Department of Health Studies, Physical

Department of Health Studies, Physical
Education and Human Performance Science
Student Teaching
Physical Education
Department of Health Studies Physical Education and
Human Performance Science
Dear Teacher Candidate:
Congratulations on beginning your career as a Teacher Candidate and professional educator in the
field of physical education. This is an exciting time in your life and I wish you the very best.
This handbook will spell out all of the information that you need for a positive student teaching
experience. The following is a highlight of things that you need to remember:
1. Stay in constant contact with your University Supervisor. Make sure you have exchanged
contact information and have discussed the best way for communication.
2. Review all rubrics for each of the student teaching assessment criteria and make sure that
you have a clear understanding of what is expected of you (do not wait until the last
minute to ask).
3. Make sure that all work is handed in on time. Do not take advantage of the comfortable
situation. REMEMBER that logs and lessons plans with reflections are due electronically
on a weekly basis. Do not fall behind!!!!!!! This will have an impact on your
professionalism and written criteria assessment rubric points.
4. You are responsible for xeroxing any extra paperwork needed for your placement. (i.e.
5. Make sure that you clearly set time aside during the day to talk with your Teacher Mentor
and plan for your experience.
6. Your day starts and ends with the school hours. You may not leave early to coach or to
go to a second job. Student teaching is your full time job and must come first on your
priority list. You are required to follow your Teacher Mentor’s schedule at all times.
7. If you exceed more than 2 absences, you must make up the days at the end of the
semester. If you are going to be absent you MUST call your Teacher Mentor and your
University Supervisor before school hours or the night before.
8. You are expected to design and implement your own lessons and units. It is okay to piggy
back off your Teacher Mentor periodically but not on a consistent basis.
9. You are a professional at all times. Dress appropriately and remember that you are
dealing with children.
10. You are NEVER allowed to teach with out a lesson plan.
11. You are not permitted to act as a substitute teacher. If your Teacher Mentor is absent you
may still teach as long as there is a licensed substitute in the gymnasium with you. Even
if you know that your Teacher Mentor will be absent, you MUST still report to school.
Have a great Experience. Don’t hesitate to contact me with any concerns, 516 877-4257 or
Mara Manson, Ed.D
Coordinator Student Teaching in Physical Education
Dear Teacher Mentor,
Thank you for your willingness to work with an Adelphi University Teacher Candidate
and for welcoming the Teacher Candidate into your school. The mentoring you offer is
vital to the success of the student teaching experience. Professionals who offer to assist in
the development of Teacher Candidates are performing an important role in shaping the
future of this profession.
The Teacher Candidate will provide you with a copy of the Adelphi University Student
Teaching Handbook. You will find it interesting and helpful to read through the
handbook. Please note the page entitled Student Teaching Schedule at the beginning of
Part 2 of the handbook. The handbook is intended to help you develop a plan for the
student teacher to assume increasing responsibilities. Discuss this with the Teacher
Candidate within the first few days.
We would like to bring additional several items to your attention. Teacher Mentor
paperwork responsibilities include:
1. Tuition Waiver Credit Form and self addressed envelope. These should be
completed and given to the University Supervisor at our three-way meeting
during the first week of student teaching. We are happy to announce that
Teacher Mentors will be reimbursed with three (3) Adelphi University
2. Fourth Week Evaluation: Teacher Mentor (Form C-2). This form should
be completed by the fourth week of the student teaching experience. The
evaluation should be reviewed with the student. Keep a copy for yourself, give
a copy to the Teacher Candidate, and give the original to the University
3. Final Evaluation – Summative Rubric Form: This form should be
completed near the conclusion of the student teaching experience. The
evaluation should be reviewed with the student. Both the Teacher Mentor and
the Teacher Candidate must sign and date the form. Keep a copy for yourself,
give a copy to the teacher candidate, and give the original to the university
4. Teacher Mentor Lesson Observation Form: You are requested to use the
Pathwise Rubric when performing formal lesson evaluations. Beginning the
second week, you are requested to do a minimum of two formal evaluations
each week. The evaluation should be reviewed with the student. Both the
Teacher Mentor and the Teacher Candidate must sign and date the form. Keep
a copy for yourself and give the original to the student. The student must
choose three (3) of these evaluations to present in a final grade packet.
