ILLINOIS RIVER WATERSHED PARTNERSHIP 2015 ACTION PLAN WATER QUALITY MONITORING 2015 IRWP EDUCATION OUTREACH Watershed Sanctuary School field trips Students Tour De Cave Bike Ride Watershed Geoquest Bats & Bluegrass Night Viewing 4 weeks of Summer Camp Water quality testing with World Water Monitoring Day Lake management (algae control) Cave Springs Cave Recharge Zone Study on IRWP website North Pavilion built by September 1 Tree trimming and removal for trail safety Walking bridge in front of cave wrought-iron fence Outfall renovation on west side lake-water wheel Green Roof Pavilion rain gauges and harvesting Urban Farm Ag demonstration planting green beans, sweet corn and salsa vegetables Afterschool Pilot Program Visitors Public Event Days Water quality monitoring training Set up Art and Nature Lab for after school pilot program (former annex bldg) Informational signage on WLC pod walls Basement cabinet replacement and painting Bentonville Amazeum installed Spring Johnson installed Spring Lake Springdale installed Summer Gentry Arvest Bank “pocket park” installed Spring Fayetteville Gordon Long Park installed in early 2016. AR Forestry Commission large trees planted at all trailheads Parking lot renovation with Porous Pavers in front of WLC with vegetated retaining wall, bioswale, and handicap ramp built Spring 32 acres includes: Cave spring and raceway 6 acre lake 24 acre urban forest and trail 1 acre wetland Threatened & Endangered Species Protection Watershed Learning Center Razorback Greenway Green Infrastructure Projects Once month bike ride tours (last Saturday each month) Volunteer Planting Days Greenway GI Signage installed 3 Schools with Grow Stations for native plants Low Impact Development at Watershed Sanctuary Schools educated on LID (field trips, conservation projects, and classroom programs) Municipal training on LID Corporate training on LID Projects and tours 2015 Illinois River Salon 2 Artist Workshops – Spring/Fall Internships Artist-In-Residence Art Show Summer Camps – 2 weeks Windgate Art & Nature City of Cave Springs sewer system hook up completed Environmental Testing Group perform WQ sampling pre- and post-construction at Johnson, Lake Springdale, Bentonville World Water Monitoring training with students and teachers CONSERVATION & RESTORATION Phosphorus Removal Structure built Spring “Creative Lab” set up in conjunction with pilot program for “21st Century Community Learning Center” grant application for 2016-2017 and beyond. Rain Garden Project RG Classroom presentations RG maintenance mulching 1 Rain Garden Academy and Tour Rain Garden water quality monitoring - Work toward approval of ANRC grant for 20162018 to begin July 1, 2015 Siloam Springs Kayak Park & Green Infrastructure Siloam Springs Safety taskforce Illinois River Float trip for PDE credits for educators in June Education tour for IRWP Annual Conference Volunteer cleanup days Riparian Project NPR coverage Volunteers plant seedlings Recruit minimum of 1 landowner to complete 1,000 ft stream riparian buffer restoration Flint Creek Tree Farm Creek Cleanups Scull Creek adopted by IRWP EAST program adopts streams Corporate volunteers participate NRCS CIG Project RCPP Grant EQIP outreach Conservation Dinner(s) Conservation Leadership Summits Educational booth Producer Mtgs Field Day for P-Removal Structure Clean Water Raingers CWR Programs performed Books and CDs distributed Stakeholder Focus Groups, Workshops & Annual Conference Sustainable Communities annual conference at Crystal Bridges Rain Barrel Workshop Golden Paddle Award Illinois River Watershed education programs presented in classroom presentations School Presentations Social Media 7 Cities: Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Siloam Springs, Prairie Grove, Gentry, Tahlequah 3,000 seedlings planted. Website and Newspaper articles Daily Facebook posts Weekly MyEmma to subscribers 1,000 seedlings potted for SWEPCO Flint Creek Power Plant Tree Farm. creek/lake/river cleanups NRCS Conservation Innovation Grant with Oklahoma State University Phosphorus Removal Structure RCPP and EQIP signups with NRCS in IRW Phosphorus Removal Structure installed and water quality monitoring in progress. Six stakeholder focus groups for 2016-2018 Strategic Planning 2014-2015 Schools Bentonville: Springdale: Fayetteville: Bentonville High School Springdale High School Owl Creek School Gamble Elementary Har-Ber High School Fayetteville Montessori Old High Middle School Helen Tyson Middle School Fayetteville Green Team Bright Field Middle School Hellstern Middle School NWA Secular Homeschool Group Bentonville 7th Day Adventist School Monitor Elementary Butterfield Elementary Walnut Farm Montessori Parson Hills Elementary Haas Hall Academy Pine Crest School Westwood Elementary Temple Shalom Mary Mae Jones Elementary Southwest Junior High Vandergriff Elementary Rogers: Shaw Elementary Fayetteville High School Russell D. Jones Elementary Walker Elementary NWA Homeschoolers ANH Montessori Bernice Young Elementary Gentry: Loyd’s Little Land Lincoln: Gentry Primary Kirksey Middle School Lincoln Elementary Gentry Intermediate Rogers High School Lincoln High School Gentry High School Lowell Elementary Prairie Grove: Siloam Springs: Tucker Elementary Prairie Grove Middle School Siloam Springs High School Mathias Elementary Prairie Grove Alternative Learning School Southside Elementary Oklahoma: Benton County 4-H Benton County Conservation District Stilwell Maryetta Elementary Cabela’s NRCS Benton and Washington Counties Stilwell Maryetta Junior High Sam’s Club UA Extension Benton and Washington Counties Westville Elementary Partners of the Americas Heart of America Artists’ Association Other: Spring International Cherokee Nation Environmental Program Walmart ISD Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Commission MARS Wrigley Springdale Rotary Anheuser-Busch Trout Unlimited Motorola Cave Springs School Reunion Wachter Cave Springs American Legion NWA Master Naturalists Botanical Garden of the Ozarks Boy Scouts (Springdale and Bentonville) Kawneer Girl Scouts (Bentonville and Rogers) Rogers Activity Center Benton County Master Gardeners Fayetteville City Council Siloam Springs Kiwanis Club Springdale City Council Arvest Bank- Siloam Springs Springtown City Council Arvest Bank – Springdale Cave Springs City Council Arvest Bank- Westville, OK Bentonville Public Library Boys and Girls Club (Gravette) National Honor Society- Siloam Springs High School Rogers Historical Museum Gentry High School 4-H Lewis and Clark Outfitters Cave Springs 4-H Arkansas Farm Bureau Greenland High School West Fork Middle School Bella Vista Social Homeschoolers College/University: University of Arkansas NWACC John Brown University University of the Ozarks Oklahoma State University Arkansas Tech University List of Corporate/Civic Groups/Youth Organizations Boys and Girls Club (Bentonville) 2015 ILLINOIS RIVER WATERSHED PARTNERSHIP