Edison Revisited: Should we use DC circuits for lighting in commercial buildings? (under review at Energy Policy) a Brinda A. Thomasa, b, Inês Azevedoa, Granger Morgana Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA Abstract This research examines the economic feasibility of DC circuits for commercial building lighting systems that are powered either by central power supplies and traditional AC grid electricity or by on-site solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays, with or without battery back-up. Using DOE research and development targets for light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and solar PV, our results show that with present fluorescent and LED efficacies, fluorescent lighting systems are still the lowest annualized cost lighting option. Using DC circuits with LEDs has a considerable range of effects on levelized annual cost (LAC), from an increase of 3% to a decrease of 19%, if a DC voltage standard was developed so that individual drivers in each LED fixture could be eliminated. DC circuits in grid-connected solar PV-powered LED lighting systems can lower the total unsubsidized capital costs of the system by 8 to 24% and LACs by 4 to 24% compared to a PVAC lighting system. Grid-connected PV-DC LEDs may match the LAC of grid-powered AC fluorescent lighting systems by ~2014, with limited differences between DC and AC systems’ LACs. Further work is needed to better understand potential safety risks with DC distribution and to remove design, installation, permitting and regulatory barriers. Keywords Direct current distribution, light emitting diodes, energy efficiency 1. Introduction In 1891, the board for the Chicago World’s Fair received two bids to illuminate the world’s first all-electric fair: General Electric proposed a $1.8 million (later reduced to $554,000) direct current (DC) generator and distribution network, while the Westinghouse Electric Company submitted the winning bid of $399,000 for an alternating current (AC) system (all costs in 1891 dollars) (Larson, 2003). The years that followed saw the decline of Thomas Edison’s pioneering 110 V DC distribution systems. AC long-distance transmission and distribution became standard 1 because the AC transformer made it possible to step voltage up for long distance power transfer and then back down for end use. This achieved much greater efficiency, since resistive power losses grow as the square of the current, while the amount of power transferred is proportional to the product of voltage and current. In recent decades, new semiconductor materials and devices have been developed that can function as a “DC transformer” with efficient (>80%) and reliable designs (80plus.org, 2010). Today, high-voltage DC (HVDC) (200-800kV) has become the most cost-effective option for point-to-point electricity transmission across distances greater than 500-600 miles (e.g. connecting hydropower in the Pacific Northwest to loads in Los Angeles). At these distances, the cost savings from using two conductors for HVDC transmission versus three conductors for AC transmission outweigh the higher cost of DC power electronics compared to AC transformers (Schavemaker and van der Sluis, 2008). However, the economics is such that AC remains the norm for all local transmission and distribution systems. Today, the fact that many commercial and residential loads, such as computers, consumer electronics, and LED lighting, use DC power has led to a proliferation of power supplies that convert from AC to various DC voltages. Many small inefficient "wall warts" have efficiencies as low as 40% (Caldwell and Reeder, 2002). Fortunately the performance of such devices is improving as they become increasingly subject to national (and international) energy efficiency standards, such as the minimum efficiency standards programs established by the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 in the U.S. (DOE, 2010), and similar programs run by the California Energy Commission and Australian Greenhouse Office (Mammano, 2007). 2 Though he did not use the term, another Edison-era concept, distributed generation (DG), has also seen a rebirth since the 1970s due to converging goals of greater overall efficiency in the use of primary energy, divestiture of large generation by some utilities that have been restructured as “wires companies” (Strachan, 2000), growing consumer concerns about supply reliability, and concerns about lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Some DG technologies such as solar photovoltaics (PV) and fuel cells inherently produce DC power, which is then converted to AC. Other DG sources such as microturbines (30 kW – 1 MW) can also produce DC power. In both cases, after power is distributed via AC circuits, it must be converted back to DC by power supplies in many household or office loads. This has led some analysts to propose the use of building-level DC distribution to reduce the cost and improve the efficiencies of power conversion (Babyak, 2006). In this paper we evaluate the use of DC building distribution circuits for lighting systems, especially with DC light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and solar PV, to achieve cost and efficiency improvements by reducing or eliminating the need for power supplies and inverters. 