ECON 104 (Section 002) PRINCIPLES OF MACROECONOMICS University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, Spring 2004 BUS S195 – MW 4:00 – 5:15 Syllabus Filip Vesely E-mail: Web page: or Overview The purpose of Economics 104 is to provide basic facts and framework used to understand the issue of Macroeconomics. We have many topics to cover and most the topics built on previous topics. Thus, it is extremely important to keep up to date in the class. Every hour spent learning the material now will save you countless hours of confusion and frustration in the future. Required Text Bade & Parkin (Pearson Addison-Wesley): Foundations of Macroeconomics (2nd edition) Exams Midterm 1 Midterm 2 Final Exam – Monday 2-28-05 – Monday 4-11-05 – Wednesday 5-18-05, 3:00-5:00 PM To be accepted, any conflict or other reason for missing the exams must be brought to my attention in advance or/and as soon as possible. Students will be required to bring an official photo identification card (e.g, a student ID card) to midterm and final exams. In addition, each student should also bring a pencil to the exam room. Calculators will not be needed and use of calculators during exams or quizzes will not be permitted. Quizzes In about every second week a short (15-20 minute) quiz will be given at the end of the class period. There will be about five quizzes. Although no make-ups will be given for missed quizzes, only the best four quiz scores will be used for the calculation of the of the final grade. Assignments and Grading: Your grade in this course will be determined entirely by the number of total points you accumulate from the quizzes, midterms and final exam. Cheating will not be tolerated and at a minimum will result in an F grade for the exam in question. Other university sanctions may also be applied. You cannot do work for extra credit and raise your grade. You cannot Office: BOL 812 Office Hours: MW 2:15 – 3:45 Phone: 229-4910 take a make-up exam unless you have made prior arrangements or have an excused absence. If you miss a quiz, midterm or final exam due to illness or a recognized university function, provide a written excuse from your physician or the appropriate university official and make-up or other suitable action will be arranged. In case of important personal reasons, advanced consultation is required. Also, any student requiring special conditions (such as a quiet test environment or extra time) during a quiz or exam, must notify me within 3 weeks after the beginning of the course. If no advance notification is made, you will take the quiz or exam along with everyone else. Each of the components of the semester grade will be weighted as follows: Quizzes (4 x 5%) 20 % Midterm 1 20 % Midterm 2 20 % Final Exam 30 % Class Participation 10 % USING AND MAKING GRAPHS: DATE # 01-24 1 Overview, Making and using Graphs (Chapter 1 – Appendix) 01-26 2 Chapter 1 – Getting Started (Definitions, Methodology, Ideas) 01-31 3 Chapter 2 – Circular Flow of expenditures and incomes 02-02 4 Chapter 5 – GDP, Nominal GDP vs. Real GDP 02-07 5 Chapter 5 – GDP, Nominal GDP vs. Real GDP 02-09 6 Chapter 7 – Inflation, CPI 02-14 7 Chapter 7 – Inflation, CPI; Quiz 1 (Chapters 1,2,5) 02-16 8 Chapter 6 – Jobs and Unemployment 02-21 9 Chapter 10 – Economic Growth; Quiz 2 (Chapters 6,7) 02-23 10 Review for Midterm I 02-28 11 MIDTERM I (Chapters 1,2,3,4,5) 03-02 12 Chapter 3 – Production Possibility Frontier, Opportunity Costs, Specialization Midterm Solution 03-07 13 Chapter 3 – Production Possibility Frontier, Opportunity Costs, Specialization 03-09 14 Chapter 4 – Demand and Supply; Quiz 2 (Chapters 10, 3) 03-14 15 Chapter 4 – Demand and Supply; 03-16 16 Chapter 8 – AS-AD Model; SPRING BREAK 03-28 17 Chapter 8 –Potential GDP, Natural Unemployment, AS-AD Model 03-30 18 Chapter 9 – Investment and Savings; Quiz 3 (Chapters 4, 8) 04-04 19 Chapter 9 – Investment and Savings; 04-06 20 Review for Midterm II 04-11 21 MIDTERM II (Chapters 1-6,7,8,9,10) 04-13 22 Chapter 11 – Money & Monetary system; Midterm Solution 04-18 23 Chapter 11 – Money & Monetary system 04-20 24 Chapter 12 – Money Creation and Control; Quiz 4 (Chapter 11) 04-25 25 Chapter 13 – Money, Interest and Inflation (Quantity Theory of Money); 04-27 26 Chapter 14 – AS-AD Chapter 15 – Expenditure Plans and Real GDP 05-02 27 Chapter 15 –Expenditure Multiplier; Take Home Quiz 5 (due on 05-09); 05-03 28 Chapter 16 – Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy 05-09 29 Chapter 18 – Policy Debates 05-11 30 Review for the Final Exam (Chapters 1-10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18) 05-18 FINAL EXAM (3:00-5:00pm)