5. Weekly conference time to review lesson plans and plan for the days ahead,
and also to stimulate discussions regarding school district philosophy, your
personal philosophy, and other professional topics. In addition, please
schedule a short daily time to offer guidance and support, and to
review/discuss the myriad of topics/issues that arise during a school day.
Beyond time in the gymnasium, the student teacher should become involved
in the daily flow of school activities and should be encouraged and given the
opportunity to observe and become involved in a range of school activities.
The Teacher Candidate is aware of the university expectations. A minimum of two unit
plans must be developed during this placement. Lesson plans are required for every class
the Teacher Candidate teaches. The lesson plans are to be presented to you at least one
day in advance for your review, advice, and approval. The development of an
instructional bulletin board is required. Please discuss all of this with the student teacher
during the first week.
As the University Supervisor, I will plan a minimum of three visits to your school.
1. The first visit is a three way meeting including the Teacher Mentor, the
Teacher Candidate, and the University Supervisor. The intent is to discuss the
goals of the program; to review the required paperwork and the schedules; to
clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Teacher Candidate, and the
University Supervisor; and to answer any questions you may have. There is no
teaching observation scheduled during this visit.
2. The second visit, scheduled near the mid-point of the assignment, is a
conference and a teaching observation. Comments will be offered and the
University Supervisor will complete an evaluation form.
3. The third visit, near the end of the assignment, is a conference and a teaching
observation. The observation may include more than one class.
It is important that we, the Teacher Mentor and the University Supervisor, collaborate to
provide a success-oriented experience. Please feel free to contact me regarding any
professional issues, concerns, questions, or comments.
Adelphi University
Department of Health Studies, Physical Education and
Human Performance Science
Health and Physical Education as discipline or programs of study goes beyond the
public school. Their impact on society and people begins with infancy and culminates at
old-age. For example, nutrition, health, physical education and sport can provide stability
in the face of the break-down of the traditional family unit, and the increase in the
number of youth-at-risk. Furthermore, fitness and nutrition education continues to be a
major importance to society given the need to develop a healthful life-style which will
enhance the quality of life, and reduce soaring medical costs. Because variety in aims and
applications characterizes today’s physical education, the Department of Health, Physical
Education and Human Performance Science has recently committed its resources to the
development of programs with the multi-disciplinary perspectives. The Department
prepares professionals to work with many different populations, such as the pre-schooler;
the adult, the elderly, the disabled, the athlete and the injured. Instead of the specialist
teaching only sport skills, we see the physical education professional teaching fitness,
wellness, value education, multi-cultural awareness, and self-esteem through
participation in exercise, games, dance, and sport.
As noted earlier, the development of the espoused goals and objectives require the
interaction of professionals beyond the school setting, including the community and work
site as well. Corporate fitness, recreation, hospitals, community health centers, park and
community centers, ymca/ywca, etc, are a few setting where reinforcement and
development of the goals may be established.
For Further Information Contact:
Adelphi University
Garden City, NY 11530
(516) 877-4260, fax (516) 877-4258
New York State Learning Standards for
Physical Education
Standard One:
Personal Health and Fitness
Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain
physical fitness, participate in physical activity, and maintain personal health.
Students will perform basic motor and manipulative skills. They will attain
competency in a variety of physical activities and proficiency in a few select complex
motor and sports activities. Students will design personal fitness programs to improve
cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular strength, endurance, and body
Standard Two:
A Safe and Healthy Environment
Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a
safe and healthy environment.
Students will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior while engaged
in physical activity. They will understand that physical activity provides the opportunity
for enjoyment, challenge, self expression, and communication. Students will be able to
identify safety hazards and react effectively to ensure a safe and positive experience for
all participants.
Standard Three:
Resource Management
Students will understand and be able to manage their personal and community
Students will be aware of and able to access opportunities available to them
within their community to engage in physical activity. They will be informed consumers
and be able to evaluate facilities and programs. Students will also be aware of some
career options in the field of physical fitness and sports.
Learning Standards for Health, Physical Education, and Home Economics, 1996. The University of the State of New York, The State
Education Department.
National Standards for Physical Education
Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform
a variety of physical activities
Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and
tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity.
Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.
Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in
physical activity settings.
Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self expression, and/or
social interaction.
Student Teaching Schedule
Physical Education only
1. Establish instructional
responsibilities schedule for term
(decide units to teach)
2. Learn names
3. Familiarize self with class routines,
schedules, grading policies, school
rules, etc.