1.1 Modern Applications of DC Distribution Much previous research has focused on DC distribution system design, the economics and feasibility of DC in specific applications, and the integration of DC building circuits with DG (Kaipia et al., 2006; Nilsson and Sannino, 2004; Sannino et al., 2003; George, 2006). Initial engineering-economic analysis of a DC distribution system to residential customers shows that medium voltage DC (± 750 V) may have lower total costs than 400 V AC due to lower capital costs and outage repair costs (Kaipia et al., 2006). However, medium and low-voltage DC distribution systems have higher energy losses on scales of more than a few kilometers (Kaipia et al., 2006; Nilsson and Sannino, 2004). Sannino et al. (2003) have shown that 326 V DC 3 distribution is feasible and more efficient than 48 V DC for a mid-size commercial building in Sweden. DC circuits are cost-effective in some applications which use energy storage such as batteries or uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) that serve power plant auxiliary systems, telecommunications facilities, and data centers (Pratt et al., 2007; Ton et al., 2008; Jancauskas and Guthrie, 1995; Yamashita et al., 1999; Belady, 2007). In these applications, greater power conversion efficiency can be achieved with DC by eliminating the UPS DC to AC inverter between building circuits and batteries, the AC to DC rectifiers in load power supplies, and any intermediate AC transformers or DC-DC converters that may be used. DC distribution might also be economical in the face of environmental or other policy mandates. These may include renewable portfolio standards (RPSs) that result in the adoption of solar PV or fuel cells. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) reports that using DC distribution with PV systems can reduce PV system capital costs by up to 25% by eliminating the inverter and increasing system efficiency with the result that a downsized PV array can provide the same electricity service (Jimenez, 2005; DTI, 2002). Using a different definition of efficiency, Hammerstrom’s (2007) analysis of an average household with various loads shows that with fuel cells and DC circuits, a 3% efficiency improvement is possible, while without fuel cells, DC distribution imposes a 2% energy efficiency penalty. Given other uncertainties, whether these differences are significant is unclear. Laboratory tests at EPRI have demonstrated that many household devices can readily accept DC power (George, 2006). While electrical safety is not the focus of this paper, we note that higher voltage DC circuits pose a greater arc hazard than AC circuits and require specialized circuit breakers and protection (Salomonsson and Sannino, 2007). AC circuit breakers function by opening the circuit, which 4 typically forms an arc that is extinguished when the voltage waveform passes through zero. Arcs in high voltage (>50 V) DC wiring systems can occur through a loose wiring connection or damaged insulation between cables of different polarity or between an electrical circuit and ground (Dargatz, 2009). DC wiring can cause arcing even at currents under the threshold at which the circuit protection operates. Thus, some DC wiring may need additional arc-quenching insulation and fault-detection. The potential safety risks with DC circuits require further study. 2. Methodology While DC building distribution circuits are feasible with existing power supply and circuit breaker technologies, are they cheaper than AC if used to power building lighting systems? We address this question for a commercial building by estimating levelized annual costs, or LACs, using a commercial discount rate of 12 percent. While our analysis is limited to lighting, the approach is applicable to other DC building applications and could be used for a overall DCpowered system analysis, and to DC distributed generation or energy storage. We constructed a model that compares several lighting circuit scenarios: 1) a base case of 277 V AC fluorescent fixtures, 2) 249 V DC fluorescent fixtures (i.e. rectified 277 V AC), 3) 277 V AC LED fixtures, and 4) 249 V DC LED fixtures. These four cases are examined with solar PV, with and without battery storage. Given a specification of building geometry and lighting system parameters, we estimate the number and wattage of ambient and task lighting fixtures needed. This is used to determine the wire lengths and diameters (gauges) for the ambient and task lighting systems. We then estimate levelized annual cost (LAC) for each scenario. For each scenario, we hold constant the lighting services, i.e., the number of lumens (lm) provided by the lighting fixtures. We also hold constant the number of fixtures – the wattage is therefore the free variable. As an illustrative case-study, we examine a hypothetical four-story, 48,000 ft2 (4,400 5 m2) commercial building for 672 occupants, where lighting requirements are based on Illumination Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) illuminance requirements for office spaces (Navigant Consulting, 2002). Model specifications can easily be changed for alternate case studies. We do not consider the use of daylighting or lighting controls, although in some settings these can be highly cost-effective approaches to achieving higher lighting efficiency (Jennings et al., 2000). 2.1 Lighting System and Power Electronics Characteristics The modeled lighting systems consist of a 1900-klm ambient lighting system with 366 recessed troffer fixtures with 5300 lm per fixture and a 330-klm task lighting system with 672 desk-level under cabinet fixtures with 490 lm per fixture, with technical and cost parameters shown in Table 1. Details are provided in Appendix 1 of the online version. Costs, not including retail mark-ups, were primarily obtained from DOE research and development (R&D) targets, as shown in Table 2. DC fluorescent ballasts and LED driver efficiencies were assumed to be equal to the respective AC ballast/driver efficiency divided by the efficiency of a rectifier. The DC lighting system is modeled as a circuit connecting the 277 V AC distribution system to a fullbridge rectifier with a non-isolated buck converter which produces 249 V DC output for each floor-level lighting system of the building. LED driver, centralized rectifier, and fluorescent ballast technical parameters are shown in Table 3. We ignore issues of standby-mode and offmode power consumption for fluorescent ballasts and LED drivers in this analysis, although DOE is in the process of developing energy efficiency standards