The Diffusion of Organic Food Products: Toward a Theory of Adoption Christopher J. Shanahan Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, The Ohio State University, 323 Ag Admin, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH, 43210– 1067 Neal H. Hooker Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, The Ohio State University, 323 Ag Admin, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH, 43210– 1067. E-mail: Thomas L. Sporleder Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, The Ohio State University, 323 Ag Admin, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH, 43210– 1067 ABSTRACT This study explores drivers influencing food processors’ decisions to adopt organic practices and the constraints which may limit the availability of food products using the National Organic Program (NOP) organic seal as a marketing tool. A constrained diffusion model is applied to assess seal qualified adoption across food categories. A second model explores market forces that influence variations in the diffusion process. Results suggest that external factors, including new regulation, impact diffusion rates. Future adoption of organic practices will require enhanced informational and physical access for potential adopters. [EconLit citations O330, Q130, Q160]. r 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. INTRODUCTION Many consumers in the United States demand that the food they consume have at least a minimum standard of perceived physiological safety. U.S. consumers tend to rely on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to enforce food safety standards. Consumer uncertainty of the perceived level of safety of food products is the primary driver of the growth of the U.S. organic food market (Mintel International Group, 2006). More than ever before, media attention has focused on food scares and food-safety issues, which in turn are escalating consumer doubt in the safety of food supply chains. Certain consumers demand above-minimum standards of perceived safety or credence quality. These consumers are not satisfied with conventionally produced food that may contain objectionable remnants of chemical-based pesticides, antibiotics, or other additives. Certain consumers are concerned about food produced with bioengineered organisms as ingredients (Mintel International Group, 2006). Some of these same consumers view organically produced food products as a means of substantiating the integrity of food supply chains and avoiding these undesirable externalities of conventional food production. r 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Agribusiness, Vol. 24 (3) 369–387 (2008) Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/agr.20164 369 370 SHANAHAN, HOOKER, AND SPORLEDER The market for U.S. organic foods has been growing at 20% per year since 1990 (Dimitri & Green, 2002). Total sales more than doubled between 1998 ($5.5 billion) and 2003 ($13 billion) (Batte, Hooker, Haab, & Beaverson, 2007). In 2004, Whole Foods Market, the largest natural-foods supermarket in the United States, conducted a consumer survey that found over 50% of their consumers believe organic food is better for the environment, better at supporting small and local farmers, and better for their health. The survey also found that 32% believed that organic food tastes better and that 42% believed that organic food is of a higher quality relative to nonorganic food products (Whole Foods Market, 2004). Mirroring this increasing demand, a market-support infrastructure is developing, including retail outlets, newproduct development, and a more standardized quality-assurance regulatory system (Klonsky & Greene, 2005). The continued adoption of organic products among consumers depends on increasing retail access, the number of new-product offerings, branding, market entry of established mainstream food processors, and increased export opportunities (Dobbs, 2006; Klonsky & Greene, 2005). Consumer demand for organic food drives the adoption of organic production practices. Many producers see organic (and other kinds of specialty farming) as more lucrative than conventional crops and livestock because the market is segmented and because certain consumers are willing to pay premiums for differentiated and/or specialty products. However, the vast majority of U.S. farmers and food processors are still hesitant about organic production and the inherently greater uncertainty associated with these production systems. This, in turn, is having adverse effects on the U.S.’s ability to supply, at stable prices, the increasing demand for organic products in domestic and international markets. Consequently, U.S. organic food processors are increasingly looking abroad to fulfill their input needs. At the current growth rates in consumption and production of organic foods, consumer prices will remain high relative to conventionally produced foods, and imports will more than likely supplement the shortfalls of domestic production of organic multi-ingredient goods (Batte et al., 2007). Thus, both the power of farmers and organic consumers are constrained by the slow growth of domestic organic production. Adding to the uncertainty, the exact meaning of organic initially was unclear. Prior to implementation of the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) in October 2002, some producers claimed to have conformed to the obligations tied to using organic production practices when they did not. It was later determined by interested consumer and producer groups that accountability measures were needed to effectively satisfy consumer’s credence quality requirements. Multiple and similar schemes were developed by consumer and producer associations and state governments to standardize the meaning of organic through the use of third-party auditors and state-sponsored regulatory bodies, yet evidence has suggested that little mutual recognition of these schemes occurred. This created more confusion among both consumers and producers as the number of quality standards increased (Fetter & Caswell, 2001). The NOP established a national-level organic quality standard and classified exactly what it means to be organic. The NOP is a third-party, voluntary qualityassurance certification process that notarizes the product (both primary ingredients and finished food products) as NOP-certified organic. Qualification is based on the firms’ ability to fulfill the production or processing obligations and is certified by a third-party agency accredited by the USDA. The policy goal of the NOP is to Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr DIFFUSION OF ORGANIC FOOD PRODUCTS 371 substantiate and standardize organic labeling to give all agents in the market an assurance of the credence quality possessed by products with an organic claim. The NOP also substantiates the certification of multi-ingredient processed goods using a four-tiered labeling system that encodes the relevant