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful to another person or entity, including Tradies, its employees, its contractors, its partners, its competitors and/or other business related individuals or organisations § Ensure you do not disclose other people’s personal information in social media venues, and comply with the Privacy Policy You are not permitted to post any Tradies events including but not limited to volunteer work undertaken in the form of videos or images unless approval is sought by the club or the images are made public by Tradies. These videos and or images are taken during a Tradies event, organised and conducted by Tradies therefore approval must be sought first as Tradies holds a duty of care to all employees in ensuring any videos, images and information is distributed with integrity and does not violate the privacy policy. This also extends to any images or videos taken on a personal apparatus which are taken during the course of work whether paid or volunteered. Human Dignity You are required to: § Be respectful of all individuals and communities with which you interact online § Be polite and respectful of others’ opinions, even in times of heated discussion and debate § adhere to the Terms Of Use, and seek to conform to the cultural and behavioural norms, of the social media platform being used § Respect copyright, privacy, financial disclosure and other applicable laws when publishing on social media platforms § Respect the privacy of other employees by not publishing images and videos as these can be misconstrued § Ensure you do not imply in any way that you are authorised to speak on Tradies behalf § Identify yourself as a Tradies employee if you refer to Tradies, its people, products and services, its competitors and/or other business related individuals or organisations § Exclude the Tradies logo in your postings that is, you are not permitted to use the Tradies logo Breach of Policy As with standard practise with all of Tradies organisational policies, if you do not comply with this policy you may face disciplinary action. This disciplinary action may involve a verbal or written warning or, in serious cases, termination of your employment or engagement with Tradies. 33
Uniforms The Tradies provide a uniform for you to wear whilst you are on duty or for Community Service work. This uniform is worn for each shift that you work, unless otherwise advised (training mornings or social gatherings may be casual dress). The Club has invested a significant amount of time and money into the fabric and design of the uniform. It is important, from both a business (fiscal) and standards (presentation) perspective, that every employee is dedicated to the care and maintenance of our investment. The uniform items issued to you will be recorded on a ‘Uniform Distribution Inventory Sheet’. A copy of the inventory will be kept in your employee file. A care instructions reminder will also be provided to you when your uniform is issued. The Tradies will then, for ten (10) weeks, retain $20.00 per week from your weekly wage from the 1st pay after the uniform is given to you. When you leave the Tradies, provided that each item issued to you is returned in a clean and reasonable* condition, you will receive, in addition to any due entitlement and/or wages, the total 10 week deduction plus an average rate of bank interest for that year. For example, say that your weekly wage is $400. For 10 weeks, the Tradies will retain $20, while the remaining $380 is paid to you. $200 (10 weeks x $20 per week) is held by the Tradies (recorded and managed on a separate balance sheet) for the length of your employment. When you leave the Tradies, provided that all uniform items distributed to you are returned dry cleaned and in reasonable* condition, you will be repaid your $200, plus an average rate of bank interest for that year. If pieces of your uniform are not returned, then the unit price of the missing item will be deducted from the retained $200. How is the term ‘reasonable’ condition defined? Reasonable condition is defined as: • Items without rips, tears, cuts or holes or stains in the fabric • Items without fabric discolouration or fading • Items without alteration, except for those that have been approved and performed by Hi Craft Clothing • Items with buttons and/or zippers attached and all seams in good condition • Items that are returned laundered For example, a female front line employee is issued with 2 blouses and 2 skirts. Only 1 blouse and 2 skirts are returned. The Tradies then repays $144.00 dollars to the employee: $200.00 $56.00 $144.00 uniform retention amount unit cost of each female blouse the difference and the amount repaid The Tradies will keep the $200 indefinitely if you do not return any part of your uniform. The cost of each front line uniform item is as follows (ex. GST): Female Blouse Skirt $56.00 $62.00 Male Shirt $56.00 Pant $62.00 Exchanging one uniform item for another will not disadvantage your chances of earning back your $200, as long as the item is in reasonable condition. The maximum amount that the Tradies will retain from 34
your wages is $200. All additional uniform items will be recorded on a separate inventory sheet. The issue of additional items will not disadvantage your chances of earning back your $200 back, as long as they are returned in reasonable condition. All Supervisors and Managers strictly monitor the Tradies’ dress standards and the overall condition of your uniform. Employees are not permitted to commence their shift without the complete correct uniform. An employee will be asked to leave, or be ‘bundied off’, by a member of the management team if s/he is not wearing a complete and well-­‐presented uniform. Employees are responsible for the maintenance of their allocated uniforms. All Tradies Frontline employees are paid a work expense allowance. If an item of your uniform is lost or damaged you will be liable for the cost of its replacement. A member of the Management team must first authorise in writing any required adjustment to the uniform. All uniforms are returned to Tradies upon separation professionally dry-­‐cleaned. EMPLOYEE AMENITIES AND SERVICES Counselling – Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Tradies and Southern Community Welfare (SCW) work together to provide you with access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential counselling service designed to address work-­‐related and personal issues that affect you, a Tradies employee! An EAP can assist you and your family and your peers, resolve issues that can include: • family problems/parenting issues • work related stress • interpersonal conflicts/ relationship difficulties • grief & loss • gambling, alcohol and other drug related issues (in conjunction with specialised drugs and alcohol service/counsellor where necessary) • career issues • emotional stress or trauma Why does Tradies need an EAP? An EAP was introduced as an additional resource and support network for the team. Sometimes we lack the skills or knowledge to deal with our personal issues. An EAP allows everyone in the Tradies team access to a professional support network. Tradies’ labour force is a typical cross-­‐section of the local community and as such, team members will probably experience the full range of life-­‐cycle events. These events can include adjustments in marriage, the birth of children, family issues such as divorce or filial duties (caring for sick or aged family members). An EAP can help you tackle your issue in an appropriate and positive way that contributes to your overall sense of wellbeing. What does the EAP provide? Tradies EAP provides you and your family with professional confidential counselling by fully accredited and experienced psychologists/counsellors. 35
