The Lions’ Tale New Braunfels Noon Lions P.O. Box 310194 1577 FEBRUARY 2016 New Braunfels, Texas 78131 XVIII Jim, Dan Dave, Ronnie Jack Chartered March 18, 1924 Happy Vallenine’s Day White Cane Day “We Serve” O screening, eyeglasses for the those who can’t afford them, our spiffy new SPOT machine — especially for testing the kids who are just too young to understand what the heck is going on — and more. [Editor’s aside: I ur annual White Cane Day solicitation event is scheduled for Saturday, April 2nd, and you are cordially invited to attend. If it seems like your editor is beating this horse to room temperature, he has what he considers a valid motive. He captained the pharmacy door of Wal-Mart last year and interacted with lots and lots of folks coming and going through those portals, handed out a few Tootsie Rolls and collected a fistful of Cash American to fund some very good causes. But he’ll be MIA this year, and Third Veep Ronnie Thompson is looking for a Day Captain replacement for the Wal-Mart venue. This could be your big Noon Lions breakout opportunity — carpe diem!. attended the SPOT training session, and that machine’s analysis of my vision, both with and without my trusty spectacles, was spot on (ooh!). It’s a fabulous machine and we will do much good with it in this community.] Filling 30 two-hour slots from a roster of a hundred-and -some-odd patriots who embraced the “We Serve” pledge at their inductions should be a slam dunk, but seldom is. Thanks in advance to those who participate. One of the great things about White Cane Day is that all of the revenue, 100 per cent, goes to vision programs. A third goes to the Lone Star Eye Bank, and the balance is used for our charitable vision activities — student Pretty much our only expenses are water and ice for the workers and, of course, the Tootsie Roll bait with which to slow down the munchkins and also, not by accident, the ones with the money. And that, fellow Lions, is all money well spent. 1 Business Meeting - 7 January P resident Mike Smetanka presents a Noon Lions donation of $250 to Pete Lavonte of Boy Scout Troop 381 as a couple of squared away members of the troop observe the proceedings. The Boy Scouts of America gives us one reason for hope in a quality next generation. L ion Nancy Shugart, president of the South Austin Lions Club and blind since age 8, gave an inspiring benediction on willpower. The long and short of it was “regardless of your handicaps, you can do what you put your mind to.” One great turning point in her life was the discovery in college, just when she contemplated dropping out, of the new electronic magnifier in the school library. This bit of technology allowed Nancy to read more like sighted folks, relieving her of the burden of poring over texts word by word with a magnifying glass. The machine was a recent donation by the local Lions Club, and Nancy was transformed. Lions won a place in her heart that day that we have never relinquished. ROAR! T he Fifty-Fifty drawing was won by Rich Carse — pastoremeritus, Chapter 1577 co-chaplain and all around good-guy. Interestingly, the winning number, at least the last three digits of it, were “666”. [Hmmm.] Her bio and more are available at and numerous other places on the Internet. Business Meeting - 21 January A major disappointment, photographically speaking, is the lack of a digipic of 50+ grown Lions waving sticks of spaghetti around like it was perfectly normal. Tail Twister Cameron Bradfute came up the gambit as an icebreaker, and it was surely a unique approach — easily beating making wedding gowns from “bath tissue”. Gad! L eah Ortega, coordinator of the Two Rivers District of the Boy Scouts of America, encompassing six troops strung out from Canyon Lake through New Braunfels to Universal City, accepts a check in the amount of $600 from President Mike Smetanka. P lease welcome to our ranks Freddy Garza, owner of Freddy’s Pawn & Jewelry on south Seguin Avenue opposite the post office. Freddy was initiated by Prez Mike Smetanka and sponsored by your editor. Welcome aboard, Freddy. 