Sierra Writing Center Term Paper Handbook for MLA Format This handbook includes updated formats from the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th edition, 2009. Cover Art: Mark of the Publisher Gillet Hardouin, Paris. Source: Medieval Woodcuts Clipart Collection. James L Matterer, 2000. Web. 10 Sept. 2009. <>. Updated August 2014 Sierra College, Rocklin, California CONTENTS MLA-Style Research Paper First Page Format Pagination 1-8 1 1 Sample First Page 2 Parenthetical Citations—Overview 3 Quoting 3 Sample Page with Block Quotation 4 Parenthetical Citations (with Examples) 5-6 Works-Cited Format 7 Sample Works-Cited Page 8 MLA-Style Documentation Models for a Works-Cited Page Books and Parts of Books 9-11 Academic Journals and Other Periodicals Databases 14 Web Sites 15 Legal and Government Citations Communication 17 Works of Art 18 Performing Arts 19-20 16 12-13 9-20 MLA-STYLE RESEARCH PAPER Some important aspects of the Modern Language Association (MLA) style paper are exemplified in the following sample pages of a student's research paper. First Page Format The first page of an MLA-style paper must include a heading. The heading begins in the upper-left corner, one inch from the top of the page. It consists of your name, the instructor's name, the course, and the date. Double-space all information. Double-space from the last line of the heading to the title. Center the title. The title should not be boldfaced, quoted, underlined, or italicized. The first letters of the main words should be capitalized. The first line of the essay is double-spaced from the title and indented one half inch (one pre-set tab). Pagination Your last name and page number should appear in a header in the upper right-hand corner, one half inch from the top of all pages, with one space between your name and the page number. 1 Lerner 1 Margaret Lerner Prof. Robert Krohn English 2 10 May 2014 Second Language Acquisition and Creole Languages "Everi human being, naim dem born free and dem de equal for dignity and di rights wey we get " ("Dis Come" 18). This sentence from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights means, "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights," in one of the many creole languages found around the world. Some might think of this as "broken English," but linguists have found that creoles, like all human languages, are governed by their own grammatical rules. Creoles are sometimes described as mixed languages. Mark Sebba explains, "In linguistics, creole is a technical term meaning a language which comes into being through contact between two or more languages" (50). Creoles form when speakers of different languages live in close contact and must communicate in a common language. For example, Caribbean creoles developed when speakers of different African languages had to communicate with each other in English. English-based creoles take much of their vocabulary from English, "while elements of the pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and oral traditions can be traced to Africa" (Sebba 51). Researchers notice similarities between creoles and second language learning. As Sebba points out, "usually creoles come about through a situation of partial language learning" (51). Whinnom calls them both forms of "linguistic hybridization" (91). Schuman extends the concept of interlanguage, comparing it to the creation of a creole. He defines interlanguage not as "mistakes or deviant forms, [but] . . . a separate . . . nevertheless genuine linguistic system" (Schumann, "Implications" 145). Creole languages may help us to understand second language acquisition as a process of creating and refining an individual's language system. Parenthetical Citations—Overview If you are not familiar with parenthetical citations, study the examples that occur throughout this student essay. On page 1, the first parenthetical citation reads ("Dis Come" 18). You will also find the following examples: Sebba . . . (50), (Sebba 51), and (Schumann, "Implications" 145). These are common examples of how parenthetical citations occur. Whenever you include information in your paper from another source, you must give credit to that source. This credit occurs within the text in the form of a parenthetical citation and at the end of the paper on the workscited page. The in-text parenthetical citation and the works-cited page correlate. Study the sample student paper, including the works-cited page, for a clearer understanding of this method, and study the following pages on parenthetical citations. If you have further questions, ask a Writing Center staff member for clarification. Quoting When you copy exact words