Submission Form

Your name and feedback will be in public documents. All other personal details will remain private.
First name: ..........................................................................................................................................................
Last name: ...........................................................................................................................................................
Email address or postal address: ........................................................................................................................
You can also use this form to make a submission on other documents being consulted on as part of the Long Term Plan
Please clearly indicate which document/s your submission relates to:
Supporting Documents
Significance & Engagement Policy
Financial Strategy
Infrastructure Strategy
Forecast Financial Statements
Significant Forecasting Assumptions
Revenue & Financing Policy
Development Contributions Policy
Roading Activity Management Plan
Water Activity Management Plan
Sewer Activity Management Plan
Stormwater Activity Management Plan
Do you agree with the cap Council has set on rates increases, of the Local Government Cost Index plus 3%?
If you do not agree. Tell us which activity areas or projects you think we should spend more or spend less on.
What level of rates increase would you support?
Please comment:
Do you think the Uniform Annual Charge is the fairest option for to pay for the cost of the Hospital shortfall?
Do you think the amount Council proposes to spend on footpaths is too much or not enough?
Do you support paying more for roads so we can get them to a modern standard?
Would you support lowering the speed limit in some areas such as Postmans, Red Swamp, Mount Fyffe, Mill
and Ludstone Road areas?
How should we protect the beach front areas from Coastal Erosion?
Do you think Council should do more to increase the standard of protection from Coastal Erosion?
If you support more work for erosion control – who should pay for this?
 Shared by every ratepayer in the District
 Be a targeted rate for people living on the beach or river frontage
Do you think relocating the State Highway project is a good use of funds?
Do you think relocating the State Highway project should happen sooner? If the work is to occur sooner we
defer the road rehabilitation work.
When the Landfill site is considered completely full, should we carry on with a Transfer Station at its current
location or should we move it to another location?
No costings have been done on either option yet. Should cost of operation be the main driver or should future
use of the site be the principle driver?
Any new marina should not impact or be a cost on rates. Is this view appropriate?
Should the community contribute to this facility?
Should there be rates input?
What are your views on the Multisport Complex issue?
Do you wish to comment on the other projects mentioned?
Swimming Pool upgrade
Water Tanks
Beach Road Aesthetics
Upgrade Old Beach Road Intersection
Memorial Hall
Ludstone Road Drains
Cruise Ship Facilities
Please circle project and comment below:
Are there any other projects or activities related to getting around that we should look at:
Better footpaths, more cycleways, parking or street upgrades? Please comment:
Any other feedback? Please provide any additional feedback below. If you are providing specific feedback to
one of the projects or questions listed, please include the question or page number to help us.
The Closing date for any submission is 1 June 2015
Thank you for taking the time to read this document.
We need your input to be a Community.