REFEREED ARTICLES ERA (ABDC): B Ranked Journals 1. Arjomandi, A. Valadkhani, A., and O'Brien, M. (2014), “Analysing Banks’ Intermediation and Operational Performance Using the Hicks–Moorsteen TFP Index”, Research in International Business and Finance, 30, 111–125. 2. Valadkhani, A., Chen, G. and Anderson, J. (2013), “A Cluster Analysis of Petrol Profit Margins across Various Regional and Urban Locations in Australia”, Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, (Accepted: 11 June 2013). 3. Valadkhani, A. and Araee, S.M.M. (2013), “Estimating the Time Varying NAIRU in Iran”, Journal of Economic Studies, 5, in press (Accepted 27 Feb. 2012). 4. Valadkhani, A., (2013), “Seasonal Patterns in Daily Prices of Unleaded Petrol across Australia”, Energy Policy, 56, 720-731. (5-Year Impact Factor=3.382, Impact Factor=2.743) 5. Valadkhani, A., Arjomandi, A. and O’Brien, M. (2013), “Does the Interest Rate for Business Loans Respond Asymmetrically to Changes in the Cash Rate?” Applied Economics Letters, 20(9), 869–874. (5Year Impact Factor=0.340, Impact Factor=0.226) 6. Karunanayake, I., Valadkhani, A. and O’Brien, M. (2012), “GDP Growth and the Interdependency of Volatility Spillovers”, Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal, 6(1), 83-96. 7. Arjomandi, A., Harvie, C., and Valadkhani, A. (2012), “An Empirical Analysis of Iran's Banking Performance”, Studies in Economics and Finance, 29(4), 287-300. 8. Moffat, B.D, Valadkhani, A. (2011), “Efficiency of Botswana’s Financial Institutions: a Data Envelopment Analysis’, Applied Economics Letters, 2011, 18(7), 697–702. (5-Year Impact Factor=0.340, Impact Factor=0.226) 9. Arjomandi, A., Valadkhani, A., and Harvie, C. (2011), “Analysing Productivity Changes Using the Bootstrapped Malmquist Approach: The Case of the Iranian Banking Industry”, Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal, 5(3), 35-55. 10. Karunanayake, I. and Valadkhani, A. (2011), “Asymmetric Dynamics in Stock Market Volatility”, Economic Papers, 30 (2), 279-287. 11. Valadkhani, A. and Nameni, M (2011), “How Can Iran’s Black Market Exchange Rate be Managed?”, Journal of Economic Studies,38(2), 186-202. 12. Valadkhani, A. (2010), “Modelling the Price of Unleaded Petrol in Australia’s Capital Cities”, Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal, 4(2), 19-38. 13. Karunanayake, I., Valadkhani, A. and O’Brien, M. (2010), “Financial Crises and International Stock Market Volatility Transmission”, Australian Economic Papers, 49(3), 209-221. (Impact Factor=0.171) 14. Valadkhani, A. and Ville, S. (2009), “Discipline-Specific Forecasting of Research Output in Australian Universities”, Applied Economics Letters, 16 (18), 1875-1880. (5-Year Impact Factor=0.340, Impact Factor=0.226) 15. Hodgkinson, A. and Valadkhani, A. (2009), “Community Valuations of Environmental Quality in Coastal Lakes: Lake Illawarra Case Study”, Economic Papers, 28(2), 155-168. 16. Valadkhani, A., Chancharat, S. and Harvie, C. (2008), “A Factor Analysis of International Portfolio Diversification”, Studies in Economics and Finance, 25(3), 165-74. 17. Valadkhani, A. and Chancharat, S. (2008), “Dynamic Linkages between Thai and International Stock Markets”, Journal of Economic Studies, 35(5), 425-41. 18. Ville, S., Valadkhani, A. and O’Brien, M. (2006), “The Distribution of Research Performance Across Australian Universities, 1992-2003, and Its Implications for Building Diversity”, Australian Economic Papers, 45(4), 343-61. (Impact Factor=0.171) 19. Valadkhani, A. and Layton, A. (2006), “A Cross-Country Analysis of Export Prices in OECD Countries”, Economic Papers, 25(4), 331-46. 20. Valadkhani, A. and Worthington, A. (2006), “Ranking and Clustering Australian University Research Performance, 1998-2002”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 28(2), 189-210. 21. Valadkhani, A. (2005), “A Cross-Country Analysis of High Employment Generating Industries”, Applied Economics Letters, 12(14), 865-69. (5-Year Impact Factor=0.340, Impact Factor=0.226) 22. Valadkhani, A. (2005), “Modelling Demand for Broad Money in Australia”, Australian Economic Papers, 44(1), 47-64. (Impact Factor=0.171) 23. Valadkhani, A., Worthington, A. and Layton, A. (2005), “A Note on the Rising Cost of Education in Australia”, Economic Papers, 24(2), 97-106. 24. Valadkhani, A. (2004), “History of Macroeconometric Modelling: Lessons from Past Experience”, Journal of Policy Modeling, 26(2), 265-81. (5-Year Impact Factor=0.799, Impact Factor=0.643). 25. Valadkhani, A. and Layton, A.P. (2004), “Quantifying the Effect of GST on Inflation in Australia's Capital Cities: An Intervention Analysis”, Australian Economic Review, 37(2), 125-38. (Impact Factor=0.300) 26. Valadkhani, A. (2004), “What Determine Private Investment in Iran?”, International Journal of Social Economics, 31(5/6), 457-68. 27. Doessel, D.P. and Valadkhani, A. (2003), “The Effects of Government on Economic Growth in Fiji”, Singapore Economic Review, 48(1), 27-38. (Impact Factor=0.139) 28. Valadkhani, A. (2003), “Using Input-Output Analysis to Identify Australia’s High Employment Generating Industries”, Australian Bulletin of Labour, 29(3), 199-217. 29. Valadkhani, A. (2003), “An Empirical Analysis of Australian Labour Productivity”, Australian Economic Papers, 42(3), 273-91. (Impact Factor=0.171) 30. Valadkhani, A. (2002), “Long- and Short-Run Determinants of the Demand for Money in New Zealand: a Cointegration Analysis”, New Zealand Economic Papers, 36(2), 235-50. 31. Valadkhani, A. and Mitchell, W.F. (2002), “Assessing the Impact of Changes in Petroleum Prices on Inflation and Household Expenditures in Australia”, Australian Economic Review, 35(2), 122-32. (Impact Factor=0.300) 32. Valadkhani, A. (1998), “Effects of Government Capital Expenditure on GDP in the Iranian Economy Using Superexogeneity Testing”, Applied Economics Letters, 5(6), 361-64. (5-Year Impact Factor=0.340, Impact Factor=0.226) 33. Doessel, D.P. and Valadkhani, A. (1998), “Economic Development and Institutional Factors Affecting Income Distribution: the Case of Iran, 1967-1993”, International Journal of Social Economics, 25(2-3-4), 410-23. 34. Valadkhani, A. (1997), “Simulation of Aggregate Demand Impacts on the Sectoral Value Added in the Iranian Economy”, Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 3(2), 177-200.