Flexible office hours SCW counselling offices are open from 9.00am – 5.00pm, Monday to Thursday. After hours appointments are available on specified days. Non-­‐emergency face to face counselling SCW counselling is usually available to you within 5 working days of contact with their office. Choice of counsellors You have the option of requesting a male or female counsellor and you may change your counsellor in consultation with the SCW management (the timing availability of a new counsellor will be advised at the time by SCW management). Professional counselling All SCW counsellors are qualified and experienced accredited counsellors with industry accreditation and membership to appropriate professional bodies. No charge Counselling is free to you and your family on approval by Tradies to SCW. Cancelled appointments require 24 hours notice. Confidentiality and anonymity Confidentiality and anonymity is ensured under the SCW code of practice to all employees as per standard and ethical guidelines. To prevent breaches of confidentiality, employees from the same organisation, or from the same family, are not given conjoining appointments. No names or information is released to any third party without your express permission. Should you wish to utilise this service, please contact the Human Resources Department or reference the brochures made available in the staff room. Employee Awareness Tradies Customer Service means understanding the expectations of members and consistently exceeding these expectations. In the same regard, this understanding extends beyond the customer and to fellow team members. Tradies team members strive to ensure that our behaviour is congruent with the Tradies values, especially in regard to energy devoted to the team and its synergy. As part of the Tradies team, it is important to be aware of and understand fellow team members. If you have a concern that another member of the team is going through a difficult time or perhaps may be at risk of self harm or suicide, please report this to the Human Resource Department as it is important to seek professional help. Management will maintain discretion during such correspondence and information is shared only on a need to know basis. Drinks Employees are permitted to drink post mix soft drinks, water and hot chocolate, tea or coffee from the Gaming Bar coffee machine only for the purpose of quenching thirst. Employees are not permitted to either service their own drinks or leave their workstation for this privilege. Drinks are not consumed in the customer service areas. Concierge, change box and reception employees can access staff drinks via floor or tray employees. Under no circumstances are soft drinks to be consumed near a computer or other electronic terminal. Team Members who wish to purchase bottled soft drink will be charged full price. Bottled water costs $1 and all other staff drinks are $0.20 each. In light of the commitment to our core value of Sustainability, employees are encouraged to minimise the usage of plastic bottles and consume tap water where possible. 36
Meals All employees are entitled to a 30% discount from the Brasserie and the Coffee Shop/s. The only exception is when purchasing an item from the Kids menu from the Brasserie for which full price is then paid. Salad and sandwiches are only available from the Coffee Shop and only pre-­‐made items in the display case are available with a discount. Any specially prepared food is charged at full price and will be arranged at least one hour in advance so the attendants are not distracted from delivering outstanding service to patrons. If your break falls after trading hours you may request that the Brasserie staff save you a meal. This will help the Coffee Shop team maintain the focus on Club members & their guests. The ‘King Wan’ restaurant, which trades only through the Caringbah venue, also offers a discounted menu to staff ranging from $10 -­‐ $15. Employees may order meals on forms provided. A designated employee for your section will submit the meal order form to the Brasserie or Coffee Shop preferably at least one hour before meals are required. Eating and drinking in any designated public work area is not permitted. This includes chewing gum. Team members are permitted to keep a non-­‐alcoholic beverage behind the work station throughout the shift. Smoking Smoking on duty is PROHIBITED unless you are on a designated unpaid meal break or authorised ten minute break. The designated smoking area at the Gymea venue is on the veranda outside the staff room. At the Caringbah venue, where there are no Functions, the third floor balcony is the designated area. Should a function be organised at Caringbah, employees will need to smoke outside of the building with their uniform covered. All Managers and Supervisors strictly monitor smoking and the Management team is advised to direct breaches of this policy to the CEO immediately. Social Use of the Club Employees are not permitted to socialise at the Club either after his/her shift or on a rostered day off. Employees are permitted to eat lunch or dinner in the Brasserie either directly after their rostered shift or on a rostered day off and may have an alcoholic beverage with their meal. Employees that are invited to a function are permitted to attend and are required to advise a Senior Manager in advance of the function but will be off the premises ten (10) hours PRIOR to the commencement of their next rostered shift. When attending the Club socially, employees are subject to the same Club regulations as members and guests. Employees are required to be off the premises within fifteen (15) minutes of the completion of their shift. Under no circumstances are you permitted to serve yourself, other employees or guests if you’re not on duty. Staff Room The staff room is located at the end of the Gaming Room at Gymea and behind the Main Bar at Caringbah and is
provided for all employees for their rostered breaks. You are required to scrape & rinse crockery and cutlery &
stack in dishwasher after use and maintain the sink and general area for comfort of others. The staff room is a
non-smoking area. See the ‘Smoking’ section for the permissible smoking areas for employees.
