AP World History Summer Assignment 2014 ( If you are enrolled in AP World History for the 2014/2015 school year it is suggested that you complete the following assignment this summer. This assignment will be collected and you will be quizzed on the material during the last week of September, so doing it during your summer break will be to your advantage. The AP World History course encompasses the history of the world from 8000 BCE to the present. Therefore, to be prepared for the course you will need to know the location of major countries and physical features in the world. You will also need to complete these civilization analysis charts for some of the earliest civilizations and define some important vocabulary terms. All of this work will prepare you for success in the 10th grade AP World History course. Follow the instructions carefully and complete your work neatly, using your best penmanship. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to complete the assignment—Don’t procrastinate! Part I: Important Vocabulary Below are several vocabulary terms that will be used throughout the course. It is important that you become familiar with the definition and significance of each term. Write a detailed and complete definition for each term and explain its significance. One sentence answers are not sufficient. DO NOT COPY your answers from any textbook or website. Your answers must be complete sentences, in your own words and hand-written. Part II: Civilizations Analysis (5 Themes charts) In AP World History you will be asked to analyze various civilizations. One way that we will do that is by using the 5 Themes of AP World History. We will use these themes (and similar charts) throughout the course to identify the broad patterns and processes that explain change and continuity over time and make it easier to compare various civilizations. Include specific examples and general ideas as you complete the charts (minimum of 5 bullet points for each theme) You can use the internet or other resources to complete these charts over the summer. Part III: Maps World regions, physical geography and modern-day states are important parts of this course. The purpose of this exercise is to label the maps to become familiar with the current political boundaries and major physical features of the world. See attached blank maps and instructions. Mr. Coughlin Mr. Miller coughltj@pwcs.edu milleja@pwcs.edu Part I: Important World History Vocabulary Below are several vocabulary terms that will be used throughout the course. It is important that you become familiar with the definition and significance of each term. Write a detailed and complete definition for each term and identify and explain its significance. One sentence answers are usually not sufficient. DO NOT COPY your answers from any textbook of website. Your answers must be complete sentences, in your own words and hand-written. Definition: Absolutism Significance: Definition: Agriculture Significance: Definition: Aristocracy Significance: Definition: Animism Significance: Definition: Bureaucracy Significance: Definition: Capitalism Significance: Definition: City-State Significance: Definition: Civilization Significance: Definition: Commercial Significance: Definition: Continuity Significance: Definition: Demography Significance: Definition: Dynasty Significance: Definition: Empire Significance: Definition: Epidemic Significance: Definition: Forager Significance: Definition: Globalization Significance: Definition: Ideology Significance: Definition: Indentured Servant Significance: Definition: Kingdom Significance: Definition: Medieval Significance: Definition: Merchant Significance: Definition: Migration Significance: Definition: Monotheism Significance: Definition: Nationalism Significance: Definition: Neolithic Significance: Definition: Nobility Significance: Definition: Nomad Significance: Definition: Pandemic Significance: Definition: Papacy Significance: Definition: Pastoral Significance: Definition: Patriarchal Significance: Definition: Polytheism Significance: Definition: Primary Source Significance: Definition: Revolution Significance: Definition: Secondary Source Significance: Definition: Serf Significance: Definition: Slave Significance: Definition: Socialism Significance: Definition: Totalitarian Significance: Definition: Urban and Rural Significance: AP World History Themes Chart Tigris and Euphrates River Valley Civilization Ancient Mesopotamia Interaction between humans and the environment Demography & disease Migration Patterns of settlement Technology Development and interaction of cultures Religions Belief systems Philosophies & ideologies Science & technology Arts and architecture State-building, expansion, and conflict Political structures & forms of governance Empires Nations & nationalism Revolts & revolutions Regional, transregional & global structures & organizations Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems Agricultural & pastoral production Trade and commerce Labor systems Industrialization Capitalism and socialism Development and transformation of social structures Gender roles & relations Family & kinship Racial & ethnic constructions Social & economic classes AP World History Themes Chart Nile River Valley Civilization Ancient Egypt Interaction between humans and the environment Demography & disease Migration Patterns of settlement Technology Development and interaction of cultures Religions Belief systems Philosophies & ideologies Science & technology Arts and architecture State-building, expansion, and conflict Political structures & forms of governance Empires Nations & nationalism Revolts & revolutions Regional, transregional & global