product by its content of organic ingredients (100% Organic, Organic (contains at least 95% organic), Made with organic ingredients (contains at least 70% organic), and Some Organic Ingredients (contains o70%)). Only the first two levels can use the official USDA Organic seal on the front of the label, and the last level of NOP certification forbids the use of the word organic on the front panel of the product (for more detail, see Atalay, Shanahan, & Hooker, 2006; Batte et al., 2007). Some food processors also are increasingly looking at organic products as viable ventures. Yet, it is unclear whether the adoption of the voluntary NOP quality standards (discussed later) facilitates the flow of market information, effectively substantiates the quality of products, or even for which firms it is most appropriate. Certain products may command a price premium and be perceived by consumers to be ‘‘officially’’ organic even though the NOP certification process was bypassed. This type of activity is expected to increase in an evermore dynamic organic market which is itself increasing in size and product-offering depth, categories and brands, customer base and consumer attitudes, motivation, and behavior. Thus, food processors may minimize competitive rivalry by developing organic products. Food processors are relatively larger than individual primary producers, most exert relatively more effort towards product differentiation than other agents within the industry, and they may possess a high degree of spatial buyer power because they purchase a large volume of primary product in thin spatial (regional) markets. The objective of this study is to focus on the temporal innovation diffusion process and the specification of a diffusion process based on a constrained linear model. The model is specified using external factors that impact the rate of NOP-qualified adoption across food categories following key concepts compiled in the economic, sociology, and consumer-marketing literatures. A two-stage modeling approach is undertaken where estimated rates of innovation diffusion for each food category are estimated applying methods of Bass (1995) and Jain, Mahajan, and Muller (1991). Then, a second-stage model empirically explores possible market drivers that influence the variation in the constrained rates of organic adoption diffusion across food categories. The combination of perspectives from various paradigms on the innovation diffusion process offers valuable insight into how constrained social networks determine the net effect of a process innovation’s temporal diffusion through an industry. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Firms create competitive advantages (CA) by perceiving or discovering new strategies, or value-added activities, to differentiate relative to rivals. A competitive advantage occurs when a firm’s earnings exceed their costs and potential rivals are not able to drive earnings to perfectly competitive levels (Porter, 1983). In instances where perfect market information is available, competitive advantage cannot be sustained over a period of time. A firm creates a sustainable competitive advantage (SCA) by developing value-creating processes that cannot be duplicated or imitated easily by others. SCA creation also is the implicit avoidance of the perceived Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 372 SHANAHAN, HOOKER, AND SPORLEDER competitive threats that reduce expected supranormal performance (Barney, 2006; Stanford University, 2007; Wiggins & Ruefli, 2002). Firms that are proactive in guarding against these threats of competitive rivalry will be more effective in achieving SCA (Porter, 1983). Sustaining a competitive advantage requires the firm to develop a process of continuous organizational learning and the systematic adaptation to changes in the firm’s external environment and internal capabilities (Barney, 2006). Through the identification of quality attributes and by assigning price premiums based on perceived consumer willingness to pay, firms are able to differentiate their respective product offers and focus on targeting customers, thereby reducing the degree of competition within the industry. The difference between consumer value derived from a firm’s product offer and the firm’s cost incurred from quality attribute creation activities is the premium earned by a firm’s differentiation efforts (Stanford University, 2007). Consumers are willing to pay for value, and firms that differentiate in accordance to expected consumer demand, given the firm is able to dampen the other external competitive-parity forces, will create a sustainable competitive advantage. The firm with the greatest differentiation premium will gain an SCA if that firm is able to create these strategic quality-attribute activities better, or at less cost, than its rivals and guard against imitation. Basically, firms create SCA by perceiving or discovering new marketing strategies that differentiate product offers relative to rivals, which in turn delivers supranormal returns. As such, the firm’s choice of a CA strategy is an innovative act (Stanford University, 2007). Innovative marketing strategies will shift a given firm’s SCA when rivals fail to respond to the new strategy. Innovations that typically shift CA include the discovery of new production technologies, buyer needs, industry segments and changes in input costs, input availability, and government regulations (Stanford University, 2007). The most effective innovators will be those firms that have developed the most robust environmental-scanning capabilities and identify an innovative mix of quality attributes that maximizes a firm’s expected performance and is hard to replicate by potential competitors (Kerin, Berkowitz, Hartley, & Rudelius, 2006). To effectively analyze the role the NOP plays in the competitive strategy of organic firms, the innovation-adoption process must be modeled in a formal way. An innovation is any change that is perceived new to a potential adopter (Rogers, 2003) and occurs when two or more previously unrelated elements are combined to create a new ‘‘qualitative distinct whole,’’ where the consequential new object has a function completely different from the individual antecedent parts (Harper & Liecht, 2002). Necessity often spurs the development and diffusion of innovations within a social system, which in turn causes society to adapt or change (which can bring about new necessities). Innovations offer social agents new ways to interpret meanings of observed social situations, to solve problems, and to reduce social/environmental uncertainty. Most of the early research on diffusion theory takes a pragmatic approach to understanding the temporal adoption process. Rogers (2003) defined innovation diffusion as the process by which an innovation is communicated and transferred through a social system over time. The driver of diffusion is the adoption and the utilization of