Internship Placement Report A WORLD CLASS UNIVERSITY June 2010-December 2013 Career Services Cell University Advancement & Financial Aid Office Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin (SI) Vice Chancellor Dr. Tahir Aqil Registrar Muhammad Yaqoob Director, University Advancement & Financial Aid Office Muhammad Umar Deputy Manager Career Services 01 Foreword 02 Message of the Vice Chancellor 03 Message of the Registrar 04 Message of the Director University Advancement & Financial Aid 05 Summary 06 Introduction 07 Department Wise Internship Placement from 2010-2013 08 Graph 1.0- Year wise referrals for Internship 09 Table 1.0- Department Wise Internship Placement 2010-2013 10 Top 50 Internship Employers from 2010-13 for UOG Students 11 Table 2.0- Top 50 Internship Employers from 2010-2013 12 Detailed List of Internship Employers 2013 13 Table 3.0- List of Internship Employers 2013 14 Appendix I Internship Placement Report 2010-13 It is indeed an honor for me to write the foreword of this report being the pioneer officer of career services cell established four years ago. The last four years have been quite challenging in terms of exploring quality career prospects for the students & graduates of a very young university. Under the guidelines of the Honorable Vice Chancellor UOG and Director Students' Services Center UOG various mile stones have been achieved in order to move towards the vision of the Career Services Cell. A few of the prominent milestones are as follows: Setting up of a International Standard Career Services Cell Organized three mega Hayatians' Education Expo's for exploring quality higher education prospects for students' and graduates of UOG Organized three mega Hayatians' Career Fairs' for Empowering Youth through Industry-academia Linkages Organized Hundreds of International/National Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, Mock Interview Sessions, Recruitment Tests and a lot more…. Referred more than 1000 students/graduates of UOG for quality employment opportunities throughout the country Referred more than 4000 students'/graduates of UOG in quality organization for 6-8 weeks internship A number of other activities organized for grooming Hayatians' as well as exploring quality career prospects for them Here, I would like to take this opportunity to extend gratitude to Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin, Vice Chancellor for his outstanding support at every step. I would also like to thank all the Entrepreneurs, Industrialists, Executives of Quality Organizations, Educationists, Consultants and Regional Heads of International Universities who have been participating in all the events organized by Career Services Cell thus becoming the source of success of the said events. It would have never been possible to organize all the said events without their sponsorships and cooperation. Moreover, I would like to extend huge thanks to all the internship employers whose support has enabled us to accommodate thousands of students for internship. We look forward for your kind support in future! Regards, Muhammad Umar Deputy Manager Career Services University Advancement & Financial Aid Office 05 Nations are recognized by their higher education institutions as they are the work places for producing quality human resource in the form of fresh graduates with advanced knowledge to implement it in the practical fields of life and so contributing to the industrial development as well as to the national development. Being housed in the Industrial Triangle of Gujrat, Gujranwala and Sialkot, the University of Gujrat has established close liaison with all three Chambers of Commerce and Industries. It is working very closely with the quality organizations to contribute towards nation building process by helping them in providing quality human resource. Moreover, it offers every possible support to the local industry in modernizing their processes through research, innovation and development. In the presence of all these challenges, it is indeed a pride for the University of Gujrat that its Alumni are competing with graduates of the top most institutions of the country and securing best career nationally as well as globally. