EUSA Nominees Poster - Student Led Teaching Awards

420 teachers have been nominated for Teaching Awards this
year. On behalf of students at the University of Edinburgh, EUSA
would like to say thank you to all those nominated for providing
excellent teaching to their students.
Teachers nominated
Adam Apostoli
Adam Fox
Aditya Bharadwaj
Aileen Christianson
Alan Boyle
Alan Brown
Alan Bundy
Alan Davies
Alan F. Day
Alasdair Richmond
Alastair Robertson
Alex Beresford
Alex Murphy
Alexander W. Tudhope
Ali Eslami
Alistair Hart
Anabel Del Valle
Andressa Gadda
Andrew Barker
Andrew Brown
Andrew Huxley
Andrew Marsham
Andrew Paterson
Andrew Whittington
Angela Dimitrakaki
Anita C Jones
Anna Souhami
Anthony Bloom
Anthony Bolos
Antony Maciocia
Arm Boonkwan
Arman Eshraghi
Arvind Mahajan
ASCUI Francisco
Barbara Webb
Ben Hawkins
Bernadette Dutia
Bethany Honeysett
Bill Hare
Bill Reese
Bjarne Thomsen
Blue Pieter
Bruce J Worton
Bruno Lopes
Caitriona A Carter
Calum Mciver
Carole A Morrison
Catriona Lyle
Cecile Fabre
Chad Damro
Charlotte Bell
Chris Himsworth
Chris Mowat
Chris Specer
Christian Lange
Christin Hoene
Christina Picton Phillipps
Christopher Harding
Christopher Martowicz
Christopher Spencer
Claire Duncanson
Claire Haggett
Claire Phillips
Claire Smerdon
Claire Valentin
Clara O’Shea
Claudio Michelon
Colin Anderson
Colin Roberts
Corinna Haeger
Dagmar Motycka Weston
Daniel Clegg
Daniel Cless
Daniel Holmes
Daniel Powell
Daniel Watts
Dave Bell
Dave Reay
Dave Robertson
Dave Saunders
David Apps
David Cabrelli
David Court
David Howard
David Howgego
David Levy
David Marshall
David Porteous
David Price
David Reimer
David Wyllie
Dimitri Tsintjilonis
Donald Macleod
Douglas Roy
Elaine Kelly
Elinor Mason
Elisa Henderson
Elizabeth Bomberg
Ellen Stewart
Emese Lafferton
Emily Brady
Emmanuelle LacoreMartin
Emre Tarim
Erwin George
Ewan Klein
Fabian Hilfrich
Falconer Mitchell
Felix Boecking
Fiona MacKay
Fiona Mackintosh
Floris Geerts
Frances Helen Hay
Francisca Mutapi
Gareth Gratton
Gareth Leng
Gary Clapton
Gavin Kelly
Gayle Davis
Geoff Bromiley
Geoff Gregson
Geoffrey Pullum
Georgia Axiotou
Gillian Black
Gillian Haddow
Godfrey Fitton
Gordon Findlater
Gordon Hughes
Gordon McDougall
Gordon Pentland
Graham Harris
Graham Pettigrew
Grant Richie
Guillermo Rein
Gunilla Blom Thomsen
H.T. Dickinson
Hamish MacLeod
Hamish McNab
Hannah Cornish
Harald Haas
Heather McQueen
Hector MacQueen
Heinz Giegerich
Helen McQueen
Helene Lovell
Hiro Ohkura
Hugh Pumphrey
Huw Lewis
Iain Hardie
Ian Handel
Ingo Johanessen
Ivan Cheltsov
Ivan Crozier
J Michael Rotter
J.M. Barringer
James Best
James Chalmers
James Fraser
James Harrisson
James Hopgood
James Leeland
Jamie Cole
Jan Penrose
Jana Funke
Jane Dawson
Jane M. Jacobs
Jane Yeoman
Jeanne Openshaw
Jeff Haywood
Jim Allan
Jim Hine
Jim Wright
JK Mason
Joachim Gentz
John Banasik
John Brennan
John Curtis
John Henry
John Hopkins
John Joseph
John Kitchen
John Moncrieff
John Simpson
Jonathan Wild
Judith Green
Judith M. Barringer
Julian Bradfield
Julian Ward
Karen Chapman
Karin Sellberg
Karl Oparka
Kate Heal
Kathy Whaler
Katy Macfarlane
Keelin Murray
Keith Matthews
Ken Millard
Kenneth Reid
