Work Program Chemistry SL 2009 Syllabus This work program is applicable to all students, including International Students at the Queensland Academy for Science, Mathematics and Technology. Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................... 2 COURSE ORGANISATION AND ASSESSMENT PLAN – SL CHEMISTRY 2014 ........................................ 3 UNIT OVERVIEWS ........................................................................................................................................... 9 SAMPLE OVERVIEW #1 BONDING SL ............................................................................................................. 11 SAMPLE OVERVIEW #2 .................................................................................................................................. 15 SAMPLE STUDENT PROFILE ....................................................................................................................... 18 ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 19 TERM 4, YEAR 10 .......................................................................................................................................... 19 TERM 1, YEAR 11 .......................................................................................................................................... 19 TERM 2, YEAR 11 .......................................................................................................................................... 19 TERM 3, YEAR 11 .......................................................................................................................................... 19 TERM 4, YEAR 11 .......................................................................................................................................... 19 TERM 1, YEAR 12 .......................................................................................................................................... 19 TERM 2, YEAR 12 .......................................................................................................................................... 19 TERM 3, YEAR 12 .......................................................................................................................................... 19 PREDICTED DATA FOR IBIS ........................................................................................................................... 19 Course Organisation and Assessment Plan – SL Chemistry 2014 Year 10 Sem / Item # Unit Title Time (hrs) Key concepts & Key ideas (This is the syllabus objectives that will be covered) (Summative, unless otherwise stated) Pre-term assessment / diagnostic tests / pre and post unit quizzes Formative portfolio Homework activities / E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) IA: DCP/CE DCP&CE: IA Boyles law measurement and 11.2 11.3 Uncertainty and error in measurement Uncertainties in calculated results Graphical techniques Term Exam: SA End of Term Test topics 1,2,3 1.2 1.3 1.4 11.1 Measurement and data processing 2 Atomic Structure (SL + HL) 4 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 The atom The mass spectrometer Electron arrangement 6 3.1 3.2 3.3 The periodic table Physical properties Chemical properties Periodicity (SL) Technique, Description& Conditions Formative quizzes 1.5 DP Term 1 Year 10 (Term 4) 12 Category (Assignment, IA, Exam, Portfolio) The mole concept and Avogadro’s constant Formulas Chemical equations Mass and gaseous volume relationships in chemical reactions Solutions 1.1 QC: Moles and Formulas Assessment data processing taught via IA – NOT FOR IB SUBMISSION Year 11 DP Term 2 (End Semester 1) Year 11 (Term 1) Bonding Energetics DP Term 3 (mid Semester 2) Year 11 Term 2 Kinetics Equilibrium 12.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Ionic bonding Covalent bonding Intermolecular forces Metallic bonding Physical properties 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Exothermic and endothermic reactions Calculations of enthalpy changes Hess’s law 8 5 5 6.1 6.2 Rates of reaction Collision theory 7.1 7.2 Dynamic equilibrium The position of equilibrium Formative quizzes Formative portfolio IA: Design Pre-term assessment/ diagnostic tests/ pre and post unit quizzes. To determine student readiness to progress beyond core knowledge of topics 1, 2, 3, 11. Homework activities / E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) Design IA: Energetics. Investigate a factor that affects enthalpy. (learning experience – students’ first IA design so teacher to model / scaffold with students – and provide written feedback) IA: DCP/CE (1) DCP/CE IA: Hess’s Law End Semester Exam: DP1 Semester exam Topics 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Introduce students to IB exam structure. Paper 1 MC (30 min), Paper 2 SA (70 min). Formative quiz Formative portfolio Pre-term assessment/ diagnostic tests/ pre and post unit quizzes. To determine student readiness to progress beyond core knowledge of topics 1 – 5. Homework activities / E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) Acids & Bases DP Term 4 (end Semester II) Year 11 (Term 3) Oxidation & Reduction Organic Chemistry 6 7 5 12 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Theories of acids and bases Properties of acids and bases Strong and weak acids and bases The pH scale IA: D (1) Part a IA: DCP/CE (2) Part b Term Exam D/DCP/CE IA: Kinetics – factors that affect rates of reaction 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Introduction to oxidation & reduction Redox equations Reactivity Voltaic cells Formative quiz Pre-term assessment/ diagnostic tests/ pre and post unit quizzes. To determine student readiness to progress beyond core knowledge of topics 1, - 8. 