for these usage modes (DOE, 2010). Power supply cost assumptions are shown in Table 4. For the base case, annual lighting electricity intensity for the AC fluorescent lighting system is 2.3 – 4.9 (base case: 3.6) kWh/ft2, assuming ambient lights operate between 2500 and 5600 6 hours/year and task lights operate between 1500 and 2500 hours/year. This lighting electricity intensity is just over half the average values for U.S. commercial office buildings as reported by the EIA (6.1 kWh/ft2) (1992), LBNL’s Lighting Market Sourcebook (5.2 kWh/ft2) (1997), and the EIA’s 2003 Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) (6.8 kWh/ft2). This difference arises primarily from the assumption that an energy-conscious office building owner would design lighting fixtures to provide the IESNA minimum lumen requirement of 40 lumens/ft2, while the EIA estimated that the average U.S. office has a mean illumination level of 45-91 lm/ft2 (1992) which arguably means that it is overlit (Dau, 2003). Varying the amount of total lumens provided would change the absolute value of the estimated levelized annual cost in the results section, but not the ordering from least to most expensive. In addition, the model excludes less efficient incandescent lighting in the base case lighting system because, given the voltages assumed, the efficiency of these resistive elements are not affected by the use of AC versus DC. In addition, because replacing incandescent lamps with fluorescent or LED lamps can lower levelized annual cost of lighting (DOE, 2009; Azevedo, 2007), including incandescent lamps in the base case would artificially inflate the levelized cost benefits of DC circuits with an LED or fluorescent lighting system. We exclude issues of color quality in the present analysis. Table 1: Base-case Fluorescent and LED Lighting System Parameters AC FL Ambient Task 11-27 1.5-2.5 DC FL Ambient Task 11-27 1.5-2.5 AC LED Ambient Task DC LED Ambient Task FL Lamp Cost: $/fixture LED Lamp Cost: 2010$/klm 86-116 86-116 Lamp Efficacy (lm/W) 86 78 86 78 125-169 125-169 Fixture Efficacy (lm/W) 53 24 56 25 99 92 114 105 Fixture Efficiency (%) 72% 37% 72% 37% 87% 80% 87% 80% Calc: Wattage (W) 99 20 94 19 53 5 46 5 Notes: The number of fixtures and wattages are calculated from building geometry and IESNA lumen requirements of 40 lm/ft2 for office buildings (Navigant Consulting, 2002), holding fixture lumens constant across scenarios. For details see Appendix 1 in the online version. Cost per fixture obtained from Grainger.com (2010). Fluorescent lamp efficacies from Navigant Consulting (2002). LED ambient fixture efficiency and fluorescent fixture efficiencies are from DOE (2009, 2007a). LED task fixture efficiency is from DOE (2009). LED fixtures have higher efficiencies than their fluorescent counterparts due to the directional nature of LED lumen output. 7 Table 2: 2008-2030 LED, PV, and Battery Projections 2008 2010 2015 2020 2030 Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max PV Module Cost ($/Wp) 2.5 6.5 2.3 6.1 1.9 5.3 1.2 3.9 0.6 2.6 Inverter Cost ($/W) 0.33 0.68 0.31 0.65 0.25 0.57 0.20 0.54 0.15 0.37 SSL Device Efficacy (lm/W) 92 124 125 169 160 216 228 240 228 240 SSL Int.-Lamp Cost ($/klm) 144 194 86 116 24 32 7.6 17 1.7 2.3 SSL Thermal Eff (%) 81 89 85 93 90 95 91 96 92 97 SSL Driver Eff (%) 81 89 83 91 87 92 89 92 90 92 SSL Driver Cost ($/W) 1.98 2.9 1.61 2.36 1.18 1.73 0.87 1.27 0.18 0.26 Battery Cost ($/Wh) 0.31 0.82 0.30 0.80 0.28 0.74 0.26 0.69 0.22 0.59 Notes: PV module costs and efficiencies are from Curtright et al. (2008) and DOE (2007b) and SSL costs (except for drivers) are from R&D targets in DOE (2009). Inverter costs are from Navigant (2006). SSL Driver costs are assumed to be 12-15% (Philips, 2009) of integrated lamp costs in 2008 and 2010, and then decline by 6% annually from 2010-2030. Given that LAC is relatively insensitive to electricity prices (see Figure 4), they are held constant at $0.10/kWh. Lead-acid battery costs are from a sample of Grainger.com products, assuming costs decline at 1.5% per year. Table 3: Lighting System Power Supply Parameters AC-DC Central Power Supply DC-DC Load Power Supply LED LED Ambient Task Fluorescent Ballasts FL LED AC DC Converter Type Buck Buck Vin (V) 277 277 242 242 277 242 Vout (V) 242 242 Calc: Efficiency (%) 93 ± 1a% 93 ± 1a% 84-99b% 84-99b% 85-109c% 91-112d -7 -6 Calc: L (H) 8x 10 2x 10 Calc: C (F) 10x 10-8 7.x 10-8 Calc: (RON, RL, RD) /Rload (%) 1% 1% Calc: Rload (Ohm) 1 ± 0.1 2 ± 0.3 a AC-DC central power supply efficiencies are calculated assuming a buck converter topology, see Table 4 for costs and (Erickson, 2001) for efficiency analysis. b AC LED driver efficiencies are from R&D targets in (DOE, 2009). c Ballast Efficiency is defined as the ratio of rated lamp power over lamp and ballast power consumption. If the ballast is designed to run lamps at less than their rated power, the ballast’s nominal efficiency will be greater than 100%, yet the lamp will produce fewer lumens than if run at rated power. Ballast efficiency, together with ballast factor, determines the light output and power consumption of the fluorescent lamp and ballast system. AC fluorescent ballast efficiencies are from GE, Philips, and Osram Sylvania lamp catalogs. d DC fluorescent ballast and DC driver efficiencies are assumed to be equal to AC ballast/driver efficiency divided by rectifier efficiencies of 93-97% from (Pratt et al., 2007). Table 4: Power Supply Costs Output Power Rating (W) Cost ($/W) 0 – 50 0.10 51 – 150 0.34 150 – 250 0.18 250 – 500 0.17 500 – 1,000 0.20 1,000 – 50,000 0.17 8 Source: Philips, 2009 2.2 Wiring and Circuit Protection The wiring system is sized to meet lighting system current requirements, subject to copper conductor current limits and National Energy Code maximum voltage drop limits of 5% per string. These two constraints on the wiring system limit maximum wire lengths. Since we are modeling a new commercial building, the LAC calculations include wiring costs. Cables that provide a direct connection from the central power supply on each floor to the AC grid are assumed to be common to all cases and are not included in the model. We assume four circuit breakers per floor for the ambient lighting system; these costs were explicitly included in the LAC calculations, with prices obtained from manufacturer datasheets (see details in Appendix 1 of the online version). Circuit breakers (switches) for the task lighting systems are assumed to be integrated in the fixture design and are not explicitly included in the model. 