4-21-15 Oversight Minutes

Committee on Oversight
Senate of the Associated Students
Minutes for Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 8:00 P.M.
Rita Laden Senate Chambers, 3rd Floor of the Joe Crowley Student Union
Speaker Andrew called the meeting to order at 8:05 pm on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 in the President‟s
Conference Room, 3rd floor of the Joe Crowley Student Union. Presiding secretary Lexi Jacobson.
Speaker Andrew, Senator Atienza, Senator Boone, Senator Boult, Senator Carro, Senator Gamberg, Senator
Gloutak, and Senator Lucas were present.
A quorum was present.
The Committee on Oversight shall hear reports from the following, to include but not be limited to: goals
for their committees, projects and legislation being worked on, and announcements:
a. Secretary of the Senate
b. Speaker Pro-Tempore-Senator Carro
c. Chair, Committee on Academics-Senator Gloutak
Meetings next Tuesday at 6pm in JCSU 426.
d. Chair, Committee on Budget and Finance-Senator Atienza
Meeting Monday the 27th at 9am.
Chair, Committee on Civic Engagement-Senator Boone
Meeting Wednesday at 4pm in the President‟s Conference Room.
Chair, Committee on Government Operations-Senator Gamberg
Meeting Friday at 2pm in President‟s Conference Room.
g. Chair, Committee on Public Affairs-Senator Boult
Meeting Tuesday the 28th at 5pm in the President‟s Conference Room.
h. Chair, Committee on University Affairs-Senator Lucas
Meeting Tuesday at 6pm in the President‟s Conference Room.
Chair, Committee on Oversight-Speaker Andrew
They will continue to meet Tuesday nights.
Posted at the ASUN Offices in the Joe Crowley Student Union, Frandsen Humanities
Building, the Ansari Business Building, Mathewson- IGT Knowledge Center, and online
at www.asun.unr.edu.
If you would like a copy of any of the agenda items listed, please contact Speaker of the
Senate Nick Andrew, at 775-784-6589 or at Senatorandrew@asun.unr.edu.
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There is no old business at this time.
President Fabbi is very excited and wants to get things going very quick this year. He‟s set a very
big vision for this year and has chosen a staff that aligns with this vision. Marissa has proven
time and time again her worth in ASUN as senator of the year. He believes in her as well as her
qualities and vision for this department. He needs someone he could rely on in this position. We
are in the end of a legislative session where we haven‟t been as present as we should have been.
Fabbi wants to be updated on policy with everything that ASUN should be involved with. There
is a reagents meeting coming up and Marissa has already begun prepped President Fabbi.
Marissa is also someone Fabbi feels can follow through with projects. She can carry out the
functions of the departments and his vision this year.
Marrissa Crook introduced herself as a sophomore Political Science major in the honors
program. The reason she applied for this position is because she is very passionate about policy
through her work in fighting human trafficking. She was a policy analyst for Awake, a local
nonprofit. She knows how to use Nelis and how to mobilize students. In senate, she learned
how to post agendas and conduct orderly meetings. Her voting record in senate shows that she
has non-partisan support on issues. She‟s the founder and president of students to abolish sex
slavery. They have raised funds and brought many speakers. She feels she can use these
connections and planning skills to make good events. For project proposals, she wishes to have
a leadership luncheon and continue leaders at the legislature. Crook wants to rebrand late night
with the legislator to something more welcome. For voter registration, she would like to
continue the rock the vote event as well as couple with the political science and core humanities
department to make turbo vote an extra credit option. For the 2016 election, she would like to
get the university on the campaign tour as much as possible. The republican debates are
scheduled to be in Nevada. They‟re thinking of having them up in Reno this year. She wants to
have them in the ballrooms. Crook also wants to create nonpartisan voter education guide. She
would like to have policy makers featured on short videos on social media to help educate
students on certain topics. She would also like to have student media polls to express their
opinion and see which policies students feels would affect them the most. Crook would
additionally like to have a legislation tracker on the Nevada ASUN website and app. She would
like to have a form on the website where students can contact their legislators. This way
students wont have to track down their legislator. One of the biggest policy issues she would
like to tackle is to increase student financial aid. Crook would like to advocate for a BDR to
create a state grant program as well as lobby for need-based financial aid. She believes this will
increase student graduation rates.