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the employers who have been providing Internship opportunities to our students and graduates in their prestigious organizations and enabling them to gain professional and practical exposure. Without the support of all the different organizations it would be impossible for us to manage such a large number of internship opportunities every year. The career services office established at University Advancement & Financial Aid Office is proving standardized services to the students and alumni in finding short term and long term career opportunities. The employability ratio of the graduates of UOG is increasing gradually and the “HAYATIANS'” have now become a well-recognized brand……. a brand which the future generations would dream to opt, in the selection of a quality institution for higher education! Employment-related issues usually are more complicated for students especially females. Sometimes, female students do not want to tow family desires for their careers. And some employers either can't hire female students or don't want to go through the cultural challenges. The Career Services Office offers a special series of career counseling and mentoring sessions for female students, to help them prepare for life after graduation. Beside these challenges, the graduates of UOG are proving their worth in every field of life and thus becoming a rich resource for the market. “Dear Hayatians', you are indeed our asset. I wish you all a glorious success and a very bright future!” Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nizamuddin Vice Chancellor 07 University of Gujrat Internship Placement Report 2010-13 University of Gujrat was established in 2004 under Government of the Punjab Act and it started its academic functioning in 2006. In a very short span of time it has become the fastest growing higher educational institution in Pakistan as our campuses house more than 18000 students from all around the country; nearly 12,000 of them are undergraduates and approximately more than 60% of them are females. These students enrich our campus culture, and help our students to contribute towards national as well as global perspectives. The high percentage of female students is a blessing for our nation. In the 3rd convocation of UOG approximately 90% Gold medals were conferred to female students which show the caliber, interest and academic excellence of the females. Internship as part of academic activity to gain professional exposure in an organization of repute in the relevant field often becomes a challenge for the parents as well as for the female students especially. Being in the industrial triangle of Gujrat, Gujranwala and Sialkot though there are lot of industries but the working environment for female is not up to the mark as the percentage of female workers is less. The females prefer to work in banks, hospitals and some industries where the female working environment is already established. We have been providing equal support to all the students in exploring career opportunities on merit without any gender discrimination. I'm proud of the way Career Services staff have embraced the richness our students bring to campus through short term employment and have stepped up to meet the program and service related challenges that come along with them. We will continue to assess the needs of all of our students, and adjust our programs to ensure that we are supportive in their success to graduation and beyond. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the support of all the employers who have been working closely with UOG to provide Internship and Job opportunities to our students and graduates. With all the Best Wishes, Dr. Tahir Aqil REGISTRAR 08 Message of the Warm Greetings from University Advancement & Financial Aid Office! Career Services Section is one of the major sections of University Advancement & Financial Aid Office whereas the other two are University Advancement i.e. Endowment Fund and Alumni Affairs and Students' Financial Aid Services respectively. The mandate of Career Services Office is to provide best possible facilities to the students in terms of Internship Placement, Job Placement and Career Advice & Counseling etc. The Career Services Office of University of Gujrat hosts a number of events annually for bringing students and employers under one roof thus “Empowering Youth through Industryacademia linkages”. It has been working efficiently in exploring best career opportunities for the students as well as for the fresh graduates by liaising and collaborating with local and national industry. We wish to enhance our services in all possible directions by strengthening industryacademia linkages. I would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the support