the innovation by individuals. The decision to accept an innovation by the receiver, and thus the spread through a population, depends on the perceived Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr DIFFUSION OF ORGANIC FOOD PRODUCTS 373 characteristics of the innovation. Rogers broadly defined such characteristics as the relative advantage of the innovation, compatibility with the needs and desires of the adopter, the relative complexity of the innovation, and the relative trialability and observability of the innovation compared to its alternative. The diffusion of an innovation through a given social system can be thought of as the idea’s spread in a limited population; the number of adopters initially grows exponentially as the new technology takes root within the social structure. Then, the number of adopters reaches a critical mass, and growth begins to slow down as the last remaining potential adopters accept or reject the innovation. Thus, the diffusion process can be framed within any s-shaped, unimodal distribution function. The logistics function is the most popular functional form due to its ease of use (Fernandez-Cornejo & McBride, 2004). Fig. 1 provides a visual representation of the NOP diffusion process. Later, Lawrence Brown (1975) extended Rogers’ (2003) idea that information transfer is the primary factor that influences adoption rates by noting that the innovation propagator ultimately controls the innovation’s informational and physical distribution to adopters. In other words, innovation propagators have control over the potential adopter’s market access to the innovation. Specifically, innovation propagators control access by determining where and how many diffusion agencies to establish within the targeted social system, the extent of the innovation’s distribution infrastructure, the innovation’s price, and the level of promotional and marketing effort exerted. Increasing the adopter’s access to the innovation entails the supplier being able to minimize physical and informational distributional constraints. Along similar lines, Bröring, Leker, and Röhmer (2006) suggested that suppliers (i.e., established innovative firms) may differ substantially in their ability to innovate because of internal organizational design. Figure 1 A Two-Stage Adoption Model. Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 374 SHANAHAN, HOOKER, AND SPORLEDER Organic adoption by food processors (i.e., process innovation adoption) can be observed by examining the population of all new processed food-product lines released into a given market and determining which product lines are using an organic quality claim (as determined by the informational content of its product label). Use of an organic promotional claim on a new product line implies that the agribusiness’s product/brand manager made a decision to adopt organic practices. The demand for a process innovation is derived from the demand for the foodquality attribute by consumers. Adoption rates are a function of the characteristics of the adopter. The expected benefits and the anticipated costs from process adoption vary across food industries and sectors, and also are influenced by market structure, consumer demand, and the power of suppliers. Expectations and anticipations change over time, yet since information diffuses through food categories and industry sectors at different rates due to external market factors, expectations and anticipations also will vary. Path dependency and industry learning networks fuel the variety of adoption rates, and hence the cumulative number of adopters; however, the nature of this impact is expected to decrease over time. Expectations about potential earnings and anticipated costs or uncertainty usually decrease over time due to learning effects and the accumulating nature of information. METHODOLOGY: CHARACTERIZING ADOPTION AND DIFFUSION One possible logistic functional form that describes a Rogers’ diffusion model is the Bass (1995) model, and is based on the simple conjecture that the first adopters of an innovation communicate to, interact with, and influence other potential adopters in subsequent periods. The Bass model links the number of adoptions in Time t given that they have not yet adopted to some fraction of the total number of innovation adopters that already have adopted in Time t1 (Jain et al., 1991). Thus, nt ¼ dNðtÞ ¼ p½M Nðt 1Þ dt q þ Nðt 1Þ½M Nðt 1Þ M ð1Þ where nt 5 the number of innovation adoptions in Time t, p 5 the coefficient of diffusion due to external influence, q 5 the coefficient of diffusion due to interaction with other adopters, M 5 the cumulative number of potential adopters at Time t 5 0, N(t) 5 the cumulative number of innovation adoptions in Time t, and [MN(t)] 5 the cumulative number of potential adopters in Time t. As N(t) increases and approaches M, the rate of innovation adoption decreases. In addition, the rate of diffusion tends to zero as time approaches infinity. The coefficient of diffusion due to imitation is a measure of the accelerative force created by the interaction of adopters of the innovation and potential adopters through time on the speed at which an innovation diffuses (i.e., travels) through a social system (i.e., category or industry), often assumed to change at a constant rate (i.e., constant acceleration). This permits the model to consider the possibility of social interaction between potential adopters and previous adopters, which in turn creates the necessary social network to emerge and spread the idea of the innovation through the population like a contagion (Fernandez-Cornejo & McBride, 2004). Thus, Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr DIFFUSION OF ORGANIC FOOD PRODUCTS 375 market interactions between adopters and nonadopters must occur to increase the rate of adoption. Note that the number of adoptions at Time t per change in the coefficient of innovation: @nt =@q ¼ Nðt 1ÞM 1 ½M Nðt 1Þ ð2Þ In response to criticism about the construct validity of the model and alternative logistic-based specifications of the diffusion process, Bass (1995) conceded that the model was an example of an empirical generalization or ‘‘a pattern or regularity that repeats over different circumstances and that can be described simply by mathematical, graphical or symbolic method’’ (p. G6). Thus, the model’s purpose is not to entirely capture all of the theoretically true factors impacting the diffusion process but to be used as a pragmatic, cost-saving, problem-solving tool for anyone desiring to forecast future-innovation adoption. Despite this virtue and Bass’ (1995) redefinition of the model’s purpose, the forecasting tool still does not escape the assumption of temporal regularity: that the diffusion process observed today will be the same tomorrow. In fact, this assumption is essential for the general Bass model to effectively proxy the complex innovation diffusion process. The actions of innovation suppliers