JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION APRIL AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 2004 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR MANAGING GROUND WATER RESOURCES IN THE CHOUSHUI RIVER ALLUVIAL IN TAIWAN1 Chen Wuing Liu2 ABSTRACT: Ground water is a vital water resource in the Choushui River alluvial fan in Taiwan. A significantly increased demand for water, resulting from rapid economic development, has led to large scale ground water extraction. Overdraft of ground water has considerably lowered the ground water level, and caused seawater intrusion, land subsidence, and other environmental damage. Sound ground water management thus is essential. This study presents a decision support system (DSS) for managing ground water resources in the Choushui River alluvial fan. This DSS integrates geographic information, ground water simulation, and expert systems. The geographic information system effectively analyzes and displays the spatially varied data and interfaces with the ground water simulation system to compute the dynamic behavior of ground water flow and solute transport in the aquifer. Meanwhile, a ground water model, MODFLOW-96, is used to determine the permissible yield in the Choushui River alluvial fan. Additionally, an expert system of DSS employs the determined aquifer permissible yield to assist local government agencies in issuing water rights permits and managing ground water resources in the Choushui River alluvial fan. (KEY TERMS: decision support system; expert system; ground water management; geographic information system; permissible yield.) the Peikang River to the south. The alluvial fan has an area of around 1,800 km2 and is partitioned primarily into proximal-fan, mid-fan, and distal-fan areas. The unconsolidated sediment underlying the alluvial fan contains abundant ground water and is of the late Quaternary age. Liu, Chen Wuing, 2004. Decision Support System for Managing Ground Water Resources in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan in Taiwan. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 40(2):431-442. INTRODUCTION The Choushui River alluvial fan is located on the western coast of Taiwan, and covers the plain containing Chang-Hwa, Yun-Lin, and northern Chia-Yi Counties (Figure 1). The alluvial fan is enclosed by the Taiwan Strait to the west, the Wu River to the north, Dulliu Hill and Baguah Mount to the east, and Figure 1. Location of the Choushui River Alluvial Fan in Taiwan. 1Paper No. 02116 of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) (Copyright © 2004). Discussions are open until October 1, 2004. 2Professor, Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10617, R.O.C. (E-Mail: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 431 JAWRA LIU Between 1992 and 1998, the government implemented a seven-year comprehensive ground water monitoring network plan to investigate the hydrogeological characteristics of the major ground water systems in Taiwan. The new ground water monitoring network in the Choushui River alluvial fan was established as part of this plan. The network includes 77 hydrogeological investigation stations and 188 ground water monitoring wells in different aquifers (Taiwan Sugar Company, 1997). Subsurface hydrogeological analysis to a depth of approximately 300 m can be divided into six interlayering sequences, including three marine sequences and three nonmarine sequences, in the distal-fan and the mid-fan areas. Generally, the nonmarine sequences, with coarse sediment sizes, ranging from medium sand to highly permeable gravel, can be considered as aquifers, while the marine sequences with fine sediment sizes, ranging from clay to low permeability fine sand, can be considered as aquitards (Figure 2). Meanwhile, the hydrogeological formation of the proximal fan, which is composed entirely of gravel and sand, is regarded as an unconfined aquifer. The proximal fan is a major region for aquifer recharging. exceeding the safe yield for the aquifer. Ground water overdraft has caused serious environmental problems, including seawater intrusion, ground water salinization and land subsidence (Water Resources Bureau, 2001; Gau and Liu, 2002). Figure 3 displays measured ground water head contours in Aquifers 1, 2, and 3 in 1999, indicating that the ground water heads of the three aquifers on the southwestern coast of the Choushui River alluvial fan are all below sea level. The southwestern coast corresponds to the most serious seawater intrusion and land subsidence area in the Choushui River alluvial fan. The ground water monitoring network provides