of all the organizations that have been supporting us by visiting our Career Fairs, providing internship opportunities to a large number of UOG students and also offering long term employment opportunities to our graduates. We look forward to build a long lasting relationship with quality organizations of the country in order to facilitate our students to the highest levels. Best Regards, Muhammad Yaqoob Director, University Advancement & Financial Aid Office 09 University of Gujrat Internship Placement Report 2010-13 nted 0-13 ese is pr as ks wee 8 6 for red eputy em r c e were a f l e D s P r t y n p n i bee nsh tude 13 b nter ave ber 20 e 715 s , 961 I h e s h t rred m 1 s ft uden ill Dece ong the in 201 ere refe t ar y o s m 00 m 'w 0t red um ly 40 ne 201 UOG. A re refer tudents ief s r e t b a u he s , A e r: ted t roxim from J er vices ents' w d 1496 e a p d d p n o p A u m stud 2 an nshi eer S ccom . a Inter ger Car 10, 658 d in 201 e av a ns Man ed in 20 e referre ers h anizatio top 50 y o l r r r p ent in rg refe nts' we gem p em igious o e made i a h n e s a M ar ern est stud 13. rom logy. f 0 int their pr eferrals . 0 0 e r 2 3 r ho n in .0 pa in e tha dents' ternship table 2 ternshi nd Psyc UOG tions r o M e stu f n e a er o dia a n th for I he in aniz abov 0% of t stated i eferred n & Me employ dia org ns. 7 r e ere io The izations tudents unicat ternship itals, m anizatio only) w g n m n p orga of the s ss Com argest I tr y, hos erred or x. 1500 wide. l f t a o s n e s r e u Mo ces, M r is th al ind most r .e. app s natio n c o n i t e ( o o e i Sci ing sec ereas l ong th dents' anizat g u k h Ban ates w inent am rs of st ds of or u e e r m grad lso pro d numb o hund t r are a 13 reco ernship t 0 In 2 ed for In rr refe Sum y r a m e ent R 201 por t 10 INTRODUCTION 11 University of Gujrat Career Services Office was established at Students' Services Center, University of Gujrat consequent upon the approval of the worthy Vice Chancellor vide a proposal initiated by Muhammad Umar, the current Deputy Manager Career Services under the supervision of the then Director Students Affairs in 2010. One of the primary objectives of the Career Services Office is to manage Internship and Job Placement of the Students' as well as Alumni of UOG by establishing linkages with the employers nationwide. Moreover, the career services office has been organizing Career Fairs, Education Expos, Mock Interview Sessions, trainings and workshops supportive in exploring best possible career opportunities. A large number of students from a variety of departments approach career services office for completion of 6-8 weeks internship at quality organizations every year to gain professional and practical exposure. In this regard, the Deputy Manager Career Services has established liaison with hundreds of organizations for placement of UOG students and graduates for internship. Most of the students are directly referred to the available internship positions announced by the organizations in contact with the Career Services Office, UOG. However other students are issued a reference letters for their accommodation in the organization of their own choice. The details statistics of the annual internship referrals are provided in the following section of this report. Internship Placement Report 2010-13 Department Wise Internship Placement from 2010-2013 The Table 1.0 describes the department wise internship placement of the UOG students and graduates in the organizations of repute through the career services office of UOG. The table describes that approximately 4000 students have been referred to by the Career Services Office for Internship Placement from June 2010 till December 2013. The table 1.0 also describes that about 715 students were referred to for internship in 2010, 658 students were referred to in 2011 and 961 students were referred to in 2012 whereas record 1496 students were referred to for internship to more than 300 quality organizations in 2013 from about 22 academic programs of UOG. Graph 1.0- Year wise referrals for Internship 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2010 2011 2012 No of Referrals for Internship The detail statistics are presented in table 1.0 produced in the next page. 2013 12 Table 1.0- Department Wise Internship Placement 2010-2013 Sr. # Program 1 BBA (Hons) 2 MBA 3 Associate Degree Com./B.Com (Hons) MCom 4 5 Total Internship Referrals in 2011 658 122 Total Internship Referrals in 2012 961 174 Total Internship Referrals in 2013 1496 