can be easily represented in the Bass model to account for their impact on the ultimate spatial and temporal diffusion of a given innovation. The actions of innovation suppliers impact the innovation distribution in society by splitting the rate of innovation adoption into a camp of supplied (or qualified) adoptions (at) and a camp of adopters waiting for the supply to ‘‘materialize’’ (or those rejected by the supplier) (bt). Thus, as shown in Fig. 1, the rate of adoption of an innovation, nt, is split into two flows, with, nt 5 at1bt. The external factors that impact the overall rate of adoption are demand oriented and are fueled by interactions of social agents within the system. The factors that impact whether the adoption is delivered are supply oriented. This means that factors such as the extent of the informational and physical distribution system and marketing/ pricing practices impact whether an adoption is ‘‘approved’’ for dissemination and, thus, the ultimate extent of the innovation’s diffusion. Initially, assuming external influence on adoption is zero, Equation 1 is modified to highlight the split in the diffusion flow into two parts: dNðtÞi dAðtÞi dBðtÞi ¼ þ dt dt dt A ¼fi AðtÞi ½Mi AðtÞi BðtÞi þ fBi BðtÞi ½Mi AðtÞi BðtÞi ; ð3Þ dNðtÞi ¼ fN i NðtÞi ½Mi AðtÞi BðtÞi ; dt ð4Þ dAðtÞi ¼ fA i AðtÞi ½Mi AðtÞi BðtÞi dt ð5Þ dBðtÞi ¼ fBi BðtÞi ½Mi AðtÞi BðtÞi : dt ð6Þ which suggests that and Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 376 SHANAHAN, HOOKER, AND SPORLEDER Integrating Equation 4 yields the following logistic function: NðtÞi ¼ Mi =½1 þ eðaf N tÞ ð7Þ and making a log-linear transformation of Equation 7 yields the following linear function: ln½NðtÞi =ðMi NðtÞi Þ ¼ a þ fN t: ð8Þ Similarly, integrating Equations 5 and 6 and applying log-linear transformations yields the following functions for deriving the coefficients of diffusion of seal qualified and nonseal qualified innovation adoptions: ln½AðtÞi =ðMi NðtÞi Þ ¼ a þ fA t ð9Þ ln½BðtÞi =ðMi NðtÞi Þ ¼ a þ fB t ð10Þ and Using Equation 8, factors that influence the magnitude of the accelerative force on the flow of innovation diffusion, as represented by fN i , across predefined groups of the population of potential adopters are explored. In the empirical application presented later, the pools of potential adopters are all product-line or brand managers contained within each food category, and the decision facing each brand manger is whether to adopt an organic marketing strategy for their respective new product. As with any decision to adopt an innovation, innovation demand is influenced by the expected relative advantage from adoption given external factors. The impact of such environmental factors on relative diffusion flows across various food categories can be easily examined with a linear model. Likewise, the factors that influence the relative magnitude of the restricted flows of innovation diffusion, represented by fA and fBi i and derived from Equations 9 and 10 across predefined groups of the population of potential adopters, also are of interest. The extent of an innovation’s supply and ultimate diffusion depend on the supplier’s effort at providing effective information and physical distribution systems and the supplier’s marketing and pricing strategies. It is expected that for each of the investigated independent variables, the impact on the seal qualified innovation diffusion rate will be opposite, or smaller, than the impact on the constrained flow of nonseal innovation diffusion rate. To empirically test this hypothesis, each external factor can be examined using a linear association model that takes the constrained certified adoption flow for each category and regresses the resultant dependent variables against possible proxies representing variations in constraints due to supply distribution, pricing, and marketing strategies for each category. The following hypotheses begin to formalize the impact of external factors on the organic adoption decision and qualification for NOP certification. The number of product lines in a food category (E), will positively impact the diffusion rate of organic adoptions across categories. It is expected that the likelihood of a firm to adopt organic practices is dependent on the level of market rivalry within a category. The largest food categories will have the most accumulated production experience, greater access to needed certified inputs, and will be under more pressure to innovate due to the forces of competitive Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr DIFFUSION OF ORGANIC FOOD PRODUCTS 377 rivalry. Thus, it is expected that larger food categories will be more likely to adopt organic practices and will have a higher probability of NOP seal qualification to effectively differentiate product lines. Food categories representing a smaller number of firms may be at a disadvantage in terms of qualifying for the differentiating seal. Alternatively, seal qualification may not be as necessary because of the lower degree of rivalry within the category. Increased rivalry and threat of imitation suggests increased incentives to continually innovate and increased willingness to incur higher costs for seal qualification. Market power (MP), calculated as the average number of product lines per company within each defined food category, will negatively impact the adoption diffusion rates of organic practices within a food category. The more concentrated is power within a given subset of an industry, the less innovative the industry will be (Rogers, 2003). This is because the range of new ideas (i.e., the extent of intraindustry learning and environmental scanning) is constrained when only a few companies dominate the industry. Note that once the initial decision to adopt is made within a centralized industry, innovative activity ought to be easier to implement relative to less-centralized industries among those companies who dominate their respective industries. Product complexity, characterized by the average number of ingredients (I) per food category, suggests a more involved supply chain, making it less likely a firm will be organic and thus also hindering a food-category’s adoption diffusion rate. It is expected that product complexity also is negatively related to the odds that the new organic product will qualify for the NOP seal, which in turn hinders the diffusion of seal qualified adoptions. It also decreases the likelihood that non-seal qualifying organic adoptions will occur, but to a lesser extent. The greater the average number of explicit quality, or value-added, claims used in the marketing of each food-category’s product (Cl), a measure of product differentiation, the rate of organic adoptions will increase. It is expected that firms who put more effort towards differentiation of product offers will be more likely to adopt organic practices. As a result, the number of value-added claims used in the marketing of each new food product (Cl) is positively related to the firm’s demand for organic production technology (O). Aggregating demand to calculate variance of diffusion rates across food categories should not change this expected relationship. It also is expected that average differentiating effort will be greater among food categories with greater diffusion rates of non-seal qualifying adoptions. This is because firms within these categories are likely to compensate for the lack of the NOP seal with other value-added product clams to stay competitive and ensure that their product’s price premiums are substantiated and guarded. It is expected that the later the timing of the first seal qualified organic adoption within a given food category (T), calculated as the number of months after the implementation of the NOP, the more likely the producer of that good will adopt organic practices due to the principal of the time value of money and the decreasing degree of uncertainty about the NOP as it diffuses through the organic market. Thus, we will see higher rates of diffusion among food categories that wait to see if the process innovation will be a commercial success. The likelihood that the new organic product will qualify for the NOP seal also is positively impacted by adoption timing. Interorganizational learning is cumulative; thus, it is expected that firms will Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 378 SHANAHAN, HOOKER, AND SPORLEDER become more knowledgeable about NOP seal qualification standards and requirements through learning-by-doing. Additional supplies of organic ingredients will emerge over time. The expected consequence of this learning and access is higher rates of seal qualified diffusion and lower rates of non-seal qualified diffusion among food categories that wait to see if the seal will be beneficial. Each of the aforementioned external factors can be examined using a linear model and the associated coefficients estimated using ordinary least squares. For example, previous research has estimated linear models to measure the diffusion of bioengineered corn among U.S. farmers, optical scanner use among grocery stores, and automated teller machine (ATM) use within the banking industry (FernandezCornejo & McBride, 2004; Hannan & McDowell, 1984; Levin, Levin, & Meisel, 1992). Earlier work by Romeo (1977) has suggested the use of a log-linear specification, which implies that the relationship between the factors and the independent variable are nonlinear over the adoption cycle. This investigation will use a linear model specification in the second stage, with checks for multicollinearity among the independent variables using a simple correlation coefficient matrix and heteroskedasticity by examining estimated residual tables. Evidence of heteroskedasticity will be accounted for using White heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors (Studenmund, 2006). The expected relationship between the forces of competitive rivalry and constrained innovation diffusion is not currently clear; thus, tests for correlates are sufficient for the purposes of this preliminary investigation. Mintel’s Global New Product Database (GNPD; provides one source of food product label information well suited to this research. GNPD gathers data on product innovations, which includes product inventions, new brands, product line-extensions, and product reformulations within consumer packaged goods markets. The database lists new-product information and label pictures for goods launched in 49 countries. A search function can separate products using certain quality claims (including organic) with results including product name, description, variants (flavors, sizes, etc.), ingredients and nutritional information, category, company information, distribution channels, and price in local currency and in euros. Drawing from this population of new food products (in excess of 300,000 annually), 32,434 U.S. new food and beverage products covering all product innovations released between October 1, 2002 (the start of the NOP program) and April 30, 2006 were identified and analyzed. A food category is equivalent to a set of products similar in type and production and correlates to the product’s originating industry. NOP seal qualifiers (a), NOP non-seal qualifiers (b), and nonorganic adopters in 30 mutually exclusive food categories (containing both organic and nonorganic products) were identified through a proactive process of food label analysis, where possession of the NOP seal or an organic claim statement which identifies the product’s level of certified organic content was either confirmed or not confirmed. This analysis resulted in a complete sample totaling 19,317 new food products, from which 1,252 claimed to be organic (n) (see Atalay et al., 2006). The average number of ingredients in a given food category (I), the average number of promotional claims in each food category (Cl), the time of market release (T), the average number of product lines per company in each food category (MP), and the number of new product lines in each food category (E) also were identified. A description of the external factors is presented in Table 1. Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr DIFFUSION OF ORGANIC FOOD PRODUCTS 379 RESULTS As observed in the calculated category averages, the number of non-seal qualified adoptions for most categories is greater than the number of seal qualified adoptions with the exception of fruit, vegetable, soup, breakfast cereal, and sugar (see Table 1). This may be because these categories have been innovative in the past in offering organic products and are therefore ahead of other categories in diffusing organic technologies. Organic practices are relatively new, and the diffusion process for many of the remaining food categories are still at an early stage. The coefficient of diffusion of seal qualified adoptions is less than the coefficient of diffusion of nonseal qualified adoptions in the cakes and pastry, cheese, cereal, dessert, and sweetspread categories (the slopes of the respective diffusion curves). A different picture emerges when the shapes of the resultant diffusion curves from the first-stage estimation of the 30 food categories are more closely analyzed (see Table 2). The cumulative number of seal qualified adoptions is increasing at a greater rate relative to the number of non-seal qualified adoptions (Fig. 2). Thus, seal qualified product (i.e., 195% organic content) growth in the market relative to nonseal qualified organic food product (i.e., those in the lower two categories, with o95% organic content) growth is greater in most categories, suggesting that the NOP seal is an increasingly important component in the marketing strategies of organic food firms. Generalized least squares, which controls for possible heteroskedasticity using consistent standard errors and covariance, was used to estimate the coefficients of A diffusion for organic