valuable hydrogeological information concerning the Choushui River alluvial fan. Detailed hydrogeological data are useful for setting up accurate models for simulating dynamic aquifer system behavior. The established ground water flow model combined with geographic information and expert systems can be integrated to establish a decision support system (DSS) for effectively managing ground water resources and preventing further environmental deterioration in the Choushui River alluvial fan. A DSS builds a decision model using the analytical method, and is optimized with an interactive computer program. The model helps decision makers assess the feasibility, impact, and selection of alternative solutions and make appropriate decisions. A DSS provides a range of tools to allow user defined evaluation of scenario results, as well as explanations and supporting information for elucidating ecological modeling. Alternative solutions are based on information, data, and expert knowledge. Such alternative solutions are required for solving large and nonstructural problems (Andriole, 1989). Water resource management using a DSS has grown rapidly following recent advances in computer processors, operational systems, and user friendly interfaces (Loucks, 1991; Adelman, 1992; Fedra, 1993; Endreny and Jenning, 1999; Young et al., 2000; Koutsoyiannis et al., 2002). However, successful application of a DSS in the field remains limited. Andreu et al. (1991) integrated simulation and optimization models to assess the conjunctive use of the Segura River in Spain. The DSS model, which includes an interactive and automatic graphical display system, allows decision makers to analyze a set of alternative solutions. Stansbury et al. (1991) combined a ground water/surface water simulation model, response analytical model using a geographic information system (GIS), and multiobjective decision model to formulate a DSS to evaluate water transfer. The DSS was applied to evaluate the social, economic and environmental impact of water transfer in Nebraska in the United States. Figure 2. Conceptual Hydrogeologic Profile of the Choushui River Alluvial Fan. Long term average amounts of pumped and recharged ground water from 1970 to 1990 were 1.326 and 1.024 billion m3/yr, respectively. This statistic indicates substantial ground water overdrafting from the aquifers (Central Geological Survey, 1999). Ground water levels fell significantly from 1970 to 1995 and rebounded slightly after 1996. Ground water overdraft is caused mainly by illegal fishpond wells, densely located in the coastal area, and the over issuing of ground water rights permits, JAWRA 432 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR MANAGING GROUND WATER RESOURCES IN THE CHOUSHUI RIVER ALLUVIAL FAN IN TAIWAN Figure 3. Ground Water Head Contours (m) of the Choushui River Alluvial Fan in 1999: (1) Aquifer 1, (b) Aquifer 2, and (3) Aquifer 3. Endreny and Jennings (1999) described a DSS that was designed to efficiently perform data combination and evaluate the potential benefits of reducing standard error in surface water quality estimates. By quantifying how data augmentation changes the spatial coarseness of the monitoring network and accuracy estimates, a DSS generates information required by decision makers. Young et al. (2000) developed a DSS for river flow ecology assessment in the MurrayJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION Darling Basin in Australia. The DSS used the RAISON shell (Lam et al., 1994) and integrated various simple riverine ecology models that can qualitatively and quantitatively represent the response of different aspects of instream and flood plain ecology depending on river flow regime. Koutosyiannis et al. (2002) described a DSS for water resources management focused on multipurpose reservoir systems. This DSS was applied to two of the most complicated 433 JAWRA LIU yield valuable decision making information. The developed DSS comprises three modules: the GIS module, the ground water simulation module, and the expert system module. Figure 4 illustrates the structure of the DSS for managing ground water resources. The functions of the three modules are described below. hydrosystems in Greece, demonstrating that a suitable system configuration could accomplish various and contradictory objectives and assure sustainable development of sensitive river and estuary ecosystems. This study presents a DSS for managing ground water resources in the Choushui River alluvial fan in Taiwan. The DSS developed here integrates GIS, the simulation model, and an expert system, and helps local governmental