that you find in a text, you must use quotation marks (" "). You must copy the word(s), sentence, or passage precisely as it appears, and you must be sure to give credit to the author in the form of a parenthetical citation and on your works-cited page. For passages longer than four lines, use the block quotation method. A block quotation is indented one inch (two tabs) from the left margin then carried to the normal margin on the right. Double-space block quotations like the rest of the paper. An example of this method appears on page 4 of the sample student paper. When you use a quotation of an indirect source—that is, your source has quoted from another source—you must include the name of the original speaker or writer of the quotation and cite the source where you found it. The original speaker or writer of the words may be identified in the sentence or in the parenthetical citation. Put the abbreviation qtd. in (meaning quoted in) before your source's author (or title, if no author) in the parenthetical citation. 3 Lerner 4 psychological factor of motivation has the highest correlation with level of development of negation. Schumann uses these findings to argue that acculturation is the main factor in language acquisition ("Acculturation" 27). On closer examination, however, the findings seem to show that social factors are not as important as motivation. Stauble reasons: Based on the results of this questionnaire a learner's motivational orientation is the determining factor in this notion of parallel development between acculturation and language development. Therefore it can be hypothesized that the amount and kind of motivation the second language learner has plays a decisive role in the degree to which he will acculturate toward the "model" language group and accounts for his degree of linguistic development toward the "model" language. (50) This assertion applies only to what psychologists call integrative motivation, the wish to become part of the target language culture, not to instrumental motivation, the desire to achieve a goal such as career advancement (Gardner and Lambert 17). Like Schumann, Stauble limits her discussion to "natural" language acquisition, so she does not take into account that people successfully learn English as a foreign language through instruction. We can surmise that such learners have an instrumental motivation since they are not living in contact with the target language culture. Schumann asserts that acculturation is the cause of second language acquisition, seeing SLA as just one aspect of acculturation ("Acculturation" 27). However, later research has not supported this model. Schmidt reports that factors including "high integrative motivation to use the second language for communication have led to a considerable increase in overall communicative competence but have had little effect on improved grammatical competence" (qtd. in Kaspar and Rose 19). He concludes that the degree of a learner's acculturation could not Parenthetical Citations (with Examples) A formal MLA-style research paper requires both in-text parenthetical citations and a works-cited page at the end of the paper. A parenthetical citation should appear at the end of a direct quotation, paraphrase or summary to indicate which source you have used. The citation should follow the end quotation marks for a short quotation but precede the sentence punctuation. In a block quotation, however, the punctuation precedes the citation. Parenthetical citations must easily guide readers from the cited material in your text to the correct source on your works-cited page, as well as inform the reader of the location (page numbers) in the source from which your quotation, paraphrase, or summary was taken. 1. When the author or title is not named in your text, provide the author’s last name and the page numbers with no punctuation between them. Example: “The period from 1958 to 1968 marked the most active years in the United States for demonstrations and actions that opened up opportunities for black Americans” (Jacobs 199). 2. If a work has two or three authors, give all their last names. If there are more than three authors, you may list all the authors’ last names or use the first author’s last name followed by the Latin et al. Example: “If you are a beginning writer, you may mistakenly believe you are a poor writer because you cannot produce a final copy on your first try” (Markline et al. 101). 3. When the author or title is named in your text, you do not need to repeat it in the parenthetical citation. Example: According to Jacobs, the decade from 1958 to 1968 was a time of many civil rights demonstrations (119). 