4. Review relevant records, state &
district curriculum guides,
textbooks, etc.
5. Teach some single lessons or small
6. Teach a minimum of 1 (30-60
minutes) instructional group daily
7. Assume non-instructional
responsibilities (lunch duty, recess,
monitor, etc.)
Teach a minimum of 3 (30-60 minutes)
instructional group daily
Observations of
A minimum of 8 formal
lesson observations should
be done during weeks 2-7
Form A Due
Supervisor must report, in
writing to the physical
education office if there is
ANY problem with the
student teacher
TWS Pre/Post assessment
rubric Due
Teach a minimum of 4 (30-60 minutes)
instructional group daily
Teach a minimum of 5 (30-60 minutes)
instructional group daily.
Teach full time as much as possible
Teach full time as much as possible,
Forms C (1) and C(2) Due
by the end of this week
Form due by the end of
week 7
Final Portfolio Due
Summative Form Due
Additional Activities to be engaged as required by the teacher, principal, or supervisor. These include:
attending faculty meetings, attend at least one Parent-Teacher Conference, attend at least one school event
such as concert, play, ball game, etc.
Student Teaching Schedule
Dual Majors
1. Establish instructional
responsibilities schedule for term
(decide units to teach)
2. Learn names
3. Familiarize self with class routines,
schedules, grading policies, school
rules, etc.
4. Review relevant records, state &
district curriculum guides,
textbooks, etc.
5. Teach some single lessons or small
6. Teach a minimum of 2 (30-60
minutes) instructional group daily
7. Assume non-instructional
responsibilities (lunch duty, recess,
monitor, etc.)
Teach a minimum of 3 (30-60 minutes)
instructional group daily
Teach a minimum of 4 (30-60 minutes)
instructional group daily
Observations of
A minimum of 8 formal
lesson observations should
be done during weeks 2-7
Form A Due
Supervisor must report, in
writing to the physical
education office if there is
ANY problem with the
student teacher
TWS Pre and Post rubric
Forms C (1) and C(2) Due
by the beginning of this
Teach full time as much as possible
Teach full time as much as possible
Final Portfolio Due
Summative Form Due
Additional Activities to be engaged as required by the teacher, principal, or supervisor. These include:
attending faculty meetings, attend at least one Parent-Teacher Conference, attend at least one school event
such as concert, play, ball game, etc.
To be given to your supervisor by the end of the first day of student teaching
Student’s Name_______________________________ Phone No. (
School: ____________________________
Phone No. (
Teacher Mentor_________________________ Phone No. (
Principal/Assist. Principal’s Name_______________________
School starts at (time) ______________
School ends at (time)________________
Lunch hour (time)_____________________
Projected date for beginning
Holiday (dates) ______________
________1st experience
_________2nd experience
Student teaching starting date:______________________________
Student teaching finishing date:_______________________________
FORM C (1)
Teacher Candidate____________________________District______________________
Teacher Mentor_________________________ School_____________________
University Supervisor________________________Grade/Level/Subject_____________
Please rate yourself relative to this student teaching experience using the following scale:
1. Excellent
2. Good
3. Satisfactory
4. Poor
1. Knowledge of content area(s)
2. Ability in the skills of written English
3. Ability in the skills of Oral English
4. Ability to plan for individual differences
5. Ability to write effective lesson and unit plans
6. Ability to use instructional media
7. Ability to motivate learners
8. Skill in questioning
9. Ability to effectively manage a class
10. Commitment to all assigned responsibilities
11. Ability to self evaluate
12. Ability to assess learning
13. Ability to cooperate with others
14. Knowledge of human development
15. Sensitivity to human and inter-cultural relations
5. Unsatisfactory
Teacher Candidate
Summary Statement:
Signature of Teacher Candidate____________________________
FORM C (2)
Teacher Candidate____________________________District______________________
Teacher Mentor_________________________ School_____________________
Please rate yourself relative to this student teaching experience using the following scale:
1. Excellent
2. Good
3. Satisfactory
4. Poor
5. Unsatisfactory
Teacher Mentor
1. Knowledge of content area(s)
2. Ability in the skills of written English
3. Ability in the skills of Oral English
4. Ability to plan for individual differences
5. Ability to write effective lesson and unit plans
6. Ability to use instructional media
7. Ability to motivate learners
8. Skill in questioning
9. Ability to effectively manage a class
10. Commitment to all assigned responsibilities
11. Ability to self evaluate
12. Ability to assess learning
13. Ability to cooperate with others
14. Knowledge of human development
15. Sensitivity to human and inter-cultural relations
I recommend continuation in the student Teaching Program
I do not recommend continuation in the Program
Summary Statement:
Signature of Teacher Mentor____________________________
Part 2
Sample Documents
Reflection, Log and Lesson Plan Information
Sample Log
Final Portfolio Guide
Time Sheet
The following are due electronically to your University
Supervisor every Monday
Reflections – Each Teacher Candidate is required to write
reflections for every class that they teach. Reflections should
describe the strengths and weaknesses of your lesson and what you
would modify the next time you taught the lesson. These are due
electronically to your University supervisor every Monday.
