DECEMBER 6, 2011 Page 1 of 2 8 b - CC COUNTY COUNCIL For meeting to be held on: Submitted by: For: December 6, 2011 Neal Roberts, Director of Emergency Services Action Subject: ELECTRONIC AMBULANCE CALL REPORT SOFTWARE ACQUISITION BACKGROUND Since the County of Middlesex assumed responsibility for the land ambulance service from the Province of Ontario, paramedics have been completing Ambulance Call Reports (ACR’s) on paper. Over the past 5 years the EMS system in Ontario has seen EMS services migrate from paper charting to electronic charting. The previous Director of Emergency Services had been examining this issue and had created a reserve account to fund the cost of moving the system from paper charting to electronic charting. It had been determined that a project of this size would be best handled by the incoming Director of Emergency Services. On November 22, 2011, Council approved funding for the first phase to purchase the hardware (laptops) to move the system towards electronic ambulance call reports. ANALYSIS Several vendors have been examined for software and hardware in order to prepare the system for transition to electronic charting. To date a project team consisting of representatives from the Southwest Regional Base Hospital, Thames EMS, paramedics, and representatives from the London Health Sciences Centre have been meeting to work through the process to provide information on the selection of a preferred software vendor. Initially vendors well known to the EMS industry were reviewed, IMEDIC, Siren, Zoll. After review of all of the vendors, the team determined to move forward with field trials with two vendors and ultimately decided on IMEDIC (which was also the lowest price). As of the date of this report, all field testing has been completed and a recommendation received. A recommendation to move forward with IMEDIC as the vendor of record to transition Middlesex-London Emergency Medical Services from paper based charting to electronic charting was put forward. IMEDIC is not new to Ontario EMS and currently is the vendor of record for 32 EMS services throughout the province. Given the short time period for installation and the “go-live date”, it was felt that this product would allow for an easier transition. ...../2 DECEMBER 6, 2011 Page 2 of 2 SUBJECT: AMBULANCE ELECTRONIC ACQUISITION 8 b - CC CALL REPORT SOFTWARE Once approved by County Council, the Director of Emergency Services will enter into a contract with IMEDIC to start the process to move from paper based charting to electronic charting by Mid March 2012. IMEDIC has provided the County with pricing based on a tendered process with another EMS service within Ontario. Costing for the system came in as follows: Total Software purchase to operate the system: Set up, Installation and training: Annual maintenance and hosting costs: $97,744.00+HST $19,000.00+HST $48,949.00+HST Implementation of the system transition will start in January 2012 with “Super Users” field testing the system for implementation. During the month of February, the system would be configured based on the feedback, as well as the training program would be developed. In late February/ early March of 2012 all staff would be trained in the use of electronic charting with a “go-live” date sometime around the third week of March. Given this tight timeline, this report is coming to Council at this time for consideration and a request for authorization to issue a purchase order for the purchase of the necessary software. RECOMMENDATION That the Director of Emergency Services be authorized to enter into an agreement with IMEDIC for the purchase of Electronic Ambulance Call Report software and support. That Council authorize the purchase of Electronic Ambulance Call Report software (IMEDIC) at a onetime cost of $116,744.00+HST to be funded from the Ambulance Equipment and Facilities Reserve Account and that the ongoing costs of $48,949.00+HST be paid from the annual operating budget for Middlesex-London Emergency Medical Services.