Model Assignment

Model Assignment
Issued September 2010
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
Please note:
This OCR model assignment may be used to provide evidence for the unit above.
Alternatively, centres may ‘tailor’ the assignment within set parameters (see ‘Notes for
Teachers’). It is the centre’s responsibility to ensure that any adaptations made to this
assignment allow learners to meet all the assessment objectives and provide sufficient
opportunity for learners to demonstrate achievement across the full range of marks.
The scheme code for this qualification is:
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
The QCA Accreditation Number for this qualification is:
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
The QCA Accreditation Number for this unit is:
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
This OCR model assignment remains live for the life of this qualification.
ALL OF THIS MATERIAL MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED. Any photocopying will be done under the
terms of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 solely for the purposes of assessment.
© OCR 2010
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
Page Number(s)
Model Assignment
This section contains the assignment background which learners will need to
be familiar with in order to complete the tasks.
This section contains all the tasks learners must complete before submission
for assessment.
Guidance for centres
This section provides general guidance to centre staff on the preparation
and completion of the assignment.
9 – 13
Notes for teachers
This section provides additional guidance and support to centre staff for
each task. It is not intended for use by learners.
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
Model Assignment: Learner Information
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
Model Assignment
Effective teamwork
Smooth_It is a new business which makes and sells healthy living smoothies in support of a
charitable cause. The business needs to ensure that its communication, as a business, is well
planned and effective.
As a team you need to get organised, working with others to ensure your particular business
enterprise has every chance of being successful and you are ready to launch your product or
You appreciate there are a variety of roles and responsibilities that need to be carried out both in
the planning of the business enterprise and in its implementation. You realise it is important to use
the strengths of each individual in planning any team-based activity.
Teamwork and good communication skills should make any job that much easier to do.
It is recommended that this model assignment is completed as part of Unit F108: Business
enterprise in action (Wales).
Read through all of the tasks carefully, so that you know what you will
need to do to complete this assignment.
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
Task 1: Work in a team
Assessment Criteria 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2
You need to work together to organise yourselves in a team, in order to plan and implement the
business enterprise in an effective way.
For this task you will need to:
reach agreement about who will be part of the team that will work together to run your
business enterprise
agree who will carry out which role in the team
explain team roles and responsibilities including those of managers
show you understand the importance of team-working to your business enterprise
Working in a team you will need to:
work with others to achieve team goals
adapt behaviour to take account of any changing circumstances that may arise.
Task 2: Review the effectiveness of your team
Assessment Criteria 1.2, 1.3, 3.1, 3.2
The team-working activity provided an interesting insight into how you work alongside others as
well as how the group interacted as a whole.
Your business enterprise is thinking of running a similar event the following year and, impressed by
your activities, is interested in using your team as a model on which to organise future team
activity. You are not so sure about this. Team-working did not come without one or two problems
and you feel that you need to provide some feedback on how your group worked together in
planning for and implementing the business enterprise.
As part of the review you need to:
consider the working relationships in your team; especially how the group responded to
authority (i.e. managers)
give and receive constructive feedback within the team
review own and others’ effective contributions to the teamwork activity, identifying
strengths and any areas for development in the future.
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
Model Assignment: Teacher Information
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
Guidance for Centres
This model assignment is available to download, free of charge, from the OCR website:
Centres may choose to:
use OCR model assignments for formal summative assessment of learners
tailor OCR model assignments for formal summative assessment of learners.
It is intended that this model assignment can be used by centres without modification.
However, in order to provide appropriate contextualisation, improve access or increase
local relevance, centres may ‘tailor’ the model assignments within set parameters.
Details of the scope of adaptation are provided in the Notes for Teachers section of this
This assignment has been designed to meet the full assessment requirements of the
unit. Learners will need to take part in a planned learning programme that covers the
underpinning knowledge and skills of the unit.
Before carrying out the assignment
Learners should be provided with a copy of the Learner Information section of this
assignment or the centre adapted model assignment.
Learners may carry out preparations prior to undertaking the tasks; there is no time
limit for this.
When completing the assignment
All assessment evidence must be produced under 'controlled conditions' so that the
overall level of permitted control secures validity and reliability, provides good
manageability for all involved and allows teachers to authenticate the work confidently.
Further guidance on controlled conditions is provided within the OCR Principal
Learning (Wales) Handbook.
Learners should be allowed 6 guided learning hours (glh) to complete all of the tasks.
The amount of time may vary depending on the nature of the tasks and the ability of
individual learners. It is suggested that evidence is produced in several sessions.
Each learner must produce individual and authentic evidence for each task within the
Centre staff may give support and guidance to learners. This support and guidance
should focus on checking that learners understand what is expected of them. It is not
acceptable for teachers to provide model answers or to work through answers in detail.
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
Learners may use information from any relevant source to help them with producing
evidence for the tasks.
