Student Name:__________________________________ Class Period:_____ RichAndHudEll Block Calendar Unit 2 2014 Calendar is subject to change APUSH Unit 2 The American Revolution & New Republic APUSH Framework Period 3, 1754- 1800 AMSCO 4-6, American Pageant 6-9 September 11-26 Before you begin the unit, set an academic goal and state your time commitment. Then select the strategy(ies) you plan to employ for unit content acquisition. Goal for unit:_______ (A, B, C) Time commitment outside of class:________ minutes/block (recommendation is 90 minutes minimum/ block) Outside strategy(ies) for unit content acquisition: (circle one or two) Reading textbook Website resources Quizlet (not recommended) Reading AMSCO Watching/Listening to podcast lectures Wikinotes Completing Reading Guides Watching/Listening to Hippocampus Reviews Schmoop Study Group Internet Searches Crash Course Videos “A long habit of not thinking that a thing is wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.” Thomas Paine MONDAY TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 8B 9A & 10B THURSDAY & FRIDAY 11A & 12B Unit 2 Day 1 Unit 1 Test Reminders If you were absent for the test, you may make it up on one of two scheduled make- days. Make-Ups will be administered at 7:30am – 9:00 am or 2:30pm - 4:00pm next Thursday and Friday in Mrs. Richardson’s room. (test takes 70 minutes) Tests scoring less than 50% will not be curved. If you scored less than 50% on the multiple choice test, you must complete the reading guides for chapters 1-3 or accept earned score. Once you have completed and turned in all 3 guides, you can either earn the curve for your original score or retake the test on the official retake date: Wednesday the 17th at 8:00am, 3:00pm, or 4:00pm in Mrs. Richardson’s room. This is a ONE DAY ONLY retake opportunity. If you scored a 1 or 2 on the essay test, you may rewrite your essay for a grade no higher than 70 (3). If you scored a 3, you may rewrite for a grade of 80 (4). Scores 4-7 cannot be rewritten. You must have the reading guides for chapters 1-3 completed and with you at the time of your re-write. You may use your guides on the re-write, but you cannot re-write without completing them first! Re-writes must be completed in tutoring with your APUSH teacher, and rewrites must be completed before the next unit test. French & Indian War Skyward Quiz closes today at 8am! Chapter 4 reading guide due BOP (optional bonus) Topics: French and Indian War New Imperial Policy Objective: Explain how Britain’s victory over France in the imperial struggle for North America led to new conflicts among the British government, the North American colonists, and American Indians, culminating in the creation of a new nation, the United States. Homework: 1. Read chapter 5 in your AMSCO or chapter 8 & 9 of American Pageant. 2. Complete the reading guide for chapter 5. (optional but STRONGLY encouraged) 3. Extra Credit: What was the American Revolution? Extra Credit Reminder: Each grading period, you have the opportunity to complete one or two extra credit projects that act as substitution grades. You can replace one quiz grade and one daily grade. See the extra credit page of Mrs. R.’s website for details. th Extra credit is due on or before October 10 . I.E. FIGHT FIERCELY! Channeled by Mrs. R. Student Name:__________________________________ Class Period:_____ RichAndHudEll Block Calendar Unit 2 2014 Calendar is subject to change MONDAY & TUESDAY WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY FRIDAY 15A & 16B Celebrate Freedom Week 17A & 18B Sept. 17th: Constitution Day 19A Unit 2 Day 4 Unit 2 Day 2 Unit 2 Day 3 Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution On-Line Quiz Closes 8am American Revolution Quiz Chapter 5 reading guide due BOP (optional bonus) Chapter 6 reading guide due BOP (optional bonus) Topics: Topics: The New Republic Washington, Adams AOC & Constitution What was the American Revolution? Crossroads Essay Analysis due BOP (optional bonus) Objective: Topic: American Revolution Objective: Explain how new experiments with democratic ideas and republican forms of government, as well as other new religious, economic, and cultural ideas, challenged traditional imperial systems across the Atlantic World. Explain how migration within North America, cooperative interaction, and competition for resources raised questions about boundaries and policies, intensified conflicts among peoples and nations, and led to contests over the creation of a multiethnic, multiracial national identity. Objective: Homework: 1. Review AMSCO chapter 6 or chapters 9 & 10 in Pageant. 2. If needed, finish the reading guide for chapter 6. (optional but STRONGLY encouraged). 3. Review Terms on Period 3 Term Review. Homework: 1. Complete additional reading assignment. 2. Review / catch up on chapter reading and complete Period 3 Term Review (optional bonus activity) Thursday the 18th… Football Game Homework: 1. Read chapter 6 in your AMSCO or chapters 9 & 10 of American Pageant. 2. Complete the reading guide for chapter 6. (optional but STRONGLY encouraged). 3. Log onto Skyward and complete Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution On-Line Quiz, closes 8am next block. WEDNESDAY IS THE OFFICIAL UNIT 1 TEST RETAKE FOR STUDENTS EARNING BELOW 50% ON THE MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST. IN ORDER TO RETAKE THIS TEST, YOU MUST COMPLETE AND BRING WITH YOU THE THREE READING GUIDES FROM THE UNIT. THIS RE-TAKE WILL BE IN MRS. RICHARDSON’S ROOM AT 8:00am, 3:00pm, or 4:00pm. One day only! September 16th – Meet the Teacher 6-8pm THURSDAY IS THE OFFICIAL MAKE UP TEST FOR STUDENTS WHO WERE ABSENT FOR THE UNIT 1 TEST. 7:30-9:00 AM OR 2:30-4:00 PM. MONDAY TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 22B 23A & 24B Unit 2 Day 4 1790s Quiz Chapter 6 reading guide due with quiz (optional bonus) Topics: The New Republic Washington, Adams Objective: Analyze the political, economic, and social challenges and changes of the New Republic following the ratification of the Constitution. Homework: 1. Complete additional reading assignment. 2. Review / catch up on chapter reading and complete Period 3 Term Review (optional bonus activity) 1790s Quiz Analyze the political, economic, and social challenges and changes of the New Republic following the ratification of the Constitution. FRIDAY IS LAST CHANCE FOR MAKE UP TEST FOR STUDENTS WHO WERE ABSENT FOR THE UNIT 1 TEST. 7:30-9:00 AM OR 2:304:00 PM. Unit 1 BQ Analysis Activity opens today on Skyward. Optional bonus activity! THURSDAY & FRIDAY 25A & 26B Unit 1 essay re-writes must be completed by today! Unit 2 Day 5 Pulling it all together… Units 1 & 2 Topics: Colonization French and Indian War American Revolution The New Republic Writing the Long Essay Objectives: Analyze thematic [BAGPIPE] change over time from 1754 to 1800. Trace thematic changes from the Age of Exploration and Colonization through the American Revolution and the creation of the United States. Homework: Study for test! Test will be cumulative! (so review Periods 1 & 2 from Unit 1) Unit 1 BQ Activity closes 5pm on the 24th Unit 2 Day 6 Unit 2 Test 35 multiple choice (35 minutes) 1 Long Essay (35 minutes) Period 3 Term Review due BOP Test Objective: Analyze political, economic, and cultural changes from 1491-1800. HW: read American Pageant chapter 11 and/or chapter 7 of AMSCO. Log in to Skyward and take Jefferson quiz (quiz closes at 8am next block)