COLLEGE OF DUPAGE COURSE SYLLABUS INTERMEDIATE SPANISH 2201-11 Summer 2014 Section: Instructor: Office hours / location: E-mail: Phone: Span 2201-011, Tue & Thurs 9:00 AM-12:50 PM BIC 2700 Sibyl Gallus-Price, M.A. By appointment, Office 2406 312-659-9903 ¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Spanish 2201, Intermediate Spanish I. This course continues to develop the ability to speak, understand, read, and write Spanish in a cultural and communicative context. Spanish 2201 is for students that have successfully completed Spanish 1102 or equivalent, or 2 yrs. high school Spanish or consent of instructor. This is a four-credit hour course that may not be repeated for credit. Course Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, you should be able to demonstrate an intermediate-level communicative knowledge of: • • Intermediate Spanish vocabulary such as personal relationships, feelings, civil states, personality, city life and landmarks, different forms of media and communications, professions related to the media, cinema and television, family and everyday life, different generations and stages of life, nature, animals, natural disasters, and the ecological state of our world. Intermediate Spanish language structures such as present tense regular and irregular verbs to discuss daily routines; expressing personal information with ser and estar; discussing likes and dislikes with verbs like gustar; using the preterit, imperfect, and the two combined to discuss past events; expressing opinions with the subjunctive in noun clauses of volition, emotion and doubt; avoiding repetition in conversation by the use of direct and indirect object pronouns; using commands to tell others what to do; talking about future desires and plans with the subjunctive in adjective clauses; discussing daily routines in the present and past with reflexive verbs; conversing about family and goals using por and para; using the future, conditional and relative pronouns to discuss the definite and hypothetical future of the natural world . 1 • The relationship between the language and cultures as demonstrated in readings and videos about immigration of Latinos in the U.S., Latin American poetry, indigenous cultures, Caribbean music and lifestyle, biodiversity in the Amazon, technology among Latinos, and Hispanic media in comparison to the States’. The student will demonstrate knowledge of the above by successfully performing the following language functions: • • • • • Speaking which includes producing and using vocabulary learned in elementary level, but with greater depth and breadth; asking and responding to questions about everyday life and plans for the near future; describing basic objects and people in the immediate environment; producing short, simple, but original utterances about common everyday activities in the present and past Listening which includes demonstrating comprehension of simple questions and answers, statements and conversations on areas related to social needs; identifying main ideas and key words in familiar contexts; demonstrating comprehension of the topic and main ideas of authentic material; recognizing the tone of the message in familiar contexts Reading which includes demonstrating comprehension of simple connected texts written for a wide audience; deducing the meaning of new vocabulary based on contextual cues; demonstrating comprehension of main ideas and supporting detail in short texts on familiar topics; recognizing the tone of written message in familiar contexts Writing which includes producing short, simple, but original written correspondence about common everyday activities in the present and past with increased accuracy; creating short paragraphs and compositions on everyday topics; completing simple forms, surveys and other documents; producing an accurate written transcript from oral discourse Critical Thinking which includes comparing and contrasting cross-cultural differences related to topics and areas covered in content; analyzing the relationship between language and culture; describing geography, social, economic and political features of countries where Spanish is spoken Required vText: Author: Blanco Edition: 2nd IMAGINA 2/e vTEXT w/ SUPERSITE & WEBSAM PASSCODE + Loose-leaf Companion Text You could purchase the above package at the following website directly at the publisher price. Copy and paste the below link into your browser of choice: 2 You will see the special price package for