Learners must be guided on the use of information from other sources to ensure that
confidentiality is maintained at all times.
After completing the assignment
Learners’ evidence is assessed by the centre’s assessor against the unit specification
contained in the OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and
Finance Centre Handbook/Specification. When marking learners' work, centres must
use the descriptors provided within the unit. For further information about assessment
please refer to the section on Internal Assessment in the OCR Level 2 Principal
Assessors’ decisions should be quality assured across the centre through internal
moderation. For further information about internal moderation please refer to the
section on Internal Assessment in the OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business,
Administration and Finance (Wales) Centre Handbook/Specification.
Presentation of work
Centres wishing to submit digital evidence in the form of an e-portfolio should refer to
the appendix in the OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and
Finance (Wales) Centre Handbook/Specification on Guidance for the production of
electronic assessment.
Centres may wish to discourage learners from excessive use of plastic wallets for
presentation of their evidence as this may hinder the assessment process. Instead
centres may wish to encourage learners to present their work so that it is easily
accessible, eg spiral bound, stapled booklet, treasury tag.
Acceptable evidence
For guidance on generation and collection of evidence please refer to the section on
Internal Assessment in the OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration
and Finance (Wales) Centre Handbook/Specification.
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
Notes for Teachers
Introduction to the tasks
The tasks have been designed so that all of the assessment criteria in Unit F114 are addressed.
It would benefit the learners to have access to professionals who work in the sectors. This will
enable learners to gain greater understanding of the theory behind this unit and provide the learner
with the opportunity to evidence all the assessment requirements of the tasks.
These guidance notes should be used in conjunction with the unit specification in the OCR
Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales) Centre
Controls for task setting
Centres should refer to section 6.2 of the OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business,
Administration and Finance (Wales) Centre Handbook/Specification for generic information on task
This model assignment can be used without adaptation or it can be adapted using the guidelines
outlined in the Scope of permitted Model Assignment modification section (see below). If choosing
to modify this model assignment or to create a consortia assignment in line with the OCR criteria
then centres must ensure that the assignment is placed in an appropriate scenario that is sector
relevant and has a business purpose/objective.
Controls for task taking
Centres should refer to section 6.3 of the OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business,
Administration and Finance (Wales) Centre Handbook/Specification for generic information on task
Authenticity control
As this is a team-working unit, teachers must ensure that the individual contribution of each learner
can be authenticated. Teachers must ensure that learners' ideas are workable and are not
For most team-working activities, learners will produce tangible evidence to be assessed by the
teacher. However, when demonstrating skills and techniques such as collaboration, the teacher will
need to make use of detailed witness statements and/or observation records. They could also use
digital and audio media to authenticate evidence of learner participation.
Collaboration control
It is required that learners work in a team to complete Task 1. When learners are working in
teams, teachers should consider:
that all team members have equal opportunity to evidence their skills, knowledge and
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
team composition, for example based on learners’ preferred learning/reviewing styles
that each team has more senior roles within it (ie managerial role)
the number of team members. Small groups of 3 to 6 learners could comprise a team
breaking down the content into manageable ‘chunks’ for delivery and summarising activities
monitoring the team as work progresses
exemplifying structures for team working and communication
providing opportunity for practice/rehearsal and giving structured feedback.
Individual contributions to teamwork must be clearly identified, detailed, recorded and assessed to
facilitate moderation of this assignment. When using witness statements/observation records,
these should be completed for each individual learner.
Feedback control
Learners are required to reach their own judgements and conclusions. However, teachers are able
to provide feedback to learners, if sought, about how best to approach each of the tasks. For Task
1 teacher guidance may be required to ensure that learners’ ideas are workable. For Task 2 when
learners are obtaining 3600 feedback for their review, teacher guidance may be required to ensure
that feedback is constructive and learners gain appropriate evidence throughout the process.
Feedback above all else should focus on approach and techniques to ensure effective teamworking rather than focusing too heavily on specified content.
Supervision control
When completing the tasks, learners will complete all work for assessment, with the exception of
research, under direct teacher supervision; the work of each candidate must be individual and
authentic. There may be a need to use witness statements and/or observation records to ensure
the internal assessment decisions of the teacher can be justified.
Time control
For Task 1 it is recommended that learners spend approximately 3 – 5 hours working as a team
towards the planning and implementation of a business enterprise. For Task 2 it is recommended
that learners spend approximately 1 hour collecting feedback and assessing how the team worked,
their role and identifying what they would do differently in the future.
Resource control
For both tasks learners can access any notes they have compiled in the learning phase of this unit;
as well as seeking out additional information to assist them taking part in and reviewing their teamworking activity. For Task 2 learners need to assess how the team worked by seeking feedback. If
this model assignment is linked to Unit F108: Business enterprise in action (Wales) then the
resources for this could include someone from the panel of potential investors or the customers
providing feedback on the teamwork activity.
