Greek Mythology & Vocabulary (36 pts) NAME

Greek Mythology & Vocabulary (36 pts) NAME __________________________________ Essential Question: How does Greek Mythology shape/affect our culture, language and literature? A great many words found in the English language are derived from Greek myths. Read the list of vocabulary words below. 1. Define each of the 12 words. 2. Identify the Greek/Roman myth or figure from which the definition evolved. 3. Write an original sentence using each word properly. (Your sentence must clearly demonstrate your understanding of the word’s meaning.) Example: arachnid (n) – a spider; from Arachne, a maiden who was turned into a spider for daring to challenge the goddess Athena to a weaving contest. Although many people are afraid of arachnids, E.B. White’s novel about Charlotte has made many children like spiders. 1. Amazon (n) 2. martial (adj) 3. atlas (n) -­‐ 4. typhoon (n) -­‐ 5. Herculean (adj) -­‐ 6. nemesis (n) -­‐ 7. terpsichorean (adj) -­‐ 8. hypnosis (n) -­‐ 9. nymph (n) -­‐ 10. odyssey (n) -­‐ 11. morphine (n) -­‐ 12. narcissistic (adj) -­‐ 