College of DuPage students. Click on it and follow the directions for purchase. You will receive an access code for the Supersite immediately, and your looseleaf text will be mailed to you in 3-5 business days. You could also purchase your package from the College of DuPage bookstore. Please contact the C.O.D. bookstore with any questions and/or availability of the Imagina vText package: Phone: 630.942.3883 Website: College of DuPage assumes no responsibility for materials purchased from any source other than the college’s authorized provider, Follett Please see the following link in order to set up your Supersite account. Find: SPANI-2201-011-Gallus-Price-SP 2014 Evaluation Your final grade will be based on the following required activities that total 100 percentage points. Active Class Participation/Attendance Online Supersite assignments Writing Portforlio & oral assessments Quizzes Exams 20% 20% 20% 10% 30% 90-100 80-89.9 70-79.9 60-69.9 59.9 and < A B C D F Active Class Participation/Attendance: Participation is an important component of your final grade. If you miss class, no participation points will be awarded for that day. There cannot be make-up for class participation. Daily participation is graded in the following manner. You should use this information during any discussion with your instructor regarding your classroom performance. 4-5 points arrived on time with required materials and attended full class period; participated actively in class activities and stayed on task; spoke in the target language at all times 1-3 points arrived late; arrived without required materials or left class early; did not participate enough and/or did not stay on task; did not speak in the target language at all times 0 points absent or more than 10 minutes late/left more than 10 minutes early 3 Student Guided Virtual Tour Spanish 2202 is a digitally interactive course that includes a multimedia supersite.In order to understand how your Imagina Supersite operates, you are required to take the Student Guided Virtual Tour. Here is a link to your Student Guided Virtual Tour: vText Práctica activities Your Imagina Supersite contains 3 sections: Práctica, Web-Sam and Assessment, which you will learn about via your Student Guided Virtual Tour. Your assigned Práctica activities will be located in the Práctica section at the top of your Supersite page. Many students make the error of going straight to their Práctica activities without ever opening their vText or loose-leaf text (which is the hard copy of their vtext) to learn the material first. The assigned loose-leaf text pages are your lecture part of the course and must be read BEFORE starting your Práctica activities online. The Práctica section is for you to practice what you just learned in those loose-leaf pages. Your Práctica activities are indeed gradedyou will have three attempts at the correct answer for all questions that are fill in the blank, open-ended and some multiple choice. Your Práctica activities’ grade will be based on a percentage system, with a maximum % of 100. Late work results in reduced points. If you feel you are not scoring as high of a percentage on your Práctica activities, there are some resources for you to better your performance in the course. First, you should click on the MÁS PRÁCTICA link in your Práctica section of your assignments. Once you click on the MÁS PRÁCTICA link, you will find a list of resources for you such as flash cards, virtual tutorials explaining grammatical points, and more practice activities to continue to work on the concepts that are more challenging for you. In addition, you could spend more time reading through your loose-leaf text; you could also practice more activities by completing the unassigned vText Practica exercises; you could ask your professor for more clarification during office hours or via e-mail, or you could see a tutor on campus to help you better understand chapter material or receive virtual tutoring. There is also a link in Blackboard titled, Grammar Study Guides, for grammatical power points. Web-Sam activities Your Imagina Supersite contains 3 sections: Práctica, Web-Sam and Assessment, which you will learn about via your Student Guided Virtual Tour. You will have homework to complete in both, Práctica and Web-Sam sections, located at the top of the Supersite. Your Práctica and Web-Sam homework for each day will be listed on the right side of your Course Calendar under the column, TAREA. Práctica activities