Logs – Each Teacher Candidate is required to write a weekly log
describing the weekly experience. Highlight both positive and
negative experiences in this assignment.
Lesson Plans – Each Teacher Candidate is required to write a
complete lesson plan for every class that they teach. These lesson
plans should be reviewed by your Teacher Mentors and
modifications should be made accordingly. These are due
electronically to your University Supervisor every Monday.
The first week was new and different. I met a lot of
the teachers in the building and everyone seems really nice.
The students are still taking some time to get used to. Beth
was nice and showed me around the school and introduced
me to everyone. She has a tendency to constantly be putting
me on the spot with questions about lessons or assignments,
which is taking a little getting used to also.
So far I have been leading warm-ups and picking
leaders for the stretching. I would like to see if Beth would
like to use the dry erase boards in class. I think it would
help get students motivated to be in class. I have been
learning a lot from Beth about organization, grading, and
rules. I start teaching speedball Tuesday. So I guess we will
see how it goes.
On Thursday was Birchwood’s track and field meet.
All of the students did such a great job! It was a great day
for it. Not too hot or too cold. It was great to see the
students be able to show off their talents after watching
them work so hard over the last couple of weeks. My
students all said they wanted me to come back and they
missed me. It was great to see Linda and Russ again.
Afterwards we all went to lunch and I got to talk with Jim
Wright about school and how I like my experience at
Birchwood. It was a really nice day.
Final Portfolio Assessment
Teacher Candidate________________________Supervisor__________________________
Supervisor’s Signature_________________________Date________________________
Teacher Candidates Signature_____________________Date_______________________
Grading Scale:
Teacher Work Sample (TWS)
Unit & Daily Teaching
Complete Unit Plan. Include the following:
• Introduction
• Goals and Objectives
• Equipment List
• Block Plan
• Lesson Plans/Assessments
• Reflections
• References
2nd Unit Plan. Include the following:
• Block Plan
• Equipment
• Lesson Plans/Assessments
• Reflections
• References
Bulletin Board/Visual Aids (Description &
Teaching Experience (Based on Logs,
Reflections, Midterm & Summative
Assessment – University Supervisor &
Teacher Mentor)
Worth 100 points
1st Experience
2nd Experience
Worth 50 points
Worth 35 points
Worth 15 points
A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF (circle one)
Copies: Time sheet, Form C1, C2, Summative
Assessment by Mentor Teacher, 3 of your best
Pathwise rubrics from cooperating teacher, All
University Supervisors Pathwise rubrics,
University Supervisors Summative Assessment
A+ = 98-100 A = 93-97 A- = 90-92 B+ = 86-89 B = 83-85 B- = 80-82 C+= 76-79
C = 73-75 C- = 70-72
D+ =66-69 D = 63-65 D- = 60-62 F = 59 or less
Elementary Experience
Unit Daily
(Worth 33% of the overall grade)
(Worth 33% of the overall grade)
(Worth 33.3% of the overall grade)
Unit Daily
(Worth 50% of the overall grade)
(Worth 50% of the overall grade)
Secondary Experience
Final Grade (Elementary)_______________________Final Grade (Secondary)____________________
Teacher Candidate___________________________
Teacher Mentor___________________________ School ____________________
(by week)
Ex. 9/9 – 9/13/96
Number of
Hours *
13 ¾ hours
Number of
16 ¼ hours
Initials of
* Please provide time in terms of hours and fractions of hours
Dates of Absences____________
Dates of Supervisor’s Visits_______________
Signatures of:
Teacher Candidate_______________________________
Teacher Mentor____________________________
University Supervisor_____________________________