adoptions fN i , seal qualified adoptions fi , and non-seal B qualified adoptions fi for each of the 30 food categories (Table 3). The resultant parameters are all statistically significant, and the degree of explained variation for all 90 models is relatively high (3 parameters 30 categories). From Table 3, the resultant coefficients of diffusion of seal qualified adoptions for most categories are greater than the coefficients of diffusion of non-seal qualified adoptions. Specifically, the average coefficient of diffusion for seal qualified adoptions is 0.076, and the average coefficient of diffusion for non-seal qualified adoptions is 0.049. Thus, the growth of seal qualified products in the marketplace relative to the growth of nonseal qualified food products is greater in many categories, again suggesting that the NOP seal is becoming an increasingly important component in marketing multiingredient organic foods. The categories with the largest magnitude of the diffusive force of seal qualified adoptions are soft drinks, crackers/cookies, cheese, meat, and sauces. Food categories with relatively low seal qualified diffusion rates include TABLE 1. Diffusion Model-Descriptive Statistics Variable Observations Sum M Max Mdn Min SD 19,317 643.90 1,966 468 109 537.17 N A B E 1,252 598 654 32434 41.73 19.93 21.80 1081.13 129 60 69 5393 42.5 17 18.5 631.5 5 4 1 141 28.68 14.57 17.84 1203.27 MP I – – 3.27 11.90 9.73 23.645 2.72 11.4225 1.45 2.015 2.04 5.26 Agribusiness CL T – – 1.11 7.33 2.146 30 1.0275 6 0.549 1 0.38 7.33 DOI 10.1002/agr 380 SHANAHAN, HOOKER, AND SPORLEDER TABLE 2. Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Second-Stage Data Food category Baking Ingredients/Mixes Bread/Bread Products Cakes/Pastries/Sweet Goods Crackers/Cookies Soft Drinks Coffee/Tea Confectionery Milk Product Milk Cheese Desserts/Ice Cream Fruit Vegetables Meals Meat Sauces Pasta Sauces Seasonings Rice Pasta Potato Products Side Dishes Snacks Snack/Cereal/Energy Bars Fruit Snacks Soup Savory Spreads Sweet Spreads Sweeteners/Sugar Cereal Figure 2 Agribusiness M N A B E MP I CL 761 25 11 14 1011 2.914 12.872 0.807 607 48 17 31 774 2.735 16.703 1.235 667 17 5 12 943 2.893 20.814 0.882 1393 90 34 56 1737 3.000 13.804 0.921 236 10 5 5 313 2.630 7.794 1.039 547 81 19 62 823 2.084 3.13 0.761 1966 52 27 25 2886 4.327 10.412 0.89 402 44 18 26 1391 9.727 11.974 1.601 186 47 25 22 247 2.148 9.651 2.028 473 25 10 15 678 2.745 6.994 0.81 1287 33 13 20 3072 8.853 17.569 1.193 234 23 19 4 318 2.134 4.032 0.755 478 57 43 14 630 2.551 6.434 0.888 1626 56 17 39 1904 4.086 21.022 1.27 1157 41 12 29 1681 3.062 12.644 1.002 1785 129 60 69 3440 3.543 10.961 0.679 125 19 12 7 165 1.528 10.669 0.764 398 11 5 6 592 1.941 9.26 0.549 181 19 12 7 224 2.055 11.155 1.213 463 63 30 33 564 2.564 9.399 1.275 241 5 4 1 295 2.706 13.261 1.016 128 19 8 11 148 1.644 10.265 1.318 1419 72 26 46 5393 7.105 14.823 1.055 643 54 26 28 776 3.129 23.645 1.695 165 9 8 1 183 2.577 12.756 1.539 443 50 30 20 548 2.796 17.274 1.247 222 17 9 8 354 1.566 11.69 0.731 342 45 26 19 570 1.810 6.185 0.977 109 14 8 6 141 1.454 2.015 1.119 633 77 59 18 633 5.861 17.848 2.146 T 2 6 18 8 30 4 3 9 7 18 3 4 1 6 12 1 1 27 1 6 12 7 3 6 9 4 4 1 6 1 Innovation Diffusion Paths Among Organic Adopters—All Food Categories. DOI 10.1002/agr DIFFUSION OF ORGANIC FOOD PRODUCTS 381 TABLE 3. Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 First-Stage Results of Diffusion Rates per Food Subcategory Food category Baking Ingredients/Mixes Bread/Bread Products Cakes/Pastries/Sweet Goods Crackers/Cookies Soft Drinks Coffee/Tea Confectionery Milk Product Milk Cheese Desserts/Ice Cream Fruit Vegetables Meals Meat Sauces Pasta Sauces Seasonings Rice Pasta Potato Products Side Dishes Snacks Snack/Cereal/Energy Bars Fruit Snacks Soup Savory Spreads Sweet Spreads Sweeteners/Sugar Cereal M Max Mdn Min SD (fn) Adj. R2 fn (fa) Adj. R2 fa (fb) Adj. R2 fb 0.057 0.060 0.038 0.890 0.889 0.750 0.072 0.062 0.086 0.906 0.884 0.915 0.047 0.051 0.027 0.873 0.902 0.565 0.079 0.046 0.053 0.080 0.063 0.096 0.064 0.058 0.061 0.053 0.077 0.068 0.081 0.057 0.083 0.060 0.076 0.064 0.064 0.072 0.076 0.062 0.056 0.065 0.074 0.076 0.068 0.066 0.096 0.064 0.038 0.012 0.911 0.901 0.852 0.845 0.841 0.845 0.896 0.767 0.739 0.954 0.895 0.887 0.921 0.968 0.842 0.808 0.818 0.854 0.894 0.830 0.847 0.937 0.878 0.952 0.938 0.932 0.925 – – – – – 0.100 0.118 0.040 0.096 0.067 0.080 0.123 0.063 0.057 0.083 0.077 0.107 0.100 0.078 0.057 0.049 0.090 0.053 0.060 0.066 0.067 0.075 0.072 0.065 0.085 0.072 0.072 0.076 0.123 0.072 0.040 0.020 0.877 0.904 0.956 0.912 0.951 0.890 0.911 0.912 0.730 0.955 0.847 0.886 0.912 0.882 0.633 0.815 0.883 0.901 0.890 0.946 0.920 0.913 0.870 0.919 0.954 0.854 0.907 – – – – – 0.065 0.029 0.050 0.065 0.049 0.075 0.050 0.049 0.030 0.024 0.070 0.059 0.071 0.036 0.064 0.049 0.060 0.000 0.054 0.072 0.065 0.000 0.035 0.059 0.061 0.052 0.059 0.049 0.075 0.051 0.000 0.019 0.894 0.827 0.887 0.783 0.784 0.832 0.787 0.705 0.791 0.743 0.909 0.834 0.900 0.897 0.727 0.788 0.756 0.000 0.898 0.797 0.889 0.000 0.842 0.931 0.902 0.758 0.879 – – – – – coffee/tea, fruit, rice products, potato products, and seasonings. Note that many products within these food categories are relatively low in product-ingredient count, suggesting that particular ingredients in products within these food categories may be more difficult to source in terms of critical organic variants. To explore the stated hypotheses about the external factors expected to impact the diffusion of organic marketing strategies, the reported coefficients of diffusion are assumed to depend on some linear combination of market factors. In the second stage, for each set of the coefficients of diffusion for all food categories, including all organic adoptions, seal qualified adoptions and non-seal qualified adoptions, the five Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 382 SHANAHAN, HOOKER, AND SPORLEDER external proxy variables (E, MP, I, CL, and T) were regressed to estimate marginal impacts and combined explanatory power. Model 1 represents the following proposition: The magnitude of total organic adoption diffusion across food categories is a linear combination of external factors. Likewise, Models 2 and 3 test the validity of the following proposition: The magnitude of seal qualified and non-seal qualified organic adoption diffusion across food categories is linear combinations of external factors. Results are shown in Table 4. All three models have relatively low coefficients of determination (Model 1 reported an R2 of 0.24, Model 2 reported 0.06, and Model 3 reported 0.17.) F statistics for the three models suggest that none of the models are statistically significant at a 99% level. Model 1 is statistically significant at the 95% level confidence, Model 3 is statistically significant at a 90% level, and Model 2 is not statistically significant. As expected, the insignificance of Model 2 suggests that external factors