Superannuation – Club Plus The Club contributes to the Club Plus Superannuation Scheme on behalf of all employees. You may wish to make additional voluntary contributions. For further details, please contact the Pay Office. 37
Surveillance The activities of all Club patrons and employees are under twenty-­‐four (24) hour recorded video surveillance as part of our normal Club procedures. All employees are subject to this surveillance in the course of their duties (see electronic communications policy for more details). Take Away Liquor Sales Employees are permitted to purchase take home beverages. Management policy regarding take home liquor sales for team members and patrons specify that sales are only to be made between 10:00am to 10:00pm seven days a week. The licensing laws that govern requirements for take home liquor state that sales are not permitted on Good Friday or Christmas Day. The licensing requirements that apply to members and their guests also apply to Club employees. In addition to these requirements, employees will adhere to the following procedures: •
Take home beverage purchases from the Gymea premises are made only from the Gaming Bar except for Wall of Wine sales which are made at the Brasserie Bar. From the Caringbah venue, take home beverage purchases can be made from the Gaming Bar only. The sales receipt is attached to the purchase Employees are not permitted to perform their own beverage purchase The correct sale price is always tendered LEAVE/ABSENCES FROM EMPLOYMENT Tradies Leave Policy is designed to facilitate the needs of each individual as well as the balance and maintain Tradies’ operational effectiveness. Applications for leave are submitted via the Deputy System and are sent to the Roster Manager. In accordance with the Agreement, all leave requests should be submitted with a minimum of two weeks’ notice before the date of the intended leave. Applications are assessed on a case by case basis, discussed with the Operations Manager and other relevant Department Manager(s) before approval is confirmed. Any employee who is absent from work and/or cannot attend rostered shifts due to illness or for any other reason, must notify the Club as soon as reasonably practical and no less than 4 hours prior to their scheduled shift commencement time. Such advice will, as far as is practicable, state the nature of the illness and the estimated duration of the absence. Appointments with doctors/dentists etc., are, where possible, made outside working hours. Absence for medical appointments is administered as either personal/carers leave or leave without pay, depending on the employee’s status and entitlement. In addition, other than one single absence per year, any employee must provide a medical certificate or statutory declaration (a maximum of 1 per 12 month period will be accepted) on their return to work whether a claim for personal/carers leave is to be made or not. The Roster Manager will acknowledge each leave/absence application and stay in touch regarding the process/status of the application. Shift Swap Policy Shift swap and shift give away requests will be assessed on a case by case basis by the relevant departments. The relevant paperwork must be filled out at least 48 hours in advanced and submitted to the relevant department manager. For example, if you wish to swap a shift in the gaming room, your shift swap paperwork must be submitted to the Gaming Manager. 38
Shift Swap and Give Away Guidelines: •
Shift swaps and giveaways must be submitted at least 48 hours in advance to allow time for approval to be granted All shift swaps and giveaways must be submitted in writing and completed by all staff members involved When requesting a shift swap on either a Friday or Saturday night, do so within the same day. That is, if you are trying to swap a Friday night shift, employees are encouraged to swap with a staff member who is working the same Friday during the day. The same applies for Saturday No giveaways will be granted for Friday and Saturday shifts, unless previously approved by Management If you are a Host, Tribal Guide or Leader, you should swap with/give away your shift to an employee of the same skill level Permanent staff are encouraged to limit the amount of shift swaps/giveaways they do as you have the benefit of a permanent roster which you should be accountable to It is recommended that any request for a shift swap occurs within the same pay week, Wednesday to Tuesday Any permanent employee who is unable to swap a shift and gives their shift away will utilise their annual leave entitlement for the hours normally rostered to work. Excessive shift swaps/give aways are strongly discouraged as they disrupt the rostering/payroll process and reduce our pool of available staff to cover call ins. In accordance with Tradies value of Accountability, it is expected that you will be committed to your rostered shifts. Excessive shifts swaps/give aways are considered to be anything more than one per month for permanent staff and one per six weeks for casual staff. There are exceptions within these parameters with staff able to seek an exemption for circumstances out of their control such as unexpected family or study commitments. Parental Leave Tradies Parental Leave Policy will supplement the Federal Government’s Paid Parental Leave Scheme (commencing 1st January 2011). Under the Government scheme, eligible employees may receive up to 18 weeks payment of the National Minimum Wage. Tradies Paid Parental Leave Policy applies to long term employees, who undertake maternity, paternity or adoption leave. This policy also provides an entitlement for 2 weeks paid paternity leave which can be taken in conjunction with the Government’s 18 weeks maternity leave scheme including where both parents and/or primary care givers (including same sex couples) are employed by Tradies. For the duration that the employee undertakes Parental Leave Pay from the Government, Tradies will supplement this minimum wage payment to the value of the ordinary rate of pay normally paid to the Employee up to a maximum of 18 weeks. Ordinary pay is not subject to any other benefits or entitlement that may have been paid or accrued if the employee was either working or taking any other kind of leave (i.e. Public Holiday, penalties, RDO accrual, Time in Lieu accrual etc). 1. Maternity/Adoption Leave Where the female employee is entitled to the Federal Government’s Paid Parental Leave Scheme: •
Eighteen (18) weeks in total paid maternity leave entitlement paid at her ordinary rate of pay which may be extended over thirty-­‐six (36) weeks at half pay. The eighteen (18) weeks full pay or thirty six (36) weeks half pay on maternity leave is continuous and must be taken as a single leave period -­‐ that is the employee cannot breakdown the paid maternity leave entitlement’s into multiple leave periods. •
Ordinary pay is defined as the usual hourly rate of pay minus allowances 39