212 Total Internship Referrals 2010-13 3830 678 63 194 354 701 65 85 63 259 40 69 224 380 54 76 99 296 73 74 86 280 30 45 75 187 7 BS (Hons) Mass Communication & Media MA Mass Communication & Media BS (Hons) Psychology 8 MSc Psychology Department of Psychology 42 45 40 89 216 9 MPhil Psychology Department of Psychology Nil Nil 04 11 15 10 BSc Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering 41 36 46 44 167 11 BSc Chemical Engineering Faculty of Engineering 36 34 49 39 158 12 BS (Hons)/MSc CS & IT Faculty of Computing & Information Technology 17 24 27 47 115 13 BS (Hons) Environmental Sciences BS (Hons) Sociology/ MA Sociology Department of Environmental Sciences Department of Sociology Nil 04 10 31 45 11 05 07 03 26 6 14 13 Total Internship Department Referrals /Faculty in 2010 715 Faculty of Management 170 Sciences 90 Faculty of Management Sciences Faculty of Management 46 Sciences Faculty of Management 47 Sciences Center for Mass 67 Communication & Media Center for Mass 47 Communication & Media Department of 37 Psychology University of Gujrat Internship Placement Report 2010-13 Sr. # 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 Program BS (Hons)/MSc Chemistry BS (Hons)/ MSc Economics BS (Hons) Statistics Department /Faculty Department of Chemistry Department of Economics Department of Statistics Department of Zoology Department of Biochemistry Department of Population Sciences School of Art Design & Architecture BS (Hons)/ MSc Zoology BS (Hons) Biochemistry BS (Hons)/MA Population Sciences Associate Degree/ BS (Hons) Art Design & Architecture Faculty of Btech Mechanical Engineering Engineering Total Internship Referrals in 2010 715 02 Total Internship Referrals in 2011 658 03 Total Internship Referrals in 2012 961 05 Total Internship Referrals in 2013 1496 06 Total Internship Referrals 2010-13 3830 16 41 36 19 29 125 04 04 06 04 18 01 Nil Nil 02 03 Nil Nil 07 17 24 03 05 05 07 20 13 15 11 70 109 Nil Nil 08 14 22 14 Top 50 Internship Employers from 2010-13 for UOG Students Banking sector of Pakistan has been the major Internship employer for UOG students'/graduates from 2010 till present. Approximately 70% of the students have been accommodated for Internship by the top 50 employers presented in the table 2.0 whereas among these 50 employers most number of the students have been referred to MCB Ltd, Habib Bank Ltd, National Bank of Pakistan, The Bank of Punjab, Service Industries Ltd, Pakistan Television Network, Radio Awaz Network, District headquarters hospitals etc. However, others have been referred to a large number of prominent local and national hospitals, newspapers, magazines, advertising agencies and other quality public private organizations of the country. The detailed statistics of Internship Referrals in top 50 organizations/internship employers are presented in table 2.0 produced as under: Table 2.0- Top 50 Internship Employers from 2010-2013 15 Sr. # Organization 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 MCB Ltd Habib Bank Limited The Bank of Punjab United Bank Limited Service Industries Ltd Gujrat Bank Alfalah Limited National Bank of Pakistan PTV Aziz Bhatti Shaheed (DHQ) Hospital Gujrat C.M.H Kharian Mayo Hospital Lahore Askari Commercial Bank Limited Allied Bank Ltd Geo News Services Hospital Lahore GEPCO University of Gujrat Internship Referrals 2010 Internship Referrals in 2011 Internship Referrals in 2012 Internship Referrals in 2013 Internship Referrals 2010-13 51 43 27 7 37 7 37 17 15 7 3 4 9 8 7 9 47 51 21 11 29 11 31 21 23 11 7 7 10 8 11 11 57 48 37 21 37 21 41 27 21 13 7 11 16 11 17 11 118 89 78 75 60 50 50 37 25 21 21 19 17 15 15 14 273 231 163 114 163 89 159 102 84 52 38 41 52 42 50 45 Internship Placement Report 2010-13 Top 50 Internship Employers from 2010-13 for UOG Students Sr. # Organization 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Express News Forward Sports Fountain House Lahore UOG FM 106.6 Faysal Bank Ltd Summit Bank Limited ISPR Rawalpindi Nishat Textile Ltd Noor Nafsiyati Clinic Gujrat State Bank of Pakistan Meezan Bank Limited Naubahar Bottling Company (PEPSI) NM Furnishers Gujrat PTCL OrganizationBank Alfalah Limited (IBD) C.M.H Rawalpindi JS Bank Ltd Wahid Industries Ltd Gujrat Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan Darson Industries (Pvt) Ltd. Dunya News Dunya TV GFC Pvt Ltd Radio Awaz FM 105 C.M.H Sialkot Dr. Frigz International Sialkot Jinnah Hospital Lahore Pakistan Tobacco Company Internship Referrals 2010 Internship Referrals in 2011 Internship