representing competitive rivalry and thus adoption diffusion constraints appear to have little impact on intracategory variance in diffusion rates of seal qualified adoptions. The combination of entry threats, intercategory market power, product complexity, promotional effort, and adoption timing has little impact on the adoption decision among those firms that are able to have their respective product lines approved for the NOP seal. There is not strong evidence of possible multicollinearity among the independent variables. Exploration of the residual tables revealed that some heteroskedasticity may be present; this is controlled for using heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors. In terms of the statistical significance for each of the independent variables, the results are mixed. The number of potential adopting product lines (E), meant to proxy potential competitive rivalry and market-entry threat, is found to be a statistically significant, positive determinant in all three models. However, the impact of E on organic adoptions appears to vary by whether the product is approved to use the organic seal. The magnitude of E’s estimated parameter is greater and has a greater level of statistical significance in Model 3 relative to Model 2. Consequently, entry threats appear to contribute to certain firms facing the decision to innovate without qualifying for the NOP seal to stay competitive. MP, as proxied by the TABLE 4. Empirical Results of Second-Stage Diffusion Model, White HeteroskedasticityConsistent SEs Parameter Model 1 fn p Model 2 fa p Model 3 fb P Constant E MP I CL T Adj.R2 F P 0.0525 0.0008 0.0038 0.0007 0.0225 0.0001 0.242 2.856 0.037 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.082 0.002 0.421 – – – 0.0645 0.0008 0.0033 0.0004 0.0093 0.0012 0.058 1.359 0.274 0.000 0.056 0.008 0.237 0.134 0.056 – – – 0.0318 0.0013 0.0040 0.0005 0.0204 0.0001 0.171 2.193 0.088 0.008 0.001 0.021 0.205 0.048 0.438 – – – Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr DIFFUSION OF ORGANIC FOOD PRODUCTS 383 average number product lines per company in each of the defined food categories, is statistically negative in all three models as expected. As with E, the magnitude of MP’s estimated parameter varies by whether the product is approved to use the organic seal. MP’s estimated parameter is greater in magnitude and has a greater level of statistical significance in Model 3 relative to Model 2. This implies that firms in food categories where each firm has on average a high number of product lines are under more pressure to innovate without NOP seal qualification to stay competitive or that firms with greater market power have little incentive to acquire seal certification given the additional costs. Product complexity, proxied by the average number of ingredients (I) per food category and expected to hinder a food category’s adoption diffusion rate, is found to negatively impact diffusion rates in all three models. The estimated coefficient for the ingredient variable is statistically significant at the 90% level in Model 1 and is not significant in either Models 2 or 3. The results of this test imply that the initial decision to adopt organic practices is constrained by the complexity of input supply chains, but has little impact on whether a given product line is approved to use the NOP seal. A better measure for product complexity which accounts for the type of ingredients used in a given product line ought to be explored in future empirical research. The average number of promotional claims used in the marketing of each foodcategory’s product (Cl) positively impacts innovation diffusion rate variance in all three models, and the estimated parameters are statistically significant in Models 1 and 3 at a 95% level of confidence. Differentiating effort impacts the diffusion of non-seal qualified adoptions more than the diffusion of seal qualified adoptions, as expected. This implies that the diffusion of non-seal qualified adoptions is occurring at a greater rate among food categories that on average use more differentiating effort to market their product lines relative to other categories. This also implies that there may be a trade-off between the organic quality of a given product and other possible differentiating qualities that brand managers must consider when they are debating the adoption of organic marketing practices. The timing of the first NOP adoption (T) in a food category in months since the inception of the NOP was expected to increase the likelihood that producers will adopt organic practices and be approved to use the NOP seal. This is based on the principal of the time value of money and the decreasing degree of uncertainty about the NOP as it diffuses through the organic market. Accordingly, it was expected that higher rates of diffusion among food categories that wait to see if the process innovation will be a commercial success would be observed. In Model 1, T is found to have the expected relational sign, yet the estimated parameter is not statistically significant. T is an even more important determinant for seal qualified adoptions, evident in the greater magnitude of the positive parameter relative to the other models and its greater level of statistical significance. In the third model, T is not statistically significant, and the estimated relational parameter has a negative sign. This suggests that adopters are learning over time that having the organic seal is a beneficial and necessary component within the organic marketing strategy. It also may suggest that the addition of T is irrelevant in determining the relative magnitude of non-seal qualified organic innovation diffusion across food categories in this instance due to the length of time observed, the observed potential adopters are relatively short-sighted in their choice of marketing strategies, or that the perceived Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr 384 SHANAHAN, HOOKER, AND SPORLEDER threat of imitation is high, and waiting to see if the innovative marketing strategy will be a commercial success is not an option. CONCLUSIONS Agribusinesses coexist in a heterogeneous market where each firm varies in the type and level of strategic value-added activities. New combinations of these activities can create innovative quality attributes that fulfill consumer needs. Consumers are willing to pay for that newness. Firms that differentiate in accordance to consumer demand can create a competitive advantage; however, sustaining the competitive advantage requires the development of a process of continuous organizational learning and systematic adaptation to changes in the firm’s external environment and internal capabilities. Constant scanning of the external environment, learning, and adaptation to changing consumer desires are the keys to creating a sustainable competitive advantage. The adoption of organic food-production practices is one type of marketing