are computer-graded, counted as credit/no credit and should always be completed before Web-Sam assigned activities. Web-Sam activities are graded by both computer and instructor. Práctica and Web-Sam activities are worth up to 100% each. Late work results in reduced points. For extra practice and exposure to the vocabulary and grammatical concepts of each chapter, visit the TUTORIALS link to the left of the Práctica tab at the top of your Supersite page. You could also review the Grammatical Power Points located in your Blackboard menu. 4 them. The goal is to get you to hear other students speaking Spanish and communicate with them with the Spanish you have just acquired. Your Voice Boards are graded on a completion, effort and performance basis, with a maximum percentage of 100. You must complete all Pasos in order to receive full credit. Digital Portfolio In Spanish 2201, you will be creating a Portfolio, which will highlight the vocabulary, grammar, and culture from each lesson in a creative multimedia format Oral assessment: You will participate in periodic tertulias or conversations devoted to chapter themes. These will be done in small groups. The instructor will circulate throughout the classroom engaging group members in conversation, proposing guiding questions and/or offering comments. You will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of new chapter vocabulary and grammatical concepts. Assessment will be a combination of instructor and self- assessment. A rubric will be provided. Digital Portfolio writing: For every lesson, you will submit a Digital Portfolio with a multi-media component (audio/graphic/photos/video etc.)at blackboard and turn in your entry by the due date listed on the Course Calendar. You will receive feedback and an overall grade. You will be invited to revise and improve these submissions for the final days of the course. You will also present your portfolio to the class. For each lesson you will also participate in tertulias based on lesson themes In-class writing. You will be frequently asked to write on a variety of topics in class without dictionary or electronic devices. This writing will be more informal and will be produced within a ten-minute time frame at the beginning of class. Periodically you will submit your best work to be graded. The instructor will provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. There are no revisions offered for these submissions. Final Oral Interview/Digital Portfolio Presentation Presentation: At the end of the term, you will present your digital portfolio.Your instructor will provide the rubric and guide you through the process. Quizzes You will have a quizzes to complete for each lesson both in-class and at the Supersite. To access your Supersite quizzes, select the ASSESSMENT tab at the top of the Imagina Supersite screen, and follow the directions. Once you start an on-line oral quiz you will have 30 minutes to complete it. Any late Quiz will result in a reduction of points Exams Poficiency Assesments You will have cumulative proficiency assessments that will take place toward the end of the term created by the Minnesota Language Proficiency Assessments (MLPA). These proficiency-based exams are second language assessments for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The format of the MLPA is designed to provide an opportunity for students to “show what they can do” with the Spanish language. The best way to study is simply to review the material that we have covered in class and be prepared to apply that knowledge. The reading and listening components will be administered in a language lab. The writing and speaking component will be administered during the last weeks of the semester as indicated on your course calendar. 5 You will have 5 lesson exams during the regular semester that will test material covered in class and in your homework. The exams will take 40-45 minutes to complete. If you have been excused for your absence, you must make arrangements with your instructor to make up the exam you missed within 1-4 days of your absence. No makeups for unexcused absences on day of exam. Wimba Pronto/ Blackboard IM Wimba Pronto is a Skype-like feature located in your Imagina Supersite. You will be required to purchase a webcam for this course, if you do not already have one. There will be a link in your Supersite account titled: GET PRONTO NOW. You must click on that link and follow instructions to install Wimba Pronto