10.1 Introduction (10.1.3 – 10.1.10 already introduced) Alkanes Alkenes Alcohols Halogenoalkanes Reaction pathways Formative portfolio 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 End of Term Test topics 6, 7, 8, Homework activities / E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) IA: Design (2) Part a Design IA: investigate one factor that affects a voltaic cell (issued week 1, due week 2) IA: DCP/CE (3) Part b DCP&CE IA: Topic Oxidation & Reduction (Due Week 5) Semester Exam End semester Exam: All topics to date IB exam structure. Paper 1 MC (40 min), Paper 2 SA (90 min). DP Term 5 Year 11 (Term 4) Option D: Medicines and Drugs 15 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Pharmaceutical products Antacids Analgesics Depressants Stimulants Antibacterials Antivirals Formative quiz Pre-term assessment/ diagnostic tests/ pre and post unit quizzes. Homework activities / E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) Formative portfolio Term exam: topic 1, 10, Option D: M & D Term Exam Year 12 DP Term 6 (End Semester 3) Year 12 (Term 1) Periodicity review Energetics review 6 3.1 3.2 3.3 The periodic table Physical properties Chemical properties 6 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Exothermic and endothermic reactions Calculations of enthalpy changes Hess’s law 6.1 6.2 Rates of reaction Collision theory 7.1 7.2 Dynamic equilibrium The position of equilibrium Kinetics Review 6 Equilibrium review 6 Formative quiz Formative portfolio End Semester Exam Pre-term assessment/ diagnostic tests/ pre and post unit quizzes. Homework activities / E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) End Semester exams: All topics to date Paper 1 MC (40 min), Paper 2 SA (90 min) paper 3 (30 min) Topics: all to date DP Term 7 (mid Semester 4) DP Term 8 (End Semester 4) Year 12 (Term 2) Year 12 (Term 3) Acids & bases Review Organic Chemistry Review 13 12 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Theories of acids and bases Properties of acids and bases Strong and weak acids and bases The pH scale 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Introduction Alkanes Alkenes Alcohols Halogenoalkanes Reaction pathways Formative quiz Pre-term assessment/ diagnostic tests/ pre and post unit quizzes. Homework activities / E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) Formative portfolio DCP&CE IA: Topic Acid and Bases – (Design Due week 5 – DCP/CE) IA: D (3) IA: DCP/CE (4) Term exam: topic 1, 8, 10 Term Exam: MC, SA Option B: Human Biochemistry 17 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 Energy Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids Micronutrients and macronutrients Hormones Formative quiz Formative portfolio IA: D (4) Part a IA: DCP/CE (5) Part b (optional) Mock Exams Revision Exam Prep 6 Pre-term assessment/ diagnostic tests/ pre and post unit quizzes. Homework activities / E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) Design IA: Energy content of food (Optional) DCP&CE IA: energy content of food (Optional) End of term exams: MOCKS. Full IB exams Paper 1 MC (60 min HL). Paper 2 Data, SA, full Q (2 ¼ hr HL). Paper 3 Options (75 min HL) ALL TOPICS AND OPTIONS Year 12 (Term 4) Revision and alternative program Student revision determined from results of pre-term assessments and term outcomes. Formative quiz Formative pre-term assessment. To determine student readiness to progress beyond SL component of option A or option B). Exam: IB x 3 papers IB final exams – external examination. Unit Overviews Standard Level 80 hours Topic 1: Quantitative chemistry 12.5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The mole concept and Avogadro’s constant 2 Formulas 3 Chemical equations 1 Mass and gaseous volume relationships in chemical reactions 4.5 Solutions 2 Topic 2: Atomic structure 4 2.1 The atom 1 2.2 The mass spectrometer 1 2.3 Electron arrangement 2 Topic 3: Periodicity 6 3.1 The periodic table 1 3.2 Physical properties 2 3.3 Chemical properties 3 Topic 4: Bonding 12.