Minutes of Business Meeting ASA Section on Nonparametric Statistics (NPAR) August 3rd, 2010 5:30-7:00 pm The meeting was led by Jane-Ling Wang (Section Chair) and the minutes were recorded by Bhramar Mukherjee (Section Secretary). 1. The officers of the section and other attendees were introduced. 2. Ideas for increasing revenues/financial reserve for the section were solicited. 3. Taylor and Francis awards were discussed. The best paper award for 2010 was presented to the discussion paper by Erich Lehmann on “Parametric versus nonparametrics: two alternative methodologies”. Dr. Lehmann's wife, Juliet Schaffer was present to receive the award and the certificate. Jane-ling summarized the contributions of the paper and presented the award. 4. Program chair report for 2010 was presented by Edsel Pena and call for proposals for 2011 JSM by Steve MacEachern. 5. The research conferences at Ohio State University in 2010 and the upcoming 2011 Graybill conference in 2011 in Colorado State University were discussed. Suggestions for plenary speakers and short courses were sought by Jean Opsomer. Dr. Schaffer mentioned the fourth Lehmann symposium in 2011 at Rice University organized by Javier Rojo. The section will explore the possibility of co-sponsorship. 6. Lan Wang summarized the evaluation process of the student paper awards and announced the three awards to Kai Ding from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Yeojin Chung from the Pennsylvania State University, and Subhadeep Mukhopadhyay from Texas A&M University. She mentioned that the next student paper award committee chair needs to ensure that the winners and those on the finalist (Honorable Mention) are cited in the 2011 JSM award booklet. 7. Jane-ling thanked Taylor and Francis for their support and the meeting concluded with a floor discussion on good strategies for obtaining invited sessions through the invited session competition. 8. Meeting adjourned at 6:45.