Senator Gamberg asked how she would go about getting the republican debate in the Joe
Crook would be contacting local republicans and work her way up the chain.
Senator Lucas asked about the short videos. She asked how Crook plans to implement those
through social media as well as talk to students that don't have social media.
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Crook will be using ASUN social media. She would introduce those videos through core
humanities and political science classes reach students that don‟t have social media.
Senator Boone likes the vote registration idea. However, he feels getting teachers on board with
extra credit is not a guaranteed thing. He asked her for another strategy.
She said she would be conducting class visits. Professors are usually okay with that.
Senator Gamberg asked if she plan son finding any legislation that she would like senate to take
a stance on.
Crook is working through a list of 200-250 bills that need to be done by Friday for the board of
regents meeting. After she finishes that, she will have an idea of what ASUN should continue to
focus on. She would like to focus on federal policy once the legislature ends.
Senator Gloutak asked if the department be in charge of creating the legislation tracker.
Yes, he two policy members of the department would update the legislation tracker. Crook
would oversee them.
Senator Atienza asked what big policies and legation do you see affecting students during this
time and how do you plan on advertising them.
Crook doesn't know what policies will come up in the future. She mentioned the social media
ideas before for outreach methods. She wants to make leg affairs as popular as clubs and orgs.
President Fabbi added that Crook is responsive. This year of will be focused on next session as
well as the board of regents.
Senator Andrew asked how she plans on working with public affairs.
She will be cc‟ing emails with Senator Boult. They've already exchanged numbers. She plans on
working closely with the committee.
Senator Gamberg doesn't see any reason why to vote against Crook. Gamberg has worked with
her as an intern and she‟s seen her dedication.
Senator Carro sat as an intern on legislative affairs her freshman year and agrees.
Senator Boulte feels she is very qualified and exactly what they need with the session ending.
Senator Gloutak moved to report favorably to the senate upon the nomination of Marissa
Crook to the office of Director of Legislative Affairs.
Senator Carro seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
President Fabbi said blue crew is something different in this next year. Fabbi knew that in order
for blue crew to function as a department, they needed a leader with experience with running a
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department in the past. Drake has connections across campus already. He has worked well with
athletics in the past and has already begun meeting with them. This is going to be a big year for
blue crew and athletics in many ways.
Drake Sacenti is a junior majoring in accounting and finance. He has been involved with ASUN
since he started at the university. He has ideas for each associate that would work under him.
Sacenti would like one associate to be the spirit guy. He will be pumping out materials to each
student. He will be the guy at every game hyping up students and getting them excited about the
games. Additionally, he will be going to be at every orientation and will be very visible to the
freshmen. Next, he would like a social media associate. He would like to see a lot of contests
going throughout the year. Blue crew‟s social media has been under utilized within the last year.
It is a crucial part to make sure students are informed of smaller sports that aren‟t as recognized.
Blue crew‟s instagram account has over 2,000 followers. Sacenti feels they can push out more
info. Third, there will bet a marketing guy who will be in charge of promotional materials. He
will make sure everything is ordered. In the upcoming year, Sacenti wants to integrate blue crew
into athletics more. He wants them to work together on decision-making. Giveaways should
conclude with the themes athletics set for games such as whiteouts, military days, etc. Sacenti
feels Beat UNLV week last year did not go as well as planned. He is very excited about
upcoming events. He wants to do a contest called blue the streets. It would consist of local
homes competing to have the most blue decorations. The winner would receive a prize from the
wolfshop. He likes how this gets community involved. Other events would be cook the rebels,
get the red out blood drive, car bash, mood off, rally on Friday, and a tailgate.
Senator Lucas asked him to elaborate on the car bash. She asked how he could improve the
moon off.
