Rau claims Govt has no control of Gillman land

Vickie Chapman MP
Deputy State Liberal Leader
Shadow Minister for Housing & Urban Development
Wednesday 21 October 2015
Rau claims Govt has no control of Gillman land
Despite assurances prior to the 2014 State Election that the State Government would dictate
what development occurred under the Gillman land deal, the Weatherill Labor Government has
given away control of the project, according to Deputy Premier John Rau.
In an article published in The Australian yesterday Mr Rau stated:
“What ACP ultimately choose to do with that land (Gillman land), at the time of the settlement, is
a matter between them and the people who they are negotiating commercially with.”
Mr Rau’s statement directly contradicts Treasurer Koutsantonis statement published in The
Australian on 25 February 2014 where he stated:
“The agreement with ACP includes a series of performance targets focused on employment and
economic development, with a target specifically requiring part of the land to be developed into a
resources hub to support the state's fast expanding oil and gas industry.”
Deputy State Liberal Leader Vickie Chapman said the Weatherill Government appeared to have
different versions of how the Gillman deal would work before and after the State Election.
“Who is correct – the Deputy Premier or the Treasurer, they can’t both be correct,” said Ms
“There is either a way for the Government to dictate what development occurs at Gillman under
their deal, or there isn’t.
“South Australians deserve to have this mess cleared up by the Minister responsible for the
ongoing management of the Gillman deal, the Minister for State Development Tom Koutsantonis.
“The Weatherill Labor Government has nobody but themselves to blame for the ugly Gillman land