Referrals in 2012 Internship Referrals in 2013 Internship Referrals 2010-13 13 8 13 11 5 0 5 2 0 3 1 7 9 7 0 2 0 2 0 7 11 8 5 11 3 3 5 4 5 11 8 13 11 7 0 5 2 5 5 4 7 9 7 3 2 0 2 1 7 11 8 5 11 3 3 5 4 5 17 7 11 18 10 5 8 5 12 7 10 11 13 14 5 5 4 4 2 10 9 6 5 11 10 3 5 4 5 13 13 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 54 36 50 53 34 17 29 20 27 25 24 34 40 37 16 17 12 16 11 31 38 29 22 40 23 15 21 18 21 16 Sr. # Organization 46 47 48 49 50 Silk Bank Limited Director General Public Relations Lahore District Head Quarters Hospital Gujranwala Omer Arshad Hospital, Gujrat Dr Zulfiqar's Neuropsychiatry & Medical Center Kharian Total Internship Referrals 2010 Internship Referrals in 2011 Internship Referrals in 2012 Internship Referrals in 2013 Internship Referrals 2010-13 0 7 6 7 5 2 7 6 7 5 2 7 6 12 9 6 5 5 5 10 10 26 23 31 29 463 501 668 995 2627 Detailed List of Internship Employers 2013 As presented in table 3.0 approximately 1500 students were referred for internship by Career Services Office to more than 300 quality organizations in 2013. The organization wise student referrals are produced in the table below. Most of Internship referrals were made to MCB Ltd, Habib Bank Ltd, The Bank of Punjab, United Bank Ltd, Services Industries Ltd, Bank Alfalah Ltd, National Bank of Pakistan, Pakistan Television, Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Hospital Gujrat, Express News, Forward sports etc. The detailed list of internship employers is as follows: Table 3.0- List of Internship Employers 2013 17 Sr. # Organization No. of Referrals for Internship 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MCB Ltd Habib Bank Limited The Bank of Punjab United Bank Limited Service Industries Ltd Gujrat Bank Alfalah Limited National Bank of Pakistan 118 89 78 75 60 50 50 University of Gujrat Internship Placement Report 2010-13 Table 3.0- List of Internship Employers 2013 Sr. # Organization No. of Referrals for Internship 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 PTV Aziz Bhatti Shaheed (DHQ) Hospital Gujrat C.M.H Kharian Mayo Hospital Lahore Askari Commercial Bank Limited Allied Bank Ltd Geo News Services Hospital Lahore GEPCO Express News Forward Sports Fountain House Lahore UOG FM 106.6 Faysal Bank Ltd Summit Bank Limited ISPR Rawalpindi Nishat Textile Ltd Noor Nafsiyati Clinic Gujrat State Bank of Pakistan Meezan Bank Limited Naubahar Bottling Company (PEPSI) NM Furnishers Gujrat PTCL Bank Alfalah Limited (IBD) C.M.H Rawalpindi JS Bank Ltd Wahid Industries Ltd Gujrat Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan Darson Industries (Pvt) Ltd. Dunya News Dunya TV 37 25 21 21 19 17 15 15 14 13 13 13 13 12 12 11 11 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 18 19 Sr. # Organization No. of Referrals for Internship 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 GFC Pvt Ltd Radio Awaz FM 105 C.M.H Sialkot Dr. Frigz International Sialkot Jinnah Hospital Lahore Pakistan Tobacco Company Silk Bank Limited Director General Public Relations Lahore District Head Quarters Hospital Gujranwala Dubai Islamic Bank Farooqi Computers General Hospital Lahore Mangla Power Station Al-Baraka Islamic Bank Bank Al-Habib Limited Boss Plastic Furnitures Gujranwala C.M.H Jhelum Dr Zulfiqar's Neuropsychiatry & Medical Center Kharian Firdos Textiles Five Star Textile Mills Forward Gear Ganga Ram Hospital Lahore Hicon Web Development Master Tiles Pvt Ltd Metro Hi Tech Pvt Ltd NADRA NESPAK Engineering NTDC Sadaqat Textile Mills Samma TV Service Textiles Gujrat Social Security Hospital Gujranwala Count 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 University of Gujrat Internship Placement Report 2010-13 Sr. # Organization No. of Referrals for Internship 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Soneri Bank Limited State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan Usmania Restaurant Kharian Al.Meezan Bank limited Askari Islamic Bank ATV Century Paper & Board Mills Cyber Soft Pvt Ltd D.G Cement Factory Din News TV D-Studio Gondal Group of Industries Gujrat MA Chaudhary & Co. Chartered Accountants Media & Publications Netsol Technologies Plassco PVC Pvt Ltd PTV Home Count Royal Fans Pvt Ltd RS Associates Shadiwal Power Station Gujrat Sheikh Zayed Hospital Lahore Super Asia Industries Pvt Ltd Vision Technology Corporation Pvt Ltd Agritech Ltd Aims Soft Technology Allied School Army Public College ARY News Associated Press of Pakistan Lahore C.M.H Gujranwala Capital TV Chenab Fabrics 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 