4. When your works-cited page contains two or more works by the same author, you must list the name of the work (shortened title) in the parenthetical citation. Example: An aspiring novelist should be fluent in more than one language (Gardner, On Becoming 123-26). 5 5. If you refer to information from an entire text, rather than just part of it, you do not need to cite the page numbers. Example: In On Becoming a Novelist, Gardner speaks of the nature of those who write fiction. 6. An anonymous work must be cited by a shortened title of the book or article. Example: One chapter reports that the serious writer is always well-disciplined (“Writing Life” 16). 7. To refer to material from two different sources, cite each source by author and page number, and separate the two with a semicolon. Example: Two works on writing fiction point out that characterdriven plots tend to be more literary, and sales tend to be less than for genre fiction, which relies on plot and action (Gardner 333; Harris 324). 8. Information from a personal interview is cited by using the source’s last name in the parentheses. No parenthetical citation is necessary if the source’s name is included in the text. Example: Novelist Donald Samson said his first novel was ignored by the critics. 9. If the author of your resource material is a public or private organization, cite the work by the organization’s name. If the name is long, use it in the text so as to avoid a lengthy parenthetical citation. Example: The National Audubon Society found significant changes in its annual bird count that may reflect global warming. 10. To cite a dictionary definition, quote and capitalize the word, following it with a comma and the number of the definition. Example: Perry's use of the word liberal refers to education in the liberal arts ("Liberal," 1a). 11. If you cite two anonymous works with the same title, add another piece of information from the source to differentiate the two: Examples: Dickinson was a recluse who did not accept change ("Emily," Dictionary). Among Dickinson's most prevalent themes are death, loss, and regeneration ("Emily," Modern). 6 Works-Cited Format The works-cited page is placed at the end of your essay and lists all the resources you have referred to in your paper. Note the following characteristics of the works-cited page: 1. Your name and page number appear in the upper right corner. 2. The title, Works Cited, is centered. 3. Entries are double-spaced—that is, double-space lines within the entries and between the entries. No extra space occurs between entries. 4. Entries are listed in alphabetical order by author's last name, or title, if the source does not have an author. Ignore the articles a, an, and the when alphabetizing. 5. When using more than one work by the same author, do not repeat the author's name. Instead, use three hyphens followed by a period for each entry after the first. 6. You must adhere to the MLA format (punctuation and spacing) for these entries. See the MLA-style works-cited models on the following pages. 7 Lerner 8 Works Cited "Dis Come Vex Everibodi." Harper's Magazine March 2003: 18-20. ProQuest Research Library. Web. 26 May 2013. Gardner, Robert. C., and William E. Lambert. Attitudes and Motivation in Second-Language Learning. Rowley: Newbury House, 1992. Print. Kasper, Gabriele, and Kenneth R. Rose. "Theories of Second Language Pragmatic Development." Spec. issue of Language Learning 52.4 (2002): 13-61. Print. Mackey, Alison. "Input and Interaction." Sanz 207-233. Sanz, Cristina, ed. Mind and Context in Adult Second Language Acquisition: Methods, Theory, and Practice. Washington: Georgetown UP, 2005. JSTOR. Web. 9 Sept. 2014. Schumann, John H. "The Acculturation Model for Second Language Acquisition." Second Language Acquisition and Foreign Language Teaching. Ed. Rosario C. Gingras. Arlington: Center for Applied Linguistics, 1999. 27-50. Print. ---. "The Implications of Interlanguage, Pidginization and Creolization for the Study of Adult Second Language Acquisition." TESOL Quarterly 8.2 (1974): 145-52. Print. Sebba, Mark. "How Do You Spell Patwa?" Critical Quarterly 38.4 (1996): 50-63. ProQuest Research Library. Web. 26 May 2009. Stauble, Ann-Marie. "The Process of Decreolization: A Model for Second Language Development." Language Learning 28.1 (1978): 29-54. Print. Vanpatten, Bill. "Processing Instruction." Sanz 267-281. Whinnom, Keith. "Linguistic Hybridization and the 'Special Case' of Pidgins and Creoles." Ed. Dell Hymes. Pidginization and Creolization of Language. London: Cambridge UP, 1971. 