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Ionic bonding 2 Covalent bonding 6 Intermolecular forces 2 Metallic bonding 0.5 Physical properties 2 Topic 5: Energetics 8 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Exothermic and endothermic reactions 1 Calculation of enthalpy changes 3 Hess’s law 2 Bond enthalpies 2 Topic 6: Kinetics 5 6.1 Rates of reaction 2 6.2 Collision theory 3 Topic 7: Equilibrium 5 7.1 Dynamic equilibrium 1 7.2 The position of equilibrium 4 llabus outline Topic 8: Acids and bases 6 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Theories of acids and bases 2 Properties of acids and bases 1 Strong and weak acids and bases 2 The pH scale 1 Topic 9: Oxidation and reduction 7 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Introduction to oxidation and reduction 2 Redox equations 1 Reactivity 1 Voltaic cells 1 Electrolytic cells 2 Topic 10: Organic chemistry 12 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 Introduction 4 Alkanes 2 Alkenes 2 Alcohols 1 Halogenoalkanes 2 Reaction pathways 1 Topic 11: Measurement and data processing 2 11.1 Uncertainty and error in measurement 1 11.2 Uncertainties in calculated results 0.5 11.3 Graphical techniques 0.5 Sample Overview #1 Bonding SL CHEMISTRY AHL UNIT PLAN Group 4 Year Level: 11 Topic 14: BONDING (SL) Duration: 5 hours Unit Overview: In this unit, students will study the main types of chemical bonds – ionic, covalent and metallic, and also consider other forces that help to hold substances together. They will appreciate that electrons and their arrangements around the nucleus are the key to formation of all these bonds. Since chemical reactions take place through the breaking and reforming of bonds, an understanding of and an ability to predict the nature of bonds is central to explaining chemical activity. In this AHL unit, students will apply an understanding of quantum chemistry to the phenomenon of chemical bonding. Theory of Knowledge: 1. Is the quantum model of the atom a real process or a mathematical device? 2. Are the models used to represent bonding accurate or are they limited? If so how? 3. How much should we accept and what should we questions regarding the models used in bonding? IB Learner Profile: Select aspects of the IB Learner Profile that will be implicit and explicit in the delivery of this unit. Indicate how these aspects of the profile will be addressed. Inquirers Open-minded Significant aspects of this unit, both in acquiring the theoretical Students will need to listen without judgement to the opinions of background and solving set problems will be the responsibility of others and be open to new knowledge and ideas individual students under the guidance of the teacher. Knowledgeable Caring At the end of this unit, the student will have gained an in depth As students explore and discuss complex ideas of bonding understanding of the bonding and hybridisation emphasis will be given to the acceptance of the ideas of others and the critique of arguments advanced, not personalities. Thinkers Risk-takers Students will have undertaken the solution of problems in this Students will be encouraged to explore Chemistry ideas and topic ranging from simple to quite complex and multi-stepped. concepts freely and imaginatively without worrying about being They will have formed mental images and engaged in abstract wrong or making mistaken assumptions and statements. thinking. Communicators Balanced Students will work cooperatively in a small group to support each Students will be encouraged to look beyond the subject of other and share resources, data and ideas. They will contribute Chemistry to the opinions of experts and the general public to to online Wikis and discussion boards to share knowledge and understand the issues surrounding the topic.They will also be debate ideas and opinions encouraged to understand that any academic discipline is embedded in a cultural and personal context and that breadth of experience is important to the success of any undertaking. Principled Students will undertake disucussion and debate to assess information and data dervied from experimental work and other secondary sources to reach conclusions. There will be an emphasis on employing the data actually gained as well as derived data. Reflective Students will work independently and consider how they are learning and how they are progressing through the set material and problems. They will consult with other students and their teacher as difficulties arise. Learning Objectives (Overview): 4.1.5 State that transitional elements can form more than 1 ion. 4.2.7 Predict the shape and bond angles for species with four, three and two negative charge centres using the VSEPR theory.. 4.3.2 Describe and explain how intermolecular forces affect the boiling points of substances 4.4.2 Explain the electrical conductivity and malleability of metals. 4.5.1 Compare and explain the properties of substances resulting from different types of bonding. 