SHOW&TELL Family Projects Presents “GODSPELL” “GODSPELL” is a musical that first hit the stage in the early 1970’s. It uses the gospel of Matthew as the basis for its script. Led by an actor portraying Jesus, the performers act out a contemporary version of many parables interspersed with a wide variety of songs. The show climaxes with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The size of the cast will be determined based on who we feel is ready to be part of this production and who is able to commit to the schedule. Our production will include 4 groups of performers. They are explained below in the “Details” section. There are several solo and small ensemble singing parts available. These can be done by performers from any of the 4 groups. This is an “Educational Theater” experience for youth. The tuition for each cast member 18 and under will be $100 for the first child in a family and $50 for each sibling. Each family will receive 12 tickets for the first child and 6 tickets for each sibling that can be used to see the production. You may sell your personal tickets to pay your tuition! Adult cast members will not pay a tuition fee. They will receive 4 tickets to the production. (Half of the tickets cast members receive will be for the opening night performance. The other half can be for any performance of their choice.) Performances: May 2-5 - Stanwood High School Performing Arts Center Tickets: Pre-sell $8 / At the door $10 AUDITIONS: GROUP AUDITIONS ALL POTENTIAL CAST MEMBERS February 11 & 18 - 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Cedarhome Baptist Church This is a group audition. Please plan to stay for the entire time both evenings. These are the only auditions you need to attend if you want to be in the CHORUS or CLOUD OF WITNESSES (See details about this audition later in this document.) INDIVIDUAL AUDITIONS FOR LEADS, TROUPE & FEATURED SINGING PARTS In addition to the group auditions, you need to schedule an appointment for an audition. (See details about this audition later in this document.) DETAILS!!! There will be 4 groups of performers in “Godspell”: 1) LEADS – This ensemble of actors will do the majority of the storytelling. 2) TROUPE– This group will appear several times during the show joining the leads during some production numbers and stories. 4) CHORUS – This group will be involved in 4 or 5 large ALL CAST songs. 5) CLOUD OF WITNESSES – This group of adults will watch the show from the outer edges. Some will participate in small parts while others will only watch. Each adult’s “part” will be determined depending on how many rehearsals he/she can attend. Some may step into the show and tell a story while others may step in to sing a solo or in a small ensemble. The idea is that this group is “passing the baton” to the next generation as they watch the youth take on Jesus’ teachings for themselves. GROUP AUDITION FOR ALL POTENTIAL CAST MEMBERS (FEBRARY 11 & 18) 1. Email to indicate names and ages (if under 21) of those attending this audition so that we can have materials prepared for you. 2. When you come on February 11, be prepared to hand in your signed registration form and rehearsal conflict form. (They are part of this document.) Blank copies will be available if you are not able to download them. You must turn in both forms before you can be considered for a part in the show. 3. On your rehearsal conflict form, indicate what groups you want to be considered for. If you change your mind, be sure to let us know. 4. No preparation is necessary for the group audition. Performers will be taught everything they need to know during the sessions. 5. Wear clothing and shoes suitable for moving - NO “sock feet”, bare feet, flip flops or sandals. 6. This is a musical. You will learn some music during the audition and then sing it in large and small groups. We will also do some team building and improvisation activities. 7. Final casting decisions will be sent via email. INDIVIDUAL AUDITION FOR A LEAD OR TROUPE PART – BY APPOINTMENT February 11 & 18 - Attend the “Group Auditions”. February 7, 8, 12, or 13 – “Individual Auditions”. They will be scheduled between 6:30 & 8:30 p.m. February 14 & 20 – Call Backs. 6:30-8:30 p.m. 1. Email your first 2 choices of dates for your individual audition. (Feb. 7, 8, 12 or 13) Families are encouraged to carpool and do their auditions back to back. 2. In your email let us know if you are auditioning for a singing part, a speaking part or both. 3. Your audition day and time will be confirmed to you via email. 4. Individual auditions will be held at the Crouch home on the north end of Camano Island. Contact us for directions. 5. To audition for a singing part - Prepare 1 to 2 minutes of a song. You need to sing with an instrument or a sound track. We will have a piano and CD player available for your use. If you want to use our piano accompanist bring sheet music or a chord chart. (Those that attend the “audition workshop” will be given a CD with 3 songs that would work for this audition.) 