91-115. Print. MLA-STYLE DOCUMENTATION MODELS FOR A WORKS-CITED PAGE The following are some models of how sources of evidence must appear on the works-cited page at the end of the paper. For each entry, follow the punctuation style and spacing exactly. However, because many sources will not fall precisely into the following categories, you may need to seek an instructor's assistance. Books Book: Note: Look for information about the publisher on the front and back of the title page. If several cities are listed, give only the first as the place of publication. For cities outside the U.S., add an abbreviation of the country. If no place is given, use the abbreviation N.p. Shorten the publishing company's name, leaving out words like publishing or books. Use the abbreviation UP for "university press." If no publisher is given, use the abbreviation n.p. Author's Name Last, First Place of Publication Title Copyright Publisher Year Medium Tan, Amy. The Bonesetter’s Daughter. New York: Putnam, 2001. Print. Book with Two or Three Authors: Note: When there are two or three authors, use the normal order (first name first) for all except the first author. Put a comma followed by the word and before the last author. First Author's Name Last, First Second Author's First Name Last Name , and Third Author's First Name Last Name Title Subtitle Fisher, Roger, Elizabeth Kopelman, and Andrea Kupfer Schneider. Beyond Machiavelli: Tools for Coping with Conflict. New York: Penguin, 1994. Print. Subtitle (continued) Place of Publication Publisher Copy- Medium right Year Chapter in a Book or Work in an Anthology: Note: Use this format to cite one piece of writing in a collection of works by different authors. The abbreviation Ed. before the editors' names means "edited by," so it is never plural. Author's Name Last, First Title of Chapter or Short Work Book Title Subtitle Baldwin, James. "Sonny’s Blues." Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Ed. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia.11th ed. New York: Longman, 2010. 51-72. Subtitle Ed. (continued) Editors' First and Last Names Edition Print. Medium 9 Place of Publication Publisher Copyright Pages Year Book with Editor(s): Note: When citing a book compiled by one or more editors, start with the name(s) of the editor(s) followed by the abbreviation ed. or eds. Follow this model when citing material written by the editor(s) of the whole book, not the author of a chapter or work within the book. First Editor's Name Last, First , and Other Editor's First Name Last Name ed. or eds. Title Place of Edition Publication Lunsford, Andrea A., and John J. Ruszkiewicz, eds. The Presence of Others. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford, 2008. Print. Publisher Copy- Medium right Year Cross-References Note: To cross-reference two or more works from the same text, cite the main text as an edited book (see sample above) then, in separate entries, give the author and title of each chapter or short work followed by the editors of the anthology or book and the page numbers of the entire article, work, or chapter. Author's Name Last, First Title of Chapter or Short Work Editors of Book/Anthology Pages of Chapter or Short Work Gilb, Dagoberto. "Work Union." Lunsford and Ruszkiewicz 650-51. Introduction, Preface, Foreword, and Afterword: Author(s) of Part Part Book Title Book Author Editor(s) Graff, Gerald, and James Phelan. Preface. The Tempest. By William Shakespeare. Ed. Gerald Graff and James Phelan. Boston: Bedford, 2000. v-ix. Print. Editor(s) (continued) Place of Publisher Publication Year Pages Medium of Part Book on the Internet: Author's Name Last, First Book Title Place of Publication Publisher Copyright Year Database or Web Site Title Brontë, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. London: Service and Paton, 1897. Gutenberg Project. Web. 9 Sept. 2009. Medium Access Date 10 E-book for an Electronic Reader like Kindle or Nook: Note: N.p. means that no place of publication is given. Author's Name Last, First Place of Publication Title Publisher Year Medium Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. N.p.: Harper E-books, 2010. Kindle file. Sacred Texts: Title Place of Publication Publisher Year Medium Version Holy Bible. Nashville: Nelson, 1982. Print. The New King James Vers. Online Sacred Texts: Title Site Title Version PubliPublisher cation Medior Sponsor Date um Access Date Online Bible. New International Vers. Biblica. Biblica, 2011. Web. 6 Feb. 2013. Article in a Reference Book: Note: Use this format for common reference books. For specialized reference books, use the format above for a chapter in a book. If no author is given, begin the entry with the article title. Encyclopedia Example: Author's Name Last, First Article Title Reference Book Title Edition Number and/or Year Medium Hall, Calvin S. "Dreams." Encyclopedia Americana. 