onto your computer. You will then read about Wimba Pronto to understand how it works once you’ve installed it. Here is a link to the user guide: <~~ takes a few minutes to load Technical Support For any technical support issues related to the IMAGINA VHL Supersite, please call Imagina Technical Support staff either via email or telephone: | (800) 248-2813 *If calling, please remember to press option “2” for help. For any technical support issues related to WIMBA PRONTO (WEBCAM), please call: 1 (877) 382-2293, or visit the Tech Support Website: For any technical support issues related to COD e-mail or Blackboard, please call: Blackboard or COD e-mail to the Student Help Desk: 630-942-2999 COD E-mail You will be required to check your COD e-mail daily for this course. There is a link to your COD e-mail in Blackboard. This is very important. You will be responsible for all announcements, reminders, feedback, and due dates in COD e-mail. Contact the Student Help Desk via the number above for assistance. You must register your COD e-mail in the Imagina Supersite as your point of contact. 6 Special Accommodations Any student holding a documented blue card MUST inform the instructor of his/her special accommodations PRIOR to requesting accommodation for a graded component. A reasonable amount of time is expected to inform the instructor and receive permission (e.g. a student should not present a blue on the same day a graded component is due, or after the due date). Failure to inform the instructor within a reasonable amount of time may result in the inability to accommodate. Withdrawals The final day for a student to withdraw from any course will be equal to 75% of the time for the respective academic session. The last day to withdraw from this section is July 21, 2014 . After the deadline, students will be required to appeal for late withdrawal and provide appropriate documentation to the Student Registration Services Office for all requests. Students who are granted approval to withdraw by petition will not be eligible for refunds of tuition or fees and will receive a ‘W’ grade on their transcript. Appeals must be submitted prior to the designated final exam period for 16week classes and before the last class meeting for all other session classes. For more information, please contact: Student Registration Services at (630) 942-2377 or, or visit the office in the Student Services Center, Room 2221. Prior to withdrawing from this class, students are encouraged to speak with their instructor. Incompletes Incompletes may be granted to students who have completed a minimum of 2/3 of the coursework while maintaining a minimum of a 70% average and who, for reasons beyond their control, are unable to complete a course within an academic term. Incompletes will not be granted to students who cannot document extenuating circumstances. For eligible students, an incomplete contract must be completed and signed by the student and instructor. Satisfactory/Fail grading option Students interested in the satisfactory / fail grading option should read the contract terms and conditions to ensure that it is the right option for them. Once the 'S' grade has been submitted to the Records Office, it cannot be changed to a letter grade. The student must obtain approval from the instructor prior to the last day to withdraw from the class. If granted, a signed Satisfactory / Fail Grading Option Contract must be completed and submitted to the Office of Student Registration Services within 10 calendar days after the contract is signed. 7 ACADEMIC HONESTY & STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT CODE OF ACADEMIC CONDUCT (Policy 20-41): College of DuPage is committed to the promotion of absolute integrity and high ethical standards of individual honesty in academic work. As members of the College community, students are expected to refrain from academic dishonesty in all forms, including but not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, furnishing false information, abuse of academic materials, misconduct during a testing situation, facilitating academic dishonesty, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive. All work submitted by students is expected to be the result of the student’s individual thoughts, research and self-expression. When students use ideas, wording, or organization from another source, the source shall be acknowledged appropriately. The College maintains disciplinary procedures to address violations