2 Duly noted is Ralph Koch’s abdication of the Vsion Czar post after many years of service. Ralph’s record of achievement will be difficult to match or best, but stepping up to accept the mantle is Skip “Lefty” Stem. Skip has long been a cheerleader of our vision screening program, recruiting many to the call. Much luck in your new post, Lefty. Coming Attractions F ebruary 4th: Your Leo Coordinator David Simmons, and Leo Campus Coordinators John Creswell and Tom Call, will give up all the details of our Leo commitment. Everything you have always wanted to know about the Leos program — what it is, what they do, how we interface with them, what do we get out of it — will be made known to you this day. A reprise of a primer of this depth and magnitude may not be available again in Editor’s random thought: anyone not absolutely thrilled with his official “mug shot” should let the editor know. Perhaps a remedy is available. your lifetime. F ebruary 18th: Comal County Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Nathan Weir will bring magic markers and “two-bys” for us to sign (that is “sponsor”, i.e., purchase) as a preliminary step in their becoming studs in a house to be built for a family in need here in our community. In addition to the awesome lumber medley, Director Weir will take home a nice check from your club in support of the cause. Director Weir does not take plastic — bring cash or your checkbook if you want your name inside somebody’s wall. arch 4th: SPOT Camera Program — Skip “Lefty” Stem and qualified assistants will demonstrate the awesome capabilities of our new shared camera, and explain how it is used. Having been through the training, your editor laudes this extraordinary bit of new technology. M Free lollipops to all Lions who will participate. Wear your safety glasses and steeltoed boots. [Kidding, of course — but a welder’s hood could come in handy.] M arch 5th: Wurstfest Craft Beer Festival parking — in an inspired bit of scheduling the Wurstfest Assn. inked in this day of fun and frolic close enough on the heels of their Ten-Day Salute to Sausage that your Noon Lions should have not forgotten all they learned parking cars for that event. Soon Sign Up Genius will issue an invitation for you to join David Berger and David Smith in the parking lot on that Saturday to raise a bit more cash for our charitable works. 3 Coming Attractions M Part Two arch 5th: Texas Lions Camp — if you’re not planning to park cars for the Wurstfest Craft Beer Festival, another worthwhile option is to venture up I-10 a few miles and do a day’s work at the Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville. [Editor’s note: if you’re new to the neighborhood and have never been to Kerrville, Fredericksburg and surrounding environs, permit me to assure you that there is a bona fide reason that almost all of the Texas summer camps for boys and girls are located within a 20-mile radius. The Guadalupe is pristine up there, and the limestone hills are beautiful. Do yourself a favor, saddle up and go.] The laborer deserves his wages. You will be fed a sumptuous breakfast and lunch, and in between you will have the opportunity to recondition saddles or rebuild corrals or perform any of the myriad chores that need doing before the first crop of campers shows up after the spring school semester ends. The Leos will be out in force, as well — you will not be the Lone Ranger. Your editor went last year and, depending on his sked this spring, will definitely go again. If you’re really gung-ho, you can carpool up Friday and spend the night Even old fudds can find in the dorms. Otherwise, carpools will be forming for an early Saturday departure from a way to be useful Seekatz or somewhere. You’re a Lion, and this is our most precious gift to kids who have a lifetime of uphills in store for them between now and the moment they grasp the brass ring. Considering giving up a Saturday and reaping the benefits. FEBRuary Birthdays TLC Work Day March 2015 4 Kevin Wersterfer 8th Jerome Friesenhahn 8th Henry Spindle 9th Melvin Jochec 16th Skip “Lefty” Stem 17th Lee Ambrosino 18th Glenn Avriett 21st John Creswell 21st Ralph Koch 23rd Ken Lowery 23rd Delaine (Daly) Heimer 24th Mark Reynolds 25th THIS SPACE FOR RENT $50 PER YEAR, BILLABLE QUARTERLY [Where else can you get such bang for the buck?) 5 hese are the guys who watch the door so your Lion Tamer/Lions’ Tale Editor can stand in your way taking high quality digipix like the one above for the newsletter. T The Lion Tamer is truly beholding to these loyal guys who watch his six and keep him from tripping offline at times during the ebb and flow of our bimonthly business meetings. There is always more to do than one person can possibly manage. Volunteers are encouraged to lend a hand, learn a trade. Sincere thanks to Jim Tiller, Dan Krueger, Dave Schreier, Ronnie Thompson and Jack Morgan. Way overdue, fellas. New Braunfels Noon Lions Club PO Box 310194 New Braunfels, Texas 78131-0194 6