AP United States History Unit 4 Study Guide

AP United States History
Unit 4 Study Guide
Chapter 8: (222-245)
Election of 1800
o How was it decided?
o Significance?
Jefferson’s Administration
o Judiciary Act of 1801
 Marbury v. Madison
 Significance?
o Jeffersonian Democracy and Policies
o Louisiana Purchase
 Initial Plan – Why?
 Purchase
 Significance
o Embargo Act of 1807
 Peaceable Coercion
 Success/Failure – Why?
Madison’s Administration
o War of 1812
 War Hawks
 Causes and results
 Treaty of Ghent
 Battle of New Orleans
o Hartford Convention
 Significance?
o Henry Clay
 American System
Marshall Court (1801-1835)
o Significance of each case?
 Marbury v. Madison (1803)
 Fletcher v. Peck (1810)
 Dartmouth College v.
Woodward (1819)
 McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
 Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
 Worcester v. Georgia (1832)
o Lasting significance of Marshall’s court?
 Judicial Nationalism
Election of 1816
o Results?
Monroe’s Administration
o “Era of Good Feelings”
 Characteristics
 Was this true?
o Monroe Doctrine
o Different regions = different economies
 Goals/views of each region
o Missouri Compromise (1820)
 Why was it needed?
 Key provisions
Chapter 10: (280-292)
Election of 1824
o Results?
o “Corrupt Bargain”
Election of 1828
o Results?
Jackson’s Administration
o Tariff of Abominations
 John C. Calhoun – South
Carolina Exposition and Protest
 “Nullification Crisis”
 Tariff of 1833
 Force Bill (1833)
o Indian Removal Act
 Trail of Tears
o Bank Wars
 Pet Banks
 Specie Circular
o Rise of Whig Party
Election of 1836
o Results?
Van Buren’s Administration
o Panic of 1837
 Why did it occur?
 Significance?
AP United States History
Unit 4 Study Guide
Chapter 9: (250-275)
Growth of Market Economy
o Growth of commercial agriculture
o Panic of 1819
 Why did it occur?
Transportation Revolution
o Steamboat
 Gibbons v. Ogden
o Canal building (Erie Canal)
o Railroads
 Baldwin Locomotive Works
o Canal boom vs. railway boom?
 Effect on society?
Early Industrialization
o Samuel Slater
 Significance?
o Causes of industrialization?
o Eli Whitney
 Cotton Gin
 Significance?
o Lowell system
 Difference from Slater’s mills?
African Americans in Early 1800s
o Free Blacks’ experience in North?
 Response to discrimination?
 Richard Allen
o African
Family Interactions
o Separate Spheres
 Catherine Beecher
 Cult of Domesticity (p. 574)
Chapter 11: (312-334)
Technological advancements
o Cyrus McCormick
 Mechanical reaper
 Effect on society?
o Eli Whitney
 Interchangeable parts
 Effect on society?
John Deere
 Steel plow
 Effect on society?
Quality of Life
o Housing
 Middle Class vs. Urban poor
 Row houses vs.
o Health
 Epidemics
 Anesthesia
 Phrenology
o Entertainment
 “penny press” newspapers
 Who pioneered it?
 How was it different?
 Theater
 Minstrel shows
 P.T. Barnum
American Renaissance: Literature and Art
o Romanticism/Transcendentalism
 How do leading authors differ?
 James Fennimore
 Ralph Waldo Emerson
 Henry David Thoreau
 Herman Melville
 Edgar Allen Poe
 Nathaniel Hawthorne
Hudson River School of Art
o Purpose of work?
o Leading artists:
 Thomas Cole
 Asher Durand
 Frederick Church
AP United States History
Unit 4 Study Guide
Chapter 10: (294-306)
Religious Movements
o Second Great Awakening
 Charles G. Finney
 Critics: Unitarians
o Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints (Rise of Mormonism)
 Joseph Smith
Reform Movements
o Temperance Movement
 Problem?
 Supporters?
o Abolition
 American Colonization Society
 David Walker
 Appeal…to the Colored
Citizens of the World
 William Lloyd Garrison
 The Liberator
o Argument
 Frederick Douglass
o Women’s Rights
 Angelina and Sarah Grimké
 Elizabeth Cady Stanton
 Seneca Falls convention
 Susan B. Anthony
 Declaration of
o Prison Reform
 Penitentiaries = places of
o Mentally Ill
 Dorothea Dix
 Fought for rights of
mentally ill
Utopian Communities
o Reasons for development?
 Shakers
 Mother Ann Lee
 New Harmony
 Robert Owen
 Brook Farm
 Transcendentalists
o Ralph Waldo
 Oneida
 John Humphrey Noyes