For the car bash, it will probably be in gateway plaza. We spray paint the car red and let students
hack at the car. It used to be a big tradition at the university. For the moon off, it starts with
freshmen at orientation to inform them of traditions. It‟s usually held at quad. We would like to
have additional events at the moon off such as a pizza palooza and face painting.
Senator Carro asked if Sacenti is planning on having women on his blew crew board.
President Fabbi has made it clear that blue crew needs to change and with that comes more
female involvement
Senator Boult feels that social media is important but asked what else Sacenti plans on doing to
outreach other than tabling and social media.
Sacenti wants to utilize ASUN programming events and barbecues. He feels there is no need to
conduct class visits. He wants to emphasize orientation.
President Fabbi said another reason why Drake is great is because of his involvement with
athletics. We want athletes at out events so that they can also tell students about upcoming
games. Another part is that every director has to have a plan for the entire semester done by
June in order to inform students at orientation.
Senator Atienza asked what big initiatives do you have to revitalize traditions through blue crew.
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Sacenti said a lot of traditions are still being maintained by the programming board but he hopes
to do a better job of Beat UNLV week.
Senator Gloutak asked how do you foresee blue crew‟s role in orientation.
Sacenti said the biggest thing is the power points for blue crew. Athletics does them for
orientation. He would like to have the spirit person do the power point presentation and get the
students very excited. Individuals that did the orientation presentation in the past didn't put a lot
of effort into it.
Senator Carro likes the way the department is organized. She feels he has a lot of experience.
Senator Lucas moved to report favorably to the senate the nomination of Drake Sacenti to the
office of director of blue crew.
Senator Gloutak seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
Fabbi introduced his nominee. When choosing who to be the next chief justice, Fabbi felt that
the association needed someone with experience in judicial hearings. Brooke has experience
working with congressman Mark Amaday. Brooke plans on going to law school and will be
doing big things. He is very analytical and thinks things out, which is something Fabbi feels is
important for a justice in general. Brooke chaired government operations so he‟s familiar with
how to manage a group. Also, Brooke was the only person that applied for this position with
any ASUN experience whatsoever.
Brooke was a senator last session. He chaired committee on government operations, a
committee in charge of interpreting the SAS. He has done a lot of work through the governing
documents. He feels he is one of the most experienced people of ASUN when it comes to the
SAS. He can easily interpret it. The primary duty of the cheif justice is to uphold the integrity of
the association. He actually added a code of conduct to the SAS that is supposed to outline the
ASUN mission and ethical standards to hold officers to. It is his mission to hold the association
to the highest moral and ethical authority. Through his work as the chair, he feel like he has
achieved a good understanding of delegation and learned how to hold people responsible for
their duties. He also has past outside experience that he feels will help him with this position. He
works for congressman Mark Amaday. At Amaday‟s office, Brooke works as a problem solver.
He oversees issues with IRS, social security, and homeland security. He has to sort through
bureaucratic red tape and tries to get to bottom of issues. Coming in with this problem solving
experience will help his position. Several years ago he interned for judge Garret Barry. Brooke
hopes to revitalize the judicial internship program. Hopefully there aren‟t very many judicial
meetings in the upcoming year because every officer is following procedure. Brooke still feels
like it‟s owed to the interns to have judicial experience. Brooke will be trying to reach out to to
his former boss to get court watching hours for their interns. A few problems he thinks can be
improved are having more in depth talks when rendering decisions. Former Chief Justice Barnes
said the discussion within hearings would sway away from charge sheet and go off topic. Brooke
wants to avoid that and strictly focusing on charges brought against people. The judicial council
has to hold a high level of integrity. Also feels like the judicial council doesn‟t have much of a
presence within ASUN. He wants to see about getting some office space.
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Senator Gloutak asked how he proposes to have an office space that wouldn‟t be directly
influenced by exec branches.
Brooke explained that there is a difference between a low profile and keeping out of conflict.
He‟s written a lot of legislation about conflict of interest. It‟s just a matter of self-control to not
getting involved in conflicts. He doesn't think having office space will compromise any of that.