2.3 Economic Metrics LAC is a useful metric for evaluating AC versus DC lighting systems because it allows for the comparison of the costs of a system with many components of varying lifetimes, taking into account the time value of money. The LAC estimates, in 2010$/yr, are the sum of installation and capital costs for the lighting system (CapLED/CapFL), solar PV system (CapPV), and wiring and circuit breakers (W), levelized over their respective lifetimes, and annual lamp replacement labor costs (maintenance, M) and annual grid electricity costs (E) with $0.10/kWh rates, is defined as: 1 2 where CRF is the capital recovery factor. 9 2.4 Solar Photovoltaic System Design (Without Energy Storage) For the solar PV scenarios, we model a grid-connected commercial building with a solar PV array with fixed-tilt at latitude, that supplies supplementary electricity in a climate such as in Pittsburgh, PA. We model polycrystalline silicon solar PV, since it is readily available in the marketplace and subject to future R&D improvements. Hourly and monthly average solar radiation data were obtained from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)’s National Solar Radiation Database. Using these data, the model estimates hourly and monthly grid- and solar PV- electricity consumption. The choice of the building site should not affect the relative levelized costs of DC versus AC distribution since parameters that vary by region such as insolation and electricity prices are held constant across all scenarios. However, variations in insolation do affect the size and total capital costs of the PV panel, which constitute a major portion of the LAC in the PV-integrated scenarios. Since Pittsburgh is a relatively cloudy site (NOAA, 2010), we estimate an upper bound on absolute LACs with DC circuits in the U.S. Sizing the solar PV system is an important design consideration to minimize DC circuit LAC. An oversized PV system that produces more electricity than daily load requirements could require an inverter to sell the excess electricity to the electric grid, DC energy storage, or would waste excess PV electricity. All these options would increase the levelized cost of the system (Jimenez, 2005). Sizing the PV panel to minimize LAC is a rational approach, but this would not allow a comparison of scenarios with and without PV when PV LCOEs are greater than grid electricity prices (since the optimal PV size would then be zero watts). Given our interest in exploring not only the least cost scenarios but also those that would increase the environmental sustainability of the overall system, we opted for a scenario where the solar PV array is sized to power the “base 10 load” ambient lighting systems during the sunniest month of the year using the “peak hours approach” (Masters, 2004), so that the PV panel provides equal energy end-use (lighting) service, for the scenarios excluding energy storage using: 3 where L is the building lighting system electricity load (kWh), !PV is the module efficiency of the solar panel which is between 12-18% (Curtright et al., 2008, DOE, 2007b), I is the daily insolation (h/day of peak sun = 1 kW/m2) at the site location, inv is the inverter efficiency (8794%) for the AC cases (and obviously 100% otherwise) (George, 2006). In months with less solar radiation, grid electricity supplies the part of the load not powered by solar PV. A consequence of the model’s PV sizing rule is that each scenario has a different solar PV module size and electricity production, holding delivered lighting in lm/ft2 constant. 2.5 Integrated Solar PV Array and Energy Storage Design To demonstrate how the addition of energy storage (in the form of simple lead-acid batteries) would influence the LACs of the four main lighting scenarios, we also explore the case where the solar PV and energy storage system provides a fixed proportion of total lighting load; this proportion is held constant across scenarios for comparison. We chose lead-acid batteries for simplicity and since they are a mature battery technology. Load profiles and solar PV output for the maximum, minimum and mean solar insolation levels in Pittsburgh, PA are shown in Figure 1. In this case, the solar PV array is sized for a load of bL where b ! 1.0, corresponds to the fraction of the lighting load served by the integrated PV-battery system. The lead acid battery bank is sized according to: 4 11 where B is the battery size in Ah defined as the maximum state of charge needed to store any PV output not used by the lighting load at a given hour over the year, PV is the size of the photovoltaic array in kW, It is the hourly insolation, and V is the system voltage of the solar PV array and lighting system, and !d is the battery discharge efficiency. In our model, we ignore the excess electricity stored in the battery at the end of the year; it could be used for other end-uses for the commercial building. For this design, we assume the same system voltage for the lighting and power generation system to preclude the use of additional power electronics. We vary the proportion of electricity provided by PV and energy storage for the AC and DC fluorescent and LED lighting systems, and compare LACs with the base case AC fluorescent lighting system without solar PV. Figure 1: Load Profiles for LED Lighting system vs. solar PV output in Pittsburgh, PA. The lighting load includes ambient and task lighting systems. Load profiles generated from PV-integrated DC LED lighting systems with 100% of the load electricity requirements (on average over the year) provided by PV and energy storage. 