England and Its Colonies

mercantilism Theorythat countries
should acquire gold and focus on
exporting goods and owning colonie~
Parliament The lawmaking body of
Navigation Acts Laws passed bythe
British to control colonial trade
Dominion of New England A huge
m the last section, you learned qow the English established colony formed by the King of England,
which included land from southern
colonies in North Amenca.
Maine to New Jersey
In this section, you w earn how xne relationship between Sir Edmund Andros Governor
appointed by the King of England to
Eng ano and its colonies grew tense.
govern over the Dominion of England
Glorious Revolution Overthrow of
Use this web diagram xo t~ <e no~es on ways that England James II
England and Its
tried to keep con~ro~ over the colonies.
saluta~/neglect An English policy of
not strictly enforcing laws in its
gold and silver, and (2) by establishiug a favorable
balance of trade in which it sold more goods than it
Js mercanfflism?
bought. A nation’s ultimate goal under mercantilEngland’s North American colonies existed mainlyism was to become self-suit~eient so that it rfid not
for the benefit of the home country--England.have to depend on other countries for goods.
The key to achieving a {hvorable balance of
This idea was based on the theory of mercantiltrade
was estabfishing colonies. Colonies provided
ism. Under mercautifism, a nation could become
rich and pmver~hl in two ~vays: (1) by obtainingraw materials, such as lumbm; furs, grain, and
P~::~$pe~’ Ioages
tobacou to the home country. This meant that the In 1688, Parfiament helped overthrow James, This
home country did not have to buy these goods from event became lmow~ as the ~lorio~s l~evMutlon.
other nations. With eokinies, nations had a built-in In the aftermath of the revolution, Parliament
market in which to sell the goods it produced.
passed laws that gave it greater power over the
Tbronglmut the 1600s, the American colonies English king.
Parliament restored the origiual colonies that
behaved as they were supposed to under dm mermade
up the Dominion of New E~@and. In addicantilist system. They exported much of their raw
materials to England. However, the colonies also tion, Parliament gave Massachusetts its charter
sold raw materials to odmr countries. England saw back. The new eha~ter, however, called for the king
this as a threat to their economic strength. Under to appoint the governor of Massachusetts. Tile
mercantilism, a nation’s colonies should not supply charter also reqhired Massachusetts be more tolerant of different religions.
goods to other count~qes.
Im 1651, England’s Parliament, or tawmaldng
~. flow did the GIorlous Revo|ution affec(~e colonies?
body, passed the Navigation Acts. The acts greatly- restricted colonial trade. They declared that the
colonies could export certain prodnets only m
England. They also required that goods traded
between the colonies and other nations first had to
England Loosens the Reins
be unloaded iu Englaud. This allowed Englmtd to (pages
tax the goods--aud thus make money off the trade.
What did the Navigation Acts do?
What is salutary neglect?
After 1688, England turned its attention away from
the colonies. It was more concerned with Frauee
which was competil~g with England for control of
In this period, the new English government followed a policy of salatary neglecL This merest
What was the Dominion of
dmt it rarely enforced the laws. Parliament did not
New England?
think it was neeessmT to supervise the colonies
Despite the Navigation Acts, some colonial mer-dosely.
chants continued to trade goods with other coun- Under this new pol~cy, governors appointed by
the king ruled each colony, However, colonial
tries illegally. In 1684, the English King, Charles
II, responded by punishing Massachusetts, whereassendb£es~awmaldug bodies comprised (ff elected colonists held a good deal of power. The govmuch of the illegal trading occurred. The king took
away the colony’s chaunter and made it a royalernor could veto the laws the assemblies passed.
Howm~er, the assemblies bad the power to raise
In 1685, James II replaced Charles as king. He taxes. This meank that they controlled the govercracked down fhrther on the American colonies.nor~ salary. In this way, the colonies were able to
James placed the colonies from southern Maine toprae~ee an em’ly ferm self-government.
New Jersey under one large colony eaJled tile3, In what way did the colonists hold some political
Dominion of New England. The king made Sir power in the colonies?
Edmund Andros the new royal governor of the
DominoE. Andros angered the colonists by outlawing kieal government and by forcing new taxes on
the eoloMsts,
At about this time, England was experiencing
great turmoil. The country’s Parliament, which
often fougl~t with James, wanted to get rid of him.