Ken also explaiend that he wants to set up a database of other judicial precedents set from other
charges from the last 5 years. The council can decide if that was the best decision made so we
can mirror it or approve upon it.
Senator Gloutak asked if he remembered anything in the past 2 years concerning anything that a
senator has changed regarding the judicial council.
The biggest thing was defining a conflict of interest. Brooke feels there have been a few
conflicts that needed to be addressed. When you have a campus population of around 20,000 it
goes without saying that you are gong to run across friends, nemesis, etc. Therefore, that can be
interpreted as a conflict of interest. We want to make sure that every decision is being made for
the betterment of the association.
Senator Atienza stated he will be abstaining due to personal reasons.
Senator Gamberg said that Ken worked through the entire SAS last year. He knows it inside and
Senator Boone recommended favorably to the senate the nomination of Kenneth Brooke to the
office of chief justice
Senator Gamberg seconded
Motion passed unanimously.
Fabbi said that Tazia was an easy choice for this job. She brought with her a binder of her
programming experience, resumes, plans of actions, 10, 20, and 30 day plan, vision for future of
department, interview questions, how she wants to train the department, etc. Tazia was a
standout candidate. She served as an assistant director last year. She has been involved with
programming since her first year. She aligns with Fabbi‟s vision for dynamic events. Fabbi
believes that she has the capacity to set standard for years to come.
Tazia is current a junior double majoring in communication and international affairs. She has
been involved with programming since her second day after moving on to campus. Having been
apart of the department for so long, her first goal is to run an efficient programming board. She
wants to have weekly one on ones to go over programmer‟s goals and tasks for the week. She
also wants to make programming meetings weekly. Teamwork is important. Her second goal is
to effectively manage the budget. She wants to split the budget between fall and spring
semesters. She also wants to ensure that all members of the department are knowledgeable of
the budget. Tazia plans on training them within the first 20 days about budget. She believes it
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will help them program events more responsibly. Her third goal is to offer opportunities for
training and development. She wants to offer programming training to clubs and orgs.
Programmers have a unique opportunity to impact other students. She wants to collaborate with
others and have co-sponsorships. She hopes to have clear-cut contracts when co-sponsoring
events to that there is no confusion. Lastly, she wants to plan events that utilize student interest
through the use of polls. She hopes revamp homecoming by creating tier system based on
organization size. There would be three separate tiers. For the future, she wants the department
of programming to align with joint vision 2017. She additionally wants to expand campus
traditions. Tazia hopes to work with ASUN tech service to advertise events in a new way. She
believes it is very important that event proposal forms move online to the website. Putting it
online gives the opportunity to create student-learning outcomes. This form can be sent to the
director of PR and senate to inform them of events coming up. She further wants to keep event
folders for programming bards in the future that contain information on past events. She wants
to implement a long-term survey. For the survey she hopes to work with professional staff to
develop it. It would be sent to freshmen every year that includes questions what about what
genres they like or how much they are willing to pay for a ticket. For short-term surveys, she
wants to utilize the WTF Nevada and ASUN facebook polls.
Senator Atienza asked if she was familiar with the data collected through mapworks.
Tazia has seen results of map works survey. The mapworks survey contains a spot to put ideas
but they are usually unrealistic. Questions asking freshmen to rank genres and programming
related topics could be added to mapworks if a specific ASUN survey is not possible for the
Senator Gamberg asked about programming internship program
As assistant director, Tazia was in charge of interns. They recently decreased the number of
interns overall so that all the interns can be involved. There used to be interns under the
assistant directors but they fund that to be impractical. Manpower is important. She believes
internship program overall went very well this year.
Senator Boone asked what was the biggest challenge last year and how would she change it.
She said the budget. It wasn't split into two semesters. Programmers approved events as they
went and they ran out of money for the spring semester as a result. She believes it is important
to first split the budget into a 60:40 Fall to Spring ratio. There will be fall rollover. There should
be a bigger budget in the fall for traditions. She additionally feels it is important to make sure
everyone in department is knowledgeable of the budget after the director leaves.
