Los Angeles & Orange County Western Snowy Plover Monthly Report for September and November 2014 Prepared for Nancy Frost California Department of Fish and Wildlife 3883 Ruffin Road San Diego, CA 92123 Prepared by: Los Angeles Audubon P.O. Box 931057 Los Angeles, California 90093 Contact: Thomas Ryan November 10, 2014 Los Angeles County During November 2014 biologists Thomas and Michelle Ryan detected 245 snowy plovers at roosts in Los Angeles County on November 28 and 30, 2014. These totals are similar to numbers of plovers observed in November 2013. During the November survey, biologists observed and noted the continued presence of a volleyball court placed in the historic roosting area of the snowy plovers at Zuma, north of lifeguard tower 9 (see October 2014 report). This is contrary to our recommendation of locating recreational facilities away from known plover roosts. The seasonal berm was also in place, and appeared to be placed farther north and in front of the plover roost. The beach at Malibu Lagoon is very narrow on the north end, plovers are closer to the south end. The enclosure at Santa Monica was intact. There were beachgoers sunbathing within the enclosure and the plovers were just north and east of the enclosure and outside of the enclosure, but adjacent to it. On November 21 volunteer Lucien Plauzoles reported also seeing a lifeguard vehicle pass through the plover roosting flock, missing one by 20 inches. Captain Scott Grigsby responded that he would discuss the matter with his employees. However, on November 28, a lifeguard vehicle (129949) drove through the roosting plovers at well over 15 mph with no emergency lights at 13:26. Plovers flushed and none were struck, but the vehicle came close to one. We would like to request that the Agency Staff remind the County of the current investigation of the plovers stuck at Zuma and Malibu and of their recommendations and the discussion held last fall with the USFWS warden at Malibu Lagoon. It should be noted that all other lifeguard and other vehicles observed during these surveys were travelling below an estimated 15 mph. These were observed at Zuma, Dockweiler and Hermosa. The enclosure at Dockweiler State Beach is intact and plover numbers are down a from past year. No plovers were detected at Dockweiler Beach LT 58. The survey was continued because Stacey Vigallon reported seven plovers present near the RV park and volleyball courts on November 16th. The numbers of plovers remain higher than normal at Hermosa, possibly accounting for lower numbers at Dockweiler. They are in two distinct flocks in front of 24th and 26th Streets. Table 1. Number of Snowy Plovers Observed in 2013 in Los Angeles County Location Zuma Malibu Santa Monica DSB 47 DSB 58 Hermosa Total Nov 2013 91 Oct 2014 24 Nov 2014 58 0 74 61 0 28 254 52 41 43 0 58 218 60 39 32 0 56 245 Notes Volleyball court placed in the middle of historic roost and Berm in place Right-orange/yellow; left green/blue Lifeguard vehicles observed speeding through roost Orange County In Orange County, biologists Ross Griswold, Donna Starr, Rich Boulterand, and Josh Weinik detected 183 plovers on 19 and 23 November 2014. This is much lower than the population detected here in November 2013 (267) and during the previous month’s surveys (183), particularly at the northern roosting sites from Seal Beach to Balboa, where year-to-year numbers declined from 225 in November 2013 to 80 in November 2014. Potential explanations for the decline include heavy beach erosion narrowing all beaches, possible movement to new roosting locations,a new sidewalk was beside the roosting fence at Balboa, and berms were installed at Surfside/Sunset Beach and Bolsa Chica. If a new roost has formed, it will hopefully be detected during the beachwide surveys in January. Again, the plovers arrived at Salt Creek in November same as in 2013. There was a large flock at Crystal Cove, an area not included in the roost surveys in 2013. Table 2. Number of Snowy Plovers Observed in 2013 in Orange County Location Seal Beach Surfside Bolsa Chica SB Huntington SB Balboa Crystal Cove Salt Creek Trestles/San Clemente SB Total Nov 2013 NS 16 36 101 72 NS 3 Oct 2014 0 11 34 22 52 8 0 Nov 2014 0 1 5 11 63 20 30 39 76 52 267 203 183 Notes Beach erosion Beach erosion, berms installed Beach erosion, berms installed Beach erosion Beach erosion, new sidewalk Beach erosion Beach erosion Beach erosion OY:GG Photographs. Photograph 1. Front loader working on the berm at Zuma. The berm is where there the roost was formerly located north of tower 9. Photograph 2. Beach goers sunbathing within the plover enclosure. Roost Maps. Figure 1. Map of Zuma Roost Figure 2. Map of Malibu Lagoon Roost Figure 3. Map of Santa Monica Roost. Figure 4. Map of Dockweiler State Beach Tower 47 (DSB 47) Roost. Figure 5. Map of Hermosa Beach Roost. Figure 6. Map of Surfside Roost. Figure 7. Map of Huntington State Beach Roost. Figure 8. Map of Balboa Roost. Figure 9. Map of Salt Creek Roost. Figure 10. Map of Trestles/San Clemente State Beach Roost.