agencies manage ground water resources effectively. The MODFLOW-96 (Harbaugh and McDonald, 1996) ground water simulation model is used to determine the permissible yield in the Choushui River alluvial fan. Issuance of water rights permits by local governmental officers is used as an example to illustrate the effectiveness of the DSS. GIS Module The system adopts the GIS as the kernel of the user interface. GIS is superior to conventional data management software in that it links spatial and attribute data and includes query and display capabilities. The GIS has powerful display and analysis functions. The open structure allows users easily to integrate the module with other modules. Additionally, the spatial data structure links with other data banks to extend the analytical capability including graphical displays and statistical analysis of hydrographs, contour plots, descriptive statistics, and geostatistics. GIS not only offers two-dimensional display but also provides three-dimensional versatile analysis and display. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT The DSS developed here mainly focuses on supporting decision makers in managing ground water resources. The system includes a complete data bank and employs the advanced tools of GIS, the ground water simulation model, and the expert system to Figure 4. Structure of the Decision Support System. JAWRA 434 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR MANAGING GROUND WATER RESOURCES IN THE CHOUSHUI RIVER ALLUVIAL FAN IN TAIWAN GIS uses the Internet to gather data from other agencies and to search and display required user information. The DSS described here uses the GIS module to illustrate an interface that interacts with simulation and expert system modules for data transmission. The GIS module calls other modules to perform analysis or simulation, and then transfers the analytical results in a binary format to update the data bank. namely – knowledge base, inference engine, and user interface. The inference engine is adopted from the commercial software Visual Rule Studio (Durkin, 1994), and performs forward, backward, and hybrid chaining inference. Moreover, the knowledge base is built using the opinions of experts in the field with the Rule Adjuster being used to summarize system knowledge. Ground Water Simulation Module The DSS not only offers appropriate suggestions based on the analytical results, but also conducts ground water flow and transport simulations to determine how various ground water resources management schemes affect the analysis of the expert system. The ground water simulation module used in this study is the Processing Modflow version 5.3 (Chiang and Kinzelbach, 1998), and includes the ground water flow model, MODFLOW-96 (Harbaugh and McDonald, 1996); contaminant transport model, MT3D-96 (Zheng, 1996); and land subsidence model, INTERBED (Leake and Prudic, 1991) a module of MODFLOW. The ground water simulation model simulates the dynamic flow of ground water, solute transport, and land subsidence caused by overpumping of ground water. Users can input the in situ boundary and initial conditions, including pumping rate, precipitation, ground water level, and evapotranspiration, to simulate changes in ground water level, drawdown head, permissible yield, solute movement, and land subsidence. The model results are useful for assessing how individual factors influence ground water systems. The spatial data used in the simulation and the computed result can be transferred back to the GIS module for post processing and visual display. The computed flow field also can serve as input data for the MT3D-96 solute transport and the INTERBED land subsidence models. Figure 5. General Layout of the Expert System. SYSTEM APPLICATIONS When users log on to the DSS, the system provides detailed ground water hydrogeological data, a simulated analysis, a comprehensive graphic display, and expert decision support. The DSS effectively accelerates decision processing and facilitates decision making. The DSS presented here incorporates the following features: • Five coordinate input options for positioning the geographic window. • Attribute querying using spatial data. • Graphical display of temporal variation of hydrological parameters. • Descriptive statistical analysis of observed data. • Construction of contour lines using statistical interpretation. • User friendly interface with the simulation model. • Linking the simplified version of the simulation model via the interface of the GIS module. Expert System The GIS and simulation modules only provide casespecific analytical results