Syllabus for Stat 200 Honors, Fall 03 Instructor: Francesca Chiaromonte 411 Thomas 5-2544, Off.h. T 2.30-3.30pm W 1.15-2.15pm Email: Teaching Assistant: Tony Hua 333 Thomas, 3-3374, Off. h. F 1.15-2.15pm Email: Meetings: MW 2.30-3.20pm 205 South Henderson Bldg. F 2.30-3.20pm 214 Boucke Bldg (computer lab). Text book: Minds on Statistics, Utts and Heckard, 2nd ed. Duxbury. Web-site: You will be engaged in a mixture of individual work and group work. The latter is an integral part of this course, and serves the double purpose of giving you actual data analysis experience while fostering collaborative skills. Groups of three students will be formed at random, posted on the web-site, and maintained for the whole duration of the course. From the beginning of classes up to Thanksgiving week, there will be six 2-week periods. Each will revolve around a major topic, and comprise: • three lectures, which will follow closely material in the text book. • a practice lab session • a homework assignment • a mini-test (25 minutes) on which you will work individually, plus discussion (25 minutes) • a data project lab session (50 minutes) on which you will work in groups. (on the Friday of the first week of classes, and on study Friday, Oct. 10, we will miss a practice and a data project lab session). During Thanksgiving week, there will be one lecture on an additional topic, and final data projects will be assigned, on which you will work in groups and give class presentations. The final class period on Dec 12 will be devoted to review in preparation for the final exam, on which you will work individually. Your final grade will be based on the scores you obtain in: • 6 mini-test (individual) 30% – graded by Tony • 5 data projects (group) 20% – graded by Tony • final data project presentation (group) 20% – graded by Francesca • final exam (individual) 30% – graded by Francesca Solutions for the mini-tests will be distributed and discussed in class immediately following the tests. Example solutions for the data projects will be posted on the web-site. Mini-tests and final exam are closed books, but calculators, statistical tables and one or two sheets of your own summary notes are allowed. Alternative times for mini-tests and final exam will be offered only under very special and certifiable circumstances. Data projects and final presentations, which involve groups, cannot be rescheduled. Homework assignments will include reading assignments and problems that will help you prepare for mini-tests and data projects. They will not be graded. Also attendance will not be recorded on a regular basis. However, you are strongly encouraged not to neglect either. Group work provides 40% of your overall grade. You are supposed to collaborate constructively and share work fairly with the members of your group. On the other hand individual work, which provides 60% of your overall grade, is supposed to be strictly individual; any cheating during minitests or final exam will be harshly penalized. All Penn State and Eberly College of Science policies regarding academic integrity apply to this course. For details, see Tentative calendar: Date Tue Sept 2 Wed Sept 3 Fri Sept 5 Mon 09/08 Wed 09/10 Fri 09/12 Mon 09/15 Wed 09/17 Fri 09/19 Mon 09/22 Wed 09/24 Fri 09/26 Mon 09/29 Wed 10/01 Fri 10/03 Mon 10/06 Wed 10/08 Fri 10/10 Mon 10/13 Wed 10/15 Fri 10/17 Mon 10/20 Wed 10/22 Fri 10/24 Mon 10/27 Wed 10/29 Fri 10/31 Mon 11/03 Wed 11/05 Fri 11/07 Mon 11/10 Wed 11/12 Fri 11/14 Mon 11/17 Wed 11/19 Fri 11/21 Mon 11/24 Wed 11/26 Office hour 1.15-2.15pm Francesca Francesca Francesca Francesca Tony Francesca Francesca Tony Francesca Francesca Tony Francesca Francesca Tony Francesca Francesca Study day Francesca Francesca Tony Francesca Francesca Tony Francesca Francesca Tony Francesca Francesca Tony Francesca Francesca Tony Francesca Francesca Tony Francesca Francesca Class period 2.30-3.20pm Introductions (F) Lecture (F) Lecture/laptop (F) Lecture (F) Lecture (F) Lab, data project (T) Minitest (F) Lecture (F) Lab, practice (T) Lecture (F) Lecture (F) Lab, data project (F) Minitest (F) Lecture (T) Lab, practice (T) Lecture (T) Lecture (F) Study day Minitest (F) Lecture (F) Lab, practice (T) Lecture (F) Lecture (F) Lab, data project (T) Minitest (F) Lecture (F) Lab, practice (T) Lecture (F) Lecture (F) Lab, data project (T) Minitest (F) Lecture (F) Lab, practice (F) Lecture (T) Lecture (T) Lab, data project (T) Minitest (F) Lecture (F) Fri 11/28 Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Mon 12/01 Francesca Presentations (F) Wed 12/03 Francesca Presentations (F) Fri 12/05 Tony Presentations (F) Mon 12/08 Francesca Presentations (F) Wed 12/10 Francesca Presentations (F) Fri 12/12 Tony Review (F) Final exam: Date TBA, Location TBA Also… Topic Web-site up, groups announced Hmw assignment (F) 1. Data types and descriptive summaries (chpt 2, 5) Solutions: Minitests class (F), data projects web (T) Graded data projects and minitests (T) 2. Basics of probability and sampling (chpt 7, 8, 9) Hmw assignment web (F) Solutions: Minitests class (F), data projects web (T) Graded data projects and minitests (T) Hmw assignment web (F) Study day Solutions: Minitests class (F) Graded data projects and minitests (T) 3. Inference for proportions (chpt 10, 11) 4. Confidence intervals (chpt 12) Hmw assignment web (F) Solutions: Minitests class (F), data projects web (T) Graded data projects and minitests (T) 5. Testing hypotheses (chpt 13) Hmw assignment web (F) Solutions: Minitests class (F), data projects web (T) Graded data projects and minitests (T) 6. Regression and ANOVA (chpt 14, 16) Hmw assignment web (F) Solutions: Minitests class (F), data projects web (T) Graded data projects and minitests (T) Final data projects posted on web (F) Thanksgiving Groups 1 and 2 Groups 3 and 4 Groups 5 and 6 Groups 7 and 8 Groups 9 and 10 Preparation for final exam Graded finals (F) Extra topic: Categorical variables (chpt 6, 15) Data analyses Data analyses On topics 1,2,3,4,5,6