A u g u s t W h i t e W a k e u p 2 H o u s e c a l l B M B M D a l e M r s . M e e k s J o h n s o n L B J R a n c h Bill Moyers (pl) B M J o e C a l i f a n o S e c y R u s k r e D O S p e r s o n n p o s s i b l e q u e s t i o n s f o r p r e J u s t i c e F o r t a s S e c y M c N a m a r a To Oval Office w/ BM and MW OFF RECORD: Jacob Blaustein -- President, American Trading and Produ Corp. , The Blaustein Building, Baltimore, Md. appt, requested by Mr. Blaustein A u g W h i t e t^ 12:00n /^^^ PRESS 2 4 , 1 9 6 6 H o u s e CONFERENCE - Oval Ofc l i v e r a d i o c o v prior to the press conference phoi ographers in Oval Office to shoot pictures of the President talking with reporters. The photographers left before tie Press conference began. To the Cabinet Room for SIGNING CEREMONY - Animal Welfare Bill brief REMARKS This bill is "highly controversial" and it pits the anti-vivisectionists Mrs. against the doctors and medical Mr. researchers a t the extremes; and Miss arrays Congressional groupings Mrs. against private groups across a Justice wide seale ^ ^ between - M Watson,. Christine Stevens (Mrs. Roger Stevens), Animal Welfare Institute, Wash Roger Stevens Christabel Stevens Mike Monroney, President, WARDS Abe Fortas Da,r AUGUST White House Dav 24, 1966 WEDNESDAY Activity (inctude visited by) ture Expcndi- ^Attendance - Signing Ceremony - Animal Welfare Bill Dr. and Mrs. Paul Kiernan, Prof of Surgery, Georgetown Univ Medical School Mrs. John Walsh (wife of prof of surgery at Georgetown Univ) Fay Brisk, director of Berks County Animal Rescue League - SBA, Washington Adele Schoepperle, Treasurer, Society for Animal Protective Legislation, White Plains, NY David Claflin, President, Mass. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Frank ^H^ McMahon Alan Barth, editorial writer, Washington Post Ann Free, free lance writer - North American Newspaper Alliance Kay Pittman, reporter, Memphis Press -Scimitar C. K. McClatchey, McClatchey newspapers, Sacramento Susan Pittman Cong W. R; Poage, Tex Cong Joseph Resnick - NY Cong Stanley Greigg Cong Henry Helstoski Cong. Donald Irwin Cong. Frank Horton Senator Mike Monroney Senator Hugh Scott Senator Joseph Clark Cong Clarence Long Mrs. Warren Helms Cong. George Grider Cong. Claude Pepper Congwm Catherine May Cong Graham Purcell Senator Warren Magnuson Sheldon Ritter F r e s h M e a d o w s , N Y Howard Kraslow Dan Cole S e n M a g n u s o n ' s o f c nxtr AUGUST White House p^ WEDNESDAY o u t To Oval Rm Ofc w/MW and Mi Justice Abe Fortas 24, 1966 ke a t Manatos 1 : 0 2 p and Mrs. Luci Johnson Nugent in to bid goodbye to the President (she and husband Pat leaving by auto for Wauken, Ill.this p. m. ) President departed Oval Rm w/MW and to his limousine for Shoreham Hotel Fifty ADDRESS to DOLLARS FOR DEMOCRATS -/State Chairmen and wives MW encouraged Press to ... . _ Introduced by Ed Foley - Co- Chairman of the Luncheon talk to this group. saving that this would give exposure to the efforts of interesting Chairman of DNCJohn Bailey every citizen in his obligation Mrs. Margaret Price to support the Democratic progess. ( [ Mr. Arthur Krim Empire Roo ,)„„, AUGUST White House Dav 24, 1966 WEDNESDAY Actiivity(mc!ude visited by) ture Expendi*(Jode Returned to Oval Rm Gay Stebbins (personal friend of Secy and Mrs. McNamara's) young lady is houseguest of McNamaras, from Stanford Univ. , history m at 2:25p Departed for the Mansion - alone arr'g was joined by the following