2. Paternity/Adoption Leave A male permanent/part time employee with a minimum continuous employment of 1 calendar year (12 months) with respect to his partner’s same pregnancy – whether she is an employee of Tradies or not -­‐ is entitled to: •
Up to two (2) weeks of paid leave at his ordinary rate of pay •
Ordinary pay is defined as the usual hourly rate of pay minus allowances •
The two (2) week paid paternity leave may be extended over four (4) weeks at half pay if the employee is the primary care-­‐giver of the child. Any weeks taken must be taken consecutively and no later than 1 week after the birth or adoption of the child. An employee may take any annual leave or long service leave to which they are entitled instead of or in conjunction with parental leave. The total period of leave cannot be extended beyond the maximum period of parental leave of 52 weeks. Unpaid Parental Leave Entitlement Tradies will observe all industrial requirements as stipulated by the Fair Work Act 2009 and the National Employment Standards (NES) regarding employee entitlements to unpaid parental leave. All employees, with a minimum of 12 months continuous service, are entitled to a total of 52 weeks parental leave. An employee’s decision to combine his/her leave with his/her partner’s parental leave does not affect the paid leave entitlement as long as all other prerequisites are fulfilled. An employee is not, in respect to the same pregnancy or adoption, entitled to be absent on parental leave (including other forms of paid leave) for more than a total of 52 weeks. Further, this entitlement is reduced by any period of parental leave taken by the employee’s spouse as per the Act. An employee, with respect to an additional pregnancy/adoption, may be entitled to a second paid parental leave period as long as the aforementioned minimum periods of tenure are satisfied and that the employee has returned to work for a minimum of twelve (12) months in between pregnancies/adoptions. Prospective mothers will inform Tradies as soon as possible of their pregnancy. This enables the appropriate labour planning to commence and also helps the organisation ensure the health and safety of the mother and her unborn child. Prospective parents (mothers and fathers) will, not less than 10 weeks prior to the expected date of birth, provide Tradies with either a medical certificate or adoption papers that confirm the pregnancy/adoption and outline the expected date of birth/official adoption date. If the employee’s spouse is taking parental leave s/he is required to let Tradies know by providing a Statutory Declaration. The employee is required to inform Tradies in writing at least 4 weeks prior to the planned parental leave with a commencement date and the expected period of absence. When an employee intends to return from parental leave, they must provide in writing 4 weeks’ notice to the club. Personal/Carer’s Leave Personal/Carer’s leave (sick leave) is an entitlement provided to all permanent employees under the NES. Full time employees are entitled to 10 days of paid personal/carer’s leave per year after 12 months of service, where leave is accrued on the basis of a 38 hour week. This entitlement is pro-­‐rated for permanent part time employees and for employees who have not completed 12 months service. Payment for personal/carer’s leave taken during the standard employment qualifying period (or its extension where applicable) will be withheld until the qualifying period is fulfilled. At such time, the appropriate payment will be made in arrears. 40
After the first single day is utilised within a twelve (12) month period, payment for personal/carer’s leave is subject to the production of a medical certificate, or other evidence satisfactory to Tradies, (i.e. a statutory declaration). Your Manager may request proof of absence for any personal/carer’s leave taken. In the event that an employee is absent from the workplace without notification, or without the appropriate proof of absence, Tradies reserves a right to withhold payment on a pro-­‐rata basis for the days/hours lost until proof of absence is provided. An employee is not eligible for paid personal/carer’s leave unless, where s/he is in a position to do so, s/he takes all reasonable steps to advise Tradies of the absence from work as near as possible to the usual commencement time. Personal/carer’s leave will accumulate but will not form part of any benefit payable upon the cessation of employment. MEMBERSHIP SERVICES 5km Rule In accordance with government legislation, if a patron lives within a five (5) km radius of the Club and is not a member, then a member must sign for him/her to enter the premises on the ‘temporary member’ form. Legislation also stipulates that a visiting patron is not permitted to remain on the Club’s premises should the signing member leave. Patrons residing beyond the 5km radius are permitted to sign in as visitors. These patrons sign in via the electronic sign in terminals or visitors book. 15km Rule To facilitate visitation and enhance customer service, Tradies has implemented a fifteen (15) km rule whereby anyone outside a 15km radius can sign in as a visitor and anyone within the 15km will need to join as a member of Tradies or be signed in by a member. The 15km radius includes all of the Sutherland Shire and most of the St George area. Responsible Service of Alcohol Policy The Tradies’ Directors, Management and all employees are committed to the responsible serving of alcohol. This includes: •
Adequate training of all employees in the responsible service of alcohol. Liquor service is refused to people who are obviously affected by alcohol; •
Alcohol will not be promoted in a way that encourages minors to seek to purchase or consume alcohol; •
Liquor service will be refused to underage people. Club employees require patrons suspected as minors to present an RTA Photo Card or other approved forms of identification before providing service; •
The Club will not support any promotional practice that encourages the excessive consumption of alcohol 41
Responsible Conduct of Gambling Policy The Tradies maintains a commitment to manage the environment in which Gambling is conducted to minimise harm and meet community expectations. The Club aspires to high standards of harm minimisation by: Providing gambling services and gambling practices that conform to all Government legislation; Promoting responsible gambling practices that conform to local community standards and expectations by establishing a pleasant and safe gambling environment; •
Developing policy that ensures all legislative requirements related to winnings payments are implemented and policy that encourages patrons to develop responsible gambling practices; •
Encouraging patrons to take responsibility for their gambling through an effective self exclusion procedure upon request; •
Developing and maintaining effective links between the Club and community organisations that provide support and advice for problem gamblers and their families. The Tradies is a member of the club industry ClubSafe Program. ClubSafe works with its members to: •
