Stephen Anthony Jones 21671 Burch Street ⋅ Perris, CA, 92570 ⋅ 951-486-1174 ⋅ sjones AT ⋅ “Succeed not on your opponent’s inability, but on your own ability to succeed” OBJECTIVE: Software programmer in the gaming industry. EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, August 2008 University of California Riverside Graduated Cum Laude with a GPA of 3.684 on a 4.0 scale Relevant Courses Taken: Software Design Embedded Systems Computer Graphics Computational Geometry Automata and Formal Languages Technical Communications Assembly Language Computer Animation Discrete Mathematics Differential Equations EXPERIENCE: Databases Compiler Design Algorithms Operating Systems Video Game Design Unix Administration Computer Architecture Multivariable Calculus Linear Algebra Optimization Video Game Hobby Project, June 2009 – Present Rogue Panda Games Working in a small team consisting of University of California Riverside alumni, we are developing a game using C# and the XNA framework. Entitled “Eurythmos”, the concept is an old-school 2D side-scroller beat’em up game with rhythm-based mechanics. As the project has the heart and soul of all the team members, it will continue to be developed to a work of perfection as to display our talents and abilities as video game developers. Computer Lab Director and Teacher Assistant, September 2008 – Present University of California Riverside Lab duties consist of directing 20 – 30 students, maintaining and running class lab section, answering student questions, debugging, and ensuring students fully comprehend the lab material. Duties when aiding the professor consists of various tasks such as grading homework and tests, proctoring exams, discussing and brainstorming future changes to the class structure, responding to student emails, holding office hours, etc. Summary • Supported Linux operating system. • Provided lectures to students regarding the lab material. • Aided students with programming and software questions. • Assisted professor with various duties: grading, proctoring, etc. PROJECTS: Game Prototype – “Current Exchange” Worked in a team to make a “2D” puzzle game, developed with OGRE using 3D models generated by Blender. The goal of the game is to navigate a laser by using mirrors and prisms through a maze littered with hindering contraptions that must be solved with careful navigation and activation of devices. The development language used was C++. Geo-spatial Database – JTP Housing Project Worked in a team to create a geo-spatial database with a web front-end that supported nearest neighbor queries using a spatial index on longitude/latitude points acquired from Google maps. The project contained the locations of housing that could be queried based upon the needs of the client, such as pricing, location, and housing type. The project is used by Jefferson Transitional Programs, a non-profit organization. Microprocessor using VHDL Designed a full-fledged microprocessor using VHDL, complete with an instruction set, ALU unit, register file, memory, and control unit. Software Design – Logical Circuit Analyzer Designed software to read a logical circuit schematic. Given a schematic, the software produces the truth table of the circuit. If a loop in the circuit is detected, a notification is displayed to the user. Supports AND, NAND, NOT, OR, NOR, and XOR gates. Mini-C to LC-3 Compiler Created a compiler that takes a subset of C instructions and produces LC-3 assembly code. Supports declaration of variables, arrays, functions, strings, if/else statements, and for/while loops. Recursive function calls also supported. Animation – PD-Servos Dynamically animated a human avatar in a physics based environment using forward kinematics via PD-Servos and inertia scaling. Implemented using the Open Dynamics Engine and OpenGL, an animation consists of a series of joint states. Using PD-Servos and forward kinematics, appropriate torque values are applied to the joints, which perform the transition from one state to the next. A parameter is associated with each joint to allow fine-tuning of the animation, enabling smoother transitions between states via inertia scaling. Based in a physics environment, the animation can be perturbed by external stimuli, such as falling objects. For the scope of this project, the animation was restricted to only two dimensions. TECHNICAL: • • • • • Proficient Languages: Bash Script, C, C++, C#, LaTeX Familiar Languages: SQL, VHDL Environments: Visual Studio, Xcode, Maya, Blender, emacs, Xilinx Operating Systems: Windows 98/2000/XP, Unix, Linux, Mac OS X Database Systems: MySQL, PostgreSQL ACHIEVEMENTS: • Dean’s List (Fall 2004) • Chancellor’s Honor List (2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008)