Student Name:__________________________________ Class Period:_____ RichAndHudEll Block Calendar Unit 3 2014 Calendar is subject to change APUSH Unit 3 From Jefferson to Jackson Jefferson Era, War of 1812, Era of Good Feelings, Rise of Sectionalism, Market Revolution, and the Era of the Common Man APUSH Framework Period 4, 1800-1848 AMSCO 7-11, Pageant 11-16 September 29 - October 17 Before you begin the unit, set an academic goal and state your time commitment. Then select the strategy(ies) you plan to employ for unit content acquisition. Goal for unit:_____ (A, B, C) Time commitment outside of class:_____ minutes/block (recommendation is 90 minutes minimum/ block) Outside strategy(ies) for unit content acquisition: (circle one or two) Reading textbook Study Group Watching/Listening to Hippocampus Reviews Wikinotes Reading AMSCO Website resources Internet Searches Schmoop Completing Reading Guides Watching/Listening to podcast lectures Quizlet (not recommended) Crash Course Videos Ben says, “Diligence is the mother of good luck.” Diligence: (n) constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken. MONDAY & TUESDAY WEDNESDAY &THURSDAY 29A & 30B October 1A & 2B Unit 4 Day 1 FRIDAY Unit 4 Day 2 3A Unit 4 Day 3 Jefferson Online Quiz closes 8am Nationalism and Economic Development Reading Quiz BOP Sectionalism Online Quiz closes 8am Chapter 7 reading guide due BOP (optional bonus) Chapter 8 reading guide due BOP (optional bonus) Topics: Jefferson and Madison’s Presidencies The Marshall Court The War of 1812 Chapter 9 reading guide due BOP (optional bonus) The Ambiguous Democracy in America Crossroads Essay Analysis due BOP (optional bonus) Objectives: 1. Evaluate the impact of the Democratic-Republican Party and the Federalist Party on the New Republic. 2. Explain how the Marshall Court asserted federal power. 3. How did expansion via the Louisiana Purchase impact North America? 4. Explain the causes and effects of the War of 1812. Homework: Read American Pageant chapter 12 & 14 or AMSCO chapter 8. Topics: Era of Good Feelings; Monroe’s Presidency Marshall Court Market Revolution Objectives: 1. How did the market revolution impact the continued debate on the government’s role in the economy? 2. How did economic growth impact regional identities? 3. Explain the causes and effects of the market revolution. 4. Why did the U.S. seek dominance in North America? Homework: Read American Pageant chapter 16 and/or chapter 9 AMSCO. Log in to Skyward and take Sectionalism on-line Quiz (quiz closes at 8am next block) Topics: Slavery Nativism Sectionalism and Regional Identities Westward expansion Objectives: 1. How did slavery impact regional identities? 2. How did resistance to initiatives for democracy and inclusion impact African Americans, immigrants, and American Indians? 3. To what extent was the Missouri Compromise a turning point? Homework: Read American Pageant chapter 13 and/or AMSCO chapter 10 Substitution Extra Credit Reminder: Each grading period, you have the opportunity to complete one or two extra credit projects that act as substitution grades. You can replace one quiz grade and one daily grade. See the extra credit page of the website for details. Extra credit is due on or before October 10th. That is this coming Friday! FIGHT FIERCELY! Student Name:__________________________________ Class Period:_____ RichAndHudEll Block Calendar Unit 3 2014 Calendar is subject to change If you are turning in your notebook for extra credit, make sure you have units 1, 2, and 3 neatly organized in your large binder and bring it to class on test day. The way notebooks are graded is based on neatness, following directions, and having materials. There is a 10 point deduction for each missing piece. Once the grade hits 70, the grading stops. Therefore, only turn it in if you are seriously organized. MONDAY 6B TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 7A & 8B Sectionalism Online Quiz closes 8am Unit 4 Day 3 THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9A & 10B The Age of Jackson reading Quiz Chapter 9 reading guide due BOP (optional bonus) Chapter 10 reading guide due BOP (optional bonus) Topics: Slavery Nativism Sectionalism and Regional Identities Westward expansion Topics: John Quincy Adams and Jackson’s Presidencies Era of the Common Man The Second Two Party System Objectives: 1. How did slavery impact regional identities? 2. How did resistance to initiatives for democracy and inclusion impact African Americans, immigrants, and American Indians? 3. To what extent was the Missouri Compromise a turning point? Homework: Read American Pageant chapter 13 and/or AMSCO chapter 10 Unit 4 Day 4 SUBSTITUTION EXTRA CREDIT DUE BY TODAY! Reforms on-line Quiz closes 8am Unit 4 Day 5 Chapter 11 reading guide due BOP (optional bonus) Objectives: 1. How did the conflict over the role of government create conflict? 2. Explain the impact of Jackson’s Indian policy. 3. Explain how U.S. democracy changed in the Era of the Common Man, and explain how the rise of Jackson illustrates that change. Homework: Read American Pageant chapter 15 and/or chapter 11 of AMSCO. Log in to Skyward and take Reforms on-line Quiz (quiz closes at 8am next block) Topics: Second Great Awakening Reform Movements New Ideas and National Culture Objectives: 1. How did the Second Great Awakening, liberal social ideas from abroad, and Romantic beliefs impact how people defined America’s democratic ideals? 2. Explain the causes and effects of various reform movements. 3. How did the United States develop a unique, national culture? 4. How did American Indians, women, religious followers, regional groups, urban middle class, enslaved African Americans, and free African Americans develop unique cultures? Homework: Work on Period 4 Term Review and additional readings. MONDAY TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 13 14A & 15B THURSDAY & FRIDAY 16A & 17B Unit 4 Day 6 Teacher Workday 15th: PSAT 8-12 Pulling it all together… Jefferson through Jackson Review and Synthesis Objective: Comparison, causation, periodization, and change over time analysis of major historical themes from 18001848. Homework: work on Period 4 Term Review and additional readings END OF 9-WEEKS Unit 4 Day Unit 4 Test 35 multiple choice, 1 free response EXTRA CREDIT NOTEBOOKS DUE BY TODAY! Test Objective: Analyze political, economic, and social changes from 1491-1848. Homework: Read American Pageant chapter 17 and/or AMSCO chapter 12. Log onto Skyward and complete Manifest Destiny online reading quiz after you read the chapter. FIGHT FIERCELY! “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.” –Frederick Douglass