2.6 Monte Carlo Simulation Lighting and PV systems have a range of possible costs given the range in the efficiencies and costs of DC and AC circuit components. In addition, there is considerable natural and sitespecific variability in solar radiation, which is an important parameter in the size and cost of the 12 solar PV module and overall LACs in the PV-integrated scenarios. To represent a range of LAC, these metrics were calculated using a Monte Carlo simulation of 1,000 runs, which randomly sampled from uniform distributions of input parameters to generate a range of output values from which statistics are generated (details available in Appendix 1 of the online version). 3. Results 3.1 The Economics of Grid-powered DC LEDs Figure 2 shows the results for the grid-powered scenarios. Today, fluorescent lamps (either DC or AC) are the cheapest options. If an industry voltage standard were established -- no matter the level of the standard -- and LED manufacturers designed the lamps accordingly, LED drivers could be eliminated from DC LED lighting systems. In that case grid-powered DC LED lighting systems would require a central DC power supply. The ranges in Figure 2 and results reported in the paper all correspond to one standard deviation. As Figure 2 shows, removing the drivers and adding the power supply for a DC LED lighting system would lead to a 8 ± 11% (or $6,000/yr) reduction in annualized costs and a 8 ± 8% (or $36,000) reduction in capital costs compared to a baseline AC LED lighting system in 2010. In addition, any of the options involving LEDs are almost twice the LAC of fluorescent options and almost four times the capital cost due to the high capital cost of LED lamps. A commercial building of this size would spend roughly $26,000/year on lighting electricity costs, using EIA’s (2003) end-use energy consumption estimates, due to overlighting (Dau, 2003) and the limited use of incandescent lamps. In contrast, our base case AC fluorescent lighting system has an annual electricity cost of $18,000/yr and we estimate that DC LEDs correspond to a reduction in overall electricity costs of 66% (to $6,000/yr) compared to the AC fluorescent base case. 13 Figure 2: Levelized Annual Costs for AC vs. DC fluorescent and LED lighting systems. These results assume that DC circuits eliminate the need for LED drivers, and calculate LAC with a discount rate of 12% and electricity price of $0.10/kWh. Error bars represent plus or minus one standard deviation of the LAC distribution. The LED cost of $101/klm for an integrated lamp is from DOE’s 2010 R&D targets (2009). LED and fluorescent lamp and fixture costs are listed in Appendix 1. AC FL = 277 V AC fluorescent lighting systems, DC FL = 250 V DC fluorescents, AC LED = 277 V AC LEDs, DC LED = 250 V DC LEDs. Lum install = luminaire installation cost, lamps + fix = lamp plus fixture equipment cost, ps = power supply. From a policy perspective, it is more important to assure that manufacturers can, in fact, produce LEDs that follow DOE’s lamp production-cost and efficacy targets than to reduce power electronics costs with DC circuits and voltage standardization. This can be seen in our simulations in Figure 3, in which both DC and AC LED lighting systems match AC fluorescent lighting system levelized costs by ~2014, with the difference between AC and DC LED lighting systems declining with time. Compared to AC LED lighting systems, DC LED lighting systems reduce LACs by 8% (or $3,000) in 2015 and by 7% (or $2,000) in 2020. 3.2 Impact on Carbon Dioxide Emissions DC and AC LED lighting systems allow for the reduction of annual electricity consumption in the simulated office building by 66%, compared to a baseline AC fluorescent lighting system. Assuming the average U.S. carbon intensities for electricity (EPA, 2007), it would take 14 electricity prices higher than $0.45/kWh for DC LEDs and AC LEDs to be able to compete with AC fluorescents on a levelized annual cost basis. These electricity prices are much higher than electricity prices in the U.S. but approach feed-in tariffs for roof top solar PV installations in Germany, which are over $0.75/kWh (57.4 euro cents/kWh) (Solarbuzz, 2010). If decisionmakers decide that programs should be implemented to foster the adoption of LEDs, then a possible program design would be to provide a rebate or credit for LEDs. In 2010, this would require an incentive to consumers of roughly $0.36/kWh (this corresponds to an implicit price of $600/ton CO2-e avoided), assuming the national average commercial electricity retail price of $0.11/kWh (EIA, 2010). If DOE’s R&D targets for LED cost and performance are met, no incentives would be required for the rational commercial consumer by ~2014 (Figure 3). These LAC calculations are sensitive to discount rate, LED prices and lifetimes, luminaire fixture efficiencies, and the lighting requirements of the building. Figure 3: LAC projections for grid-connected AC vs. DC fluorescent and LED lighting systems. AC and DC LEDs match AC FL LAC by 2014 and 2015, respectively. DC LED+PVs match AC FL LAC by 2016, and AC LED+PVs reach these costs by 2019. The electricity price assumed is $0.10/kWh, and the discount rate is 12%. LED projections are from DOE R&D targets, (2009) and solar PV projections are from Curtright et al. (2008). These results assume that DC circuits eliminate the need for LED drivers. 