Click here for Advanced Placement Macroeconomic Daily Planner

Advanced Placement Macroeconomic Daily Planner
Week 1: Overview of the year 9/5
Day 1: The Road less Traveled and discuss cost-benefit analysis. Next, hand
out textbook, Economics By Example, and Strive for a 5, Handy Dandy Guide,
and model skim, read and note taking techniques. Finally, handout the course
syllabus, go over homework assignment, and lecture on Scarcity, opportunity
cost, and the four factors of productions.
Homework: Skim, read and notes on Module 1, text pages 1-5 and define key
terms in your own words with either a personal example or a graph.
Day 2: Thinking like an economist
Activity: Handy Dandy Guide and work on some mysteries and check vocab. and
Homework: Review day 1 vocab. & notes and Skim, Read, and Notes (SR&N)
on Module 1, text pages 6-8 (feel free to test yourself on the practice test
questions on pp. 8 and 9, and do the fill-in-the-blanks from Strive for a 5 pp.
9&10. Finally, read What’s to Love about Economics? Virtues of the Economic
Way of Thinking from Economics by Example by David Anderson pp. 1-8 and
answer questions and answer questions 2 and 4 on page 8 on a separate piece
of paper.
Day 3: Introduction to Macroeconomics
Activity: Quiz on Module 1, skim and share current event articles and check
homework (fill in the blanks and collect short answer questions 2 and 4 from
Anderson’s book. Lecture on Employment, Unemployment, and Business Cycle
and Inflation, Deflation, and Business Cycles—
Homework: Review day 1 and 2 vocab and notes and S,R, and N on Module 2,
text pp. 10-14 (practice text questions on pp. 15—this doesn’t need to be written
down, it is for your own benefit), and do Module 2 vocabulary defining terms in
your own words, with either a personal example or a graph.
Week 2:
The Economizing Problem 9/12
Day 4: Activity: Handout the Instant Economist and begin reading
Homework: Review day 1, 2, and 3 vocab and notes and Skim, read and notes,
Module 3, pp. 16-21 and do Strive for a 5 vocab and Fill-in-the-Blanks on pp. 11
and 12.
Day 5: Production Possibility Curve
Activity: Check vocab. and Fill-in-the Blanks and work on Production Possibility
Curve Activity (instructors manual pp. 20)
Homework: Review day 2, 3, and 4 vocab and notes, SR&N from Module 4, text
pp. 23-28 and do vocab. Fill-in-the-Blanks on pp. 14-16
Day 6: Comparative and Absolute Advantage
Activity: Work on Comparative Advantage and Trade Exercise (Instructor Manual
pp. 26 and 27), Activity 6: Opportunity Cost and Comparative Advantage, and
work on Strive for a Five pp. 16-27.
Homework: Review Day 3, 4, and 5 vocab and notes and work on Strive for a
Five review on pp. 16-27 in the workbook and review for Unit I Test
Day 7: Unit I Test
Activity: Unit 1 Test—Essay is draw and explain the Bathtub Theory
Homework: Skim, read and notes on Module 5, pp. 47-50 and do vocab. & Fillin-the-Blanks pp. 36 -38
Week 3: Supply and Demand 9/17 Unit II
Day1 : Objective: Introduction into the market system.
Bellwork: List your last five purchases and discuss your decisions
Activity: Hand back tests, create a demand schedule for an “A”, and lecture on demand,
law of demand and shape of the demand curve. Play the Movie Game for marginal utility
and trade (list as many basic economic concepts in this activity). Work on
Microeconomics Lesson 1: Activity 11- Why is a Demand Curve Downward Sloping?
Homework: Review Day 1 vocab and notes and skim, read and note Module 5, text pp.
51- 56
Day 2: Objective: Shifters of Demand
Activity: Work on Activity 10- Reasons for Shifts in the Demand and In-Class Activities
(Instructor Manual pp.44), and Economics by Example Chapter 3: The Coffee Market’s
hot, why are bean prices not?