strategy available to agribusinesses in the United States; however, the implementation of the NOP in October 2002 impacted the adoption decision. Current market structure at a category level is influenced by the power of buyers and suppliers and the extent of product differentiation. This, in turn, affects firm’s decisions to adopt a given quality standard (the NOP) and thus the diffusion of an innovative quality standard through the industry. By combining several paradigms, a better understanding of the nature of the competitive environment within the organic market and the factors that influence the adoption of a quality standard was achieved. The agribusiness’ decision to adopt organic practices is a function of factors that maximize the expected benefits from adoption and minimize anticipated costs of adoption. Adoption also is influenced by certain external factors including expected consumer demand for the product innovation, the current and future actions of potential competitors, and the actions of suppliers of the process innovation’s inputs. Regulation also impacts the decision to adopt. The combination of both Rogers’s (2003) and Brown’s (1975) perspectives on the diffusion process offers valuable insight into how constrained social networks determine the net effect of an innovation’s diffusion through a society. Roger’s perspective implies that the primary driver of innovation diffusion is the adopter or demander of the innovation and that firm’s interaction with other adopters. The primary factor explaining why firms fail to adopt is ignorance of the innovation’s existence, relative net benefits, and constraints tied to limited accessibility of needed inputs and marketing outlets. In the case of firms faced with the decision to adopt organic practices, potential organic adopters need to first know that organic is an option to consider, that the relative net benefits from adopting organic given regulatory constraints are greater than other options in their marketing strategy choice set, and that the firm has access to needed inputs and markets to sell their products. Thus, adoption propagators and other market facilitators must improve information about the innovation for firms to make effective adoption decisions. Brown showed that social change caused by the diffusion of an innovation is due to interactions between an innovation’s demander and the innovation’s supplier. Accordingly, the ultimate level of innovation diffusion is a function of the supplier’s ability to improve Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr DIFFUSION OF ORGANIC FOOD PRODUCTS 385 the adopter’s informational and physical access to the innovation. According to Brown’s perspective on innovation diffusion, the act of nonadoption is the fault of the supplier not being able to provide adequate market access to the innovation. As stated earlier, the different perspectives on innovation diffusion of Rogers and Brown do not have to be mutually exclusive. This research suggests that an integrated model can show the relationship between the supplier’s direct actions toward changing the adopter’s informational and physical access to the innovation and the adopter’s decision to adopt a given innovation given social-network constraints. The second-stage models explored in this study suggest that threats of entry, adoption timing, market power, product complexity, and differentiation effort impact the diffusion rates of organic practices across food categories. The impact of these external factors is more pronounced among those firms not able or willing to gain NOP seal qualification; however, other factors clearly play a role. It is expected that a measure of relative benefits and other categorical controls are necessary to explain more variation in organic adoption diffusion. Further research in matching food categories to external industry data and sales/scanner data determining a product innovation’s commercial success is suggested to provide a more robust second-stage model. In addition, a measure of a given adopter’s inherent competitive advantage prior to the inception of the NOP also may shed light on how path dependency may impact the speed at which certain firms within particular food categories adopt and assimilate the innovation into their product offers. The empirical results are mixed. Further work is required to specify a model that is easy to use and to check the viability and verifiability of this empirical model. The GNPD data can be extended to build other samples able to operationalize alternative theoretical concepts and the identification of additional sources of secondary data reporting the nature of the organic food market with respect to the characteristics of each innovation and the market environment explored. In the summer of 2007, the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service recognized that ingredient availability inhibited adoption of organic practices. In multiingredient products, an agreed-upon solution was an amendment to the National List of allowable nonorganic substances. The list of allowable substances increased from 5 to 38 (USDA, 2007). This action may broaden opportunities for organic adoption, but impact on consumers’ perceived quality of, and demand for, the resultant organic output is still unknown and may even be detrimental. Future research should explore this change in the regulation. 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Organization Science, 13(1), 82–105. Christopher J. Shanahan completed his BS and MS in Agricultural Economics at OSU and is now a research analyst with the Frost & Sullivan North America Chemicals, Materials & Foods Group. He focuses on monitoring and analyzing emerging trends, technologies and market dynamics in the food, personal care ingredient, and specialty chemical industries in North America. He has direct experience in market forecast models, modeling product innovation diffusion, and technology adoption. Neal H. Hooker received a Ph.D. in Resource Economics from the University of Massachusetts. He has a MA in Economics from the University of British Columbia (Canada) and a BA (Hons) in Economics from Essex University (U.K.). Dr. Hooker’s research explores marketing and management within global food and agribusiness supply chains. He is particularly interested in how food safety and nutrition attributes are controlled, communicated, and (where appropriate) certified. He is currently an Associate Professor of Agribusiness at The Ohio State University. Thomas L. Sporleder received BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Agricultural Economics from The Ohio State University. Dr. Sporleder’s research explores Agribusiness—value-added agriculture and the economics of innovation, especially food product innovation; entrepreneurship; and agricultural cooperatives. He is currently the Farm Income Enhancement Professor at The Ohio State University. Agribusiness DOI 10.1002/agr