without comprehensive expert advice. The expert system fills this gap. Based on user needs, the expert system, with a knowledge base and an inference engine, offers integrated expert opinions regarding water resource management. Decision makers use this information to establish a sound ground water resource management plan. Figure 5 presents the general layout of an expert system. The system comprises three main parts, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 435 JAWRA LIU • Linking the professional version of the Processing Modflow simulation system with the interface of the GIS module. • Offering expert advice and suggestions regarding issuing water rights permits and helping local government agencies to effectively manage ground water resources. than in dry years. This study classifies wet, average and dry years based on annual precipitation data from 1990 to 1999 (Central Weather Bureau, 19901999). Using Weibull’s method, the exceedence probability curves of precipitation at 75 percent, 50 percent and 25 percent, denote the precipitation corresponding to wet, average, and dry years, respectively. The identified wet, average and dry years are 1994, with precipitation of 2,052 mm; 1997, with precipitation of 1,805 mm; and 1991, with precipitation of 1,307 mm. These data provide the initial conditions for the MODFLOW-96 simulation. The MODFLOW-96 model is first calibrated using the metrological and ground water level data of 1997 and adjusting local pumping rates to match ground water levels to the field measurements. The calibrated model then performs a simulation to obtain the relationship of pumping rate to drawdown for wet, average, and dry hydrological years. The Hill method, which plots simulated pumping rate against drawdown, is employed to determine the permissible yield of each aquifer, which is defined as the determined annual ground water pumping rates with zero drawdown of the corresponding aquifer. Figure 6 illustrates the determined wet year permissible yield, 181 x 106 m3/yr, of the first aquifer in Yun-Lin by the Hill method. The estimated permissible yields of other aquifers in the Yun-Lin and Chang-Hwa Counties can be obtained by the same procedures. Figure 7 summarizes the procedures used to determine the permissible yield. Moreover, the permissible yields determined for the Choushui River alluvial fan in dry, average, and wet years are given in Table 1. The determined permissible yields in the dry, average, and wet years are 0.86 x 109, 0.96 x 109, and 1.20 x 109 m3/years, respectively, for the Choushui River alluvial fan. The safe yield of 1.1 x 109 m3/years estimated by Shen (1991) corresponds to the wet year permissible yield, whereas the safe yield of 0.90 x 109 m3/years determined by Yeh and Yang (1998) falls within the permissible yields of dry and average years. The permissible yields in Yun-Lin County are generally much higher than those in Chang-Hwa County. Aquifers 1, 2-1, 2-2, and 3 evenly supply the ground water for Yun-Lin County, whereas Aquifer 1 is the primary source of ground water supply for Chang-Hwa County. Finally, Table 2 lists the permissible yields for typical wet hydrological years determined for 20 townships in Yun-Lin County. The Townships of 1, 8, and 20, which are all located in the coastal area, have high permissible yields, indicating the southwestern distal fan area contains abundant ground water. However, this coastal zone also corresponds to the most serious seawater intrusion and land subsidence area, mainly caused by the overdraft of ground water. Proper management of the ground water resources The application of the ground water simulation model and expert system of the DSS are described below. Groundwater Simulation Model for Determining Permissible Yield The ground water simulation model is used as a kernel of the simulation module. The simulation model interactively exchanges with GIS data banks. The GIS module utilizes the data and converts them into a binary or specific format as input parameters in the simulation model, and vice versa. By inputting different initial and boundary conditions, the models can perform scenario analysis on ground water level and drawdown. This study applies the ground water simulation model of MODFLOW-96 to determine the permissible yield of the Choushui River alluvial fan. The Choushui River alluvial fan has suffered from excessive ground water extraction from 1970 to 1995. The large extraction has created serious adverse impacts and damaged the surrounding environment. Determination of the permissible pumping yield for the ground water aquifer thus becomes imperative. The