Palm Beach State College Course Syllabus – Classroom Course General Class and Course Information Course Number: ENC1101 Course Title: College Composition I Term/Dates: (3) Spring 2014 - 12wk Reference Number: 181127 Credit Hours: 3 Clock Hours: Days: MW Time: 2:00-3:45 Room: SC 255 Course Description: Course includes fundamentals of expository writing, rhetorical patterns and a review of mechanics, syntax, and grammar. After successfully completing this course, students should demonstrate strategies in planning and drafting an essay, developing a thesis using effective diction and sentence structure using conventional syntax and observing conventions of Standard English. Students must satisfy College Prep Reading and College Prep English requirements through course completion or appropriate placement test scores (See Admission, Placement Test Scores Chart) before enrolling in this General Education course. A grade of C or higher is required for this course to be used as a general Education course. Course is designated as a Gordon Rule, which means the written work produced for this course must meet or exceed 6,000 words. Gordon Rule Class This class has been designated as a Gordon Rule class for writing. This means that the course has significant writing requirements. Please see the web page at (this section must be deleted if the course is not a Gordon Rule writing class). Professor’s Information Name: AnDrea Larkin Hendrix Telephone: 561-629-2946 Faculty Web Page: Office Location: TBA Email: Office Hours: By Appointment Information on REQUIRED Textbooks: Title Patterns for College Writing: A Rhetorical Reader and Guide Supplementary Books/Materials Title The Bedford Handbook Edition Author 1st Laurie G. Kirszner, Stephen R. Mandell Publisher Bedford/St. Martin’s Press ISBN 978-0312676841 Edition Author 8th Hacker, Diana Publisher Bedford/St. Martin’s Press ISBN 9780312479749 Other Information on Textbooks and Materials needed for class: • Jump drive or memory device • Multi-pocket file folder (for the portfolio) • Notebook and pen/pencil (for each class) Template Date - July 2013 1 Palm Beach State College Course Syllabus – Classroom Courses • • Email address (acquired in the SLC) Access to a computer, printer and/or copier Course Learning Outcomes: As a result of taking this course, the student will be able to: Course Learning Outcomes As a result of taking this course, the student will be able to • Demonstrate the strategies and techniques used in planning an essay, including developing a thesis, determining the purpose and audience of an essay. • Compose essays that demonstrate critical thinking and writing skills, such as providing relevant and comprehensive support for ideas, and writing unified and coherent prose. • Successfully use logical organization, effective diction, sentence structure, and the grammar rules of standard American English. • Analyze the writing of others, both peers and professional writers, and in doing so demonstrate critical thinking and reading skills. • Revise and edit own essays as a part of the writing process. • Demonstrate readiness to move on to ENC 1102. General Education Learning Outcomes: • Communications - Develop effective reading, writing, speaking, listening, and nonverbal communication skills for a variety of audiences. • Global Awareness - Exhibit a sense of community and be sensitive to cultural and global diversity; exercise civic responsibility; give service to others; and respect and care for our natural environment. • Critical Thinking - Evaluate arguments; separate fact and opinion; recognize points of view; understand implications and consequences, and acknowledge diverse values. • Technology and Information Literacy - Use printed materials, personal communication, observation, and technological applications to find, evaluate, organize and present information in order to achieve educational and professional success. • Ethics - Demonstrate a responsibility for personal, social, professional, educational and natural environments and make informed decisions based on those responsibilities. Full Course Outline - Click on the following link: Course Outlines and enter the course number (no space between the prefix and the number). Class Information The grading process for this course is designed to evaluate what you’ve learned by evaluating the development of your writing skills and your mastery of appropriate and effective strategies to connect with your intended audience. In addition, will have an opportunity to create and submit a portfolio that shows your best work. Here is a breakdown of the elements of my grading process: Requirements: • Hand in all drafts for essay assignments typed and on time. I will not give written feedback on late drafts. • Do the assigned readings and preparations. Informal assignments, such as reading responses, will be used for class discussion, and included in your portfolio. • You must turn in a rough draft for each of the four major papers to pass the class. • This is a workshop-oriented class, so attend class regularly. Missing or coming late to class will negatively affect your grade—if you miss more than 10% of our class meetings you probably will not do well in this class. Conference attendance is mandatory. If you know that you must miss a class, inform me ahead of time so that we can work something out. Template Date – July 2013 2 Palm Beach State College Course Syllabus – Classroom Courses Academic Dishonesty Policy and Penalty for Violation: Academic Dishonesty is the intentional or unintentional representation of another person’s ideas, thoughts, or words as your own. It is academic cheating, and for obvious reasons undermines the ideals and goals of education. If you are caught being academically dishonest in this class; expect to fail the assignment (which will hurt your chances for passing the course) and to be reported to the appropriate college committees and administrators. If you commit more than 1 instance of academic dishonesty, I reserve the right to give you a failing grade for the course. Nevertheless, I understand that many people do not understand when they may be committing a dishonest act. Therefore, we will talk more about academic dishonesty in class throughout the semester. Any of the following actions may be viewed as academic dishonesty: o Cheating on an exam o Collaborating with others on work to be presented, if contrary to the rules of the assignment o Submitting work previously submitted in another course, if