1985 ed. Print. Dictionary Example: The entry begins with the word you looked up. Give the definition number. Word Definition Number CopyEdition right Number Year Medium Dictionary Title "Home." Def. 4a. The American Heritage Dictionary. 2nd ed. 1985. Print. Online Encyclopedia or Dictionary: Article Title Encyclopedia Title Publisher or Sponsor Year "Sigmund Freud." Encyclopaedia Britannica Online. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2008. Web. 9 Sept. 2009. Medium Date of Access 11 Academic Journals and Other Periodicals Scholarly Journal Article: Author's Name Last, First Article Title Volume. Issue Journal Title Marshall, Brigitte. "Reexamining the Role of Adult Educators." The CATESOL Journal 9.2 (1996): 127-132. Print. Year Pages Medium Online Scholarly Journal Article (Not from a database): Author's Name Last, First Article Title Muñoz-Valdivieso, Sofía. “Shakespearian Intertexts and European Identities in Contemporary Black British Fiction.” Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education 19.4 (2012): Article Title (continued) Journal Title: Subtitle Volume & Issue Year 459-69. Web. 6 Feb. 2013. Page MediNumbers um Access Date Online-Only Scholarly Journal Article (Not from a database): Note: The abbreviation n. pag. means that there are no page numbers. Author's Name Last, First Article Title: Subtitle Journal Title Powell, Jason L. “Social Work and Elder Abuse: A Foucauldian Analysis.” Social Work and Society: International Online Journal 1.1 (2012): n. pag. Web. 6 Feb. 2013. Journal Title (continued) Volume & Issue Year Page MediNumbers um Access Date Newspaper Article: Note: If the article is not printed on consecutive pages, put the first page of the article and a plus sign. Use MLAstyle capitalization. Author's Name Last, First Article Title Newspaper Title Martin, Glen. "Along the Sacramento, Songbirds Flourish Again." San Francisco Chronicle 27 Nov. 2006, final ed.: A1+. Print. Date Edition Page Medium 12 Online Newspaper Article: Author's Name Last, First Newspaper Title Article Title Caiola, Sammy. “California Pharmacies Resist Push to Translate Drug Labels." Sacramento Bee McClatchy, 1 Aug. 2014. Web. 7 Aug. 2014. Publisher Date Medium Access Date * Magazine Article: Author's Name Last, First Magazine Title Article Title Date Page Medium Smith, John K. "Food for Thought." Time 24 Aug. 2001: 46. Print. Online Magazine Article: Author's Name Last, First Magazine Title Publisher Article Title Lichtenstein, Jesse. “Do We Really Want to Live without the Post Office?" Esquire. Hearst Communications, 22 Jan. 2013. Web. 6 Feb. 2013. Publisher (continued) Date Medium Access Date * Advertisement: Product Name Advertisement Magazine Title Date Page Medium Ray-Ban. Advertisement. Rolling Stone 14 May 2009: 9. Print. Online Advertisement: Product Name or Company Advertisement Web Site (or Magazine Title) Publication MediDate um Access Date * Coke. Advertisement. 1920. Web. 5 Mar. 2013. * For sources on the Web, you may add the Internet address after the date of access, if required. Don't start on a new line, but if the address is too long, break it after a slash (/). Put the address inside angle brackets and end with a period, like this: <>. 13 Databases Article from an Online Research Database: Note: For an article found on a research database, you must cite its original publication information, followed by the database, medium of publication (Web), and your date of access. (Use n.d. if there is no date and n. pag. if there are no page numbers given.) Author's Name Last, First Article Title: Subtitle Franz, Barbara. "Immigrant Youth, Hip-Hop, and Feminist Pedagogy: Outlines of an Alternative Integration Policy in Vienna, Austria.” International Studies Perspectives 13.3 (2012): Subtitle (continued) Periodical Title Volume. Issue Year 270-288. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 Mar. 2014. Pages Database Medium Access Date Reprint of an Article in a Volume of Literary Criticism on a Database: Author's Name Last, First Article Title Original Periodical Title Griffith, Philip Mahone. “Joseph Warton’s Criticism of Shakespeare.” Tulane Studies in English 14 (1965): 17-27. Rpt. in Literature Criticism from 1400 -1800. Ed. Thomas J. Volume Date Pages Rpt. in Title of Book Where Article Is Reprinted Editors Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau. Vol. 128. Detroit: Gale, 2007. 