permissible ground water pumping yield is taken to be the maximum possible extraction compatible with maintaining stable supply in an area. Lee (1915) defined safe yield as the quantity of water that can be regularly extracted over the long term without dangerously depleting storage reserves. The general definition of safe yield is the amount of water that can be withdrawn from an aquifer without lowering average ground water levels. According to this definition, various constant safe yields have been proposed for the Choushui River alluvial fan. Shen (1991) used the water balance method to estimate a safe yield of 1.1 x 10 9 m 3 /year. Similarly, Yeh and Yang (1998) used MODFLOW to simulate variation in ground water levels and estimated a safe yield of 0.9 x 109 m3/year. However, the safe yield for a given area may not be constant (Domenico and Schwartz, 1990), and may vary with ground water recharge, which itself is closely related to precipitation. Rainwater recharge into a ground water aquifer is greater in a wet year than in a dry year. The safe yield thus is higher in wet years JAWRA 436 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR MANAGING GROUND WATER RESOURCES IN THE CHOUSHUI RIVER ALLUVIAL FAN IN TAIWAN using the DSS is essential to the Choushui River alluvial fan. The determined permissible yields of different townships in the Choushui River alluvial fan for wet, average, and dry hydrological years are stored in the GIS data bank and can be easily retrieved for subsequent use to issue water rights permits. Figure 6. Estimated Wet Year Permissible Yield of the First Aquifer in Yun-Lin. Figure 7. Procedure for Determining the Permissible Yield. Expert System for Issuing Water Rights Permits The engineering factors considered are: permissible yield, ground water level and drawdown, land subsidence, seawater intrusion, and ground water quality. A questionnaire dealing with granting or declining an application for a water rights permit was prepared and mailed to local experts. A knowledge based rule was established in the expert system based on the answers and opinions by the local experts. Permits granted are classified into regular and temporary permits. Unless applicants specifically request a temporary permit (for example, for dewatering during engineering excavations), they are assumed to be applying for a regular permit. Furthermore, only temporary permits are granted to applicants seeking to Water rights permit issuing is a complex task involving engineering, economic, political, social, legal, and environmental considerations. Except for the legal and engineering aspects, these aspects are subject to the interests of various groups and are very difficult to assess. As such, the expert system for issuing water rights considers only engineering and legal aspects. An expert suggestion based on system analysis is rational and objective. The legal factors considered are: hydraulic law and its implementation regulations, the Groundwater Control Act of Taiwan, Irrigation Management Regulations of Taiwan, and the Drinking Water Act. TABLE 1. Determined Permissible Yield of the Choushui River Alluvial Fan. Hydrological Year Dry Average Wet County Aquifer 1 Yun-Lin Chung-Hwa Yun-Lin Chang-Hwa Yun-Lin Chang-Hwa 60 171 130 207 181 281 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION Permissible Yield (in 106 m3/year) Aquifer 2-1 Aquifer 2-2 228 21 233 25 252 41 437 150 32 158 13 173 41 Aquifer 3 ∑ 162 40 164 42 181 50 600 264 687 277 787 414 JAWRA LIU TABLE 2. Estimated Wet Year Permissible Yield of 20 Townships in Yun-Lin County (in 106 m3/year) ∑ (1)+(2-1)+2-2)+(3) Determined Percentage (percent) Township Aquifer 1 Aquifer 2-1 Aquifer 2-2 Aquifer 3 01* 27.6 38.3 26.4 27.6 119.9 15.22 02* 6.0 8.3 5.7 6.0 26.0 3.29 03 14.2 19.7 13.6 14.2 61.7 7.83 04 8.6 12.0 8.3 8.6 37.5 4.77 05 3.2 4.4 3.0 3.2 13.6 1.74 06 1.5 2.1 1.4 1.5 6.5 0.83 07 8.2 11.4 7.9 8.2 35.7 4.53 08 18.2 25.3 17.4 18.2 79.1 10.03 09 8.2 11.4 7.8 8.2 35.6 4.51 10* 5.8 8.0 5.5 5.8 25.1 3.19 11* 4.5 6.4 4.4 4.5 19.8 2.51 12* 11.2 15.5 10.7 11.2 48.6 6.17 13* 9.9 13.8 9.5 9.9 43.1 5.48 14* 8.0 11.2 7.7 8.0 34.9 4.44 15 4.8 6.7 4.6 4.8 20.9 2.66 16 1.4 1.9 1.3 1.4 6.0 0.77 17 9.3 13.1 8.9 9.3 40.6 5.15 18* 2.7 3.8 2.6 2.7 11.8 1.50 19 7.9 11.0 7.5 7.9 34.3 4.35 20* 20.0 27.8 19.1 20.0 86.9 11.03 181.1 251.9 173.2 181.1 787.6 ∑ ∑ (percent) 23.00 32.00 22.00 23.00 100.00 *Located in the ground water restricted area. drill a ground water well within ground water restricted areas. This study uses the confidence level approach to analyze the applied field conditions. Five important