AP U.S. History Unit 4 –Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democracy

AP U.S. History
Unit 4 –Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democracy
Visions of America, Chs. 7-8
The following is a list of the important terms (people, ideas, places, events) from Unit 5. In addition
to defining these terms, you should understand their significance to the point of being able to use
them (both individually and collectively) in essay writing.
Jefferson’s Presidency (1800-1812):
Revolution of 1800
Thomas Jefferson
Louisiana Purchase
Zebulon Pike
John Marshall
judicial review
Judiciary Act of 1789
Marbury v. Madison
Aaron Burr
James Madison
Denmark Vesey’s uprising
Judiciary Act of 1801
Samuel Chase
Meriwether Lewis
Henry Clay
John Quincy Adams
Embargo Act
Macon’s Bill No. 2
war hawks
Chesapeake incident
The Second War for Independence (18121824):
American System
McCulloch v. Maryland
Cohens v. Virginia
Gibbons v. Ogden
Fletcher v. Peck
Tariff of 1816
Oliver Hazard
Perry William
Henry Harrison
Francis Scott Key
Andrew Jackson
Second Bank of the United States
James Monroe
Monroe Doctrine
Treaty of 1818
John C. Calhoun
protective tariff
Daniel Webster
Missouri Compromise
Convention of 1800
Era of Good Feelings
Treaty of Ghent
Hartford Convention
The Rise of Jacksonian Democracy:
Twelfth Amendment
William Harrison
Henry Clay
Martin Van Buren
William Crawford
John Quincy Adams
Daniel Webster
Andrew Jackson
John C. Calhoun
spoils system
Indian Removal Act 1830
Tariff of Abominations
Force Bill
Trail of Tears
Panic of 1837
Whig Party
Stephen Austin
San Houston
Lone Star
John Tyler
Santa Anna
Worcester v. Georgia
AP U.S. History
Unit 4 –Jeffersonian and Jacksonian Democracy
Visions of America, Chs. 7-8
The following is a list of the important terms (people, ideas, places, events) from Unit 5. In addition
to defining these terms, you should understand their significance to the point of being able to use
them (both individually and collectively) in essay writing.
Anti-Masonic party
Bank Veto Speech
American system
Corrupt Bargain