Senator Gamberg has heard that that G-Eazy was the only event that was successful
Tazia said in order to make an event successful, the first thing to do is to advertise it well in
advance. For welcome week events, freshmen‟s parents are here to buy their tickets for them.
Freshmen go nuts about college. There is also plenty of advertisement for the concert at dorm
storm. Getting artists name out in advance is a good thing. Marketing is important. Her 30-day
plan is to have all the contracts signed so that the artists‟ names can be advertised at freshmen
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Senator Atienza asked if she could expand on the event “final howl”.
Tazia explained that “Final howl” would be the night before dead day. Students would howl at
the moon to release some stress before finals. It‟s just an idea for one event to start small and
build over time. The traditions events have been outlined for the entire year.
Senator Gloutak asked how Tazia plans to have all the artists signed in her first thirty days but
also have student input for her events.
Tazia feels that welcome week and homecoming will be well attended regardless of student
input. She explained that for welcome week everything is advertised and events during
homecoming week are required for points. For the other events, she can put up a poll tomorrow
if she wanted to.
Senator Gloutak asked if she would be doing a poll in the next thirty days.
Yes, she will be if she is appointed.
Senator Gamberg mentioned the budgetary issues between clubs and orgs and programming.
Gamberg asked if the programming budget is lowered, how would she compensate for that.
Tazia wants to split it 60-40. She thinks the budget is something that's manageable. She wants to
make sure money is set aside to cover events that are traditional. The rest of the budget will be
dispersed among various events.
President Fabbi had discussed brining back Wolfstock, an event that took place previously in
spring of 2012. They held it out on intramural field brought many small local bands. He wants
to bring that back but to the next level. It could be a signature event that happens on campus
that people come to Reno for. It‟s hard to guess how much revenue we will make on events.
Senator Atienza asked what ways does she plan on holding the programming board accountable
at events.
She wants to implement a three strike rule. A strike could be improperer attire, accounting
errors, etc. She also hopes to hold programmers accountable by having weekly one on ones.
Senator Carro is abstaining. She thinks candidate is passionate. Carro likes that Tazia is focused
on traditions and the budget.
Senator Boone likes the fact that she thinks long term. He likes her survey idea.
Senator Atienza likes her responsibility.
Senator Boulte feels she has clearly though everything out and has experience handling
problems from past years and outlining solutions.
Senator Atienza moved to report favorably to the senate the nomination of Tazia Statucki to the
office of director of programming.
Senator Boult seconded
Motion passed unanimously
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President Fabbi told the story of Attorney General when he was a freshmen her name was
Kathryn Merill. She was a very sweet, likeable girl but everyone knew that when she stepped in
the room that they should be nervous. The attorney general should be holding everyone
accountable in this office, especially the president. He‟s going to have a lot of responsibilities
this year. Ryan has experience not only within senate but also within mock trial. He‟s very
analytical and thoughtful. He gave a draft advisory opinion that was excellent and very well
written. Fabbi feels that Hood can be a formidable force that association needs. Fabbi trusts him
to uphold the integrity of ASUN in every way and represent the association properly when
charges are filed.
Ryan Hood served last semester as a senator for CABNR. His main focus going into senate was
to uphold the integrity of the association and to make sure that senators were spending money
properly. The role of the attorney general is to serve as advisor and enforcer for the policies of
the association. Hood worked on several pieces of legislation that dealt with conflict of interest
as well as the procedure of what is to happen in the event of a conflict of interest. There was
serious conflict of interest last year. Regardless of your stance on the issue, the attorney general
was way too deep into conflict to be handling the Pereira trial. Hood also worked on code of
conduct manual as well as many procedural things to clean up the association. He hopes to
update the opinion form. It‟s currently outdated and only comes in PDF form. Hood wants to
make sure it‟s easy and that people are willing to file the charges that are necessary. He doesn't
want people to be afraid to reach out. He also wants to update the constitution. He worked on
his first constitutional amendment in the last five years. Next session, once the speaker steps
out, his seat within his college is left empty and another senator would be appointed into that
seat. Hood also wants to do a sparknotes constitution and SAS to be prepared by retreat. He
wants to show the officers what he‟s looking for and what he expects of them. He plans to sit
down with each department to talk about what he expects out of them. Fabbi asked if he would
have to take an advisory stance or hard-hitting approach. He answered that he would take both.