structures & organizations Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems Agricultural & pastoral production Trade and commerce Labor systems Industrialization Capitalism and socialism Development and transformation of social structures Gender roles & relations Family & kinship Racial & ethnic constructions Social & economic classes AP World History Themes Chart Indus River Valley Civilization Ancient India Interaction between humans and the environment Demography & disease Migration Patterns of settlement Technology Development and interaction of cultures Religions Belief systems Philosophies & ideologies Science & technology Arts and architecture State-building, expansion, and conflict Political structures & forms of governance Empires Nations & nationalism Revolts & revolutions Regional, transregional & global structures & organizations Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems Agricultural & pastoral production Trade and commerce Labor systems Industrialization Capitalism and socialism Development and transformation of social structures Gender roles & relations Family & kinship Racial & ethnic constructions Social & economic classes AP World History Themes Chart Huang He (Yellow River) Valley Civilization Ancient China Interaction between humans and the environment Demography & disease Migration Patterns of settlement Technology Development and interaction of cultures Religions Belief systems Philosophies & ideologies Science & technology Arts and architecture State-building, expansion, and conflict Political structures & forms of governance Empires Nations & nationalism Revolts & revolutions Regional, transregional & global structures & organizations Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems Agricultural & pastoral production Trade and commerce Labor systems Industrialization Capitalism and socialism Development and transformation of social structures Gender roles & relations Family & kinship Racial & ethnic constructions Social & economic classes AP World History Themes Chart Olmec & Chavin Civilizations Ancient Americas Interaction between humans and the environment Demography & disease Migration Patterns of settlement Technology Development and interaction of cultures Religions Belief systems Philosophies & ideologies Science & technology Arts and architecture State-building, expansion, and conflict Political structures & forms of governance Empires Nations & nationalism Revolts & revolutions Regional, transregional & global structures & organizations Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems Agricultural & pastoral production Trade and commerce Labor systems Industrialization Capitalism and socialism Development and transformation of social structures Gender roles & relations Family & kinship Racial & ethnic constructions Social & economic classes Part III: Maps Label your maps neatly, using the best penmanship possible so you can read it later and use it to study throughout the year. You can use the following website or one of your own to complete the maps: http://go.hrw.com/atlas/norm_htm/world.htm Using a black pen, write the name of each feature inside the feature or along the length of the feature. o o o o o Mountain ranges—using a brown color pencil, draw several triangles for the entire length of the range: Rivers—draw the river using a blue color pencil Large bodies of water—color the entire body of water with a blue color pencil (no need to color the oceans) Deserts—shade the entire area with a yellow color pencil Straits—using a black pen, write the name and draw a straight line to the strait Map A: AP World Regions Map Place the number for each region in the correct location on the map. Map B: Bodies of Water Oceans (Label, no need to color) 1. Pacific Ocean 2. Atlantic Ocean 3. Indian Ocean 4. Arctic Ocean Seas, Bays, Gulfs 1. North Sea 2. Baltic Sea 3. Mediterranean Sea 4. Aegean Sea 5. Black Sea 6. Caspian Sea 7. Red Sea 8. Persian Gulf 9. South China Sea 10. East China Sea 11. Sea of Japan 12. Gulf of Mexico 13. Caribbean Sea Rivers 1. Nile River 2. Tigris River 3. Euphrates River 4. Amazon River 5. Mississippi River 6. Rio Grande River 7. Indus River 8. Ganges River 9. Huang He (Yellow River) 10. Yangtze River 11. Mekong River 12. Congo River 13. Niger River 14. Danube River Map C: Landforms (Mountains, Deserts, Straits) Mountains 1. Rocky 2. Appalachian 3. Andes 4. Alps 5. Atlas 6. Ural 7. Hindu Kush 8. Himalayas Map D: Major States AFRICA 1. Algeria 2. Angola 3. Democratic Republic of the Congo 4. Egypt 5. Ethiopia 6. Libya 7. Morocco 8. Somalia 9. South Africa 10. Ghana 11. Kenya Deserts 1. Gobi Desert 2. Sahara 3. Syrian Desert 4. Kalahari Desert AMERICAS 1. Argentina 2. Bolivia 3. Brazil 4. Canada 5. Colombia 6. Cuba 7. Mexico 8. Panama 9. Peru 10. United States 11. Venezuela Straits 1. Bosporus Strait 2. Strait of Malacca 3. Strait of Gibraltar ASIA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Afghanistan Cambodia China India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel Japan North Korea Pakistan Saudi Arabia South Korea Turkey Vietnam EUROPE 1. France 2. Germany 3. Hungary 4. Italy 5. Poland 6. Russia 7. Spain 8. Ukraine 9. United Kingdom Map A: AP World Regions Map Place the number for each region in the correct location on the map. 1. North America 2. Latin America and the Caribbean 3. Europe and Russia 4. North Africa 5. West Africa 6. Central Africa 7. East Africa 8. Southern Africa 9. Middle East (Southwest Asia) 10. Central Asia 11. South Asia 12. East Asia 13. Southeast Asia 14. Australia and Oceania Map B: Bodies of Water Map C: Landforms Map D: Major States (Eastern Hemisphere) Map D: Major States (Western Hemisphere)