COURSE OUTLINE | Modular Outline: This course is broken into 5 modules. Each module covers the specific topics listed below: | WEEK 1 MODULE 1: DEBT FINANCING – SHORT AND LONG TERM, NOTES PAYABLE, & PAYROLL LIABILITIES DEBT FINANCING – SHORT TERM AND LONG TERM Learning Objectives: Develop knowledge on characteristics and classification of liabilities and short-term debt, show ability to use FASB codification, master the elements of debt financing: notes payable, lines of credit, and long-term debt, compute present value of long-term debt. Lectures: L 1.1: Liabilities and Short-Term Debt L 1.2: Notes Payable, Lines of Credit, and Long-Term Debt L 1.3: Present Value of Long-Term Debt SHORT TERM LIABILITIES – PAYROLL Learning Objectives: Understand the concepts of payroll withholdings and payroll taxes for short-term liabilities, demonstrate computational ability for payroll withholdings and payroll taxes, analyze the implications of compensated absences. Lectures: L 2.1: Payroll Withholdings and Taxes L 2.2: Payroll Withholdings and Taxes - Examples L 2.3: Compensated Absences Homework: Module 1 Homework Quiz: Module 1 Quiz | WEEK 2 MODULE 2: DEBT FINANCING – BONDS, ISSUING PREMIUMS, & DISCOUNTS DEBT FINANCING – BONDS Learning Objectives: Identify the advantages and disadvantages of bonds, master essential bond terms, understand the principles of financing with bonds, recognize the different selling prices of bonds: par, premium and discount, develop knowledge on issuance of bonds. Lectures: L 3.1: Financing with Bonds L 3.2: Essential Bond Terms L 3.3: Issuance of Bonds Page | 3 COURSE OUTLINE DEBT FINANCING – METHODS AND PREMIUMS Learning Objectives: Analyze the implications of bond issue costs, bonds issued between interest dates, and straight line method, compute and assess the premium and discount effect on statement of cash flows, understand the usefulness of retiring bonds at maturity, test knowledge of bonds with debt ratio calculations. Lectures: L 4.1: Bond Issue Costs and Straight Line Method L 4.2: Premium and Discount Effect on Statement of Cash Flows L 4.3: Retirement of Bonds at Maturity and Debt Ratio Homework: Module 2 Homework Quiz: Module 2 Quiz | WEEK 3 MODULE 3: DEBT FINANCING – EXTINGUISHMENT OF DEBT, CONVERTIBLE BONDS, & BOND REFINANCING DEBT FINANCING – EXTINGUISHMENT OF DEBT PRIOR TO MATURING Learning Objectives: Evaluate purchase and call for the retirement of bonds before maturity, identify the useful features of issuance and conversion of convertible bonds, define bonds refinancing, test computational skills of bond refinancing, analyze useful techniques for off-balance-sheet financing. Lectures: L 5.1: Retirement of Bonds before Maturity L 5.2: Convertible Bonds L 5.3: Bond and Off Balance Sheet Financing DEBT FINANCING – TROUBLED DEBT RESTRUCTURING Learning Objectives: Assess the proceedings of troubled debt restructuring and transfer of assets in full settlement, compute and prepare journal entry for grant of equity interest (equity swap), understand the various way debt terms have the ability to be modified to aid a debtor. Lectures: L 6.1: Troubled Debt Restructuring and Transfer of Assets in Full Settlement L 6.2: Troubled Debt Restructuring and Equity Swap L 6.3: Troubled Debt Restructuring and Modification of Debt Terms Homework: Module 3 Homework Quiz: Module 3 Quiz Page | 4 COURSE OUTLINE | WEEK 4 MODULE 4: CONTINGENCIES & LEASE ACCOUNTING CONSTINGENCIES INCLUDING WARRANTIES Learning Objectives: Analyze the essential components of contingencies: losses & liabilities, lawsuits, premiums & coupons, and warranties, demonstrate knowledge of the obligations for environmental liabilities, calculate liability for premiums & coupons. Lectures: L 7.1: Losses & Liabilities and Lawsuits L 7.2: Environmental Liabilities L 7.3: Warranties and Premiums & Coupons INTRODUCTION TO LEASES Learning Objectives: Differentiate the role between lessee and lessor, identify key accounting issues for lessor, understand the various types of leases, master lease contract provisions along with the general classification criteria for lessee and lessor, demonstrate accounting skills for operating leases. Lectures: L 8.1: Lease vs. Purchase & Types of Leases L 8.2: Lease Contract Provisions & General Classification Criteria L 8.3: Operating Lease & Review Homework: Module 4 Homework Quiz: Module 4 Quiz | WEEK 5 MODULE 5: LESSEE VS LESSOR LEASES – LESSEE Learning Objectives: Demonstrate accounting ability when making calculations for capital leases, understand accounting principles for leases with a bargain purchase option, and assess the treatment of leases on lessee’s statement of cash flows. Lectures: L 9.1: Problem & Capital Lease L 9.2: Bargain Purchase Option L 9.3: Treatment of Leases on Lessee’s Statement of Cash Flows Page | 5 COURSE OUTLINE LEASES – LEASOR Learning Objectives: Develop knowledge on the economic advantages of a lessor, engage in payment computations for a lessor, understand the classification of leases by the lessor, analyze the facets of sales-type leases, initial direct costs, and sale-leasebacks, demonstrate accounting skills to solve problems using lessee and lessor principles. Lectures: L 10.1: Leasing Advantages, Payment Computation, Classification & Operating Lease L 10.2: Sales-Type Leases and Direct/Indirect Costs L 10.3: Lessee & Lessor Example Homework: Module 5 Homework Quiz: Module 5 Quiz Exam: Cumulative Final Exam Page | 6