342-52. Editors (continued) Volume Place of (containing Publicareprint) tion Publisher Copyright Year Pages Literature Resource Center. Web. 9 Sept. 2009. Database Medium Access Date Abstract of an Article in a Library Research Database: Author(s) Article Title Hellier, E., M. Tucker, L. Newbold, J. Edworthy, J. Griffin, and N. Coulson. “The Effects of Label Design Characteristics on Perceptions of Genetically Modified Food.” Abstract. Article Title (continued) Abstract Journal of Risk Research May 2012: 533-45. Business Source Elite. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. Periodical Title Publication Date Pages 14 Database Medium Access Date Web Sites Internet Site or Home Page: Note: Use this format to cite a whole Web site. If no author is given, begin with the Web site title. Do not include the URL unless required by the instructor or if the source cannot be accessed through a simple Internet search. Site Title Site Publisher or Sponsor Publication Date Medium Cosumnes River Preserve. The Nature Conservancy of California, 13 Sept. 2000. Web. 7 Nov. 2000. Access Date * Internet Document on a Web Site: Author's Name Last, First Document Title Site Title Duncan, Emma. "Conflict Resolution Can Help Save Tigers." WWF Global Network. World Wildlife Federation, 1 May 2002. Web. 28 May 2002. Site Publisher or Sponsor Publication Date Medium Access Date * Document with No Author on a Web Site: Document Title Site Title Sponsoring Organization or Publisher Date Medium Access Date * "Natural History Museum." Sierra College. Sierra College, 2012. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Document on a Web Site with Internet Address (If required): Document Title Site Title Sponsoring Organization or Publisher Date Medium Access Date Internet Address "Natural History Museum." Sierra College. Sierra College, 2012. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. <http://>. Internet Address (continued) * * For sources on the Web, you may add the Internet address after the date of access, if required. Don't start on a new line, but if the address is too long, break it after a slash (/). Put the address inside angle brackets and end with a period. See model citation above. 15 Legal and Government Citations Note: Do not underline, italicize, or quote an act, case, or historical document (like the Declaration of Independence) title in the works-cited list. In the paper, however, italicize the act or case name but not the name of an historical document. Congressional Bill or Act (Law) Online: Note: An act is passed legislation. A bill is a proposed law being considered by a legislative body. Follow the same format, with appropriate modifications, for a bill. In a bill number, HR means House of Representatives, and S means Senate. In a California state bill, AB means Assembly bill, and SB means Senate bill. Act Name Public Law Number United States International Programming to Ukraine and Neighboring Regions. Pub. L. 113-96. 128 Stat. 1098. 3 Apr. 2014. Web. 1 Sept. 2014. Statute Number Page Number Date Web Site Medium Access Date * Court Case Online: Case Name Volume US Page Court Name Year Site Title Penry v. Lenaugh. 492 US 302. Supreme Court of the US. 1989. Supreme Court Collection. Legal Information Inst., Cornell U Law School, n.d. Web. 7 Aug. 2014. Publisher/Sponsor Pub- Medilication um Date Access Date * Government Document Online: Government Department Agency United States. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Administration for Children and Families. “Improving Programs for Youth in Transition.” Child Welfare. Dept. of Health Agency (cont). Document Title and Human Services, May 2009. Web. 7 Aug. 2014. . Publisher (continued) Publication MediAccess Date Date Web site Publisher * um * For sources on the Web, you may add the Internet address after the date of access, if required. Don't start on a new line, but if the address is too long, break it after a slash (/). Put the address inside angle brackets and end with a period. See model citation at bottom of page 15. 16 Communication Lecture: Speaker's Name Last, First Title or Description Location Date DeFoe, Daniel. Class Lecture. Sierra College, Rocklin. 10 Mar. 2014. Personal Interview: Interviewee's Name Last, First Personal or Telephone Interview Interview Date Rodriguez, David. Personal interview. 10 Sept. 2013. E-Mail Message (Including e-mail interview): Author Subject Line Message Recipient Date Sent Stephens, John E. “Re: Chemistry Study Session.” Message to Mary Gonzalez. 14 Feb. 2014. E-mail. Medium Blog or Online Posting: Author's or Screen Name Posting Title Chance3350. “Re: Microsoft Planning Slew of Yearly Cross-Platform Updates, Codenamed ‘Blue.’” Engadget. Engadget, 7 Feb. 2013. Web. 7 Feb. 2013. Posting Title of Site Publisher or Publication Date MediTitle Sponsor um (continued) Access Date * Tweet: Author's Name Twitter User Name Entire Tweet Date and Time Using Reader’s Time Zone Obama, Barack (@BarackObama). “We don’t give up; we get up.” 13 Feb. 2013, 9:23 a.m. Tweet. Medium 17 Works of Art Work of Visual Art: Artist's Name Last, First Artwork Title Composition Date Composition Medium Museum or Institution City of Museum or Institution Picasso, Pablo. Guernica. 