of the Code of Academic Conduct. CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT (Policy 20-35): The College maintains a Code of Student Conduct to provide fair and reasonable rules and procedures to promote personal development and to ensure that students do not engage in conduct that interferes with the operations of the College. Students are responsible for their own conduct in complying with existing College policies regarding student behavior. The College maintains disciplinary procedures to address violations of the Code of Student Conduct. There are no make-ups for tertulias, presentations or the Proficiency Assessments. There are no make-ups for the in-class writing samples. However, more than one sample will be completed in class before the students are invited to choose their best work to be submitted for grading. Late submissions of Supersite activities and/or quizzes will result in reduced points. If you have been excused for your absence, you must make arrangements with your instructor to make up an exam you missed within 1-4 days of your absence. The instructor reserves the right to refuse make-ups for unexcused absences on day of exam. There are no make-ups for the listening or speaking parts of the exams. Return policy: Every effort will be made to return quizzes, exams, presentations and tertulia evaluations by the next class period. Every effort will be made to return writing submissions within two weeks. Proficiency Assessment results for Reading and Listening will be immediately available electronically. Proficiency Assessments for Speaking and Writing will be posted at Blackboard by the last day of the course. I hope you have a great term in Spanish 2201! 8 Week Date 1 Tues. 6/10 Actividades / Metas (Activities / Goals Introducción al curso; Register your Maestro (Imagina) Supersite passcode; take the student guided virtual tour (link located in your syllabus); read your Student Code of Conduct (link also located in your syllabus) and course materials thoroughly. Lección 1: Sentir y vivir Para Empezar p. 4-5 Tarea Homework *Please Assigned Supersite Activities Cortometraje p. 6-11 1 1 Lección 1: Sentir y vivir Tues. 6/10 Thurs. 6/12 Estructuras p. 18-30 Using present tense regular and irregular verbs to discuss daily routines; talking about personal information with ser and estar; discussing likes and dislikes with verbs like gustar Evaluación Tarea purchase your Supersite code, register and take the virtual tour by Thursday’s class. Read pages for Assigned Supersite the next class period; Come prepared with questions. Activities Imagina p. 12-17 País: Estados Unidos Galeria de creadores: Julia Álvarez, Carmen Lomas Garza, Narciso Rodriguez, Robert Rodriguez; En Pantalla: A un “click” de distancia Read pages for the next class period; Come prepared with questions. Cultura & Literatura p. 31-38 Corriente latina; Poema 20 de Pablo Neruda, Chile, poesía Repaso Leccion 1 1 Thurs. 6/12 Expressing emotional states and feelings using the present tense in the regural and irregular verbs in the form of a Pablo Neruda poem. In-class vocabulary quiz 2 Tue. 6/17 Assigned Supersite activities Lesson 1 Digital Portfolio- Sentir y vivir Lección 1 Exam Grammar Quiz Online DIGITAL Assigned Supersite activities PORTFOLIO 1 for Thursday 6/19 In-class writing 9 Week Date Objectives Assignment 2 Tues. 6/17 Lección 2: Vivir en la ciudad Assigned Lesson 2 Supersite Activities Para Empezar p. 42-43 Talking about places, landmarks, people, descriptions and activities in the city 2 Cortometraje p. 44-49 Adiós mamá, México, 1997 Director: Ariel Gordon Thurs. 6/19 DIGITAL PORTFOLIO 1 DUE Estructuras p. 56-68 Using the preterit, imperfect, and the two combined, to discuss past events 2 Thurs. 6/19 3 Tue. 6/24 Estructurasp. 56-68 Using the preterit, imperfect, and the two combined, to discuss past events Imagina p. 50-55 País: México Galeria de creadores: Gael García Bernal, Frida Kahlo, Elena Poniatowska, Diego Rivera; En Pantalla: Down Assigned Lesson 2 Supersite Activities Assigned Lesson 2 Supersite Activities Assigned Lesson 2 Supersite Activities Taxco: locura en bicicletas: Due DIGITAL PORTFOLIO DUE 6/19 In-class Tertulia 1 In -class vocabulary quiz Online grammar quiz Cultura & Literatura p. 70-76 Juchitán: La ciudad de las mujeres; Aqueronte de José Emilio Pacheco, México, cuento 3 3 Tues. 6/24 Thurs. 6/26 Review Lesson 2 Supersite Activities Examen Lección 2 Tertulia 2 Supersite Activities 3 Thurs. 