10114 - Florida Keys Community College

Division of Arts & Sciences
Department of Letters & Humanities
Course Syllabus
Introduction to Speech Communication
SPC 1608 (CRN 10114)
ENC 1101 with a passing grade of C
Virtual Class
(Online) This course is designed as an online course and therefore there
no on-campus meeting dates are required. You may access the course on
the first day of class at: http://online.fkcc.edu. Optional D2L
orientations will take place during the first week of class in the FKCC
library. If you have difficulty in logging in to the course or you do not
see the course listed, contact the Office of Distance Learning helpline at
305-809-3177 for assistance.
Jillian Manzer
Tuesday and Thursday - 11am-12pm (CDT)
Friday – 11am-12pm (CDT)
Email or call to schedule an appointment
This course is designed to assist the student in implementing and
understanding oral communication skills. Learning is centered in
student participation in a variety of speaking-listening situations
designed to increase the understanding of the interpersonal nature of all
speech communication.
Gordon Rule Writing
Requirement (if
This course satisfies the Gordon Rule writing requirement. A grade of “C”
or higher must be attained.
To understand the interdependent nature of the speaker, the
audience and the speaking occasion in public communication.
To understand speaking anxiety and employ methods to overcome
To develop critical listening skills.
To adapt messages to a diverse audience.
To understand the structure and organization of a speech.
To effectively employ linguistic style unique to an oral
To effectively use the voice and the body to connect with an
To understand and employ supporting evidence in an oral
To effectively employ technology in a public presentation.
To understand the elements of effective argument in a public
To effectively articulate an argument to an appropriate audience.
Speak, 2nd edition
Rudolph F. Verderber, Kathleen S. Verderber, and Deanna D. Sellnow
ISBN: 978-1-285-07705-5
We will be using the D2L learning management system in this course.
Required course material will be posted on this site and you are
expected to check it frequently.
30 %
15 %
10 %
10 %
Written Assignments: Discussions & Reflections
Introduction Speech
Effective Delivery Exercise
Informative Speech
Persuasive Speech
*Guidelines for all assignments can be viewed on course website.
Below 60%
Course Policies/Guidelines
Submit all written and oral assignments as detailed in each module’s assignment
Any assignment not submitted by the date and time assigned is considered late,
unless you have contacted me and I have approved an extension in advance. If
prior approval has not been granted, the student will receive a zero on the
speaking assignment/written assignment/quiz, etc. If prior approval is given to
make up the speaking prompt, quiz, or other assignment, the speaking assignment,
quiz, or other assignment must be presented or completed by the date given by
instructor. If not, the student will receive a zero for the assignment.
Assignments will not be accepted unless you have contacted me and we have
mutually agreed on an alternate submission date before day that the assignment is
Absolutely no assignments due during the last week of classes will be accepted
If you are out of contact and miss a deadline due to an extenuating circumstance, I
expect you to contact me as soon as possible to discuss the situation. No
exceptions will be made to the above policies unless you can provide
documentation of the situation that I consider adequate.
Students may withdraw without academic penalty from any course by the
established deadline published in the College’s calendar. This will result in a
grade of 'W' for the course and will not count against the student's GPA.
Students who abandon the course or do not withdraw themselves by the published
deadline are subject to receiving a grade of F.
An instructor may withdraw a student from courses for excessive absences and/or
non-attendance up to the 70% point in the semester.
Please allow up to (7) days for returned speech grades and feedback. Providing
detailed and individualized feedback is important to me and I ask that you allow
adequate time to do so. I will email individual feedback to your FKCC email
account. I post grades all at once. Therefore, you might receive your emailed
feedback, but your grade will not appear immediately. Posted grades will appear
in the “grades” link within D2L.
Speech Giving Requirements & Rules
Limit note cards to about three (if you require larger font, additional note cards
are acceptable) note cards with keywords only. No written speeches are allowed.
You are not allowed to use whole sheets of paper.
Do not edit or stop your speech recording. You may rerecord as many times as
needed but cannot pause or edit the recording in any way.
An effective introduction, body, and conclusion.
Use gestures. Avoid clinching note cards with both hands.
Consider a step or two at main point transitions.
Submit a recording of your speech to your instructor via YouTube and submit via
Appropriate Environment for Recording
Your entire torso or full body must be onscreen for the majority of the speech.
No head and shoulder only shots.
Avoid too much wall above your head.
No sitting. If you are unable to stand, please notify your instructor.
No off-screen reading. In other words, reading notes positioned by the camera like
a teleprompter is not allowed.
Avoid being too far from the camera when taping.
Use a tripod or stationary surface for camera/phone/computer/iPad placement.
E-mail Communication:
All class e-mail communications should be conducted using your FKCC student
email address. The prime responsibility for timely communications rests with you
- the student.
Important Note: If I have not responded to your email or voicemail message
within 24-48 hours (excluding holidays and breaks) after you left the message,
you should assume that I did not receive it and leave another message or resend
the email.
Academic Honesty & Plagiarism
Students are expected to respect and uphold the standards of honesty in
submitting written work to instructors. Though occurring in many forms,
plagiarism in essence involves the presentation of another person’s work as if it
were the work of the presenter. Any cheating or plagiarism will result in
disciplinary action to be determined by the instructor based on the severity and
nature of the offense. It is the student’s responsibility to review the College’s
policy on Academic Honesty.
Collaboration and discussion is encouraged in all course aspects other than
actually completing the assigned work (quizzes, exams, homework, projects, etc.).
