Lahore Grammar School Parents Handbook


Parents Handbook

Lahore Grammar School


Nursery - Class 1


School Office: 042- 35750205

042- 35874329

Email: lgs31 fcc@lgs. edu. pk

Website: www. lgs. edu. pk

A word from the Vice Principal

Dear Parents,

On behalf of the staff, I would like to welcome you and your child to our school. Lahore Grammar School , 31 F.C.C, aims to provide learning experiences of the highest quality to help children make progress and enjoy the challenges and opportunities they are provided with. Children have already learnt a great deal by the time they are three years old. They come to us with a wide range of experiences, interests, and skills. They deepen their understanding by playing, observing, planning, talking, questioning, experimenting, testing, repeating, reflecting and responding to each other and the adults around them.

Educators have recognized that students learn differently, respond uniquely to a variety of teaching techniques and have their individual preferences. The unique qualities of each student must be recognized, encouraged and cultivated. The process should be fun, stimulating and enriching and this is what we strive to do at 31 F.C.C.

We hope that we will share a fruitful and pleasant association and that in our care you will see your child blossom and grow, make good friends and participate fully in school life.

As new parents, you may be unfamiliar with the routines, rules and regulations at this school. This Parents’ Handbook aims to provide you with all the necessary information. However, if you would still like further clarification or have some queries of your own, please feel free to call our school office or visit our website.

Fakhra Shahid

If you wish to meet the Vice Principal, Mrs Fakhra Shahid, you may call the school office for an appointment.

Mrs. Shahid is also accessible by email at:

Mrs. Sherry Kramet is the school administrator and deals with most administrative issues.

School Rules:

 Punctuality is very important. School starts at 8:15 a.m. Any child coming after this time will not be allowed to enter school.

We understand that traffic is a big problem, so please give yourself ample time to get to school in the morning. If for some reason you are running late, you must inform the school office latest by

7:45 a.m. in order for your child to be allowed in.

 Kindly ensure that your child is picked promptly after school. The school takes no responsibility for children half an hour after school ends .

 The child’s student ID card is essential. The person collecting the child from school must have his/ her student ID or they will not be allowed to take the child.

 We urge you to take greater responsibility and exercise more vigilance in dropping and picking up your child by drivers and maids.

 If the school wishes to communicate with parents, the usual method of doing so is either printed notices or SMS. In case we need to contact individual parents for any reason we will send notices or make a phone call.

Please make sure that the mobile phone numbers you have given the school are functional . In case you are not receiving SMS notifications from school, please inform the school office.

 Notices/permission slips should be thoroughly read and permission slips for field trips/vaccination etc. should be returned promptly.

Lahore Grammar School also has a Behaviour Policy can read about on our website: which you

Traffic route:

 To avoid a traffic jam, vehicles should follow the route indicated on the map. Please adhere to the traffic rules and cooperate with the school staff to allow an easy flow of traffic during rush hours.

 Car stickers have been provided to ensure identity and security. No more than 2 car stickers per child will be issued.

Please contact school office to get a new car sticker in case you change your vehicle.

 Only cars bearing L.G.S STUDENT and STAFF STICKERS are allowed inside the lane leading to school.

Security Measures:

For some reason you don’t have the child's ID you must ring the school to get a gate pass. School office must be informed latest by 10:30 a.m.

If the office is not informed ther e will be a fine of Rs. 100 for issuance of a gate pass.

In case an ID card is lost please inform school office through a written application. A new one will be issued against a fine of Rs. 250.

School maintains an SMS service to inform the parents of unscheduled holidays/emergencies/urgent notices. Kindly inform the office promptly in case of change of phone

numbers and addresses.


The Lahore Grammar School uniform is available from Staples, near

Barkat Market, Garden Town/Johar Town.

Summer Uniform:

Grey, long sleeved L.G.S collared T-shirt with blue pair of trousers.

White pair of socks (with blue stripes)

White joggers/canvas/PT shoes

Winter Uniform:

White full sleeved T-shirt

LGS track suit (Blue with orange and white stripes)

White pair of socks (with blue stripes)

White joggers/canvas/PT shoes

L.G.S Scarfs & Gloves (optional)


(Prep - Class 1)

Our booklist can be found at Anees Book Corner in Main Market,

Gulberg or at Staples, near Barkat Market, Model Town. You will be required to purchase your child’s text books and the school will provide the copies, diaries and files.


(Prep - Class 1)

Children are not allowed to bring anything other than a required set of stationery , school books and diaries.

Avoid sending expensive stationery items or toys to school.

Children may bring story books as this would encourage the habit of shared reading.

Birthday celebrations:

For birthday celebrations in school, kindly inform the office a day before the birthday and come before lunch time (coordinate with the class teacher).

We have noticed that when birthdays are celebrated in school, the goody bags contain mostly junk food or expensive items. Instead, sending stationery items, such as pencils, erasers, colouring books or reasonably priced story books, in the goody bags would be a good idea. Infact, we would appreciate if goody bags are avoided.

Cake cutting and singing the birthday song is the best way of celebrating a child’s birthday with his/her class.

School Timings:

Monday to Thursday

Playgroup 8:15 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

Nursery 8:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Prep, Class 1 8:15 a.m. - 1:05 p.m.


Playgroup, Nursery 8:15 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

Prep, Class 1 8:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


Students in class Prep and One are allowed to bring money once a week for the canteen .

The class teachers will inform your child of the specific day in the week he/she may bring money. (No more than Rs 70)

Grooming and Hygiene:

We would request you to make a note and enforce the following:

Girls should not wear nail polish to school.

Boys and girls should have clean short nails.

Teeth should be brushed after breakfast.

Faces should be washed and clean.

Uniform should be clean and tidy.

Long hair should be brushed and tied.

Girls to wear white/blue/black hair accessories only.

Regularly check your child's hair for lice .

If she/he is found to have lice, you will receive a notice from the school and will be required to keep her/him home until the issue is resolved.

Jewellery should not be worn to school.

School bag and lunch boxes should be cleaned daily.

All children are required to wear the correct school uniform.

All children should wear white P.T/tennis shoes or joggers to school.

 Your child’s uniform, lunch box , thermos and school bag should all be labelled with your child’s name, class / section.