21 Sr. # Organization No. of Referrals for Internship 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Civil Aviation Authority Daily Express EFU Life Insurance ERRA First Women Bank Ltd Gujrat Hospital Gujrat Hotel One KASB Bank Khatoon Soap and Ghee Mills Kohinoor Textile Mills Master Ball Pens Pvt Ltd Mental Hospital Lahore Midas Advertising Millat Tractors Ltd Nayyar Carpets Industry NEPRA NIB Bank Ltd Poly Clinic Radio FM 94 Royal News Shah Taj Sugar Mills Sheraz Textiles Synergy Advertising The Bank Al-Habib The Bank of Khyber Waqt News 360 Style Lahore Abdul Rahim & Co Ahmed Riaz Architects AJ Instruments Alico Insurance Company Al-karam Textiles 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 University of Gujrat Internship Placement Report 2010-13 Sr. # Organization No. of Referrals for Internship 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 Allama Iqbal International Airport Lahore Allianz Technology lahore Al-Meezan Bank Limited Arif Yazdani Associates Army Public School Ashraf Industries Bahria Town Bank Al Habib Burj Bank Limited C.M.H Lahore Central District Government Gujranwala Chenab Textile CHIMERA Pvt Ltd City 42 News Civil hospital Gujranwala Consize Enterprisers Creative Hands Daily Dawn Daily Dunya Defence Housing Society Descon Engineering Designers West DWP Group Evoke Neura Fico Industry Fine Dying Company First American Corporation Pvt Ltd FM 101 FM 104 FM 93 Gujrat Chamber of Commerce & Industry Gujrat Flour Mills Pvt Ltd 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 23 Sr. # Organization No. of Referrals for Internship 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Habib Construction Pvt Ltd Hammara FM 97 Hassan & Hassan Associates Holy Family Hospital Info Tech Pvt Ltd Insan Foundation NGO,S Inspectest Pvt Ltd International Associates Isbah Hassan & Salman Associates Javed Sarfraz & Co. Chartered Accountants Kamal Horizon Textile Mills KASHF Bank Ltd Khurshid Fan Pvt Ltd Khyber TV LG Home Appliances Local Government Office Metro Cash & Carry Ministry of Interior Islamabad Mobilink GSM Mughal Brothers Technology N.K Adverstising Agency N.M Furnisher NARC National Center for Physics Nestle Pakistan News One Pak Danata Travels PAK Electron Ltd (PEL) Pak Fans Gujrat Pearl Continental Hotel Phalia College of Commerce PIMS Hospital 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 University of Gujrat Internship Placement Report 2010-13 Sr. # Organization No. of Referrals for Internship 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 Poly Gama Pvt Ltd Poly Vista Pvt Ltd Prime Aluminium Progressive Consultants Punjab Group of Colleges PWD Group QSA Surgical Radio FM 104 Radio FM 105 Radio Pakistan FM 101 Rehman Baig Enterprisers Rousch Power Plant Sales & Customer Service Center, Telenor Pakistan Shafaqat & Co. Chartered Accountants Shafi Sports Wear Sialkot International Airport Sitara Textiles Skooje International Pvt Ltd Sohail Architects Standard Chartered Bank Limited State Life Insurance Corporation StateBank of Pakistan Statte Life Insurance Corporation of pakistan Sudhar Society Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd Surge Pvt. Ltd. Swenggco Software House Systems Limited TCS Pvt Ltd Telenor Pakistan The Bank Alfalah Limited The Director General Public Relations 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 24 25 Sr. # Organization No. of Referrals for Internship 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 The News Time & Space Media Toyota Ufone Pakistan Uniliver Pakistan Urban Resource Center USL Dawlance VIP Group of Companied VIP Wear Pvt Ltd Wapda Hyderal Traning Center Mangla Warid Telecom Women First Bank of Pakistan Yasir Waheed Designers Zulekha Textile Mills Miscellaneous Referrals Total 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 162 1496 University of Gujrat Internship Placement Report 2010-13 Appendix I SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM General Guidelines for Students Notified by the Competent Authority The students of various departments are required to complete at least 6 weeks internship as part of their curriculum during summer 2013. All the concerned students (who have registered internship course during spring or are planning to register in summer) are advised to apply for internship in their preferred organization as soon as possible in order to avail quality internship opportunities in the best possible organizations. It has been observed that the students do not take keen interest in availing Internship on time and face difficulties afterwards in availing better positions. Therefore, all the concerned students are advised to follow the guidelines given below in order to avail best possible internship opportunities: 1. The students must submit an application in the Office of Deputy Manager Career Services on prescribed application form duly signed and stamped by concerned HOD/Coordinator/Director along with original fee deposit slip of Rs 200/- only (to be deposited in A/C # CD 001039-000-8 on challan form available from Bank of Punjab, UOG Branch). 