Promote proactive RCG communication to patrons Promote community relations Audit RCG compliance Support patrons who require self exclusion and counselling services More training and information regarding ClubSafe is afforded to all Tradies employees during induction. Security Personnel The Club contracts security personnel for the protection of all employees and patrons within the Club and surrounding premises. You are asked to cooperate fully with the security team. If, at any time, you see people acting inappropriately (or security team members acting inappropriately) within the Club, please inform a Duty Manager immediately. Security personnel are accountable to Tradies in-­‐house policies, including but not limited to, Tradies Fraternisation Statement. WORKPLACE RELATIONS Governing Award This handbook is written for the employees of the Sutherland District Trade Union Club Ltd (Tradies). Employees are currently employed under the Tradies ‘Club Employees Enterprise Agreement 2010’ (the Agreement) which, in partnership with the National Employment Standards (NES), governs their wages and conditions of work. Employment classifications are detailed under Part 10 of the Agreement. A copy of the Agreement and the NES is available from the Human Resources Department, your in-­‐house Union Delegate in addition to a soft copy available on the staff room computers. Personnel Files An employee file is kept for every Club employee. Your file will contain details of your work and/or training performance, copies of your qualifications, your uniform inventory, performance management 42
documentation, etc. You are allowed to inspect your file at a mutually convenient time together with a member from the Human Resources department. Performance Management and Disciplinary Action Formal performance management is carried out at the first available opportunity following a thorough and expeditious investigation of the allegation/incident. In the event that Management needs to speak formally with an employee the meeting will be conducted in private. Performance Counselling (Informal) •
To be conducted on shift, usually by a Duty Manger or Tribal Leader, addressing any behavioural or performance related issues •
The objective of the counselling file note is to outline the poor performance and/or behaviour A positive and collaborative approach is taken to establish appropriate performance outcomes to bring performance up to standard Communicate that further poor performance may results in further disciplinary action Verbal/First Written/Final Written Warning (Formal) •
A Union Delegate or a witness chosen nominated by the employee may be present. The decision to invite the Union Delegate or a witness is the employees. The employee may choose to attend the discussion on his/her own Management may choose to attend the meeting with a witness. That witness should not participate in the discussion unless involved in the circumstances around the discussion •
The employee is advised of the specific complaint and given the opportunity to respond or explain his/her actions. The employee may read any written reports and is invited to make a brief written statement in response but is not required to do so •
It is explained why the performance was unsatisfactory and proposals are made to rectify the performance •
At the end of the discussion, all information will be assessed and the results may be either a retraction of the complaint, a formal written warning, a final written warning or possibly termination (dependent upon the severity and nature of the complaint) •
If the disciplinary verdict is above the authorisation level of the person conducting the discussion, the meeting will be rescheduled at a time when the appropriate people can attend •
The terms of the discussion and any employee comments are recorded and retained. The record shall provide for the signatures of those present •
Whilst not required, signatures will confirm that the information and comments appearing on the record were made during the discussion and are recorded accurately. The terms of the counselling will be provided to the team member along with, where it is deemed appropriate, a clearly worded letter of warning or other correspondence If the employee wishes to appeal the outcome of the counselling procedure they are to follow the Grievance Procedure. 43
The objective of the performance discussion is to make the employee aware of a performance issue gap. Emphasis is placed on this objective and not on the warning in the initial stage. Emphasis will shift, however, according to the severity of the warning and the progression through the levels of the disciplinary system. Dismissal – Summary and Dismissal with notice •
When conduct warrants dismissal, the staff member is to be suspended for three (3) days so that they can arrange for a Union Official to be present. In suspending a staff member the Manager must restate the accusations made about the staff member and inform that they are suspended ‘pending full investigation’. The staff member is not to continue working under any circumstances •
The Manager is to report the incident to Senior Management. If the conduct is a criminal offence, Senior Management will in turn contact the police and if appropriate further action will be taken •
The employee must have an opportunity to have a Union Official or other appropriate person present when the Club is considering dismissal. Discussion can take place at this stage, then the disciplinary verdict will be given by Senior Management or the Chief Executive Officer •
All entitlements are to be paid up, holding one weeks pay until uniforms are returned. In a summary dismissal no notice is required to be given to the staff member •
In the situation of a dismissal with notice it is the Club policy to pay the person out for that week and not to allow them to work the time out •
During the initial 6 month qualifying period, staff who are performing below the standards set during the induction and subsequent training session, may be subject to immediate dismissal General Note You are entitled to Union representation throughout the above processes. The following situations are deemed as dismissible actions and your attention is drawn to these issues: •
Theft/stealing Consuming liquor on duty or being affected by alcohol or prohibited substances while on duty Selling prohibited substances in the work place Fighting Wilfully ignoring a direction given by Management Removal of articles from the building without authorisation Wilful failure to make correct transactions when serving patrons or other team members Vandalism of Club’s property Terminating Employment All employees are required to advise the Tradies, in writing, of their intention to terminate employment. In accordance with the National Employment Standards, both the Employer and the Employee are obligated to provide the same amount of notice regardless of which party terminates the employment: Employee’s period of continuous service with the Employer at the end of the day the notice is given: Period of notice Not more than 1 year 1 week More than 1 year but not more than 3 years 2 weeks 44