For the advisory role, he wants to tell people ahead of time what he expects. However, he is not
afraid to be hard-hitting and crack down on officers that are not fulfilling their duties. He will be
checking Nevada open meeting law. Violating that could get association into a lot of trouble. He
additionally will be attending senate meetings. He has no problem representing the association
if they go to trial. Hood was on mock trial in high school. He additionally gained more debate
experience as a senator. He wants to see the attorney general play a role on the cabinet this year.
For the past few years, the attorney generals have not taken an active role in exec. Hood feels
that they often don't do a lot and get overcompensated. He will be continuing to work on
policies he started as a senator and will be working with board of regents to increase admission
requirements for the university. He feels that as an institution, we need to push our students to
be the best
Senator Gloutak asked what changes does he forsee within the constitution.
Hood said he‟s going to start with the first amendment that he worked with. Credit changes
have been discussed in the park. He will be working with board of regents constantly to push
for the association.
Senator Gamberg what do you plan on doing to further advertise the constitutional changes.
She feels student body didn't know what they were.
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Hood said that one of the roles of the attorney general is to spread information and disseminate
any legal changes that are about to happen. He added that it also falls on elections chair to
educate students about ballot questions.
Senator boone asked what Hood would do if a brother of Sigma Nu got brought up on charges
Hood said he would step out. He wants to work a lot with the elections chair and to guide them
in the event that a conflict of interest arises. He would have no problem stepping down. It's a
clear conflict of interest.
Senator Gamberg likes the spark notes idea for the SAS. It‟s a long document. She hasn't read
through the entire thing. With incoming senator and exec members, its good to have something
that breaks it down.
Senator Hoone said that Hood was one of the most competent senators last session. He loves
his idea of increasing the standard of admissions into the university.
Senator Gamberg moved to recommended favorably to the senate the nomination of Ryan
Hood to the office of attorney general
Senator Boult seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
President Fabbi said that within this position, we need someone that would do something. Fabbi
feels that Suppe is one of the hardest workers he‟s ever met. Suppe wrote a really great sample
press release. Supper has worked for newspapers, has great experience, and has great ideas. His
cover letter for this job talks about how he‟s a story teller and how we need to tell the story of
ASUN. We need to get our university and the rest of our community in the loop of what we do.
Suppe: “I have been involved in media related jobs and activities since my freshman year of high
school when I joined the school paper. I worked on my high school paper for three years and I
was editor-in-chief my senior year. In the summer after high school, I worked as an intern with
the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. For a period of my internship I worked in
Public Affairs, where I learned how to write press releases and I learned some other basics of
public relations. I‟ve been a journalism major for two years. One year at Ohio University and
one here at the University of Nevada. This past year I was the Journalism Senator in the 82nd
session. As a senator I learned all about ASUN. I sat on University Affairs, Civic Engagement,
Public Affairs and the special committee on the mountain west leadership summit. I also sat on
the Student Media Advisory Board where I worked extensively with campus publications and
media professionals to improve campus media. I have spoken with Dr. Beatie and I plan to sit
on SMAB again this year if approved for this position.
My main focus this year will be student outreach. I plan to communicate to students everything
they need to know about ASUN--from legislation to concerts to services that we offer. In
addition to student outreach, I will correspond with media in the community. ASUN is doing a
lot of good things that people in Reno need to know about. I will establish or re-establish
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contacts with media organizations that would be interested in what we‟re doing, bridging the gap
between the community and the school and promoting more of a university town. I will work
closely with President Fabbi and Vice President Salsman to achieve their goals, like the ASUN
text messaging service and an ASUN newsletter.