4.3.1 Describe the delocalization of π electrons and explain how this can account for the structures of some species. Student Assessment (Overview): Students will be assessed by completing homework tasks and class contribution Students will complete a DCP and CE IA on “Investigate the Heat of Combustion of alcohols”. Students will complete a Mastery Test in class to diagnose strengths and weaknesses Accommodations for Differentiated Learning Gifted Student: Individual student activities with self-paced and extension tasks are paced on Blackboard to cater for different ability levels sequential learning Tutorials will be provided for students seeking additional assistance to ensure understanding and compliance with learning tasks IB questions will be provided to extend and challenge the more capable students English as a Second Language (ESL) Student: Individual student activities with self-paced and extension tasks are paced on Blackboard to cater for different ability levels sequential learning Tutorials will be provided for students seeking additional assistance to ensure understanding and compliance with learning tasks IB questions will be provided to extend and challenge the more capable students Students with Special Needs: Students with special needs are identified through the school process and have has been catered for in provision of self paced individual learning and group activities. Materials and Resources Technology – Hardware Laptops Data Projectors Digital Camera Television VCR / DVD MP3 Player Technology – Software Database / Spreadsheet Desktop Publishing Email Software Editing Software Internet / Web Browser Multi-media Printed Materials Text book Work book Note book Task sheet and criteria Reference materials Other Other Blackboard (course materials posted) Respondus / Quizzes (online) Studymate Wikis & Blogs Other Mobile technology PDA Video Camera Other Animation Software Web page development Word Processing Other Professional Learning Teachers will need to ensure they have extensive knowledge of bonding and hybridisation and access to resources on G:/ drive and the text book. Teachers will need to be trained in the IB to ensure they are familiar with the command terms and the IB questions and answer schemes Command Terms: Glossary Terms: define, draw, label, list, measure, state, annotate, apply, calculate, describe, distinguish estimate, identify, outline, analyse, comment, compare, construct, deduce, derive, design, determine, discuss, evaluate, explain, predict, show, sketch, solve, suggest delocalized electrons, hybridization, hybrid orbitals, localized electrons, negative charge centres, octahedral (square bipryamidal), octahedron, octet rule, orbital diagram, pi (π) bond, resonance, resonance hybrid, resonance structures, sigma (σ) bonds, square bipyramidal, square planar, trigonal bipyramidal, Scope and Sequence Week (hrs) 2½ (8) Focus Topic Shapes of molecules Key Concepts / Key Ideas (From syllabus) 4.1.1 4.2.1 – 4.2.10 1½ (5) Intermolecula r properties 4.3.1 – 4.3.2 Metallic and physical properties 4.4.1 – 4.5.1 Learning Experiences d Sequence Students use plasticine and stick models to visualise shapes of molecular orbitals. Access and become familiar with of visual aids to conceptualise shapes of hybrid orbitals (Derry text good for this). (Excellent ppt with animated bond shapes on G drive in bonding folder). Develop strategies for determining number of charge centres around a central atom and therefore how to determine molecule shape. Build summary tables that include base shapes for 4, 3 and 2 charge centres, and resultant shapes for increasing numbers of lone pairs of electrons. Practice using rules for predicting molecule shape Students use simulation to visualize intermolecular bonding and the effect on boiling and melting points Practical work to investigate chemical and physical properties Resources Texts: Neuss, G. Chemistry: Course Companion, Ch4: Bonding and Structure, pp 84-91 IB Study Guides: Chemistry, pp24-26, 27 Text: Derry et. Al, Chemistry for use with the IB Diploma Programme SL, Ch2: Bonding, pp27-59 (preferred resource with good diagrams and summary tables) Practicals: Plasticine modelling prac Powerpoints and worksheets: G:\Coredata\Curriculum\G roup Assessment 4\Chemistry\Resources\2 011 updated resources to match unit plans\Topic 4 Blackboard chemistry course Reflections: Students struggle with the concept of hybrid orbitals. Practice is required that combines revision of VESPR theory alongside simulation to aide with visualization of models and bonding Sample Overview #2 Group 4 Year Level: 11 hours CHEMISTRY SL UNIT PLAN Topic 8: ACIDS AND BASES (SL) Duration: 6 Unit Overview: In this unit, student will appreciate that the concept of an acid and a base has changed over time commensurate with a developing understanding of atomic structure. This has resulted in a powerful method for interpreting, measuring and using the properties of these very significant substances. Acids and bases are important in many aspects of the modern world including industry, pollution, global warming and drug action. Theory of Knowledge: 1. 2. 3. 