SAM 2010 1.0 Login Help

LMS Integrated SAM Guide
SAM integrates with both partner and non-partner Learning Management Systems (LMS) through
Cengage Learning MindLinks (Web service). The following diagram shows this integration flow:
NOTE: In this document, LMS refers to the host LMS.
Distinctions between a Partner and a Non-Partner LMS
The following are the main distinctions between a partner and non-partner LMS:
Partner LMS
A partner LMS has a Cengage Learning agreement. With this agreement, LMS Integrated SAM
activities integrate without major configuration.
GradeSync functionality is automatic: GradeSync pushes a LMS Integrated SAM Gradebook
change to the LMS gradebook in real time.
Partner LMS’s include Blackboard, Desire2Learn, Instructure Canvas and Angel with BlackBoard
Non-Partner LMS
A non-partner uses the LTI standard to configure LMS Integrated SAM activities with the LMS.
A Non-partner LMS does not have GradeSync functionality. Grades can be exported from LMS
Integrated SAM as a .CSV file and imported into the non-partner LMS, according to the LMS
import format requirement.
Non-partner LMS’s include Generic and Moodle.
IMPORTANT FOR INSTRUCTORS: For specific instructions on setting up SAM with your LMS, refer to the
Cengage Learning MindLinks LTI integration e-mail you received. For specific steps on creating and
scheduling assignments in SAM, refer to the SAM Instructor User Manual available via Help in LMS
integrated SAM.
©2015 Cengage Learning. 20 Channel Center Street. Boston, MA 02210
Course Management
This section details course management in LMS Integrated SAM Sections:
When instructors copy either one of their own courses or one from an institution colleague, all
activity dates are copied, even if the Copy all activity dates from course check box is not
When an instructor copies a course in LMS Integrated SAM, past-due assignments copy as
Always Available. Other assignments copy with their due dates.
Instructors view the Course Keys of the courses for which they are registered by clicking Help in
LMS Integrated SAM. The Course Keys display with the corresponding course and section names.
If an instructor uses both SAM and LMS Integrated SAM, LMS Integrated SAM presents a limited
view of SAM: The LMS Integrated SAM user interface does not have the following tabs: Home,
Users and Sections.
If an Instructor is also an administrator, the Admin tab that displays in SAM does not display in
LMS Integrated SAM.
In some LMS’s, SAM sections are called courses.
Instructors can edit any Exams or Trainings in the Assignments tab. They can only edit exams or
trainings in the Exams or Training tabs if they are the creator. If instructors who are not the
creator (co-instructors) want to edit the content, copy the exam or training to become the
Cengage Learning recommends editing exam or training names to find them more easily. For
example, add your name in front of the assignment name.
Deep Link
This section details the use of deep linking in LMS Integrated SAM Sections:
To deep link a LMS Integrated SAM assignment, schedule an assignment in LMS Integrated SAM
The order of the deep links is not static. Instructors can move deep links in the LMS.
Instructors can create individual student assignments for a single student or specific students
such as a make-up exam. Individual student assignments display on the Student Calendar and
Activity List but not in the MindLinks Content Selector. Instructors cannot add individual student
assignments as a deep link.
When instructors create or deactivate assignments in LMS Integrated SAM the deep link is not
deleted in the LMS. Instructors manually delete deep links in the LMS.
When instructors delete assignments deep linked in the LMS, it remains in LMS Integrated SAM.
Instructors can delete a deep link to an assignment in the LMS even if one or more students
have already taken the assignment. However, GradeSync has already occurred and the
assignment is not deleted in the LMS Gradebook. The instructor must manually delete the
©2015 Cengage Learning. 20 Channel Center Street. Boston, MA 02210
assignment in the LMS Gradebook.
There are two ways to deep link SAM Path assignments.
Individual Components
Click either Grade Separately or Grade Exam in the SAM Gradebook Section Settings.
When instructors create and schedule SAM Path assignments in LMS Integrated SAM, individual
SAM Path assignments display as individual assignments in the MindLinks Content Selector. The
name of each assignment includes SAM Path with the number out of the total of all assignments
in the SAM Path.
Example: SAM Path (1 of 3) “Assignment Name”.
When instructors create SAM Path deep links, the instructor needs to select all individual SAM
Path assignments in the MindLinks Content Selector. Instructors select all Individual SAM Path
assignments to GradeSync.
Instructors can add each component of the SAM Path separately if they want to view how
students perform on each component.
Cumulative Score
If instructors want the SAM Path Assignment to count as one score, select Cumulative Score in
the SAM Gradebook Section Settings.
When adding the assignment from the content selector, select the SAM Path (All with
Cumulative Score) and confirm that Add to Gradebook is selected.
NOTE: If instructors are using cumulative score, they can change the score of each SAM Path
component to zero in the host LMS if they don’t want each component to count towards the
final score.
This section details how students use LMS integrated SAM sections.
Students access SAM assignments by clicking the deep link to the SAM assignment or opening
SAM using the course level link and launching the Activity through the SAM Activity Calendar or
SAM Activity List.
Students must complete SAM Path assignments in the correct order.
Individual student assignments display on the Student Calendar and Activity List. No deep links
display for individual student assignments.
Students view the Course Keys of the courses for which they are registered by clicking Help in
LMS Integrated SAM. The Course Keys display with the corresponding course and section names.
©2015 Cengage Learning. 20 Channel Center Street. Boston, MA 02210
SAM Gradebook and GradeSync
This section details the use of the SAM Gradebook and the GradeSync process in LMS Integrated SAM
Instructors need to select the Add to Gradebook option when deeplinking LMS Integrated SAM
assignments to enable GradeSync.
When instructors deactivate an assignment in LMS Integrated SAM, the assignment is also
removed from the LMS Integrated SAM Gradebook. If one or more students have already taken
the assignment and GradeSync has already occurred, the instructor manually removes the
assignment in the LMS Gradebook.
Deactivating an assignment does not update the score in the LMS Gradebook.
When instructors manually change a grade in LMS Integrated SAM to - - (symbol for do not
include), the LMS Gradebook displays 0.00. The LMS Gradebook can only display numeric values.
Instructors manually remove these scores from the LMS.
Instructors need to edit the total possible points to match the total possible for the score in the
assignment when using GradeSync in Points.
When replacing an assignment score with an Individual Student Assignment (ISA), the original
score displays in the LMS Gradebook instead of N/A if the student has not attempted the ISA.
When instructors edit assignment scores directly in the LMS Gradebook, GradeSync no longer
occurs for the assignments.
Hover over an assignment and click Sync to force a grade synchronization for an individual
Click Manage and select Grade Sync to synchronize the full gradebook.
The GradeSync sends grades as fractions to avoid rounding errors.
Distinctions between SAM and LMS Integrated SAM
The distinctions between SAM and LMS Integrated SAM are as follows:
Instructors - Instructors who have SAM and LMS Integrated SAM sections can only see the LMS
Integrated SAM sections when launching SAM from the LMS. LMS Integrated SAM sections do not
display in SAM.
Students – Students who are enrolled in both LMS Integrated SAM and SAM sections do not see SAM
sections when logged into LMS Integrated SAM. Students also do not see LMS Integrated SAM sections
when logged into SAM.
©2015 Cengage Learning. 20 Channel Center Street. Boston, MA 02210