for LUNCH (people already there) Phil Potter , Baltimore Sun Walter Trohan , Chicago Tribune Tom Collins - Newsday John Cauley - Kansas City Ed O'Brien - St. Louis Globe-Democrat Tom Johnson Bill Moyers Leonard Bill Marks Moyers Director, USIA natr AUGUST 24, 1966 White House Dav WEDNESDAY Activity (inc!ude visited by) Bill Moyers (pl) A s h t o n G o n e l l a M W B M M W ( p l ) D a v i d D u b i n s k y , M a n a t o s B i l l M W J o e C h i c a g o ( C a p i t o l ) M o y e r s ( p l ) ( p l ) C a l i f a n o ( p l ) Date AugUSt White House Day 24, 1966 WEDNESDAY Activity (inctude visited by) Arrived in Oval Rm Office H o n . Charles Warren Mike of - alone Chairman Calif. Demo. State Central Manatos Miss Gay Stebbins MW (pl) Dr. Donald Hornig , Special Asst to the President for Science and Technology -- asked to see the President to discuss theHH^his future and the ^ the future of the Office of Science and Technology as a part of the W House. Mr. Frank O'Connor --to be the Democratic candidate for Governor of New York Sen. Herman Talmadge Sen. Joh n Stennis Sen Stennis called MM to request appt, saying that he and Sen Talmadge would like to see the President 4-5 minutes any day this week regarding "a HHHHHHP f colleague and his future." They asked to "apprise" the President of the situation; but refused to identify him. MW speculated that they were ^HHHHHHHH referri to Senator Robertson of Virginia. MW (pl) ^,,, .August White House WEDNESDAY 24, 1966 i)av President to Cabinet Room w/Sens. Talmadge and Stennis The two Senators greeted everyone in the room and departed from there. Meeting in Cabinet Room w/ Secy Rusk Secy McNamara UnderSecy Geo. Ball Secy Cyrus Vance Secy Henry Fowler Francis Bator UnderSecy Deming of Treasury) to Oval Rm ofc w/Secy Rusk out at 7:40p The President asked the operator to get Mrs Horner Thornberry for no answer in her room;-- left word. They talked Thursday morning Joe Joe Califano Califano (pl) (pl) him n^ Aug White House Dav 24, 1966 Thursday Activity (inc!ude visited by) turf Mrs. Johnson and guests to boat: Senator Alan Bible John and Ashton Gonella Hon and Mrs. Willard Deason John Macy, Chairman Civil Service Comm Senator and Mrs. Gale McGee Cong and Mrs. Jim Wright of Texas Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Carpenter Mr. Max Brooks Movies Mr. Aubrey Boozer USIA's Mrs. Juanita Roberts Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Riordan (watched ExpendiCode aboard: "A Day in April' Johnson's "Trails of all but the last ten minutes cut at Mrs. J's request at dinner on Big Bend) The President departed the office w/ Mrs. Boozer en route the boat Arrive Pier One. Navy Yard -- boarded the Sequoia and joined above guests Departed Pier One The President asked for George Meany --he was out to dinner -- left word DINNER aboard - shrimp creole w/ rice, green salad, vanilla ice cream Arrive Pier One Depart Pier One via automobile Arrive South Gate - and to second floor at 10:45p Justice Abe Fortas Joe Califano Joe Califano and PMG O;Brien to the second floor Mrs. Arthur Krim - Dallas, Tex George Meany (returning the President's call) of 8:15p Joe Califano Joe Califano Retired NOMINATION SENT TO THE SENATE TODAY: John S Hayes, of Maryland, to be Amb Extraordinary of the United States of America to Switzerland and Plenipotentiary Issued text of statement by President on the occasion of the designation of members of the Presidential Task Force on Career Advancement