factors are considered in the confidence level, including: amount of water in present application, local ground water quality, permissible yield of local ground water, average drawdown of local ground water, and pumping interference. The permissible yield is obtained from the previous MODFLOW-96 simulation. The specific value of each factor in the confidence level, C, is evaluated using the following criterion relationships: Confidence level A, CA, is determined by amount of water applied CA = 1 − × 100% maximum rationed water used in a sec tor where the maximum rationed water used for the domestic, agricultural, and industrial sector is adopted from Yu (2000), who has developed a comprehensive set of regression equations based on the data JAWRA (1) from various water-use sectors. The developed regression equations were used to estimate the amount of maximum rationed water used. 438 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR MANAGING GROUND WATER RESOURCES IN THE CHOUSHUI RIVER ALLUVIAL FAN IN TAIWAN The confidence level B, CB, is computed by latest measured items exceed the water quality standard of all wells in the township CB = 1 − × 100% all measured water quality items Although the magnitude of the exceedance could be of equal or greater importance than the number of exceedances, the study restricted the number of exceedances of the water quality standard. The impacts of the high concentration items on the environment and human health need to be evaluated by more advanced tools such as risk assessment, which is beyond the scope of the study. The confidence level C, Cc, is determined as follows: water levels (Hsafe, Hlow, and Hseriously low) are then calculated from the relationships listed in Table 3. The safe, low, and seriously low ground water levels in the proximal-fan, mid-fan, and distal-fan are all set to the mean plus one, mean minus one, and mean minus two standard deviations of the measured ground water level, respectively. The safe, low, and seriously low ground water levels in the restricted area are more strict and are set to the mean plus one standard deviation, mean, and mean minus one standard deviation of the measured ground water level, respectively, to prevent further land subsidence and seawater intrusion in the coastal area. Cc = 100 percent, if θc < θd ; Cc = 70 percent, if θd < θ < θa; Cc = 40 percent, if θa < θ < θw; and Cc = 0 percent, if θw < θ TABLE 3. Defined Safe, Low, and Seriously Low Ground Water Levels in the Proximal-Fan, Mid-Fan, Distal-Fan, and Restricted Areas. (3) where θ denotes the amount of annual pumping in the township, and θ d , θ a , and θ w are the permissible yields in dry, average, and wet years, respectively. The confidence level D, CD is determined based on the safe ground water level and is calculated as follows: CD = 100% N P ∑ (5 × iN ) Area Hsafe Hlow Hseriously low Proximal-Fan Mid-Fan and Distal-Fan Restricted µ+σ µ+σ µ+σ µ-σ µ-σ µ µ - 2σ µ - 2σ µ-σ µ: Average measured ground water level from 1995 to 1999. σ: Standard deviation of µ. (4) i The confidence level E, CE, is determined by first calculating where α= P = 5 if Hmeasured > Hsafe, P = 4 if Hsafe > Hmeasured > Hlow, t1 S + t1 (5) where P = 2 if Hlow > Hmeasured > Hseriously low, S= P = 0 if Hseriously low > Hmeasured, and N = the number of monitoring wells in the township. ( ) Q2 log R r , 2.72 Kb Q1 log R R 1 t1 = , 2.72 Kb The average ground water level (µ) and its standard deviation (σ) are computed using the measured ground water level data in the monitoring well from 1995 to 1999. The safe, low, and seriously low ground JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION (2) α is the ratio of drawdown caused by pumping from a new well to the adjacent well; S is the adjacent well 439 JAWRA LIU Figure 8. Main Structure of the Decision Tree in the First and Second Layers for Issuing Ground Water Rights Permits. Figure 9. Main Structure of the Decision Tree in the Second and Third Layers for Issuing Ground Water Rights Permits. JAWRA 440 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR MANAGING GROUND WATER RESOURCES IN THE CHOUSHUI RIVER ALLUVIAL FAN IN TAIWAN 100 percent, CD (safe ground water level) is 58 percent, and CE (well interference) is 100 percent. A temporary water rights permit is issued because the confidence level C B (water quality) is 33 percent, which is less than 50 percent. drawdown head (m); t1 is the drawdown caused by pumping from a new well to an adjacent well (m); R is the radius of influence of the pumping well (default = 1,000 m); r is the radius of adjacent well (m); R1 is the distance between the new well