41 - Cal State LA - Instructional Web Server

Landforms of the Fluvial System
The shape of the alluvial fan most closely resembles
a. a circular mound
b. a long ridge
c. an apron*
d. a long channel
e. none of these
Ephemeral streams flow year round
a. True
b. False*
Channels on alluvial fans never change courses
a. True
b. False*
The coarsest sediment deposited on an alluvial fan is found
a. near the margins of the fan
b. in between the margins and the apex of the fan
c. at the apex of the fan*
In meandering rivers erosion occurs
a. on the point bar
b. on the outer parts of the bend*
c. in the oxbow lake
d. all of these
Flood plains form when
a. sediment is eroded from the bluffs and deposited on the margins of the river
b. point.bars merge
c. the river floods and deposits sediment on its margins*
d. the water dries and sediment is deposited in the channel
Which of the following will lead to the development of stream terraces?
a. tectonic uplift which steepens channels
b. decreased sediment yield into the stream*??
c. a drop in base level on tributaries of a larger stream
d. all of the above*
Deltas commonly form where stream empty into larger bodies of water such as lakes and oceans
a. True*
b. False
These influence the shape or form of the delta
a. waves,
b. tides
c. current
d. all of these*
The shape or form of the delta is not influenced by stream discharge
a. True
b. False*
When alluvial fans join along a mountain front obscuring the cone shapes forms a(n)
a. bajada or alluvial apron
b. alluvialskirt
c. alluvial flow
d. convex hillsleeve
Where on a meander is erosion the greatest?
a. on the inside
b. on the outside
c. on the upstream side
d. on the downstream side
What kind of lake forms when a meander is cut off?
a. meander lake
b. kettle lake
c. oxbow lake
d. cut-off lake
The Mississippi Delta is an example of a(n) __ delta.
a. classic
b. circular
c. birdfoot
d. Big Muddy
Flood deposits made up of the coarsest material forms a(n) ___along the flooded river.
a. oxbow ridge
b. bluff
c. levee
d. sand bar