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years 3 weeks More than 5 years 4 weeks This period is increased by 1 week if the employee is over 45 years old and has completed at least 2 years of continuous service with Tradies at the end of the day notice is given. A ‘Statement of Employment’ is available from the Pay Office. You may request a reference from the Human Resources Manager or the CEO. The Club will withhold your final wage payment, including any leave entitlements owing, until all Club property is returned. This includes: •
Your written resignation (if applicable) •
All uniform items recorded on the uniform inventory •
Keys and proxys •
Your name badge •
Your completed Exit Interview form Your uniform is returned, laundered as per the instructions issued, to the Human Resources Department. Union Representation The Unions representing Club employees are the Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union (LHMU) and the Club Managers Association (CMA). All Tradies employees have the right of ‘Voluntary Unionism’ under the Industrial Relations Act 1996. The decision to join the member is an individual one and is respected. Union fees are deducted from your pay weekly. An LHMU in-­‐club Delegate is elected from amongst the LHMU members within the Club. Wages The pay week commences on Wednesday and ends on Tuesday. Wages are paid weekly and transferred into your nominated bank account by no later than midday Thursday. GRIEVANCE POLICIES Anti-­‐Discrimination Discrimination occurs when someone is treated unfairly because they belong to a particular group of people. Managers and supervisors have the same responsibilities as employers to treat staff and job applicants fairly, as well as having rights as employees. Unlawful Discrimination refers to discrimination or harassment of a person based on the sex (including pregnancy and breast feeding); race, colour ethnic or ethno-­‐religious background, descent or nationality; marital or domestic status; disability (including physical, intellectual, psychiatric learning or cognitive disabilities and any virus or bacteria that can cause disease); age (including not forcing people to retire at a particular age); transgender (transsexual) status; and carer’s responsibilities. NSW State legislation which relate to discrimination includes the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), the Criminal Records Act 1991 (NSW) and the Anti-­‐Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) and subsequent amendments. At the Federal level legislation includes the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, Sex Discrimination Act 1984, Disability Discrimination Act 1992, the Age Discrimination Act 2004, the Fair Work Act 2009 and the Sex and Age Discrimination Amendment Bill 2011. Direct Discrimination is treating someone unfairly or equally based on personal characteristics or 45
characteristics (actual or presumed) of a particular group or category of people to which they belong. Indirect Discrimination is where the application of a workplace practice, procedure policy, system rule or requirements that is the same for everyone has an unequal or disproportionate effect result on particular groups of people. Equal Employment Opportunity The EEO objective is to eliminate and ensure the absence of discrimination of employment on the grounds of race (including colour, nationality, best known-­‐religious background and ethnic or national origin), sex, marital status or disability. This includes affirmative action strategies to ensure that all Tradies employees are treated fairly, consistently and on the basis of merit, qualification and competence. Tradies recruitment and selection, promotion, training, conditions of service, separation and general policies and practices aim to incorporate equal opportunity and eliminate discrimination on the grounds of race, marital status, homosexuality, physical impairment, intellectual impairment and age in relation to compulsory retirement. Selection for employment, training or development opportunity is to be based on merit, using a job related criteria, and a fair and unbiased assessment system. Tradies Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) Management Plan strategies and actions are implemented and reported by nominated responsible officers. Affirmative action is to be taken to identify and eliminate barriers to equal opportunity for target groups specified in the Tradies’ Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) plan. All Managers are to be responsible for taking action to prevent or remedy harassment and all employees have the right to fair employment assessment and treatment at Tradies. Harassment Bullying Workplace bullying has not yet been legally defined. It is, however, recognised as a form of harassment and women and men at all levels of employment can be affected by it. Bullying can occur wherever people work together. Under certain conditions, most people are capable of bullying. Bullying is not always intentional and sometimes people do not realise that their behaviour is harming others. A bully is a person who repeatedly uses strength, isolation or power to coerce others by fear. Workplace bullying involves behaviour that intimidates, degrades or humiliates another person (sometimes in front of other people). The behaviour may be subtle and not easily observed by other people. It may include verbal abuse. Bullying is characterised by: •
Psychological harassment •
Assigning impossible deadlines/assignments or meaningless/unrelated tasks •
Intimidating behaviour •
Exclusion or isolation of other employees •
Deliberately withholding information vital to effective work performance •
Behaviour that is intended to punish, constant ‘put-­‐downs’, aggression, and poorly managed conflicts or ‘personality clashes’ Tradies believes that all employees have a right to work in an environment free of bullying and all of its employees, contractors, suppliers and business partners have a responsibility to maintain this environment. Bullying may cause the loss of trained and talented employees, reduce productivity and 46
morale and create an occupational health and safety risk. Bullying is not limited to conduct within business hours and a shared workplace environment is not limited to the physical or usual place of work. Bullying is unacceptable in any work-­‐related context, including conferences/training sessions, work functions, Christmas or other work-­‐related social events and business trips or before or after work. Bullying is not: •
Reasonable/appropriate performance management •
Disciplinary action •
Managerial prerogative •