contrary to the rules of the assignment. o Knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions, including assistance in an arrangement whereby work, classroom performance, or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other than the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed. o Plagiarism. Plagiarism includes the following: o Failing to cite quotations and borrowed ideas o Failing to enclose borrowed language in quotation marks o Failing to put paraphrases or summaries in your own words o Any other conduct resulting in false representation with respect to academic performance. Assignments, Tests, Quizzes and Final Exam Schedule, with percentage/points of grade: The grading process for this course is designed to evaluate your development of writing skills, mastery of appropriate and effective strategies to connect with your intended audience, and other work (attendance, class participation and assignment completion). This process is also designed to give you an opportunity to show me what you think about your work. The grade is based on the following elements: • Essays (40%) • Journal Work (10%) • Homework/ Group activities/ Peer Review (20%) • Portfolio (20%) • Quizzes (10%) Essays – You will be graded on 4 essays. Each essay is worth 10% of your final grade (40% see above): • Definition • Critique • Comparison/Contrast • Researched Argument ESSAY REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADING Length – Though the essay length will vary, papers will rarely exceed 10 pages. Each essay must also have an “essay packet” that shows your writing process (prewriting, rough drafts, and other items that we will discuss in class). We will have plenty of class time to work on these essays, and you will receive feedback on your work by me and at least 2 of your fellow students for each paper. I give written feedback for each rough draft, and for each Submission Draft (you will also receive a grade for the submission draft). Submission Items – In order for the submission draft of any essay to be considered for a grade, you must complete and submit all your preliminary work and materials relating to the assignment: 1. Completed Audience and Values Exploration sheet, exploratory drafts, proposals (we’ll talk about this in class) Template Date – July 2013 3 Palm Beach State College Course Syllabus – Classroom Courses 2. Prewriting 3. Rough drafts (with instructor comments) 4. Submission Draft (handed in by due date) Required Format for Submission Drafts • Papers should follow MLA or APA format. Examples and information on MLA and APA formats can be found in Bedford- St. Martin Handbook. We will discuss both formats at length in class. • Essays must be word processed, double-spaced, and have standard 1” margins on the right and left sides, top, and bottom of the page. • The font used for your submission drafts should be 12-point Times New Roman or a similarly proportioned and sized font. • Pages must be numbered with your last name and page number in the upper right-hand corner. • Your essays must have a title, but please don’t include a separate title page with your papers. • When you submit a submission draft of an essay to me, you will need to include a number of other materials along with it, arranged in the following order: o The final (or most recent) draft of your essay should be included next. o The various drafts of your paper should be included next, in reverse chronological order. Only drafts which contain substantial revisions or which I have commented upon should be included, however. o On the bottom of the stack should be a completed Audience and Values Exploration Sheet and all other prewriting you have done for the assignment. Journal Journal entries are designed to give you practice with some of the modes of writing that are necessary in academic writing. You will also have an opportunity to write about subjects and gather information that are of interest to you. I will assign entries throughout the semester; the entries will be used in class as well as provide a resource for your essay assignments. Journal entries will be given points based on the quality of work performed. We will discuss journals in class throughout the semester. Portfolio The Portfolio is designed to give you the opportunity to evaluate the transformation of your writing this semester. It will include at least 2 revised essays with reflections papers or each revision, a 1-2 page essay that explains your perception of yourself as a writer, and other assignments that will help me determine your progress throughout this course. We will discuss portfolios throughout the semester. Grading: Letter Grade A B C D F P N S U Points Percentage (if applicable) 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 0-59 Class Policies Attendance: Professors are required to take attendance. Template Date – July 2013 4 Palm Beach State College Course Syllabus – Classroom Courses Attendance in this class is mandatory – students are expected to attend each class on-time, be prepared for the day’s activities, and stay for the duration of each session. Class time will be devoted to actively building writing skills by writing and revising, discussing, critiquing your own writing and the writing of others. Such activities simply cannot be “made up” satisfactorily by getting the notes from a peer or by meeting with me. Any class meeting missed, regardless of cause, reduces the opportunity of learning and may adversely affect a student’s achievement in the course. This policy also applies to SLC lab time and any other related class activities performed outside the physical classroom. Electronic Device Use and Email Policy: Text is my preferred method of contact – I welcome the chance of using it to help you with questions about your writing or about my assignments. I also prefer email. Please note, however, that email can be unreliable. Servers may be down, computers may malfunction, etc. As a result, I cannot be responsible for any email messages that are lost or addressed incorrectly. If you email me something, I will email you back, ordinarily within 24 hours, to tell you that I have received your message. However, if you don’t receive my email reply, this means that I did not receive your message and that you should discuss the content of your email with me personally. Similarly, if you email me right before class, I probably will not be able to read your message until after class. Late Assignment Policy: All work is due by the due