1937. Oil on Canvas. Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid. Work of Art in a Book: Note: If a reproduction of a work of visual art in a book is used, omit the medium of composition, and add the publication information for the book. Artist's Name Last, First Artwork Title Composition Date Museum or Institution City of Museum or Institution Book Title Picasso, Pablo. Guernica. 1937. Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid. Discovering the Humanities. By Henry M. Sayre. 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson, 2013. 467. Print. Author of Book First and Last Names Edition Place of Publisher Publication Year Page Medium Work of Art on a Database: Note: If a work of visual art is viewed in a database, omit the medium of composition and add the database information and date of access. Artist's Name Last, First Artwork Title Composition Date Museum or Institution City of Museum or MediInstitution Database um Access Date Picasso, Pablo. Guernica. 1937. Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid. ARTstor. Web. 10 Sept. 2009. 18 Performing Arts Live Performance: Title Company or Sponsoring Organization Director Performance Location Jazz Night. Dir. Greg McLaughlin. Sierra College Music Dept. Dietrich Theatre, Rocklin. 12 May 2014. Performance. Date Medium Sound Recording on a CD: Performer Song or Piece Title Manufac- Year turer Issued Medium Album Title Clarkson, Kelly. "Already Gone." All I Ever Wanted. RCA, 2009. CD. Sound Recording Online: Song or Piece Title Performer Site Publisher or Sponsor Publication Date Medium Album Title Brubeck, Dave, perf. "Take Five." Dave Brubeck's Greatest Hits. Amazon, 9 Dec. 1997. Web. 8 Feb. 2013. Access Date * Song Lyrics Online: Note: The composition date may be included after the song title, if relevant. Writer's Name Composition Date Song Title Web Site Title Key, Francis Scott. "The Star-Spangled Banner." 1814. National Museum of American History. Smithsonian Institution, 2012. Web. 20 Feb. 2013. Publisher or Sponsoring Organization Date Medium Access Date * * For sources on the Web, you may add the Internet address after the date of access, if required. Don't start on a new line, but if the address is too long, break it after a slash (/). Put the address inside angle brackets and end with a period. See model citation at bottom of page 15. 19 Television or Radio Broadcast Online: Episode Title Program Title Narrator Director Network “Billy the Kid.” American Experience. Narr. John Maggio. Dir. Michael Murphy. PBS. WGBH, Boston, 19 Feb. 2013. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. Local Station Call Letters & City Broadcast Date Medium Access Date * DVD: Director's First and Last Names Title Performer(s), Writer(s), and/or Producer(s) (Optional) Original Release Date (If relevant) Dark Knight. Dir. Christopher Nolan. Perf. Christian Bale and Heath Ledger. 2008. Warner Bros., 2009. DVD. Distributor Year Medium Video on YouTube: Author’s Name or Poster’s Username Video Title Web Site Title Johnson, Phillip Scott. “500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art.” YouTube. YouTube, 22 Apr. 2012. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. Website's Publisher or Sponsor Date of Posting Medium Date of Access * Video Game: Developer or Author Publication Platform or Game Title Distributor Date Medium Ubisoft Montreal. Far Cry 3. Ubisoft, 2012. Xbox 360. * For sources on the Web, you may add the Internet address after the date of access, if required. Don't start on a new line, but if the address is too long, break it after a slash (/). Put the address inside angle brackets and end with a period. See model citation at bottom of page 15. 20 For More Information Contact the Writing Center Rocklin Campus LRC 424 (916) 660-8093 Nevada County Campus N2 203 (530) 274-5265 Visit the Writing Center Web Page Go to the Sierra College home page at and click Student Services > Academic Support > Writing Center. To Download This Term Paper Handbook Go to the Sierra College home page at and click Student Services > Academic Support > Writing Center > Materials. New in the Sierra Writing Center's revised Term Paper Handbook for MLA Format: More examples Easy-to-read labels More models for electronic sources 5000 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677-3397