This year, I will work closely with inkblot. We will schedule social media posts, write ASUN
blog posts and work together to express a consistent brand for ASUN. In addition to scheduled
social media posts, I and President Fabbi have other plans for social media outreach like live
tweeting at ASUN events, instagram contests and fun promotional videos. Right now I‟m
researching other student government outreach efforts, so I might get some ideas to improve
our own outreach efforts. Also, I am studying the results from the Speaker‟s Task Force on
Association Outreach to develop the best ways to reach out to students. I will have some of my
suggestions in my yearly vision statement within the next couple weeks.
Some other goals are to work with Raul in the IT department to fix problems on the ASUN
website, improve ASUN social media with more interactive posts, make the ASUN facebook
page certified and to bring back the artemesia yearbook or establish a new yearbook that
documents all of the events in ASUN, clubs and orgs, greek life, intramural sports and other
campus organizations throughout the year. President Fabbi and I are discussing creating a
monthly ASUN newsletter that will inform students about what we are doing and will highlight
some of the MVPs from ASUN like star employees and star clubs.
It‟s the duty of the Director of Campus and Public Relations to attend Faculty Senate meetings,
Graduate Student Association meetings and Staff Employees Council meetings. I attended the
Faculty Senate meeting last week where President Fabbi introduced me to the members. And I
have reached out to the leaders of GSA and SEC to assure them I will be an active participant in
their affairs. I do have the ability to form my own committees if approved by the president and I
plan to create a committee to improve relations with k-12 schools and the university. This
committee will include both teachers and members of the school board that are interested in
promoting higher education.
Over the past year, I have grown to care quite a bit about ASUN. I understand its purpose and
importance, and it will be my top priority to express the same feelings to Nevada students and
the Reno community.”
Senator Atienza asked if he could more in depth with out how he plans on getting more
involvement with the community.
Suppe said that ASUN already has contacts with several channels. It‟s important to get people to
Senator Gamberg said that right now the facebook page has 5,000 likes. She asked how he plans
on getting more likes
Supee said that page likes come from page views. He will have two assistants. One would be
tech and design savvy guy who would create graphics. Currently, a lot of posts are just links to
events. He hopes to get graphics that people want to click on
Senator Carro asked if he would ellaborate more on the connection of k through 12 schools.
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Suppe states that its one of my duties in the SAS to promote ASUN to the k-12 schools.
President Fabbi recommended that he start a committee.
President Fabbi said that K-12 connections haven‟t been done in the past.
Senator Lucas asked how he plans on engaging with student that don't use social media
Suppe plans on utilizing inkblot to create posters to be put up around campus.
Senator Gloutak how he plans on brining back the Artemisia.
Suppe said the Artemisia would be a compilation of the monthly newsletters. He will be giving it
to students at orientation the next year.
Senator Gloutak asked if he has a plan of taking all the pictures for the Artemisia.
Suppe is going to figure that out over the summer. He said that the department could have a
couple more paid positions or that the assistants or he could do it ourselves. We will be at every
event live tweeting.
Senator Atienza asked what specific changes he wants to see with the new website.
Suppe said his first priority was the calendar. It is not very attractive and is extremely hard to
navigate. He plans on working with the secretaries to make the website easier to navigate. He
will be meeting with Raul to see how it can be fixed. Additionally, he will be monitoring the
website all the time.
Senator Andrew asked how he sees the future of association outreach.
Fabbi recently showed Suppe a video from the University of Arizona. The taskforce said that
students don't really watch videos. However, Suppe said the video made him want to attend the
event it was featuring. He will be researching other schools and seeing whats successful for
them. He will additionally be looking at the information compiled by the speaker‟s taskforce and
combining the two.
Senator Carro said that Suppe has some amazing ideas. It‟s not about basics. It‟s about bridging
gaps and getting students more involved.
Secretary Jacobson talked about the importance of the website.
