Brooking Gatewood Social Science 240B Professor Doug White Review Paper SocSci 240 Networks and Complexity Videoconferences 3/7/2010 This paper reviews Carl Simon’s May 2007 talk “Simplicity in Complexity: Complex Systems Approaches Across the Disciplines”. I chose this talk because I am interested in interdisciplinary research and in the use of systems thinking in different disciplines so thought it might provide a useful overview. Simon, Professor of Economics and Public Policy at University of Michigan, offers a useful framing for this talk in which he lays out the 5 basic assumptions of simple systems-based modeling and decision-making and suggests that the opposite condition or relaxing of each of these assumptions offers a working conceptualization of complexity science. The following table illustrates these 5 parallel and opposing assumptions: SIMPLE MODEL ASSUMPTIONS COMPLEX SYSTEMS ASSUMPTIONS 1. Homogeneity (representative agent) 2. Equilibrium (no or simple dynamics) 3. Random mixing (no organization/structure) 4. No feedback (no learning, adaptation) 5. Deterministic 6. No link between micro/macro level 1. Heterogeneous agency/diversity 2. Nonlinear Dynamics 3. Contact structures, networks, organization 4. Feedback (adaptation, learning, evolution) 5. Stochastic (w/ concern for “tails”) 6. Emergence (micro macro phenomena) Simon gives examples of how these left-hand column assumptions have offered useful heuristics and insights about connections in simple systems, such as in microeconomics. But he offers more examples of failures that resulted from a lack of systems thinking: the DDT story; antibiotic resistance as a result of using the strongest antibiotics in unnecessary contexts; adding a lane to address highway congestion; bulldozing old neighborhoods to solve urban decay problems; raising prices to increase profits. We can think of systems thinking as a more effective way of solving problems, suggests Simon. Most simply it is about looking at the ways in which what you are studying connects to everything else. It helps us find unanticipated consequences and connections, that is, how a change in one part of a system of interest might affect other parts of the system. Predator-prey and disease models offer simple examples of the deeper understanding we gain from thinking about our problems in this way. Simon suggests that, across disciplines, we can really think of systems as networks – about connections and relationships, and about how structure determines outcomes. And we can find different kinds of networks with different kinds of patterns: random, rectangular grids, small world, and power-law networks, to name some of the primary categories. He suggests that the arsenal of techniques in use today for complex systems analysis at U-Michigan include: networks, agentbased modeling, game theory/dynamical systems, genetic algorithms, cellular automata, computational social and decision science, thresholds, tipping points. The talk concludes with a number of examples of these techniques in action in research by the complex systems group at U-Michigan. Simon is using complexity logic to show the flaws of neoclassical economic assumptions, to address long-term transportation sustainability challenges, to analyze literature-culture co-evolution, and antibiotic resistance. He closes with an extended example of the use of genetic algorithms for strategic decision-making. Though this talk was indeed a review of the differences between simple and complex systems approaches to problem solving and research, three points were particularly notable for me. First of all, I find the framing of the difference between simple and systems thinking being one of assumptions very elegant and useful. This was particularly striking to me in his project on the classical assumptions of microeconomics modeling. My pre-graduate training was in environmental science, particularly ecological economics, and I have been railing against the fundamental assumptions of neoclassical economics for years. My arguments however lacked this framing – that it is not just a matter of false assumptions, but of lack of systems thinking, per se. Secondly, and similarly, the discussion of sustainable transport is one I’ve thought about a great deal as well. I appreciate that in Simon’s work on this modeling he includes and highlights the systems problem in terms of behavior and decision-making and not just engineering and planning. This problem of short-term incentives in our pricing and planning systems is pervasive in many social science challenges. My tool-kit for addressing it had been grounded in anthropology, psychology, and cultural ecology, but to be able to include this behavioral element in these kinds of economic and planning model gives me a lot of hope. Finally, a small piece of critique: Simon mentioned early in his talk that the difference between simple systems assumptions and complex systems assumptions is what separates high school education from college education. First of all, I wish that were true, but as far as I can tell the average American student can graduate from college without any grounding in systems thinking. They may be exposed to the problems that result from failures in systems thinking, but not to the logic of thinking systemically per se. It’s my personal belief that, speaking of systemic solutions, one of the most effective ways we can plan now for a sustainable future is to begin teaching the fundamentals of systems thinking throughout the entire education process - starting in preschool, not college! If we’re going to be able to solve the profound societal challenges we’re addressing we need an entire society that is capable of understanding unintended consequences, the value of diversity, of learning processes, and of choosing long-term best interest over short-term interest.