15 3.3 The Economics of Grid-connected PV-powered DC LEDs Using a PV array output with the same voltage as the lighting system, one can eliminate an inverter (DC-AC) and other power electronics. Eliminating the inverter would improve power conversion efficiencies by up to 10%, so that a 14% and 22% smaller PV array would be needed to power the lighting system with DC fluorescents and LEDs respectively. Figure 4 shows that using DC distribution with grid-integrated PV and an LED lighting system reduces LACs by 14 ± 10% and capital costs by 16 ± 8% compared to a similar AC system. With a DC fluorescent lighting system and grid integrated solar PV, 15 ± 11% LAC reductions and 19 ± 13% capital cost reductions are possible. The main cost drivers for a grid-integrated PV array powering an LED lighting system are the PV array and LED capital costs. The LACs of grid-integrated PVpowered AC fluorescents and DC LEDs are virtually identical in 2010, but still double the LAC of grid-powered AC fluorescents. Figure 4: Levelized Annual Costs (in 1000$ per year) for grid-connected PV-powered AC and DC lighting systems. For these results, the discount rate = 12% and electricity price = $0.10/kWh. Error bars represent plus or minus one standard deviation of the LAC distribution. These results assume that DC circuits eliminate the need for LED drivers. The LED cost of $101/klm for an integrated lamp are from DOE’s 2010 LED R&D targets (2009), and solar PV costs of $2.3-6.1/Wp are from Curtright et al. (2008). LED and fluorescent lamp and fixture costs are listed in Appendix 1. AC FL+PV = 277 V AC fluorescents integrated with a 43 kW solar PV system, DC FL+PV = 249 V DC fluorescents integrated with a 37 kW solar PV system, AC LED+PV = 277 V AC LEDs with a 23 kW 16 solar PV system, and DC LED+PV = 249 V DC LEDs with an 18 kW solar PV system. Lum install = luminaire installation cost, lamps + fix = lamp plus fixture equipment cost, ps = power supply. 3.4 The Economics of Grid-connected PV-powered DC LEDs with Battery Back-up Using DC distribution with solar PV and batteries can eliminate the need for several power conversion stages, enabling the battery to provide power when the sun is covered by clouds or at night, instead of using electricity from the grid. Today, crystalline silicon solar PV, lead-acid batteries, and LED lighting are far too expensive to compete with grid-connected AC fluorescent lighting systems (Curtright et al., 2008). However, if LEDs follow DOE’s R&D targets for cost reductions (2009) and solar PVs follow a path toward $0.60-2.60/Wp by 2030, which is the 95% confidence interval for crystalline silicon PV capital costs estimated by experts in Curtright et al. (2008), our simulations suggest that it will be cost-effective for a grid-connected PV with battery back-up to power up to 15% of the load from a DC LED lighting system by 2020, and up to 40% of DC LED lighting loads by 2030, compared to using grid-powered AC fluorescent lighting systems as seen in Figure 5. Figure 5: 2010 and 2030 Lighting system LAC projections vs. fraction of load provided by solar PV and batteries 4. Discussion and Conclusion Simulations in this work suggest that DC circuits could lower the LAC and capital costs of LED lighting systems by 8 ± 11% compared to AC LEDs, provided that a DC voltage standard 17 were established for building distribution and LED luminaires so that drivers in individual fixtures could be eliminated. The specific DC voltage standard chosen has limited impact on lighting system LACs because wiring energy losses and switch costs, which depend on distribution voltage, are small compared to the LED lighting and solar PV capital costs. DC circuits with solar-integrated LEDs (with grid power as needed and no battery storage) may match the LAC of grid-powered AC fluorescent lighting systems by ~2014, although there is a considerable range in the LACs for lighting systems. Near-term applications of DC systems include federal installations, given the government’s lower cost of borrowing. If states with solar provisions in state RPSs or states with PV subsidies (DSIRE, 2010) required all new construction of commercial office PV applications to use DC circuits, the LACs of the installations in 2010 could decline by 14 ± 10% and capital costs could decline by 16 ± 8%, further stretching subsidy dollars, whether in the form of electricity production or power capacity investment subsidies. However, given the large cost barriers that PV have yet to overcome, it is not clear that such subsidies would be good public policy. There are several limitations to using DC distribution for LED lighting systems. First, there is a considerable range in the capital costs and energy efficiencies of various models of central AC-DC power supplies and drivers in individual fixtures. Detailed benchmarking of baseline capital cost and energy efficiencies of LED luminaire drivers would be needed to design a set of replacement central AC-DC power converters that provide cost savings. Second, the main cost driver for the LAC for LED lighting systems is the capital cost of the LED itself, which is 53% of the AC LED lighting system levelized annual cost, rather than LED driver or electricity costs, which are 10% and 12% respectively in 2010. Although a 8 ± 11% levelized annual cost savings may be realized by switching from an AC LED lighting system to a DC LED lighting system in 18 2010, these cost savings are non-significant and small relative to the Department of Energy’s R&D targets that capital costs for LEDs (in $/klm) will decline by over 20% annually during 2010-2020 through research and development (R&D). Despite these limitations, DC distribution requires little or no new technology and can be designed to meet building safety codes and standards. However, the century-long lock-in to AC systems poses a formidable barrier to the implementation of DC use in buildings. Power supplies, circuit protection, and other components designed for AC systems enjoy economies of scale in manufacturing, strong demand, and a large pool of trained engineers and technicians to control design and installation costs. At present, the small market for DC systems and small pool of qualified technicians results in high mark-ups for central AC-DC power supplies of kWoutput power capacity, DC circuit protection, and installation. These factors have been ignored in our analysis. Standardization as well as training efforts would be essential if a transition to DC building circuits were to occur. Developing a DC voltage standard will be challenging because it requires the coordination and consensus of a diverse set of manufacturers with competing design objectives. However, industry groups such as Emerge Alliance have now been formed to promote a low-voltage DC standard to enable “plug-and-play” installation of DC appliances and lighting systems and to reduce installation costs. Today using LEDs for commercial building lighting systems, whether powered by AC or DC, does not appear to be cost-effective strategy for reducing CO2 emissions. 