4. Acids, bases and language: a problem of knowledge Arrhenius theory and the Bronsted-Lowry theory Superacids pH scale IB Learner Profile: Select aspects of the IB Learner Profile that will be implicit and explicit in the delivery of this unit. Indicate how these aspects of the profile will be addressed. Inquirers Open-minded Significant aspects of this unit, both in acquiring the theoretical The historical development of ideas in Chemistry will be background and solving set problems will be the responsibility of explored embedded in the cultural, historical and personal individual students under the guidance of the teacher. characteristics of the Chemist being discussed. Knowledgeable Caring At the end of this unit, the student will have gained an in depth As students explore and discuss complex ideas emphasis will understanding and mastery of acids and bases and pH. be given to the acceptance of the ideas of others and the critique of arguments advanced, not personalities. In the potentially hazardous environment of a Chemistry laboratory, emphasis will also be placed on one's resopnsibility for the safety of oneself and others within the laboratory. Thinkers Risk-takers Students will have undertaken the solution of problems in this Students will be encouraged to explore Chemistry ideas and topic ranging from simple to quite complex and multi-stepped. concepts freely and imaginatively without worrying about being wrong or making mistaken assumptions and statements. Communicators Balanced Students will explain solutions to chemistry problems in both Students will be encouraged to look beyond the subject of verbal and written (often mathematical) form. They will also work Chemistry to the personalities and foibles of people who have on practicals which will require communication and co-operation, undertaken Chemistry. They will also be encouraged to the sharing of resources, data and ideas, between small groups understand that any academic discipline is embedded in a of students cultural and personal context and that breadth of experience is imporgtant to the success of any academic undertaking. Principled Students will undertake Chemistry practicals in which the sharing of original data dervied from experimental work will form the basis on their reporting. There will be an emphasis on employing the data actually gained as opposed to the expected data. Reflective Students will need to reflect on their prior learning and ensure they are familiar with the previous units relating to stoichiometric calculations and logarithms. Syllabus Objectives (Overview): Topic 8: Acids and bases, 6 hours 8.1 Theories of acids and bases 2 8.2 Properties of acids and bases 1 8.3 Strong and weak acids and bases 2 8.4 The pH scale Student Assessment (Overview): students will complete a multiple choice Mastery test end of term test Accommodations for Differentiated Learning Gifted Student: Individual student activities with self-paced and extension tasks are paced on Blackboard to cater for different ability levels sequential learning Tutorials will be provided for students seeking additional assistance to ensure understanding and compliance with learning tasks IB questions will be provided to extend and challenge the more capable students English as a Second Language (ESL) Student: Individual student activities with self-paced and extension tasks are paced on Blackboard to cater for different ability levels sequential learning Tutorials will be provided for students seeking additional assistance to ensure understanding and compliance with learning tasks IB questions will be provided to extend and challenge the more capable students Students with Special Needs: Students with special needs are identified through the school process and have has been catered for in provision of self paced individual learning and group activities. See separate Differentiated Learning document Materials and Resources Technology – Hardware Laptops Data Projectors Digital Camera Television VCR / DVD MP3 Player Mobile technology PDA Technology – Software Database / Spreadsheet Desktop Publishing Email Software Editing Software Internet / Web Browser Multi-media Animation Software Web page development Printed Materials Text book Work book Note book Task sheet and criteria Reference materials Other Other Blackboard (course materials posted) Respondus / Quizzes (online) Studymate Wikis & Blogs Other Video Camera Other Word Processing Other Professional Learning Teachers will need to have a good understanding of acids and bases and pH and be able to model calculations and IB questions responses. Teachers will also need a good working knowledge of the GLX meters for conductivity experiments Command Terms: Glossary Terms: define, draw, label, list, measure, state, annotate, apply, calculate, describe, distinguish estimate, identify, outline, analyse, comment, compare, construct, deduce, derive, design, determine, discuss, evaluate, explain, predict, show, sketch, solve, suggest Acid rain, acidic solution, alkali, alkaline solution, amphiphoteric, Bronsted-Lowry acid, Bronsted-Lowry base, conjugate acid, conjugate base, dative (coordinate) bond, diprotic, dissociation (ionization), Lewis acid, Lewis base, monoprotic, neutral solution, self-ionization, spectator ions, strong acid, strong base, triprotic acid, weak acid, weak base. Scope and Sequence Time (hrs) 3 3 Focus Topic 8.1.1 Define acids and bases according to the Brønsted–Lowry and Lewis theories. 