Child Care Study Guide Chapter 23

Child Care Study Guide
Chapter 23-Guiding Science Experiences
An example of the sense of feeling is reaching into a box and identifying objects
An example of the sense of smell is identifying items with distinct odors placed in
small cups
An example of the sense of seeing is naming what is missing from a group
An example of the sense of hearing is matching a child’s voice with the correct child
An example of the sense of tasting is blindfolding children and giving them food
Science deals with natural processes and their products
Science encourages children to develop their curiosity and imagination
Science experiments that use data from observations gives children the opportunity to
ask questions
Science experiences that are unplanned are very successful
Many preschool centers have a science center
Equipping a science area does not have to be expensive
Premature input from the teacher can sometimes stifle a child’s curiosity
Good science experiences are child centered
Children should be provided materials for learning science in the classroom
Open-ended questions promote discussion
A hamster is usually chubby with a shiny coat and bright eyes
A hamster enjoys wood for gnawing
A snake needs a cove of small rocks in one corner of the aquarium
Snakes have a diet of meat, worms and insects
Frogs like to sit in water to moisten their bodies
Fish do not require much attention
The water temperature for fish should be between 70 and 80 F at all times
A rabbit needs much cleaning
A guinea pig is easy to handle and enjoys being held and cuddled
A rabbit needs to have large quantities of leafy vegetables and water
The 5 basic process skills of science are:
Observing using our senses
Drawing conclusions from observations
Classifying objects
Comparing sets by measuring and counting
Communicate by describing objects, relationships and occurrences
Closed-ended questions require single answers as a yes or no
Open-ended questions require more than a one word response and promote discussion
Three concepts that can be taught with water are:
Water flows when poured
Items float in water
Water dissolves some foods