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Annual operating hours for task lighting from Energy Solutions (2004). From GE, Philips, and Osram Sylvania, Inc. (OSI) Lamp Catalogs From GE, Philips, and OSI Lamp Catalogs From GE, Philips, and OSI Lamp Catalogs T8 Fluorescent lamp lifetime in hours, From GE, Philips, and OSI Lamp Catalogs 24 2500 5600 1500 2500 0.84 0.92 80 3 1 12 1 32 70 16000 92 86 24000 Parameter Symbol Unit T12 FL lifetime t12lf hrs T8 FL Ballast lifetime t8blf hrs T12 FL Ballast lifetime t12blf hrs Ac T8 FL Ballast Efficiency acT8beff % AC T12 FL Ballast Efficiency acT12beff % FL ambient fixture efficiency FL task fixture efficiency LED lifetime LED driver lifetime LED ambient fixture efficiency LED tasklight fixture efficiency Maximum LED Efficacy Maximum FL Efficacy afefffl tfefffl ledLf ledDrvLf afeffled tfeffled maxEfcled maxEfcfl % % hrs hrs % % lm/W Lm/W Description/Equation/Reference Minimum/ Nominal Value T12 Fluorescent lamp lifetime in hours, From GE, Philips, and OSI Lamp Catalogs T8 Fluorescent ballast lifetime in hours, From GE, Philips, and OSI Lamp Catalogs T12 Fluorescent ballast lifetime in hours, From GE, Philips, and OSI Lamp Catalogs Ballast Efficiency equals the ratio of rated lamp power over lamp-and-ballast power consumption. From lamp catalogs Ballast Efficiency equals the ratio of rated lamp power over lamp-and-ballast power consumption. From lamp catalogs DOE, 2007a DOE, 2007a DOE, 2009 DOE, 2009 Average (.87) from DOE, 2007a Average (.80) from DOE, 2009 Tsao, 2004 Derived from Tsao (2004), FL are 25% efficient at 85 lm/W, max efficacy = 4*85 lm/W 16000 24000 32000 48000 32000 48000 0.85 1.09 0.9 0.98 0.65 0.3 40000 40000 0.77 0.70 400 340 0.8 0.5 60000 60000 0.97 0.90 Lpaf/(naf*ledEfc*thermEff*lpaf*afeffled); LED efficacy and thermal efficiency R&D targets in Table 2 (lpaf or flpaf)*(t8w)/(t8beff or drvEff); driver efficiency R&D targets in Table 2. thermEff*(t8- or led-Efc) *(afefffl/led) *(ac/dc,T8beff or ledDrvEff)*(t8blf); thermal efficiency R&D targets in Table 2. round(lmft*fs/(afw*afefc)) Lpaf/(ntf*ledEfc*thermEff*lptf*tfeffled); LED efficacy and thermal efficiency R&D targets in Table 2 lmft*dk/tfefc thermEff*(t12- or led-Efc) *tfefffl/led*(ac/dc, Varies Lighting System Output Parameters Ambient LED lamp watts alw W Ambient fixture watts afwfl/led W Ambient fixture efficacy afefcfl/led lm/W naf tlw W tfwfl/led tfefcfl/led W lm/W Number of ambient fixtures Tasklight LED lamp watts Tasklight fixture watts Tasklight fixture efficacy Maximum Value 25 Varies Varies 360 Varies Varies Varies Parameter Symbol Unit Description/Equation/Reference Minimum/ Nominal Value Maximum Value t12beff or drvEff)*(t12blf) ; thermal efficiency R&D targets in Table 2. Number of tasklight fixtures ntf ntf=cc*cr*nf*4 672 Central Power Supply Input Parameters Input Voltage Output Voltage Diode forward Voltage drop Switching period Central power supply lifetime Vg V VD Ts psLf Vac Vdc V sec hrs http://www.testequity.com/products/1691/ 277 48, 60, 250 0.35 .0001 30000 1.7 40000 Central Power Supply Internal Parameters Load resistance Inductor resistance Switch transistor on resistance Diode resistance Voltage ripple Duty Cycle D-prime Inductor current Capacitor Inductor Rload RL Ron RD !V D D’ IL C L W W W W V A F H Rload = V/I RL = 0.01*Rload Ron = 0.01*Rload RD = 0.01*Rload !V = 0.05*V; D = (V*(RL +RD +Rload) + VD*Rload)/(Rload*(Vg + VD) + V*(RD - Ron)) D’ = (1-D) IL = (D*Vg – D’VD)/(RL + D*Ron + Rload) C = (D*Ts*(Rload*IL- V)/(2*DV*Rload)); L =(D*Ts*(Vg-IL*(Ron+RL)-V)/(2*D*IL)); Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Central Power Supply Output Parameter Converter Efficiency PS" % "= (1-D’*VD/(D*Vg))/(1+(RL+D*Ron+D’*RD)/ Rload) 93% PV, Wiring, Electrical System Input Parameters AC Operating Voltage DC Operating Voltage Wire Installation Time acOpV dcOpV wit Vac Vdc hrs/ft Wire life Inverter Efficiency Inverter Lifetime Rectifier Efficiency wlf invEff invLife rectEff yrs % yrs % http://www.turtlesoft.com/constructioncosts/Electric-Rough/Romex_6_3.htm George (2006). Pratt et al. (2007). 26 277 249 0.026 ; (1hr/38 ft) 25 0.87 10 0.93 .94 .97 Parameter Symbol Battery Lifetime Battery Charge Efficiency Battery Discharge Efficiency Battery Cost battLife battChEff battDEff battCost Unit Description/Equation/Reference yrs % % $/Ah Messenger and Ventre, 2003 Messenger and Ventre, 2003 Grainger.com products, assuming 1.5% cost decline per year. See Table 2. Minimum/ Nominal Value 10 95 95 varies PV, Wiring, Electrical System Internal Parameters Ambient Fixture Current Ambient Wire Current Rating afc awc A A Ambient Wire Resistance Rating awr !/1000 ft awvd afwg V Tasklight Fixture Current Tasklight Wire Current Rating Tfc twc A A Tasklight Wire Resistance Rating Tasklight Wire Voltage Drop Tasklight Wire Gauge twr !