Tic-Tac-Toe Pick Three in a Row

Tic-Tac-Toe Pick Three in a Row
Make a poster collage,
using pictures from a
nature magazine, show
examples of chemical
and mechanical
weathering. Write a
sentence below each
picture explaining why
it is an example.
Make a sketch that
shows how urban areas
could be designed to
reduce the amount of
runoff into streets and
local streams
Take an erosion survey
of your area. Look for
evidence of sediment
that has moved
downhill due to gravity.
Use photos to make a
booklet. Describe what
is happening below
each photo. Must
include at least 5
A geologist is comparing
alluvial fans. One
alluvial fan is composed
of gravel and small
boulders. The other fan
is composed of sand
and silt. Propose a
hypothesis to explain
the difference in the
size of the particles in
two fans. (Hint: Think of
Make a labeled drawing
of the landforms
created by erosion and
Use modeling clay to
model a formerly
glaciated region. You
could model an alpine
region or continental
region. Label and
describe each feature.
the characteristics of the
streams that formed each
alluvial fan)
A travel agency wants
people to go on a tour
of a mountain region
with many glaciers.
Design a travel
brochure that describes
what people will see on
the tour- include
features formed by
glacial erosion and
Draw 3 sketches that
show why stream bed
shape affects the way a
river flows.
Solve the following
problem: A sandy coast
erodes at a rate of
1.25m per year. But a
severe storm can erode
an additional 3.75m
from the shore. If 12
severe storms occur
during a 50 year period,
how much will the
beach erode?
Many coastal
communities that
experience severe
beach erosion during
storms are using
modern technology to
rebuild and protect
their beaches from
continued erosion. Find
out about this
technology and write a
speech to present to
the class.
Use an atlas and find
the following river
deltas: Nile (Egypt),
Niger (Nigeria), Ganges
(Bangladesh), Mekong
(Vietnam), Mississippi
(US), Columbia (US)
Make a drawing of each
delta to compare and
contrast them.
Create 2 flowcharts.
One for the process
that results in an
alluvial fan and one for
the process that results
in a delta.
Suppose you are
boating along the Ohio
River, write a travel
journal that summarizes
your observations and
experiences. Make sure
to include the river
features you see and
where they are located.
Write a paper that
compares clay particles
and pebbles in terms of
how they move, how
fast they travel, and
how their potential
energy changes on their
journey down the river.
Write a paper that
addresses what a
glacier is, how it forms,
and how it moves.
Write a jingle about
weathering and/or
erosion. Teach it to
your group and then
have your group sing it
for the class.