date and time. I will not accept late work unless you have made previous arrangements with me. Similarly, I will not accept late work in my department mailbox or via email unless you have made previous arrangements with me. We are on a tight schedule that requires many writing assignments. It is difficult for a student to keep up with course requirements in addition to writing/revising “past due” assignments. Doing so increases the chances of handing-in work that is rushed, and potentially, beneath that student’s potential. Likewise, if you are absent on a day that an assignment is due, that assignmet is STILL DUE by its deadline. Rough drafts for essays are due by the deadline; they will not be accepted past the due date. NO EXCEPTIONS. Make-up Exam Policy: The focus of this class is on your work as a scholarly writer. I do not give "tests". Therefore, students will not need to make-up an exam. WE DO take quizzes; however, these will happen in class. No make-ups for quizzes. Withdrawal Policy: It is the responsibility of the student to use the PantherWeb system or visit a campus Registrar’s office to withdraw. An official withdrawal entitles the student to a grade of “W” in the class. Other: Classes Begin Jan 6 Add/Drop Last Day to Add or Drop (100% Refund for Dropped Classes) Last Day to Audit Last Day to Withdraw (“W” grade assigned) – No refund Grades Available on PantherWeb ( or Florida Virtual Campus ( Jan 6-10 Jan 10 Jan 10 Mar 27 May 8 Student Holidays (No Classes held) Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Jan 18-20 Template Date – July 2013 5 Palm Beach State College Course Syllabus – Classroom Courses Spring Break Mar 3-9 Professional Development Day Mar 26 Spring Holiday Apr 18-20 College Policies and Web Information Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty includes the following actions, as well as other similar conduct aimed at making false representation with respect to the student's academic performance: (1) Cheating on an exam, (2) Collaborating with others on work to be presented, if contrary to the stated rules of the course, (3) Submitting, if contrary to the rules of the course, work previously submitted in another course, (4) Knowingly and intentionally assisting another student in any of the above actions, including assistance in an arrangement whereby work, classroom performance, examination, or other activity is submitted or performed by a person other that the student under whose name the work is submitted or performed, (5) Plagiarism. Please refer to the Palm Beach State College Student Handbook ( for link to the student handbook). Classroom Etiquette and Student Behavior Guidelines Students will demonstrate respect for professors and fellow students. Behavior that is disruptive to a positive learning environment reported by the professor will result in a warning on the first instance; the second instance might result in expulsion from the course or campus. Computer Competency Component Each student will, to the satisfaction of the professor, demonstrate a fundamental understanding of basic computer operations through various professor-determined exercises and/or assignments. Disability Support Services Students with disabilities are advised, in compliance with federal and state laws, that accommodations and services are available through the office of Disability Support Services (DSS). It is the student's responsibility to contact Disabled Student Services Advisors and to submit appropriate documentation prior to receiving services. Please see the website at for web address for Disability Support Services. Eating, Drinking and Smoking Eating and drinking are confined to areas designated on the campus. Smoking is not permitted in any College building and only in areas designated at each campus. Final Course Grade Appeal The evaluation of academic work is the responsibility of the faculty member/instructor. The method for assigning the final course grade is established by the faculty member/instructor. Per Board Rule 6Hx-18-3.191, faculty/instructors shall communicate the grading policy of the course to their students in writing. If this policy changes during the term, students should be notified of any changes in writing. The method to determine final course grades must be given to students in a course syllabus at the beginning of the class. Should a student have a question about a final course grade, please follow the procedures as outlined in the student handbook: Mid-Term Grade Reporting Within one week after the close of the mid-term grading period, mid-term grades will be made available to all students for each class by either written notification or individual conference. Student Responsibility Policy When a student attends the College, s/he becomes subject to its jurisdiction. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner, in all areas of campus life. By enrolling, they pledge to obey the rules and regulations of the College and are responsible for observing all College policies and procedures as published in the student handbook, the College catalog and other College publications. The student will be responsible for preparing for class, participating in class, and completing assignments on time. Palm Beach State Websites of Interest Please see this web page ( for a list of web addresses for students. Withdrawal Policy for Individual Courses Template Date – July 2013 6 Palm Beach State College Course Syllabus – Classroom Courses The last day to withdraw from a College course with a "W" grade in this course is March 27. It is the responsibility of the student to use the PantherWeb system or visit a campus Registrar’s office to withdraw. An official withdrawal entitles the student to a grade of "W" in the class. Other Information from your Professor: Student Responsibility Policy When students attend the college, they become subject to its jurisdiction. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible manner in all areas of campus life. By enrolling, students pledge to obey the rules and regulations of the college and are responsible for observing all college policies and procedures as published in the student handbook, the college catalog, and other college publications. The student will be responsible for preparing for class, participating in class, and completing assignments. Department Contact Information Name: Nancy McDonald Telephone: (561) 207-5033 Job Title: English Department Chair Template Date – July 2013 Office Location: AA 101 Email: 7