Senator Lucas recommended favorably the nomination of Ryan Suppe to the office of director
of campus and public relations
Senator Atienza seconded
Motion passed unanimously.
Fabbi said that Raina has been his right hand person throughout the year. She has an exuberant
personality that is very attractive to people. Fabbi feels that she has a ridiculous amount of
experience on this campus. She‟s worked with Sanford center for aging, a member of tri delta,
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been involved with Up Til Dawn, and has worked as a RA. She is well connected. This is going
to be a big year and Raina is going to be a big part of it. There is no one else that Fabbi trusts
more for this position.
Raina has a lot of ASUN experience. Last year she was a senator for the Division of Health
Sciences. Created the Special Committee on the Mountain West Leadership Summit, wrote
legislation to create multiple internship programs, gender inclusive restrooms, and a constitution
change. She is a member of Delta Delta Delta, the Associated Students of Gerontology, Blue
Key Honor Society, National Residence Hall Honorary, Sigma Phi Omega Honor Society, Up
„Til Dawn Executive Board, and is a McNair Scholar. She previously served as a Resident
Assistant. She has little fall time commitments. Her top three initiatives are community
outreach, civic engagement, and sustainability. For community outreach, she wants to
implement the experimental college. She hopes to offer fun, non-credit classes for University
Students and Community Members. The course catalog will be ready by November to register
students in Spring Courses. Classes will include topics of art, cooking, exercise, photography,
self-improvement, and professional development. She also wants to have events that tie into
community outreach such as Taste of Reno, Monthly Farmer‟s Markets, and various events at
local businesses. For civic engagement projects, she hopes to continue her work on the
Mountain West Leadership Summit as well as plan an ASUN roadtrip. She hopes to have two
banquets this year. One will be a leadership banquet for Nevada ASUN Officers & Clubs and
Organizations. The other will be an academic Banquet with honor Student Leaders with She
hopes to exemplary Academics. She also wants to improve the executive internship program.
Her third initiative is sustainability. She hopes to reduce paper use and reduce water bottle use.
Senator Lucas said that programming has been swiping wolf cards. She asked how Raina plans
to keep that information and what other plans of data assessment does she have.
She plans on working with inkblot to advertise to students to bring their wolf cards to events.
She also will be working to make sure someone is out there to physically scan the cards.
Senator Gloutak asked if there have been any previous events she‟s assisted President Fabbi
She worked with President Fabbi on health week that took place last week. She also worked
with Vice President Salsman on various events. She has been to every legisaltive affairs event.
She currently works at Sanford Center doing event planning.
Senator Atienza asked from what account do she sees this water bottle initiative coming out of
She said it will hopefully be a swag item in programming welcome week‟s budget.
Senator Andrew asked what her definition of a conflict of interest was.
Raina said it‟s something that interferes with your performance.
Senator Andrew asked if it woud be a conflict of interest since her and President Fabbi are
She doesn't believe that is a big deal. The chief of staff needs to be someone the president trusts.
Raina says that they sit on the floor and talk about the budget and ASUN a lot more than they
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should. I don't believe it's a conflict. If they had any problems they wouldn't bring that in the
Senator Atienza asked how she plans on enhancing the job duties sine the chief of staff is the
newest addition to the president‟s cabinet.
Raina explained that it‟s always been on the exec board but that senate recently just put it in the
SAS. She would really like to bring new light to the position. She wants to make it a position
that is more present. Former chief of staffs are not as visible. She wants to have relevant reports
and attends senate meetings. Also she is open to exploring things with senators to see if duties
can be added to her job description.
Senator Gamberg has seen just how hard she‟s worked in senate. She has passion behind
Senator Atienza said will be abstaining due to personal reasons.
Senator Gloutak said Raina‟s commitment and involvement with forming the special committee
has revealed how excited she is for projects she passionate about
Senator Lucas moved to report favorably to the senate the nomination of Raina Benford to the
office of chief of staff.
Senator Carro seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
In the summer, Andrew is planning on senate meeting every two weeks. He will suspend tabling, office
hours, and committee meetings.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:57pm.