Kenyon Manson
Kim Picozzi
Kyriakos Kalorkoti
Larry W. Hurtado
László Bartosiewicz
Laura Bradley
Laura Seath
Leo Butler
Leslie Mabon
Liam O’Carroll
Liz Bondi
Liz Stanley
Lloyd Llewellyn Jones
Lotte Hoek
Lucy Grig
Luke Bisby
Luke March
Lynne Pratt
Mae Shaw
Maggie Carson
Mala Renwick
Malcolm Wright
Mandy Gordon
Marc Steedman
Maria Chamberlain
Marion Schmid
Mark Aspinwall
Mark Dorrian
Mark Newman
Mark Rounsevell
Martin Booker
Martin Chick
Martin Corley
Martin Fransman
Martin Hammer
Martin P Weaver
Martin Parker
Martin Reekie
Marwa Mouazen
Mary Cosgrove
Mary Ho
Matteo Colombo
Max Ruffert
Mayank Dutia
Michael Cumming
Michael J. Rotter
Michael Northcott
Michael Rosie
Michael Rotter
Michele Mendelssohn
Michelle Keown
Mike Shipston
Miriam Meyerhoff
Mitsuhiko Ota
Morag Donaldson
Morwenna Griffiths
Murray Cole
N. H. Wilson
Nadia Tuzi
Neil Grubb
Neil Hudson
Neil Thin
Nicholas Longo
Nick Higgins
Nick Mills
Nick Prior
Nigel Osborne
Nikolaos Bournaveas
Norman Poyser
Norman Wilson
Nuala Zahedieh
Oliver O’Donovan
Orna Donoghue
Owen Dudley Edwards
Pankaj Pankaj
Paul Attfield
Paul McLaughlin
Paul Murray
Paul Nimmo
Paul Norris
Paul Taylor
Paul van Gardingen
Pauline Sangster
Pauline Weetman
Pertti Ahonen
Peta Freestone
Pete Nienow
Peter R E Johnson
Peter Bisschop
Peter Blue
Peter Davies
Peter Ewen
Peter Flatman
Peter J Kirsop
Peter Morton
Peter Tarrant
Phil Bowers
Phil Scott
Philip Best
Philip Larkman
Philip Sawyer
Philip Wadler
Phillip Larkman
Pieter Blue
Polly Arnold
Queenie Menezes
Qun Zhang
Racehl Hayman
Rachel Wood
Raj Bhopal
Rajorshi Chakraborti
Remco Knooihuizen
Rhona Alcorn
Richard Baxstrom
Richard Brodie
Richard Milne
Richard Parry
Richard Rawles
Richard Rodger
Richard Taffler
Richard Thomson
Richard Todd
Rick Woodward
Rob McIntosh
Robert Dalziel
Robert Mason
Robin Vevers
Ronald M. Wilson
Rosemary Mander
Salman Hussain
Sam Friedman
Sandra Bingham
Sandra Eden
Sara Parvis
Sarah Carpenter
Sarah Cockram
Sarah Colvin
Sarah Dunnigan
Sarah Hill
Sarah MacPherson
Sean Brocklebank
Sean Brocklebank
Sean Nee
Serge Koukpaki
Sergi Mainer
Sharon Cowan
Shereen Benjamin
Siân Bayne
Simon Bates
Simon Beams
Simon Clark
Simon Coleman
Simon Harris
Simon Kirby
Simon Malpas
Simon Maxwell
Simon Podmore
Simon Trepanier
Simone Meddle
Sionagh Smith
Sophie Cartwright
Spiros Adams-Florou
Sarah Rhynas
Srini Janarthanam
Stefan Bilbao
Stephen Bishop
Stephen Bowd
Stephen Kemp
Stephen Watt
Steve G. D.Henderson
Steve Renals
Stewart J Brown
Stratis Viglas
Stuart Sayer
Stuart Weir
Sue Kempson
Susan Kempson
Susan Rigby
Susan V. Mclaren
Sutherland Maciver
sylvie slater
T. M. McClellan
Tanya Cosentino
Tatiana Kornienko
Terry Wrigley
Thea Stevens
Thomas Ahnert
Thomas French
Thomas Giourgas
Thomas H. Bak
Thomas Horsley
Tim Stratford
Tina Düren
Tina Picton Phillipps
Tom Bristow
Tom Bruce
Tom Devine
Tom French
Tom Lenagan
Tom Roberts
Tom Slater
Tonks N Fawcett
Tony Turner
Trevor Griffiths
Ulrike Roth
Vaughan Rogers
Vengatesan Venugopal
Viccy Coltman
Vicky Bernie
Victor P. Lavrenko
Victoria Jackson
Vivienne Cree
Volfango Bertola
Warren Maguire
Will Hossack
Yew-Ming Chia
Yoko Matsumoto-Sturt
Yoko Takahashi
Zhang Yuan