6/26 Lección 3: La influencia de los medios Para Empezar p. 80-81 Discussing professions related to the media, cinema, television, press and other forms of communications. In-class writing Supersite Activities DIGITAL PORTFOLIO 2 DUE Tue. 7/1 Lesson 2 Digital Portfolio- Vivir en la ciudad 10 Week Date Objectives 4 Tues. 7/1 Lección 3: La influencia de los medios Para Cortometraje p. 82-87 Encrucijada, México, 2002 Director: Rigo Mora Assignment Due Assigned Lesson 3 Supersite Activities DIGITAL PORTFOLIO 2 DUE Assigned Lesson 3 Supersite Activities Vocabulary Quiz In-class Online quiz Estructuras p. 94-108 Using the subjunctive in noun clauses of volition, emotion and doubt to express opinions; avoiding repetition in conversation by the use of direct and indirect object pronouns; using commands to tell others what to do 4 Tues. 7/1 4 Thurs. 7/3 . 5 Tues. 7/8 Estructuras p. 94-108 Using the subjunctive in noun clauses of volition, emotion and doubt to express opinions; avoiding repetition in conversation by the use of direct and indirect object pronouns; using commands to tell others what to do Imagina p. 88-93 Países: El Caribe- Cuba, Puerto Rico y La República Dominicana Galeria de creadores: Julia de Burgos, Rosario Ferré, Wifredo Lam, Oscar de la Renta; En Pantalla: Alerta Verde: coquí en peligro de extinction Assigned Lesson 3 Supersite Activities Cultura & Literatura p. 110-116 / Review Lección 3 Examen Lección 3 Tertulia Lección 3 Supersite Lección 4: Generaciones en movimiento Para Empezar p. 120-121 Discussing family, daily life, generations, personality and the stages of life 5 Tues. 7/8 Lección 4: Generaciones en movimiento Para Empezar p. 120-121 Discussing family, daily life, generations, personality and the stages of life Supersite In-class writing 11 Week 5 Date Objectives Assignment Thurs. 7/10 DIGITAL PORTFOLIO 3 DUE Thurs. 7/10 Cortometraje p. 122-127 El rincón de Venezuela, Venezuela/ EE.UU., 2005 Director: Reyther Ortega 5 Assigned Thurs.7/10 Estructuras p.134-136 Using the subjunctive in adjective clauses to talk about future desires and plans; discussing daily routines in the present and past with reflexive verbs; conversing about family and goals using por and para Due Supersite Activities DIGITAL PORTFOLIO 3 DUE ☺☺☺☺ 6 Tues. 7/15 Assigned Lesson 4 Supersite Activities 6 Estructuras p. 134-146 Using the subjunctive in adjective clauses to talk about future desires and plans; discussing daily routines in the present and past with reflexive verbs; conversing about family and goals using por and para Tues. 7/15 Imagina p. 128-133 Países: Centroamérica- Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua y Panamá Galeria de creadores: Giocondo Belli, Armando Morales y Mauricio Puente; En Pantalla: Turismo: aportes y desafíos Cultura & Literatura p.148-155 Assigned Lesson 4 Supersite Activities 6 Thurs. 7/17 Examen Lección 4 Tertulia Leccion 4 In-class vocabulary quiz Online Grammar quiz Assigned Lesson 4 Supersite Activities 12 Week Date 6 Thurs. 7/17 7 Tues. 7/22 7 Assignment Due Examen Lesson 4 El futuro/ condicional/ pronombres relativos p.172-179 Supersite Tues. 7/22 7 La herencia de los Mayas; El eclipse de Augusto Monterroso, Guatemala, cuento Objectives Supersite Lección 5: Las riquezas naturales Para Empezar p. 158-159 Talking about nature, animals, natural disasters and ecology in our world Thurs. 7/24 Cortometraje p. 160-165 Raíz, España, 2003 Director: Gaizka Urresti Digital Portfolio Due Assigned Lesson 5 Supersite Activities Supersite Estructuras p. 172-184 Using the future, conditional and relative pronouns to discuss the definite and hypothetical future of the natural world and while traveling abroad 7 Thurs. 7/24 8 Tue 7/29 Países: Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela Galeria de creadores: Marisol Escobar, Gabriel García Márquez, Oswaldo Guayasamín y Carolina Herrera; En Pantalla: De Aventura por Mindo p.166-171 Examen Lección 5 Tertulia Lección 5 Assigned Lesson 5 Supersite Activities Assigned Lesson 5 Supersite Activities Supersite Work on your final revisions and 13 Digital Portfolio Presentations 8 Tues. 2/29 8 Thurs. 7/31 8 Thurs. 7/21 presentations of your Lesson 1-5 Portfolio entries FINAL DIGTAL PORTFOLIO PRESENTATIONS Final Reiview Final Exam Thurs. 7/31 at 9am <Syllabus is subject to change.> Exámenes Lección 1 - 6/17 Lección 2 - 6/26 Lección 3 - 7/8 Lección 4 - 7/22 Lección 5 -7/22 FINAL - 7/31 Tertulias 6/19 6/26 7/8 7/17 7/22 Digital Portfolios 6/19 7/1 7/10 7/22 7/29 14 15