2. The application must include the Name of organization in which the student is interested to join for internship. Moreover, only three Organizations can be mentioned on the application for obtaining Internship Reference letter e.g. First Priority Organization, Second Priority Organization and third priority organization. 3. The applications are received between 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and Internship reference letter may be collected between 2:00 pm-4:00 pm on next day of submission of application. 4. After availing the internship reference letter the student must submit it to the concerned organization along with CV/Resume in order to avail the internship opportunity or should follow the specific instructions of the organization concerned. 5. Students who apply for any internship opportunity announced by Career Services Office through Email/Notice etc. will be bound to do internship in the similar organization, if shortlisted by the organization, and will not be entertained for any further referral letter without any exceptional reason. 6. The students whose nominations will be sent to an organization will be bound to appear in the Interview/Test, if called by the concerned organization. 7. The students' who forward their CVs in response to the Internship opportunities announced through Email are advised to mention, in the subject line, the name of the organization/Internship Opportunity for which they are applying for. 8. The students' must not post CVs repetitively for different internship opportunities so that everyone may avail best possible opportunities. 9. The students should attain the internship evaluation form from the Office of Deputy Manager Career Services and must return the same to Career Services Office in a sealed envelope duly filled in by an authorized representative of the organization in which the students has worked as Internee. 10. Above all, the students are advised to behave professionally during internship in any organization. Any report of misbehavior/misconduct or non-professional attitude from any organization shall be treated as 26 11. violation of the Institution rules and the student concerned will be held responsible for the consequences Additionally, If you have your personal referral in any organization for placement of UOG students/or get to know about any internship opportunity in a quality organization, please refer it to so that your friends and fellows at UOG may avail that opportunity. Note: More specifically, the students of Management Sciences, CS & IT, Mass communication & Media, Engineering and Psychology are advised to apply for internship before June 15, 2013 in order to avail an opportunity for internship in desired organization after completion of their spring semester in July 2013. If you have any query please feel free to visit Career Services Office at SSC or post your queries regarding internship at Best Wishes, Muhammad Umar Deputy Manager Career Services University Advancement & Financial Aid Office 27 University of Gujrat A WORLD CLASS UNIVERSITY University Advancement and Financial Aid Office Career Services Cell INTERNSHIP APPLICATION FORM Name Class Specialization Roll # Program Department Email Mobile Bank Challan # Dated Account CD 0001039-000-8 Bank Branch BOP UoG Branch Subject: Internship Permission & Reference Letter Priority Organization Organization Name City 1st Priority 2nd Priority 3rd Priority Student Signature: --------------------------------- Date: --------------------------------- For Office Use Only: Recommendation of Coordinator/HOD/Director Concerned Recommendation of Deputy Manager Career Services Signature & Stamp:…………………………. Signature & Stamp:…………………………. A WORLD CLASS UNIVERSITY Career Services Cell University Advancement & Financial Aid Office Students Services Center, Hafiz Hayat Campus, Gujrat - Pakistan Tel: +92 53 3643 112, 3643 117 Director Line/Fax: +92 53 3643 173,