Indeed, collaboration often leads to increased understanding of the material being
covered. If you have questions about an assignment, I encourage you to speak up
and ask questions about it.
Plagiarism is a form of fraud and will not be tolerated. You are expected to do
your own work. Copying text or images from any source and claiming it as your
own is considered plagiarism. Submitting copied text as most or all of your
answer on a homework or project is also a form of dishonesty, even if you cite the
source. I want to read/hear YOUR words, not someone else’s words.
If I catch you in any form of academic dishonesty, you will receive a grade of
zero for that assignment. If I catch you a second time, you will earn a failing
grade for this class and be reported to the College.
Community Decorum:
A positive learning experience depends upon respect among all members of this
classroom community. Disregard or disrespect for the process, the group or
toward any individual will result in removal from the class and may result in you
being dropped from the course. Respectful discourse in discussion and email
areas is expected and anonymous posting will not be tolerated.
Copyright Notice:
The materials and content provided in this course is intended only for registered
Florida Keys Community College students who have paid their tuition and fees to
attend this course. Materials that are affected include, but are not limited to, text,
still images, audio recordings, video recordings, simulations, animations,
diagrams, charts, and graphs. Every effort has been made to insure these materials
are not disseminated to anyone beyond those who have legally registered for this
course. Download, revision, or distribution of course material with anyone other
than registered classmates and the instructor is strictly prohibited.
Students are expected to familiarize themselves with FKCC Policies, which can be
found in the current Student Handbook.
The course schedule is subject to change to meet the needs of the
course and its students. Refer to D2L for accurate dates.
Abbreviated Course Calendar (See assignment sheet in D2L for full details)
All discussion boards will run from Monday through Sunday. Most initial posts and responses are due by
Sunday. Please review deadlines carefully as some deadlines are different. Discussions will be closed at
11:30 pm on Sunday—Late submissions will not be accepted. For further explanation, please see the
directions for discussion boards in the content section of D2L.
Week 1 (Wednesday 8/26 – Sunday 8/30)
Syllabus and Course Overview
View tutorial video
Read Ch. 1 Foundations of Public Speaking
Discussion # 1—Introduction
Quiz #1 - General Information Quiz
Week 2 (Monday 8/31 – Sunday 9/6)
Read Ch. 2 Developing Confidence through the Speech-Planning Process
Discussion # 2 - Speech anxiety
Week 3 (Monday 9/7 – Sunday 9/13)
Read Speech Guidelines & Requirements document
Watch: “How to”, “Brooklyn Roads”, “Pot, Soil, Water” & “There’s an App for that”
Speech Assignment # 1 - Introduction
Reflection Journal # 1
Week 4 (Monday 9/14 – Sunday 9/20)
Read Ch. 10 Language and Oral Style
Read Ch. 11 Practicing Delivery
Watch: Instructor’s Lecture – Effective Delivery
Quiz # 2– Chapters 10 & 11
Speech Assignment # 2 – Effective Delivery
Reflection Journal # 2
Week 5 (Monday 9/21 – Sunday 9/27)
Read Ch. 4 Selecting an Appropriate Speech Goal
Read Ch. 12 – Informative Speaking
Watch: Instructor’s Lecture – Selecting a Topic & General Goal/Specific Goal
Watch: Speech Examples - “Acupuncture” and “Securing Yourself Online”
Discussion # 3 – Topic/General Goal/Specific Goal
Week 6 (Monday 9/28 – Sunday 10/4)
Read Ch. 5 Adapting to Audiences
Read Ch. 8 Introduction & Conclusion
Watch: Instructor’s Lecture – Audience Analysis
Watch: Clips – “Surrounded by Stuff”, “Reference”, & “Preview Statement”
Quiz # 3 – Chapters 5 & 8
Discussion # 4 —Audience Analysis Questionnaire
Week 7 (Monday 10/5 – Sunday 10/11)
Read Ch. 6 Gathering and Evaluating Information
Read Ch. 7 Organizing and Outlining the Speech Body
Watch: Instructor’s Lecture – Researching & Outlining
Quiz # 4 – Chapters 6 & 7
Discussion # 5 – Outline/Intro. & Conclusion
Week 8 (Monday 10/12 – Sunday 10/18)
Speech Assignment # 3 – Informative Speech
Week 9 (Monday 10/19 – Sunday 10/25)
Discussion # 6 – Peer Evaluations & Reflection Comments
Week 10 (Monday 10/26 – Sunday 11/1)
Read Ch. 13 – Understanding Persuasive Messages
Reach Ch. 14 – Persuasive Speaking
Quiz # 5 – Chapters 13 & 14
Watch: Instructor’s Lecture – Persuasive Speeches
Watch: Speech Examples: “Puppy Mills”, “Cell Phones”, & “Special Olympics”
Discussion # 7 – Topic/General Goal/Specific Goal
Week 11 (Monday 11/2 – Sunday 11/8)
Discussion # 8 – Audience Analysis Questionnaire
Week 12 (Monday 11/9 – Sunday 11/15)
Discussion # 9 – Outline/Intro & Conclusion
Week 13 (Monday 11/16 – Sunday 11/22)
Speech Assignment # 4 – Persuasive Speech
Week 14 (11/23 – 11/29 No Assignment – Happy Thanksgiving!)
Week 15 (Monday 11/30 – Sunday 12/6)
Discussion # 10 – Peer Evaluations
Week 16 (Monday 12/7 – Sunday 12/13)
Reflection Journal #3