and the adjacent well (m); Q1 is the pumping rate of the new well (m3/day); Q2 is the pumping rate of the adjacent well (m3/day); K is the hydraulic conductivity (m/day); and b is the aquifer thickness (m). If α < 0.2, then CE = 100 percent; otherwise CE = 0 percent. If confidence is below the threshold of 50 percent, the system downgrades applications for full permits to temporary permits and rejects applications for temporary permits. Figures 8 and 9 present a threelayered flowchart representing the decision tree for issuing water rights permits. Notably, if the applied wells are located in the restricted area, only a temporary permit can be issued. The following two examples, including domestic water used and the industrial water used, illustrate the use of the DSS to assist a local government officer in issuing water rights permits. Case II: Industrial Water Use For this case, the basic water rights application data include: the county (Yun Lin), the township (No. 7), the aquifer location (Aquifer 3), the water use sector (Industrial), the type of industry (basic chemical industry), the plant area (12 hectares), the number of employees (50), the annual expenses (30,000,000 NT$), the annual water use days (300), the pumping type (automatic and mechanical), the type of application (regular permit), and the amount of water for which a permit is sought (350,000 m3/yr). The adjacent well data include: the number of adjacent wells (0), the radius of influence (NA), the distance between new well and adjacent well (NA), and the radius of adjacent well (NA). The advice from applying the expert system are: the permitted maximum rationed water (QI) for basic chemical industrial use is determined by the regressive equation, QI = 130.63 x plant area (hectare) + 54.36 x floor area (hectare) + 3.18 x number of employees + 0.174 x annual expense (107 NT$/yr) = 715,000 m3/yr; the annual pumping in township No. 7 (6.8 x 106 m3/yr); the permissible yields in dry, average, and wet years (7.3, 7.5, and 8.2 x 10 6 m 3 /yr, respectively) (see Table 2 for wet year); and the summary of confidence levels (C A (amount of rationed water used) = 52 percent, CB (water quality) = 100 percent, CC (permissible yield) = 100 percent, CD (safe ground water level) = 62 percent, CE (well interference) =100 percent). A regular water right permit is issued because the confidence levels CA to CE are all greater than 50 percent In the Case I, only 33 percent of the local ground water quality meets the domestic water quality standard. As the confidence level (33 percent) is below the threshold value (50 percent), the DSS downgrades the application from a regular permit to a temporary permit. In Case II, the five confidence level factors are all above the 50 percent threshold value, thus the DSS issues a regular water rights permit to the applicant. The two examples successfully demonstrate the use of the expert system in issuing the water rights permit. Case I: Domestic Water Use For this case, the basic water rights application data include: the county (Yun Lin), the township (No.3), the aquifer location (Aquifer 2-1), the water use sector (domestic), the number of people (12), the annual water use days (365), the pumping type (automatic and mechanical), the type of application (regular permit), and the amount of water for which a permit is sought (1,000 m3/yr). The adjacent well data include: the number of adjacent wells (1), the radius of influence (1,000 m), the distance between the new well and the adjacent well (500 m), the radius of the adjacent well (0.15 m), and the pumping rate (2,000 m3/yr). The advice from applying the expert system are: the permitted maximum rationed water (Q I ) for domestic use is determined by the regression equation, QI = 0.544 m3/man/day x number of people x annual water used days = 2,383 m3/yr; the annual pumping in township No. 3 (13.2 x 106 m3/yr); the permissible yields in dry, average, and wet years (17.8, 18.3, and 19.7 x 106 m3/yr, respectively) (see Table 2 for wet year); the daily pumping rate of new well (2.74 m3/day); the daily pumping rate of adjacent well (5.48 m 3 /day); the thickness of 2-1 aquifer (50 m); the hydraulic conductivity of 2-1 aquifer (8.64 m/day); and the computed α (0.05 < 0.2). The confidence levels are: CA (amount of rationed water used) is 58 percent, CB (water quality) is 33 percent, CC (permissible yield) is JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 441 JAWRA LIU CONCLUSION Domenico, P.A. and F.W. Schwartz, 1990. Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology. 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