Assignment: Review vocab and notes for Day 1, Skim, read and notes, Module 6 pp. 5965 and Strive for 5 vocab and Fill-in-the Blanks pp, 41-44, Economics by Example
Chapter 3: The Coffee Market’s hot, why are bean prices not? Answer article questions
on pp. 34 (These aren’t due until Monday, and they should be written out with
corresponding graphs).
Day 3: Supply
Bellwork: How many push-ups would you do?
Activity: Work on lesson 2: Activity 13-Reasons for Changes in the Supply Curve
Homework: Finish Activity 13, review day 1 and 2 vocab and notes, SR&N Module 6,
text pp. 66-70, and continue to work on Economics by Example Chapter 3: The Coffee
Market’s hot, why are bean prices not? Answer article questions on pp. 34 (These aren’t
due until Monday, and they should be written out with corresponding graphs).
Day 4: Objectives: Quiz
Activity: Quiz
Homework: Review 1, 2 and 3 vocab. & notes and Skim, Read, and Notes Module 7, pp.
71-75, and continue to work on Economics by Example Chapter 3: The Coffee Market’s
hot, why are bean prices not? Answer article questions on pp. 25 (These aren’t due until
Monday, and they should be written out with corresponding graphs).
Week 4: Market Price 9/24
Day 5: Objective: Supply and Demand: Price Controls (Ceilings and Floors)
Activity: Collect Coffee Market article questions, lecture on surplus and shortages, price
ceilings and price floors, and assign text questions.
Homework: Review vocab & notes Day 2, 3, and 4 Skim, read and notes, Module 8, pp.
77-85 and do Strive for Five Module 7 Key questions and Fill in the Blanks on pp.45-47
Day 6: Objective: Practice Day
Activities: Check Strive for Five homework, work on Module 8 review on pp. 86 and 87,
and do Sidewalk Graph Day (Instructor’s manual pp. 56). Quiz
Homework: Review day 3, 4, and 5 vocab and notes and skim, read and notes from
Module 9 on pp. 88-94, do Strive for Five vocab. and Fill-in-the-Blanks on pp. 51 and 52
Day 7: Objective: Consumer surplus, producer surplus and introduction to elasticity
Activity: Check vocab. and Fill in the Blanks, lecture on elasticity of supply and demand,
introduce Shaking the Invisible Hand assignment, and assign Strive for Five Before the
Test Activity pp. 54-67
Homework: Review for the exam
Day 8: Objective: Shaking the Invisible Hand
Activity: Quiz, workday on Strive for Five review and Shaking the Invisible Hand project
Homework: Finish invisible hand simulation and study for exam
Week 5: US Economy Oct. 1st
Day 10: Shaking the Invisible Hand
Activities: Workday on Invisible Hand and review for the Unit II Exam
Day 11: Unit III Test
Activities: Finish presenting Invisible Hand and Unit II Test
Homework: Skim, read and review text Module 10, pp. 101-106 and do Strive For Five Module
10 Vocab
Unit III: Measuring Economic Performance
Day 1: Objective:
Circular Flow Model
Activity: Hand back test, check Strive for Five vocab. introduce the circular flow model and
assign Activity 5: The Circular Flow of Resources, Goods, Services, and Money Payments
Homework: Skim, read and notes, Module 10, pp. 107-110 and finish Activity 5
Day 2:
Objective: Circular Flow Model and GDP
Activity: Grade and discuss the Circular Flow Model and introduce GDP
Homework: Review Day 1 notes and vocab, SR&N from Module 11, pages 112-116 and
Economics by Example, Chapter 21—Why do we neglect leisure and cheer for divorce, pp. 149155 and answer text questions 1-5 (due Monday).
Day 3: Objective: GDP and Unemployment
Activity: Create a social wellbeing formula for a country.
Homework: Review day 1 and 2 of vocab and notes, skim, read and notes on Module 12: The
Meaning and Calculation of Unemployment, pp. 118-124 and complete vocab. & Fill-in-theblank in Strive for a Five, pp. 88-90
Day 4: Objective: Unemployment
Activity: Quiz, lecture on unemployment, In-Class Activities and Demonstrations (Instructor’s
Manual pp. 116).