/1000 ft twvd tfwg V Ambient Wire Voltage Drop Ambient Wire Gauge Hourly Insolation by month solRad W/m 2 afw/(acOpV or dcOpV) Min AWG table current s.t. (AWG table current >= afc) & awvd <= 0.05*(acOpV or dcOpV)) Wire resistance corresponding to cable with current rating awc in AWG Table awl*afc*awr/1000 Wire gauge corresponding to cable with current rating awc in AWG Table tfw/(acOpV or dcOpV) Min AWG table current s.t. (AWG table current >= tfc) & twvd <= 0.05*(acOpV or dcOpV)) Wire resistance corresponding to cable with current rating twc in AWG Table twl*afc*awr/1000 Wire gauge corresponding to cable with current rating awc in AWG Table See Appendix 5. Varies (w*cr/4+b/2)*4*nf Assumes central circuit box and radial cables to each desk with varying length -- i.e. for a=0, step w/cc, to w/2; for b=0, step b/cr, to b/2 if DC, (naf*afwfl/led + ntf*tfwfl/led)/PS", else naf* afwfl/led + ntf* tfwfl/led See Equation 4. pvkW*(.97*.96*invEff*(1-0.005*(celltemp25))*solRad/1000, calculated hourly, aggregated to daily averages per month, See Appendix 5, 6 Varies 12 2.53 Varies 14 Varies 12 2.53 Varies 14 Varies PV, Wiring, Electrical System Output Parameters Ambient fixture wire length Awl Twl ft ft Task fixture wire length Lighting Load PV Panel size PV Electricity Output LkW kW pvkW pvkWh kW kWh 27 Varies Varies Varies Varies Maximum Value Parameter Grid Electricity Consumption Symbol gridkWh Unit Description/Equation/Reference kWh For each month, hourly grid kWh for the avg day = naf*afwfl/led – hrlyPVkWh, aggregated for aaoh hours/year + ntf*atoh*tfwfl/led (tasklight electricity consumption), if excess PV electricity, assume used by exogenous loads Minimum/ Nominal Value Maximum Value Varies Economic Model Inputs Lighting System Cost Input Parameters T8 Lamp cost Fluorescent Ambient Fixture Cost T12 Lamp cost Fluorescent Tasklight fixture cost AC T8 ballast cost AC T12 ballast cost LED Ambient Fixture Cost LED Tasklight Fixture cost Technician Level I Labor Rate Technician Level II Labor Rate Fluorescent Ballast Installation Time Lamp Installation Time Luminaire Installation Time LED Driver Installation time t8c afcfl $/3-lamps $/fix Assume ambient fixtures use three 4-foot t8 lamps in a recessed troffer fixture. Costs from Grainger.com Costs from Grainger.com Assume tasklights use one 2-foot t12 lamp in an undercabinet fixture 3.75 9 17 97 1.5 2.5 23 11 5 19 31 10 40 43 24 9 99 46 20 68 t12c $/lamp tfcfl $/fixture Costs from Grainger.com t8balc t12balc afcled tfcled tech1 tech2 $/ballast $/ballast $/fixture $/fixture $/hr $/hr Costs from Grainger.com Costs from Grainger.com Costs from Grainger.com Costs from Grainger.com bInst hr 0.5 lInst lumInst dInst hr hr hr 0.25 0.5 0.5 Lighting System Cost Output Parameters Luminaire Cost, lamp Luminaire Cost, fixture Luminaire Cost, ballast or driver (a/t)LumC -l $ LumC-fx LumC-lps $ $ Same calculations for ambient or task lighting. For LEDs: costPerKlm*ledEfc*(alw* lpaf*naf or tlw* lptf* ntf)/1000; For FL: flpaf* t8c or flptf* t12c naf* afcfl/led or ntf* tfcfl/led For FL: naf*t8balc or ntf*t12balc; For LEDs: (naf*afwled or ntf*tfwled)* DrvCostPerW; Driver 28 Varies Varies Varies Parameter Symbol Unit Luminaire Cost, installation Luminaire Cost, annual maintenance LumC-in LumC-m $ $ Description/Equation/Reference cost per Watt estimates in Table 2. Tech2*lumInst lInst*tech1*(aaoh/t8lf or taoh/t12lf or aaoh/ledLf or taoh/ledLf)+ tech2 *(aaoh/t8blf*bInst or taoh/t12blf*bInst or aaoh/ledDrvLf*dInst or taoh/ledDrvLf*dInst) Minimum/ Nominal Value Maximum Value Varies Varies Central Power Supply Cost Input Parameter Power Supply Installation Time psInst hrs 1 Central Power Supply Cost Internal Parameter Output Power Pout W LkW/nf Varies psC-eq $ psC-in $ psCostPerW*Pout, See Appendix 2 for power supply costs tech2*psInst psC-m $ Tech2*psInst*aaoh/psLf Central Power Supply Cost Output Parameter Central Power Supply Cost, equipment Central Power Supply Cost, installation Central Power Supply Cost, maintenance Varies Varies Varies PV, Wiring, Electrical System Cost Input Parameters Inverter Cost PV Balance of Plant Cost invC bop $/W $/W 250 V DC Switch Cost Sw250 $/switch 48 V DC Switch Cost Sw48 $/switch 60 V DC Switch Cost Sw60 $/switch 277 V AC Switch Cost Sw277 $/switch Navigant, 2006 Curtright et al., 2008 http://www.abb.com/product/seitp329/19130a558 33d8efdc1256e89004019e9.aspx; half list price; assume 4 switches per floor, task lamp switches built into fixture http://www.abb.com/product/seitp329/19130a558 33d8efdc1256e89004019e9.aspx; list price http://www.abb.com/product/seitp329/19130a558 33d8efdc1256e89004019e9.aspx; half list price http://www.drillspot.com/products/43243/Maple_ Chase_ET1100_Electronic_Light_Switch Varies 2.5 6.5 115 155 10 13 59 80 49 67 PV, Wiring, Electrical System Cost Output Parameters ambWireCost , equip ambWireCost,installation aWireCeq aWireC-in wire cost/ft*awl + nf*4*(sw48 or sw60 or sw250 or sw277); wire costs in Appendix 6 awl*wit*tech2 29 Varies Varies Parameter Symbol Unit TaskWireCost , equip TaskWireCost,installation PV Panel Costs tWireC-eq tWireC-in pvC $ R ! E Years $/kWh Description/Equation/Reference wire cost/ft*twl twl*wit*tech2 1000*pvkW*(bop +pvPanelCostPerW); PV panel costs in Appendix 4 Minimum/ Nominal Value Varies Varies Varies Economic Input Parameters Discount Rate Time Period Electricity Price 0.12 20 0.1 Economic Output Parameters Cap pv cap Lac Npv aLumC + LumC + aWireC+ tWireC + psC PV panel +bop costs, see Appendix 4 See equations 1-2 See equation 3 Varies Varies Varies Varies Environmental Input Parameters Electricity CO2 Intensity Electricity SO2 Intensity Electricity NOx Intensity eCO2 eSO2 eNOx Environmental Output Parameters Cost of CO2 Conserved Cost of SO2 Conserved Cost of NOx Conserved CO2C SO2C NOxC Ton CO2/kWh Ton SO2/kWh Ton NOx/kWh EPA, 2007. $/ton CO2 $/ton SO2 $/ton NOx (lacscenario – lacacfl)/(CO2acfl – CO2-scenario) (lacscenario – lacacfl)/(CO2acfl – SO2-scenario) (lacscenario – lacacfl)/(CO2acfl – NOx-scenario) 0.001 EPA, 2007. 2.63*10-6 EPA, 2007. 9.68*10-7 Varies Varies Varies Monte Carlo Parameter n Number of runs in simulation 30 1000 Maximum Value b Corresponding author. Tel: 1-240-672-1419, Fax: 1-412 -268-2670, Mail: 5000 Forbes Ave., 129 Baker Hall, Pittsburgh, PA, 1521 31