6. To audition for a speaking part – Use the “Godspell Audition Monolog” that is included at the end of this packet. Perform it with contrasting characterizations for the storyteller, son, father and older brother. It does not need to be memorized, but you need to be very familiar with it so you can “tell the story”. 7. Plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before your scheduled appointment. 8. When you are through with your audition, you will be free to leave. 9. This is an open audition, so anyone who wants to watch is welcome. 10. There will be 2 call back auditions for the leads will be on February 14 & 20. You will be notified via email if you should come to either or both of those auditions. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. SHOW&TELL Family Projects is a Christian based group. The rehearsals will include time to pray for one another and we will learn Biblical truths throughout the experience. The production will be familyfriendly and G-rated. 2. Although the core of the cast will be teens, there will be small parts available for adults. 3. This is an educational theater experience for all ages. There is a tuition charge for participants 18 and under. You do not have to pay the tuition until you are cast in the production. 4. Performers will be asked to provide their basic costume. Anything you provide or purchase will remain your property. Any costume purchased by SHOW&TELL will remain the property of SHOW&TELL. 5. For safety at rehearsals, actors need to wear shoes with laces or straps. No sock feet, bare feet, clogs, flip flops or sandals. Actors with unsafe shoes will have to sit and watch the rehearsal. 6. Some back stage and house positions will be available to relatives of cast members. People filling those positions will be able to see the show free in exchange for their help. After we begin rehearsing, we will let you know what needs we have so people can sign up to help. ATTENDANCE AND CONFLICTS 1. Performers must be available for the final rehearsals (April 26, 29, 30, 31 and May 1) and all 4 performances of the show (May. 2, 3, 4 & 5). No exceptions! 2. The “Rehearsal Conflict Form” contains all the dates we might have rehearsals. We use the information you give us on those forms to schedule rehearsals with as few conflicts as possible. Things change, so we may need to adjust the schedule as we go. We will do our best to give you 2 weeks notice before you are called to a rehearsal. Any rehearsals that are added later, will be dependent on your availability for that date. 3. At your first audition, you will hand in the “Registration Form” and “Rehearsal Conflict Form”. Any rehearsal conflicts that you note will be excused. Please make every effort to anticipate all conflicts you may have with the schedule. Too many conflicts with the rehearsal schedule could keep a performer from being cast in the show. Be sure to let us know of possible conflicts with unknown work schedules or sports turn-outs and games/matches. 4. If any other conflicts with the rehearsal schedule come up, let us know as soon as possible by email. Otherwise, you will be expected at all the rehearsals. 5. Attendance at rehearsals is very important as is arriving on time. Performers might not be included in songs or scenes choreographed or blocked when they are absent from or late to rehearsal. This includes excused absences. 6. Sickness and family emergencies will be excused absences. Call or email us as soon as you realize you will be missing a rehearsal. It is your responsibility to make us aware of the reason so the absence can be excused. If you miss a rehearsal and we have not been notified, it will be unexcused. 7. Any cast member who has an unexcused absence will risk losing their part in the production. 8. Any cast member who has too many excused absences or late arrivals will risk losing their part in the production. Questions??? Call Rich (360) 387-2010 or text him at (425) 879-0784 or email “”. “GODSPELL” – 2013 Registration Form (One per family) Parent / Legal Adult’s Name _______________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone 1 ________________________________________________ Cell Phone ________________________________________________ Adult Email Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ School _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Performers Age ___________________________________________________________________________ _________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________ Please initial ________ I give permission for our names and phone numbers to be listed in a cast contact sheet that might be offered to coordinate carpools and any other important communication. ________ I give permission for my email address to be published on the cast contact sheet. For promotional purposes, videos and photographs are taken at rehearsals and performances. Your registration constitutes permission for “SHOW&TELL Family Projects” to use your likeness in promotional materials, including its website. Audio and video recordings of the cast may be used during the production. Cast members will not receive any monetary payment now or in the future for any performance in the production. I understand that performers who are not willing to follow directions or whose behavior is dangerous to others or causes others to not be able to participate fully in the rehearsals or performances may lose the privilege of being in the production. __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Parent/ Legal Adult’s Signature Date __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Performer’s Signature Date __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Performer’s Signature Date __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Performer’s Signature Date __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ Performer’s Signature Date REHEARSAL CONFLICT FORM Fill out this sheet and bring it to the first audition. Families can fill out one form together. If you have separate conflicts, you may use separate forms to communicate to us. If you’d like, print an extra copy to keep for your records. Performer(s) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Mark ALL groups that you are willing to be considered for.) ❑Lead ❑Troupe ❑Chorus ❑Cloud of Witnesses ❑Solo or small ensemble singing Put an “X” in the box by the rehearsals that you are NOT available at all. Put a “?” in the box by rehearsals that are conflicts, but could be worked out. Leave the box blank if you are available for the rehearsal. You only need to fill out the boxes for the parts you are interested in. All rehearsals will be from 6:30-8:30 p.m. unless otherwise specified. Monday & Wednesday rehearsals will be at Cedarhome Baptist Church. Thursday rehearsals will be at Camano Chapel. Tuesday rehearsal locations will be at the Crouch home. The listing after the date tells what groups may be called to that rehearsal. Thur. Feb 21 – Leads & Troupe Mon. Feb 25 – Leads, Troupe & Chorus Wed. Feb 27 - Leads Thur. Feb 28 – Leads & Troupe Fri. March 1 – Leads Wed. March 6 – Leads Thur. March 7 – Leads & Troupe Mon. March 11 – Leads, Troupe & Chorus Tue. March 12 – Leads Wed. March 13 – Leads Thur. March 14 – Leads & Troupe Mon. March 18 – Leads, Troupe & Chorus Tue. April 9 – Leads Wed. April 10 – Leads Thur. April 11 – Leads & Troupe Sat. April 13 – Leads & Troupe Mon. April 15 – Leads, Troupe & Chorus Wed. April 17 – Leads Thur. April 18 – Leads & Troupe Fri. April 19 – Leads & Troupe Mon. April 22 – All Cast Tue. April 23 – Leads & Troupe Wed. April 24 – Leads Wed. March 20 – Leads Fri, April 26 – Adapt to Stage- All Cast (6-10 pm) Thur. March 21 – Leads & Troupe Mon, April 29 –Dry Tech - All Cast (5-9 pm) Fri. March 22 – Leads & Troupe Tue, April 30 –Tech/Dress - All Cast (5-9 pm) Mon. March 25 – Leads, Troupe & Chorus Wed, May 1 –Final Dress - All Cast (5-9 pm) Tue. March 26 – Leads Thur, May 2 – Performance (6-9 pm) Wed. March 27 – Leads Fri, May 3 – Performance (6-9 pm) Thur. March 28 – Leads & Troupe Sat, May 4 – Performance (6-9 pm) Mon. April 8 – Leads, Troupe & Chorus Sun, May 5 – Final Performance (1-6 pm) PLEASE NOTE: ON THIS FORM, THERE ARE SEVERAL DATES FOR EACH GROUP. WE WILL PROBABLY NOT SCHEDULE EACH GROUP FOR ALL OF THOSE NIGHTS, BUT WE NEED TO KNOW WHEN YOU ARE AVAILABLE. THAT WILL HELP US SCHEDULE REHEARSALS WHERE THERE WILL BE THE LEAST AMOUNT OF KNOWN ABSENCES. WE WILL TRY TO ALWAYS GIVE YOU AT LEAST 2 WEEKS NOTICE FOR REHEARSALS YOU NEED TO ATTEND. “GODSPELL” AUDITION MONOLOG BASED ON THE STORY OF “THE PRODIGAL SON” -­ UKE 15:11-­32 (Use different voices, accents and other characterizations for each character.) There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, “Father, give me my inheritance now!” Then he squandered his wealth in wild living and ended up feeding pigs. He came to his senses and said, “The guys that work for my father eat better than this. I’m gonna go back and beg him for a job.” When he started up the driveway, his father ran to him and gave him a big hug. The son said, “I blew it, Dad. I don’t deserve to be your son. Can I have a job? But the father said to his assistants, “Quick! Bring him some nice clothes. Put a ring on his finger and sneakers on his feet. Butcher a cow. Let’s have a party. My son who was dead and is alive again! I thought I had lost him, but he has returned to me!” So they began a great celebration. Meanwhile, the man’s older son heard about the party for his good for nothing little brother and he was ticked. He said to his father, “Look! I’ve worked for you and never disobeyed you, yet you never gave me squat so I could celebrate with my friends. But when this loser son of yours comes home, you grill up steaks! What’s that about?” The father answered, “My son, everything I have is yours. But we need to celebrate, because your little brother has come home! Now, how do you want your steak?”