The allocation of work in compliance with systems and policies Disciplinary action will be taken against anyone who bullies and/or harasses a colleague. Disciplinary action may include a warning, performance discussion, demotion or dismissal, depending on the circumstances. Sexual Harassment Sexual Harassment is any unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited action or behaviour of a sexual nature, regardless of gender, that makes a person feel humiliated, intimidated or offended. Sexual Harassment may take different forms and may include physical contact, verbal comments, jokes, propositions, the display of offensive material or other actions and behaviours that create a sexually antagonistic working environment. Sexual harassment is not defined by developing friendships or mutual attraction (sexual or otherwise) with other employees where both people consent. Examples of what may constitute Sexual Harassment include: •
Uninvited physical contact, touching, kisses or embraces •
Unnecessary familiarity, such as deliberately brushing against another person •
Smutty jokes or comments •
Making promises or threats in return for sexual favours •
Displaying sexually graphic material including posters, cartoons, graffiti, or messages left on notice boards, desks or common areas •
Persistent and repeated invitations to go out despite prior refusal •
Sexual gestures or sexually explicit conversation •
Sex-­‐based insults, taunts, teasing, or name calling •
Staring or leering at a person, or at parts of their body •
Repeatedly touching or fiddling with a person’s clothing •
Persistent questions or insinuations about a person’s private life •
Offensive phone calls or written communication •
Gifts, phone calls or repeated gestures that invite a romantic relationship The Sutherland District Trade Union Club (Tradies) is not concerned with private lives and/or friendships of its employees unless any resulting interaction affects performance and/or culture within the workplace. If interaction is consensual, welcome and/or reciprocated, and does not offend or affect those outside of the interaction, it is not Sexual Harassment. It is important to recognise that behaviour or comments that may not offend one person, may be unwelcome or offensive to another. Again it is important to recognise, however, that some ‘condoned’ behaviour can affect others within a shared workplace environment. Sexual Harassment is not limited to conduct within business hours and a shared workplace environment is not limited to the physical or usual place of work. Sexual Harassment is unlawful in any work-­‐related 47
context, including conferences/training sessions, work functions, Christmas or other work-­‐related social events and business trips or before or after work. Some types of Harassment may also be criminal offences. These might include: •
Physical molestation or assault •
Indecent exposure •
Sexual assault •
Stalking •
Obscene communication (phone calls, social media outlets i.e. Facebook, SMS messaging, email etc) Workplace Harassment Workplace Harassment is where a person is subjected to behaviour, other than sexual harassment that is unwelcome and unsolicited, which the person considers to be offensive, intimidating, humiliating or threatening. Examples of what may constitute Workplace Harassment include: •
Abusing a person loudly, usually where others are present •
Repeated threats of dismissal or other severe punishment for no reason •
Constant ridicule and being put down •
Leaving offensive messages on email or the telephone •
Sabotaging a person’s work, for example, by deliberately withholding or supplying incorrect information, hiding documents or equipment or not passing on messages •
Maliciously excluding and isolating a person from workplace activities •
Persistent and unjustified sarcasm, criticism and insults often in front of customers, management and other workers •
Spreading gossip or false, malicious rumours about a person with an intent to cause the other person harm Tradies will not tolerate harassing behaviour, sexual or otherwise, by any of its employees, contractors, suppliers, clients or business partners. Pregnancy Pregnancy is a normal, healthy physical condition and Tradies is obligated to protect women from discrimination at work on the basis of pregnancy, potential pregnancy or because they are breast feeding. Pregnant women have a right to continue working both during and after pregnancy and all Tradies’ workplace policies regarding discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, and bullying apply in the same measure to pregnant women as other employees. Tradies will ensure that pregnant women are not disadvantaged in their employment because of their pregnancy. The Club has obligations, however, under both State and Federal Legislation, to protect the health, safety and welfare of pregnant women. Depending on the circumstances changes to employment, the workspace and/or some/all work duties may be required to accommodate safe working during pregnancy. If changes are implemented for these reasons it is not discrimination, harassment or bullying, as long as the pregnant employee is consulted and involved in the changes. Pregnancy-­‐related harassment Pregnancy-­‐related harassment can be both physical and/or verbal. Behaviour that might be considered harassment during pregnancy can include: •
Touching the stomach without consent •
Comments about body/stomach size 48
Questions such as, ‘are you ‘really’ going to return to work?’ Suggestions that the employee, ‘should be at home’ Comments about emotional and/or intellectual state In some instances, a single act/gesture may be considered harassing by one person but not another. If this difference is not clear or if someone is offended, the behaviour should stop immediately. The above-­‐list of behaviours is not harassment if an employee is comfortable and consenting to the behaviour and it does not offend or affect those outside of the interaction. Pregnancy-­‐related discrimination Direct pregnancy and potential pregnancy discrimination takes place when a woman is treated less favourably than other employees because she is pregnant or has the potential to become pregnant. Indirect pregnancy and potential pregnancy discrimination takes place when there is a specific requirement, condition or workplace practice that disadvantages pregnant women. It is not discrimination if the requirement, condition or workplace practice is reasonable within the work environment. An employee who has had her hours reduced or adjusted in some way because of her pregnancy will attract a salary commensurate with the reduced/adjusted hours. This is not discrimination. An employee who believes that she may be the target of Pregnancy-­‐related Harassment/Discrimination should adopt one of the following courses of action: •