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
Controls for task marking
Centres should refer to section 6.4 of the OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business,
Administration and Finance (Wales) Centre Handbook/Specification for generic information on task
marking. A description of the key words used in the marking criteria is contained in the Marking
Criteria Glossary in section 11 of the OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration
and Finance (Wales) Centre Handbook/Specification.
When marking this assignment, teachers should start with the marking criteria within the unit and a
‘best fit’ approach should be applied to each assessment objective.
Teachers must be confident that the work they mark is the learner’s own. Although this does not
mean that learners must be supervised throughout the completion of all work, teachers must
employ sufficient checks whilst tasks are being completed to ensure learners are producing their
own evidence.
Scope of permitted Model Assignment modification
The model assignment is very self-contained in its present form. The set of tasks form a coherent
whole addressing all the Assessment Criteria [AC].
No changes to the Assessment Criteria are permitted.
The following would remain broadly the same, providing a common structure for the range of
model assignments produced:
individual learners’ evidence for practical activities
controls for task taking
links to other unit assignments, learning and work experience.
The model assignment can be changed in terms of:
the introductory scenario, which can be contextualised or amended. However, the scenario
must still be set within a business, administration and finance context and must have a clear
business purpose/objective.
Who the end user/client is and what their requirements are (what the team works on).
If modifications are made to the model assignment it is up to the centre to ensure that all
assessment and marking criteria are adequately covered
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
Additional guidance for teachers
The aim of the assignment is for learners to come together as a team, identify some common
goals, work towards them and then review how the team performed from a number of different
The model assignment could be completed as a discrete piece of assessment, possibly based on a
local business, or it could be part of a more holistic delivery programme focused around Unit
XXXX: Business enterprise in action (Wales). When learners are running their business enterprise
they will be demonstrating teamworking skills and so will naturally cover this particular topic area.
Please note that if the assessment is delivered holistically the evidence will need to be easily
identified as relating to this unit and available for internal assessment and external moderation.
Task 1:
Working in a team
For this task, learners need to focus on a suitable activity which will enable teamwork to take place.
For learners to be able to work effectively they will need to know the difference between working in
a professional environment and working in friendship groups to make an informed choice when
selecting teams. They will need to know about communication and the different roles in a team
including the skills needed to successfully carry out each role.
Throughout the activity the learner must ensure that their individual contribution to the team activity
is well documented as it is this contribution with supporting statements which will form the basis of
internal assessment and external moderation. A lot of the team-working assessment activity will
focus around the learner demonstrating a variety of skill-sets including collaborating with others,
communicating effectively, adapting their behaviour to meet challenging scenarios etc. Time must
be provided to allow the learner to practise these skill-sets – perhaps through the use of role-play
situations to ensure they are adequately prepared for the formative assessment.
Task 2:
Reviewing teamwork
For this task, learners need to review how they carried out their role and how the team worked
together. Learners will need to reflect on the communication that took place during the activity and
review how well the team worked towards their goal. It is important that a managerial/supervisory
role is established in each team as learners need to review how managers and members of their
team (including themselves) interacted. By introducing a managerial context to the review this will
provoke different reactions from different managers which must be carefully handled.
Learners should be encouraged to seek feedback on their teamwork and communication skills
from as many people as possible and use this to support their assessment. Learners should
identify potential areas for development for future teamwork. It is important that if peer assessment
is used as a reviewing technique that the feedback is constructive and is well managed. At this
level the learner will be inexperienced in delivering constructive feedback and so time must be
allocated to develop these skills in the learner before the formative assessment takes place.
Opportunities should be sought wherever possible to bring the business world into the process of
delivering feedback. Perhaps a local business representative who was invited to judge and offer
comment on Unit XXXX: Business enterprise in action (Wales) could be asked to comment further
on the approach taken by a particular team to the enterprise activity.
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)
OCR Level 2 Principal Learning Business, Administration and Finance (Wales)
When completing this model assignment it may be possible to generate evidence for completing a task in a variety of formats. This list is not
exhaustive and will depend on the approach taken to complete the task or model assignment. In some cases the task or model assignment will
require a specific format for the outcome and this will be clearly marked in the table.
Task activity
Examples of evidence, including format/type, that Assessment Criteria coverage
could be generated (this list is not exhaustive)
Task 1
records of what the team is going to do
Work in a team
records of the various roles required in the team and 
who is taking each role
identification of the goals/work plan
observation records and/or witness statements 
and/or digital recording of learners taking part in
communicating and team working.
Task 2
Review the effectiveness of your team
Assessment Criterion
assessment of the performance of the team e.g. a Assessment Criterion
report, teacher/peer/360o feedback
 1.2
digital recording of learners taking part in assessing  1.3
the team working
 3.1
personal review of own performance
 3.2
record of what the learner could do to improve their
Model Assignment – issued September 2010
Unit F114: Developing effective team-working for business (Wales)