Hanyang University Chapter 8 Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions: Reactions of Alkyl Halides, Alcohols and Related Compounds Information and Communication Materials Lab. Contens 8.1 The General Reaction 8.2 Reaction Mechanisms 8.3 Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution 8.4 Stereochemistry of the SN2 8.5 Effect of substitution on the Rate of the SN2 Reaction 8.6 Unimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution R O A D 8.7 Effect of substitution on the Rate of the SN1 Reaction 8.8 Stereochemistry of the SN1 Reaction 8.9 Leaving Group 8.10 Nucleophiles 8.11 Effect of Solvent M A P Contens 8.12 Competition Between SN1 and SN2 Reaction 8.13 Intramolecular Reaction 8.14 Competing Reactions R O A D M A P Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Mastering Organic Chemistry ▶ Learning the two mechanisms by which substitution reactions occur ▶ Recognizing nucleophiles and leaving groups and understanding the factors that control their reactivities. ▶ Understanding the factor that control the rates of substitution reaction ▶ Predicting which mechanism will occur for a particular reaction ▶ Predicting the products of substitution reaction ▶ Predicting the stereochemistry of the products ▶ Recognizing when a rearrangement reaction will occur ▶ Recognizing the products formed form competing reactions Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.1 The General Reaction ※ General form p. 258 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.2 Reaction Mechanism • Nucleophilic substitution reaction occur through two path way ① The bond to the leaving group may be broken first, followed by formation of the bond to the nucleophile. ② Breaking and formation of bond to the leaving group and nucleophile occur simultaneously. ① is called Unimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction (SN1) ② is called Biimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction (SN2) Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.3 Bimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution HO- + CH3CH2-Cl → CH3CH2-OH + Clrate = k[EtCl][OH-] p. 260 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.4 Stereochemistry of the SN2 Reaction Possibility 1 ⇒ retention of configuration Possibility 2 ⇒ inversion of configuration Possibility 3 ⇒ racemization - Result is possibility 2. ⇒(back-side attack) p. 261 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University • Transition state of SN2 reaction p. 262 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Examples of the SN2 reaction p. 262 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University • Mechanism of the SN2 reaction of (S)-2-chloronbutane and hydroxide ion p. 263 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.5 Effent of Substituents on the Rate of the SN2 Reaction p. 264 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University • Free energy versus reaction progress diagrams for the SN2 reactions of (A) MeCl, (B) EtCl, and (C) I-propyl chloride with hydroxide Ion p. 265 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University - The rate of the SN2 reaction is controlled by steric factors at the electrophilic carbon. Steric hindrance slows the reaction. p. 266 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Stabilization Allyl chloride, benzyl chloride and chloroacetone react considerably faster than other primary alkyl chloride. This increase in reaction rate is due to resonance stabilization of the transition state. p. 266 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ • ICML Lab, Hanyang University Some alkyl chlorides. Chlorine is green, and the electrophilic carbon is blue. p. 267 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.6 Unimolecular Nucleophilic Substitution rate = k[t-BuCl] This re action follow t he first -orde r rate law. Because the reaction follow a different rate law from the S N 2 mechanism, it must also proceed by a different mechanism p. 268 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University • Mechanism of SN1 reaction p. 268 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University • Free energy versus reaction progress diagram For the SN1 reaction of tert-Butyl chloride and acetate anion p. 269 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Reactive intermediate p. 270 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University • Transition state of SN1 reaction The transition station has a structure that is intermediate between that of the reactant, tert-butyl chloride, and that of the product, the tertbutyl carbocation. p. 270 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University • Using the hammond postulate to predict the structure of a transition state ⓐ exergonic reaction and ⓑ endergonic reaction. p. 271 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.7 Effect of Substituents on the Rate of the SN2 Reaction SN1 reaction, formation of the carbocation is the rate-limiting step. So any change that make the carbocation more stable will also make the transition state more stable , result in g in a faste r react ion . p. 272 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University p. 272 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Hyperconjugation The sigma MO and the empty p AO are coplanar, so they overlap on a manner similar to pi bond, even though they are not parallel. p. 273 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Allyl chloride and benzyl chloride have much faster rate for SN1 reactions than would be expected for primary systems. p. 273 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.8 Stereochemistry of the SN1 Reaction • Mechanism and Stereochemistry of the SN1 Reaction of (s)-1chloro-1-phenylethane in Aqueous Solution. p. 276 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University • Stereochemistry of the SN1 Reaction of (s)-1-chloro-1phenylethane in Acetic Acid Containing Potassium Acetate. p. 277 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.9 Leaving Group p. 279 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Role of base OH- is much too basic to act as a leaving group in SN1 and SN2 reaction. So replacing the hydrogen of the alcohol with this group produces a sulfonate ester. p. 280 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Example of the preparation of a mesylate ester General form of the preparation of a mesylate ester p. 281 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Example of the preparation of a tosylate ester General form of the preparation of a tosylate ester p. 281, 282 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ [α]=+8.5 ICML Lab, Hanyang University [α]=-13.9 The only conclusion that can be reached on the basis of these data is that the reaction has not proceeded with complete racemization. p. 282 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.10 Nucleophiles ▶ Rule 1 If the nucleophilic atoms are from the same period of the periodic table, strength as a nucleophile parallels as a base p. 284 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University ▶ Rule 2 Nucleophilic strength increases down a column of the periodic table (in solvents that can hydrogen bond, such as water and alcohols). p. 284 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University ▶ Rule 3 Steric bulk decreases nucleophlilcity p. 285 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.11 Effect of Solvent • EFFECT OF CHANGING SOLVENT POLARITY ON THE S N 1 REACTION p. 287 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University The rate of an SN2 reaction involving a negative nucleophile is slower in a more polar solvent. Therefore, the rate of an SN2 reaction involving a negative nucleophile is faster in a more polar solvent. p. 287 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University p. 288 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.12 Competition Between SN1 and SN2 Reaction ▶ The SN1 path way is favored in the following circumstances: 1. The carbocation is stabilized (tertiary or resonance stabilized carbocations are best; secondary carbocations are acceptable if other factors are favorable; primary carbocations are not formed). 2. The solvent is polar (to stabilize the transition state). 3. only poor nucleophiles are present (the absence of a good nucleophile slows the rate of a competing SN2 reaction). Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University ▶ The SN2 path way is favored in the following circumstances: 1. the electrophilic carbon is not sterically hindered (reactions at methyl and primary carbons are excellent; reaction at secondary carbons are acceptable; SN2 reactions do not occur at tertiary carbons). 2. Strong nucleophiles are present. 3. The solvint is aprotic (to make the nucleophile more reactive). Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Preferred Substitution Mechanisms for Various Carbon Substrates p. 291 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.13 Intramolecular Reactions p. 293 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University 8.14 Competing Reactions p. 294 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University p. 295 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University ◀ Hydride and Alkyl shift ▶ : The change from the secondary carbocation to the more stable tertiary cabocation again makes this rearrangement favorable. p. 295 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Mechanism of an SN1 Reaction Involving Carbocation Rearrangement p. 296 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University Impact Factor 어떤 잡지에 게재된 논문 한편이 특정년도나 기간동안 인용 된 빈도수로 그 논문이 실린잡지의 수준을 평가하는 척도 29.273 30.927 4.127 7.419 3.027 9.596 4.426 6.770 4.024 3.705 9.107 (2006년 기준 자료) Organic Chemistry Ⅰ ICML Lab, Hanyang University • Assignments •28(ⓐ~ⓔ), 29(ⓐ~ⓒ), 40(ⓐ~ⓑ), 41, 47, 51, 54