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Agençe France-Presse. 30 March 2004. www.abc.net.au/science/news/ stories/s1076856.htm Cox, P. M. et al. 2000. Acceleration of Global Warming Due to Carbon-cycle Feedbacks in a Coupled Climate Model. Nature 408, pp. 184–87. Dawkins, R. 2004. The Ancestor’s Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. London. Herman, H. 1952. Brown Coal. State Electricity Commission of Victoria. Melbourne. Kump, L. R. 2002. Reducing Uncertainty about Carbon Dioxide As a Climate Driver. Nature 419, pp. 188–90. Sabine, C.L. et al. 2004. The Oceanic Sink for Anthropogenic CO2. Science 305, pp. 367–71. Thomas, H. et al. 2004. Enhanced Open Ocean Storage of CO2 from Shelf-sea Pumping. Science 304, pp. 1005–08. Weart, S. R. 2003. The Discovery of Global Warming: New Histories of Science, Technology and Medicine. Harvard University Press. Massachusetts. 1 Some of the references Tim Flannery used to write We are The Weather Makers CHAPTER FOUR Bradley, R. S., Hughes, M. K. & Diaz, H. F. 2003. Climate Change in Medieval Time. Science 302, pp. 404– 05. Kump, L. R. 2002. Reducing Uncertainty about Carbon Dioxide As a Climate Driver. Nature 419, pp. 188–90. Lutgens, F. K. & Tarbuck, E. J. 2004. The Atmosphere: An Introduction to Meteorology. Pearson Prentice Hall. New Jersey. Ninth edn. Rind, D. et al. 2004. The Relative Importance of Solar and Anthropogenic Forcing of Climate Change between Maunder Minimum and Present. Journal of Climate 17, pp. 906–29. CHAPTER FIVE Beerling, D. J. et al. 2002. An Atmospheric CO2 Reconstruction across the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary from Leaf Megafossils. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA 99, pp. 7844–47. Dickens, G. R. 2004. Hydrocarbon-driven Warming. Nature 429, pp. 513–15. Malthe-Sørenssen, A. et al. 2004. Release of Methane from a Volcanic Basin As a Mechanism for Initial Eocene Global Warming. Nature 429, pp. 542–45. Zachos, J. C. et al. 2003. A Transient Rise in Tropical Sea-surface Temperature during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Science 302, pp. 1551–54. CHAPTER SIX Bush, M. B., Silman, M. R. & Urrego, D. H. 2004. 48,000 Years of Climate and Forest Change in a Biodiversity Hot Spot. Science 303, pp. 827–29. Clark, P. U. et al. 2004. Rapid Rise of Sea Level 19,000 Years Ago and Its Global Implications. Science 304, pp. 1141–44. EPCA community members 2004. Eight Glacial Cycles from an Antarctic Ice Core. Nature 429, pp. 623– 28. Fagan, B. 2004. The Long Summer: How Climate Changed Civilization. Basic Books. New York. North Greenland Ice Core Project Members. 2004. High-resolution Record of Northern Hemisphere Climate Extending into the Last Interglacial Period. Nature 431, pp. 147–51. Time and Chance. Economist 19 December 2003. Walker, G. 2004. Frozen Time. Nature 429, pp. 596–97. Yokoyama, Y. et al. 2000. Timing of the Last Glacial Maximum from Observed Sea-level Minima. Nature 406, pp. 713–15. 2 Some of the references Tim Flannery used to write We are The Weather Makers CHAPTER SEVEN Crutzen, P. J. 2002. The Geology of Mankind. Nature 415, p. 23. Crutzen, P. J. & Stoermer, E. F. 2000. The Anthropocene. IGBP Newsletter 41, p. 12. Fagan, B. 2004. The Long Summer: How Climate Changed Civilization. Basic Books. New York. Flannery, T. (ed.) 2002. Life and Adventures of William Buckley. Text Publishing. Melbourne. Ruddiman, W. F. 2003. The Anthropogenic Greenhouse Era Began Thousands of Years Ago. Climatic Change 61, pp. 261–93. CHAPTER EIGHT Dukes, J. S. 2003. Burning Buried Sunshine: Human Consumption of Ancient Solar Energy. Climate Change 61, pp. 31–44. Freese, B. 2003. Coal: A Human History. Perseus Publishing. Cambridge. Massachusetts. Hawkins, D. G. 2004. Global Warming: Dodging the Silver Bullet. NRDC presentation. www.iea.org/Textbase/work/2004/zets/conference/presentations/hawkins Lacour-Gayet, P. 2004. 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Larsen Ice Shelf has Progressively Thinned. Science 302:856-858. Stouffer, R. J. 2004. Time Scales of Climate Response. Journal of Climate 17, pp. 209–17 Swing, J. T. 2003. What Future for the Oceans? Foreign Affairs September–October, pp. 139–52. Thomas, R. et al. 2004. Accelerated Sea-level Rise from West Antarctica. Science 306, pp. 255–58. 6 Some of the references Tim Flannery used to write We are The Weather Makers Toniazzo, T., Gregory, J. M. & Huybrechts, P. 2004. Climatic Impact of a Greenland Deglaciation and Its Possible Irreversibility. Journal of Climate 17, pp. 21–33. Victor, D. G. 2004. Climate Change: Debating America’s Policy Options. Council on Foreign Relations/ Brookings Institute Press. New York. Weart, S. R. 2003. The Discovery of Global Warming: New Histories of Science, Technology and Medicine. Harvard University Press. Massachusetts. CHAPTER SIXTEEN Bell, J. L., Sloan, L. C. & Snyder, M. 2003. 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CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Hare, W. 2003. Assessment of Knowledge on Impacts of Climate Change: Contributions to the Specification of Art. 2 of the UNFCCC. WBGU Materialien. Berlin 2003. Also see online. Mastrandrea, M. D. & Schneider, S. 2004. Probabilistic Integrated Assessment of ‘Dangerous’ Climate Change. Science 304, pp. 571–74. Stabilisation and Commitment to Future Climate Change. Hadley Centre report October 2002. Met Office, UK. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Tanser, F. C., Sharp, B. & le Sueur, D. 2003. Potential Effect of Climate Change on Malaria Transmission in Africa. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 97, pp. 129–32. Williams, S. E., Bolitho, E. E. & Fox, S. 2003. Climate Change in Australian Tropical Rainforests: An Impending Environmental Catastrophe. Proceedings of the Royal Society. B. 270, pp. 1887–92. 7 Some of the references Tim Flannery used to write We are The Weather Makers CHAPTER NINETEEN Hare, W. 2003. 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Crimes against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals Are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy. HarperCollins. New York. Roberts, P. 2004. The End of Oil: On the Edge of a Perilous New World. Houghton Mifflin & Co. New York. CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE Blair, T. 2004. Speech on climate change to celebrate the tenth anniversary of HRH the Prince of Wales’s Business and the Environment Programme, 14 September 2004. www.number-10.gov.uk/output/page6333.asp Penner, J. E. et al (eds). 1999. Aviation and the Global Atmosphere. A special report of IPCC working groups 1 and 3, in collaboration with the Scientific Assessment Panel to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer. www.grida.no/climate/ipcc/aviation/ Williams, V., Noland, R. B. & Toumi, R. 2003. Reducing the Climate Change Impacts of Aviation by Restricting Cruise Altitudes. www.geomatics.cv.imperial.ac.uk/html/ResearchActivities CHAPTER THIRTY Girardet, H. 2004. 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