Homework: Review vocab and notes from day 1, 2, and 3 and Skim, Read, and Notes Module 13, pp. 126132 and vocab and Fill-in-the-Blank Module 13, pp. 91-93. Finish Economics by Example, Chapter 21—
Why do we neglect leisure and cheer for divorce, pp. 149-155 and answer text questions 1-5 (due
Monday).Hit this day with the same intensity as you did in week one—It is a marathon!!!!
Week 7: Oct. 8th-- Inflation
Day 5: Objective: Inflation
Activity: Check and discuss Chapter 21—Why do we neglect leisure and cheer for
divorce, In-class Activities on Unemployment (Instructor’s Manual pp. 122), and lecture
on Inflation.
Homework: Review day 2, 3, and 4 vocab and notes and skim, read and notes from
Module 14, pp. 134-139 and Strive for Five vocab and Fill-in-the-Blanks, Module 14, pp
Day 6: Objective: Inflation
Bell work: In class Activities (Instructor’s Manual pp. 127)
Activity: Workday on Module 15 (text pages 142-147) and Strive for Five vocab. & Fillin-the-Blank pp.97-98 and begin working Strive for 5, Before you Take the Test pp.103112.
Homework: Finish text reading and strive for 5 workbook activities
Day 7: Objective: Review day on your own-Activity: Grade and discuss Strive for 5 material
Homework: Study for test
Day 8: Objective: Celebration of Unit III
Homework: SR&N from Module 16, pp. 157-164 and vocab and Fill-in-the Blanks on
Strive for 5 book, pp. 122-124.
Week 8: Measuring Domestic Output and National Income (10/15th) Unit IV
Day 1: Go over test, lecture on chapter 7, What is GDP
Homework: SR&N on pages 118-120
Day 2: Lecture on Expenditure and Income Approach to calculating GDP, Introduce the Worldly
Philosophers, work on text question 8 and Activity 12.
Homework: SR&N on pages 121-127, assign Worldly Philosophers Chapter iii: The Wonderful
World of Adam Smith, assign question 9.
Day 3: Grade question 9, lecture on nominal and real GDP, and shortcomings of GDP
Homework: Review notes and create a social-economic formula
Day 4: Quiz on Chapter 7, share social-economic formula, discuss The Worldly Philosophers
Chapter iii: The Wonderful World of Adam Smith
Homework: SR&N on pages 131-135 & Chapter iii in the Worldly Philosopher (Malthus and
Week 9: Oct--22
Day 1: Lecture on Economic Growth and the Business Cycles.
Homework: SR&N on pages 136-140, Activity 11
Day 2: Grade Activity II, Lecture on types of unemployment
Homework: SR&N on pages 141-149
Week 10: Basic Macroeconomic Relationships (10/29)
Day 1: Objective: Quarter Exam
Activity: Quarter Essay Exam
Homework: SR & N on pages 152-158
Day 2: Objective: Introduce the consumption and savings curves
Activity: Quarter Objective Exam—discuss the Worldly Philosopher; Chapter iv: The Gloomy
Presentiments of Parson Malthus and David Ricardo, read the chapter and work on vocab note
cards(45 degree line, Marginal Propensity to Consume, Marginal Propensity to Save, Wealth
Effect and Multiplier) or text questions #2,3,4,5,6,9 and 15 (Due Monday).
Homework: Work on The Worldly Philosophers Chapter vi: The Inexorable System of Karl
Marx, text questions, or SR&N on pages 152-162
Day 3: Objective: Average and Marginal Costs
Activity: Lecture on Consumption, investment, average and marginal costs
Homework: Work on text questions and worldly philosopher
Day 4: The investment demand curve, shifters of the curve and multiplier.
Activity: Lecture #2 on Chapter 9
Homework: SR&N on pages 163-167 & Chapter 5 in the Worldly Philosopher (Marx) and
Activity 21.