8.1.2. Deduce whether or not a species could act as a Brønsted–Lowry and/or a Lewis acid or base. 8.1.3.Deduce the formula of the conjugate acid (or base) of any Brønsted–Lowry base (or acid). 8.1.4 Outline the characteristic properties of acids and bases in aqueous solution. 8.2.1 Properties of acids and bases 8.3.1 Distinguish between strong and weak acids and bases in terms of the extent of dissociation, reaction with water and electrical conductivity. 8.3.2 State whether a given acid or base is strong or weak. 8.3.3 Distinguish between strong and weak acids and bases, and determine the relative strengths of acids and bases, using experimental data 8.4.1 Distinguish between aqueous solutions that are acidic, neutral or Learning Experiences Resources Students will engage with the teacher in reviewing the declarative knowledge in PPt. 1: introduction to Acids and Bases Texts: Neuss, G. Chemistry: Course Companion, Ch8: Acids and Bases, pp 142-150 Students will complete the Practical: SL Pearson Teacher resource CD- Acids, bases and amphiprotic substances IB Study Guides: Chemistry, pp45-47, 53 Students will complete the Worksheet SL Pearson Teacher resource CD- 9.2 reactions of acids and bases for homework The relevant section of the text book students should refer to is Chapter 8 HL Text Book: pp. 271-281 Brown, C and Ford, M: Higher Level Chemistry for the IB Diploma Students should complete DoL summary of topic 8 and make notes under the syllabus assessment points For extra practicals, see: Derry et. Al, Chemistry for use with the IB Diploma Programme SL: Teachers resource. Students should review the Ppt. 2 : weak and strong acids to ensure they understand the pH scale and they can distinguish between strong and weak acids Students should complete the joint practical (SL Pearson Teacher resource CD) of 9.2 reactions of acids and 9.3 conductivity of solutions (using data loggers) Students will complete the Worksheets SL Pearson Teacher resource CD- 9.3. Ions in solution and 9.4 Strengths of acids and bases The relevant section of the text book students should refer to is Chapter 8 HL text book: pp. 282-286 Students to complete a DoL activity to compare Bronsted- Derry et. Al, Chemistry for use with the IB Diploma Programme SL, Ch9: Acids and Bases, pp274-299 Neuss, G, Atlantic College Practical Programme. Other Resources, see: Resources available to students QASMT CHEMISTRY (Q5684QEA005-001) > IB Resources available to teachers only G:\Coredata\Curriculum\Group 4\Chemistry alkaline using the pH scale. 8.4.2 Identify which of two or more aqueous solutions is more acidic or alkaline using pH values. 8.4.3 State that each change of one pH unit represents a 10-fold change in the hydrogen ion concentration [H+(aq)]. + 8.4.4 Deduce changes in [H (aq)] when the pH of a solution changes by more than one pH unit. Lowry and Lewis theories of acids and bases Reflections: Students find the concept of the common ions in solution difficult to master and will need to review stoichiometric calculations to understand this unit. They will also need to understand logarithms and review their mathematical knowledge of this. Sample Student Profile Year 12 workbook: G:\Coredata\Curriculum\Group 4\Chemistry\Student Work Archive\2012-2013\Workbooks Year 11 workbook: G:\Coredata\Curriculum\Group 4\Chemistry\Student Work Archive\2013-2014\Workbooks Assessment Overview Term 4, Year 10 E-learn Activities and IA Ed-Studio FORMATIVE Analytical Chemistry IA (D/DCP/CE) SUMMATIVE End of Term Test SUMMATIVE Term 1, Year 11 Pre-term Quiz FORMATIVE E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) FORMATIVE Bonding IA (D/DCP/CE) SUMMATIVE End of Semester Exam SUMMATIVE Term 2, Year 11 Pre-term Quiz FORMATIVE E-learn and Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) FORMATIVE Energetics IA (D/DCP/CE) SUMMATIVE End of Term Test SUMMATIVE Term 3, Year 11 Pre-term Quiz FORMATIVE E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) FORMATIVE Redox IA (D/DCP/CE) SUMMATIVE End of Semester Exam SUMMATIVE Term 4, Year 11 Pre-term Quiz FORMATIVE E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) FORMATIVE End of Term Test SUMMATIVE Term 1, Year 12 Pre-term Quiz FORMATIVE E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) FORMATIVE Periodicity / Kinetics IA (D/DCP/CE) SUMMATIVE End of Semester Exam FORMATIVE Term 2, Year 12 Pre-term Quiz FORMATIVE E-learn on-line Activities (quizzes, simulations, Ed-studio, blogs) FORMATIVE Week 1-5 Acid and Bases IA (D/DCP/CE) SUMMATIVE Week 8/9 End of Term Test SUMMATIVE Term 3, Year 12 Mock examinations (76%) Paper 1, Paper 2 and Paper 3 SUMMATIVE IA mark (Design, DCP and CE) 24% [two best marks for each type to be used] Predicted Data for IBIS Based on Mocks and other collected data tracking students across year 11 and 12 using IB cut offs from most recent IB data.