Exploring Identity through Video, Sculpture, and Site Specific Art

Exploring Identity through Video, Sculpture, and Site Specific Art
You just spent a week reflecting on your identity and proposing a ‘Thread’ to
inform your work. For this project you will visually express aspects of your
identity. My hope is that your Thread finds a way to be utilized for this
assignment. You will learn: how to make casts from the figure; create a short film;
the importance of placement; photography composition; solid Process Portfolio
1. VIDEO: Students will create a video project that captures their performance of
an action they consider essential to their identity. Use your IPad. See
requirements below.
2. SCULPTURE: Students will create a cast of their body that is performing the
action. Adding a prop is optional but should be included if it is necessary to
understand the action. The prop/tool can also be communicated in a number of
ways. 1. By including it as it is 2. By painting/covering the object. 3. By creating
a cast of the object (if possible).
3. SITE-SPECIFIC: Lastly, students will display the sculpture in a site specific
location and use photography to capture the work. This location can be
anywhere on campus that informs the meaning of the art. Use your IPad or other
camera to capture the work in its environment. Remember that the placement
must take in consideration the weather and people’s pathways. You may need to
get permission for your installation.
Student Interpretation of the Assignment: There is plenty of room for creative
additions. You may simply create the projects as presented, or you can
personalize and modify – just as long as you create a video and incorporate a
casting of yourself. Consider content from other artists, your culture, and your
Note on grading: 1. Fulfill the requirements for the art and Process Portfolio.
2. Your creative ownership of the project. 3. Technical competence.
Strategy We Will Use To Develop a Conceptual Framework
Draw this chart in your Process Portfolio. This will help you see the similarities and differences of the
art side by side. The strategy will help you understand a work. Notice how we are not researching an
artist in isolation. Choose a function from the list below.
Bruce Nauman
Louise Bourgeois
Haida Native American
Stacie and
(video of artist
(cast of hands)
doing his action)
Some different functions that art can have
(remember, a single artwork can have more than one!)
Expressive function – expresses the artists’ feelings or identity
Descriptive function – records the likeness of a place or person or other subject.
Conceptual function –the idea or concept behind the work is more important than the object
Practical function-has a practical use, such as clothing, vessels, furniture, a building
Religious function – tells a religious story or is an object of devotion.
Historical narrative function- tells a story of an event in history
Commemorative function – made to honour someone (like a statue of a famous person)
Political function- serves a political purpose, such as propaganda.
Symbolic function – symbolizes certain beliefs or ideas without representing them.
Decorative Function- used to adorn the body, a room, a building etc.
Ritual function – used as part of a ritual or ceremony, or has magical powers.
Shock function – intended to shock or upset the viewer
can you think of more?
Art21 “Identity” Bruce Nauman
Art21 “Identity” Louise Bourgeois
Art as Culture showing a Haida Native American totem pole construction between generations
Art and Identity MOMA
Guest Speaker:
Anastasia and Stacie McAllister (daughter and mom) will introduce how objects and actions carry
meaning and create culture. The speakers will also address what role place has on culture. Finish your
Bruce Nauman
Louise Bourgeois hands
George Segal
Propose Your Sculpture Project with Words and Thumbnail Drawings.
1. In your Process Portfolio, make a list of activities you identify strongly with and make thumbnail
drawings of your idea. Explain the importance of the one you will sculpt.
2. Compare your work to Louise Bourgeois
Lois Bergious
(cast of hands)
Your Work
Function/Intended Purpose
3. Here are your options for creating a cast: Plaster Bandages/Papier Mache/Packing Tape. Document
your process with photographs that you will later print and place in your Process Portfolio. Take
between 3 and 5 photos of the different stages.
4. What will be on the surface of the sculpture? Will you leave it the raw materials? Will you paint it?
Will you coat it with a texture or found objects? Please keep time in mind. You may accidentally give
yourself extra homework to meet the deadlines.
Propose Your Video with Words and Thumbnail Drawings.
1. Make thumbnail drawings that explain the setting and camera angles. See the image below.
Combine the shots if necessary.
2. Compare your work to Nauman:
Bruce Nauman
(video of artist doing his action)
Your Work
Function/Intended Purpose
3. Your video should be between 20 seconds and 1 minute
4. Your video can be in slow-motion, enhanced speed, or regular speed. It may also be in time-lapse.
No matter what you choose, it should be clear and span a duration of time.
5. The program/app you use is up to you. I recommend using your IPad. IMovie has everything you
Propose How You Will Display Your Sculpture With Thumbnail Drawings
1. Explain with thumbnail drawings how the work will be set up in a setting on campus. When you place
your work in a specific site; then the site will help create the meaning of the art. At that point the work
can be called site specific
2. Write about how you want the viewer to experience your art.
Take A Final Photograph A Write A Reflection In Your Process Portfolio
1. Take a photograph for you Process Portfolio with the sculpture in its setting.
2. Write a reflection explaining the skills you learned; how the work informed your ‘Thread’; how this
work may inform future works; what you could do better in the future.
Photography Composition Tips
A. Your photograph should follow 1 or more of the tips in the link below. You can also look up
another rule not stated in my provided link:http://www.photographymad.com/pages/view/10top-photography-composition-rules
B. Your subject is in focus
C. Your subject is in good lighting