Linking to an EBSCOhost Article from Blackboard

Blackboard - Linking to Library Resources
Grace Library Guide for Faculty
To post a link to an article from a library journal database into a Blackboard class site complete the
following steps (these instructions assume that you are using Internet Explorer as your web browser):
1. Open a browser to click on the Find Articles, Journals, and Videos box
then select Find Articles. Select the appropriate database and search to find your article.
For any EBSCOhost Database
a. Search to find
your article.
Once you have
found it, click on
the article title
for the complete
citation. On the
right site of the
citation page
click on the icon
for Permalink.
b. When you click the
Permalink icon the
permalink web address
will appear over the article
title near the top of the
page. Select and copy the
entire address (it may be
two lines long) and proceed to step 2 in this guide.
In the example above the entire web address is:
For any ProQuest Database
a. Search to find your document. Once
you have found it, click and view the
complete citation. Scroll down to
the bottom of the page and select
and copy the web address (it may be
two lines long) that is listed next to
the phrase Document URL and
proceed to step 2 in this guide.
In this example the entire web
address is:
For Online Business Videos
a. Search to find the video. Look for the phrase Title URL and select and copy the web address
that appears under that
phrase and continue to step
2 in this guide.
Other Library Databases
There are a few library databases that are not listed above. If you are using a database that is
not listed, it is recommended that you direct students to the library’s web site,, the name of the database (such as Global Road Warrior) and the
search terms they should enter rather than directly linking to the article.
2. Once you have copied the web address from any of the
databases, login to your Blackboard course site and
select the Web Link option listed under the Build Content
3. Paste the link that you copied from the database into your Blackboard course site into the URL box. It is
highly recommended that you also include the citation information and note the database in case there
are any problems with the link.
Paste web
address here
Click on the submit button on the Blackboard page to add the link.
4. When this link is selected from within your Blackboard course site, the student will be directed to the
library’s off-campus access page for login with their Carlow Active Directory username and password.
After logging in s/he will be taken directly to the article. If the student is on they will be taken directly
to the article without having to login.
5. For help in finding articles in any of the many library databases view the research guides available in
the library or at
Questions? Contact Grace Library
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