Do nothing This is unlikely to stop the unwanted behaviour although this is an option Speak with a Manager Sharing the concern, or potential concern, with a Manager may help an employee gain perspective, seek counsel or ‘check out’ his/her perception or interpretation of the alleged behaviour. Depending on the nature of the concern, discussions at this level may be able to remain confidential Deal with the matter on a one-­‐to-­‐one basis with the offender It is preferable, if it is possible, that the offending or intimidating behaviour is discussed with the ‘offender’ one-­‐on-­‐one. Sometimes the behaviour, language, gesture, comments, or the perception of physical proximity, is outside of the ‘offender’s’ awareness. Discussing concerns at this level empowers personal accountability for one’s own needs Contact an external body for information (i.e. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission) Theft Stealing from Tradies, patrons or employees, will not be tolerated. Club resources, including money (including tips and unclaimed poker machine tickets), stock, equipment, clothing, or any other item belonging to the Club may not be removed from the Club’s premises without written approval from the Chief Executive Officer. Tradies reserves the right to define Club resources as anything taken from the premises that does not belong to you. For the purposes of this definition, theft also includes wilful failure to make correct monetary/sale transactions when serving patrons or other team members and/or vandalism of Club property. Stealing may provide grounds for dismissal and may cause Tradies, its patrons and/or employees, to bring criminal charges against you. Your employment may be terminated summarily and without notice if you are found guilty of any misconduct, fraud or dishonesty. On termination of your employment you are required to return all company property including your uniform garments (dry cleaned) and all originals 49
and copies of the documents in your possession or under your control. Grievance Procedures Tradies grievance and investigation procedures apply to any report of harassment – bullying, workplace or sexual harassment. Reported incidents will be treated seriously and investigated promptly, confidentially and impartially. Tradies encourages all employees to report harassment in situations where you may be the victim or a witness. If you feel you have been or are being harassed or discriminated against, Tradies has a grievance handling procedure to help you resolve the problem. Tradies’ grievance procedures are: Confidential: Many people directly involved in dealing with a grievance will have access to the information about the matter. Information will be only discussed on a 'need to know' basis. If the problem you have raised is extremely serious for example if it puts you or any of your colleagues at risk you may be referred to someone in the organisation best able to deal with the situation. This will not be done without your prior knowledge. All parties to the grievance will have a chance to tell their side of the story. No assumptions will be made and no action will be taken until all-­‐relevant information has been collected and considered. Free of repercussions: No action will be taken against anyone for raising a grievance or helping someone to raise a grievance. Timely: All grievances will be dealt with as quickly as possible. If you have a grievance, if you can, try to sort it out directly with the person involved. If you can, you should tell the person whose acting in an unsuitable or unfair way that his or her behaviour is unacceptable and/or an unfair and offensive so that they have the chance to stop or change what they are doing. Seek further information: If you are unsure how to handle the problem yourself or you want to talk about the problem with someone, it is recommended that you speak to the Human Resource Manager first. If your grievance is with a Manager the Chief Executive Officer would be available. A number of outcomes are possible after a grievance has been investigated, they include: If the grievance is substantiated (proven) •
A written apology •
An official warning •
Counselling •
Demotion •
Dismissal •
Or a combination of the above If the other person does not agree with your version or circumstances or if the grievance cannot be substantiated (not enough evidence), possible outcomes include •
Mediation to raise the issue and reach resolution •
Relevant training for all staff and/or •
Monitoring behaviour of employees 50
Reissuing of company policies A combination of the above If the complaint is proven to be false or vexatious, the following could result •
Counselling for the person who made the complaint •
A written apology •
An official warning •
Demotion or •
Dismissal •
A combination of the above 51
INDEX F Facilities 15 FISH! 10 5 Star Customer Service Program 10 Found Money Policy 21 5km Rule 41 Fraternisation Statement 30, 31 15km Rule 41 Frontline Structure 14 A Anti-­‐Discrimination Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Policy B 45 26 Bag and Parcel Searches Policy 26 Board of Directors 13 Breaks 21 Bullying (Harassment) 46 Bundy Number 20 C Club Entry and Exit 20 Club History Commitment to Customer Service Community Event Grooming and Presentation 4 Confidentiality Policy 26 Community Volunteer Program 10 Counselling Services 35, 36 Customer Service Statement 6 D 6 19 Disciplinary Action Policy 43, 44, 45 Drinks 36 Drugs and Alcohol Policy 26, 27 E Education and Training Electronic Communications Policy Equal Employment Opportunities Policy Gambling Policy 30 Giveaways 38 Governing Award 42 Grievance Procedures Grooming and Presentation 50, 51 16, 17, 18, 19 H Harassment: 46, 47, 48 Bullying 46 Sexual Harassment 47 Workplace Harassment 48 I Identification 19 Induction Program 8 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Deputy User Guide iPromise K 10 Kaizen 10, 11 Keys 20 L Leave/Absences policy 38, 39, 40, 41 Lockers 20 M Management Team 13 Meals 37 8
Member Services 15 Message from the President 3 27, 28, 29, 30 Mobile Phones 20 46 O G One Minute Manager 11 Organisational Structure 13 52
Our Market P 15 Parental Leave Policy 39, 40 Passport System 9 Superannuation 37 Surveillance 38 T Performance Management Policy 43, 44, 45 Take Away Liquor Sales 38 20 Personnel Files 42 Personal Hygiene 19 Telephone Calls and In-­‐Club Communications Personal/Carer's Leave Policy 40, 41 Terminating Employment 44 Point of Sale Unit (POS) 21 Theft 48 Pregnancy 48, 49 Tips 22 Principles 7 Tradies-­‐Caringbah RSL 5 Privacy Policy 31 U Proxys 20 Uniforms 35 34, Punctuality 21 Union Representation 45 Purpose Statement 7 V R Values 7
W 42 Wages 45 41 Welcome from the Chief Executive Officer 3 Security Personnel 42 Working in a Smoking Environment Policy 22 See Say Smile 11 Sexual Harassment Policy 47, 48 Workplace Harassment 47, 48 Shift Swap Policy 38, 39 Skills Pathway 9 Smoking Policy 37 Social Use of the Club Policy 37 Social Media Engagement 32, 33 Staff and Rookie of the Month Awards 12 Staff Room 37 Responsible Conduct of Gambling Policy Responsible Service of Alcohol Policy S 53